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Rise and Shine: The Strength Within 101 Days to a Happier You
Rise and Shine: The Strength Within 101 Days to a Happier You
Rise and Shine: The Strength Within 101 Days to a Happier You
Ebook279 pages3 hours

Rise and Shine: The Strength Within 101 Days to a Happier You

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About this ebook

It’s time to rise and shine again. Reclaim your life, take your personal power back and get started on your path towards greatness.

Battling through self-doubt, negative self-talk, letting go of baggage from the past, finding forgiveness, and healing yourself from the inside out is going to require more than just motivation. It’s going to require daily attention and action, and a whole new mindset.

It’s never too late for that beautiful happy ending, but in order to have that happy ending, you must be willing to ask yourself the hard questions, and get up and fight for the life you know deep down you deserve.

Reading these daily morsels of wisdom, motivation, reflections, and journal prompts will help you take action, stay focused and centred, so that you can unlock that inner strength within, and live your life happy, health and whole again.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 11, 2020
Rise and Shine: The Strength Within 101 Days to a Happier You

Lindsay Rose Martin

Lindsay Martin is an expert in Personal Transformation, Mindset and Life Coach. Her unique connection with her audience was born from her own personal journey towards happiness, health and wholeness. After overcoming her lifelong battle with obesity, she realized that the biggest transformation that needed to take place was on the inside. Her mission is to inspire and empower women to wake up and truly live their life. Her greatest wish is that we all get back to that space of total happiness, health, and personal freedom in our lives.

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    Rise and Shine - Lindsay Rose Martin

    Copyright © 2020 Lindsay Rose Martin.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4591-7 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4589-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020907043

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/10/2020



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    About The Author

    Diving Deeper

    Dedicated to my beautiful children. My world and my why. My wish for you is that you never lose your way from your true authentic self and become detached from your heart space.

    I know that you will though. It’s all part of this beautiful journey called life.

    Whatever comes your way, know that everything is unfolding for you in perfect timing, and in some miraculous way, is all happening for you. You may not see it now, but one day you will. All of the blissful moments, the curveballs, the challenges, and even the really messy parts are in fact placed there to grow you into your highest self.

    Always follow your heart. Always listen to yourself and trust and believe in your own inner wisdom. You will feel within, when you are out of alignment. The whispers won’t stop until you find out what you’re really made of. The hardest job you will ever have to do in your life is to believe in yourself and get out of your own way, so that you can step into your own greatness.

    Know that you have everything within you already to get back home. Know that you have what it takes to achieve your dreams, and that no one is coming to save you. You are good enough, smart enough and worthy enough on this day. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, and most importantly, don’t let that person who is telling you that you can’t do something, be you.

    If you do one thing in life. Trust and believe in that faint voice within that is leading you to your greatness.


    I was always a believer. I have always felt guided by faith and spirit, but it wasn’t until a dark day in 2019 where I was laying on my couch scared to be alone, praying for peace of mind. That day, I discovered that there really was a God. I was saved that day by a higher power. Overcome with a wise voice of reason. The truth of safety, health and unlimited potential. Be still and know took on a whole new meaning that day. It’s a beautiful process of uncovering your truth and finding your way back home to unconditional love, health and acceptance, and the truth of who you really are. I put God first every day. I didn’t realize it at the time, but a divine source has always been there. Guiding and whispering to me. Nudging me to a higher level. Directing my thoughts and actions. When I listened, I had success. When I didn’t trust or listen, I prolonged the suffering. A voice of unconditional love, comfort, health, abundance, security, safety, vision and hope. I cry tears of joy often, knowing that a simple thank you is never enough for this inner spirit of love, truth, purpose, and compassion.

    To my Husband Dennis. God sure did bless this broken road that led me straight to you. Thank you for being my person. My angel. For always taking care of me, and for being my biggest supporter in life. You are an angel sent to me. Never complaining. Always patient, and always there for me allowing me to be exactly who I was created to be. I love you more than anything and I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without you.

    My children. Easton, Aria, Elliott. I prayed hard for you. From the moment they placed you in my arms, I was in love. Each of you perfect and flawless in your own beautiful way. I am so blessed you chose me to be your Mom. You make me want to be a better Mom each and every day. You are the reason I get up and keep going. You’re the best in the entire world. Never settle. Never doubt yourself. Never stop believing. Never stop dreaming big crazy dreams. Never ever question my love for you. You’re my most precious gifts given to me, and I love you more than anything and I am beyond proud of everything that you do.

    To my parents. I honour and love you so much and wouldn’t be the person I am today without the both of you. You have been the perfect parents and teachers whom set me up for success in this lifetime and on my path to purpose. Thank you for your love and support and for allowing me to find my own wings, and fly.

    To my sister. You’re the definition of what it really means to put others first. You are always going above and beyond, and I thank you for always being there in my most needed times. I love you more than anything and I appreciate you more than you know.

    To Jeff. There is not a day that goes by where I don’t think of you. The world lost your presence way too soon, but I know you’re always around. I know that you came into my life and left right on time. All part of the plan, and all part of a greater purpose. I will forever keep my promise to you, and I thank you for giving me our son, knowing you are always around us, and that you are so proud and cheering us on to win. I smile knowing that in some crazy, guided way, we are still a winning team helping to make this world a better place together with our life lessons and wisdom. You are one of my greatest teachers in life. I love you, and hope that wherever you are, you are at peace, and are happy and free.



    Today is your new beginning.

    It’s a fresh start, and I want you to think about something today as you embark on a path of becoming your best self.

    If you could accomplish anything in the next 101 days, what would that be? What do you want your life to look and feel like, and what would make you feel more fully alive?

    Most people want to get better. They have goals that they would like to achieve, but how do you motivate yourself to start when you are already so tired, stressed, and busy?

    How do you motivate yourself to do the hard work, when you are not feeling your best?


    You study what it is you want to improve on. That’s it.

    There is an internal power within nudging you higher, except you have refused to listen.

    You get better by studying and investing the hours into making your life better.

    You get around people who are playing at a higher level than you.

    You simply get in the game of growth, transformation and progress, instead of sitting on the sidelines waiting for someone to wave a magic wand and magically improve your life.

    You don’t continue to suffer and try things on your own. You ask for help from people who have had success in the areas you need to improve on.

    How does one get better?

    You start. You set a goal. You have a dream. You take a step. You make progress. You get results. You share what works. You teach. You help. You fail forward. You keep going. You don’t quit. You live happy and healthy as you continue to work towards what matters most to you in your life.

    You get a master’s degree in your own life and skill up in the areas you wish to be an expert in.

    You don’t go to school to do things you have zero need or interest for in your life. You go to school to educate and grow yourself so you can live a passionate, healthy, happy and fulfilled life, and share your gifts with the world.

    Do you want to change your life?

    If so, stop waiting and stop thinking you have to know everything before you start.

    Stop wasting time learning things you don’t need, and become skilled in the areas that you are struggling in. You can then get on the path of elevating your life, and in turn elevating the lives of others around you.

    Then keep practicing what you have learned.

    Stop waiting for the perfect time. It’s called make up your mind as to what you want your life to look like 100, 200, 500, 5000 days from now, and start taking it one day at a time!

    Be patient and keep going.

    Sooner or later your life will start to change but it’s up to you to take that first step to move in a different direction than the one you’re choosing to go in. You must be very careful about how much time you waste doing shit that’s no longer serving you, or that’s not going to make your life better or move the needle forward to where you want to be.

    You simply must start here, on day one and take it one day at a time.

    This is your life, and it’s only going to get better when you start to show up to it daily. Awareness is always the first step to transformation. It’s recognizing that you really are in control of your life, and are the only person standing in your way. I hope as you work through this book, you will start to think differently about your life, your goals, and know that you are so worth the time and effort each and every day.

    You have such tremendous greatness within you. It’s time to rise and shine. It’s time to get up. It’s time to wake up and live your life.

    Are you ready to go all in with me?



    IDENTIFY: What do you want your life to look like in 101 days from now. Set a goal and create a vision for your life. What would bring you joy, peace, and happiness? How will you know when you have become successful? What will that feel like to you?

    FOCUS: What is it you need to work on? Health? Nutrition? Fitness? Mindset? Mental Health? Communication? Finances? Self-Love? Business? Confidence? Career? If you have multiple areas in your life that you are wanting to improve on, I’d suggest making your own health your first priority, for without out it, you have nothing. So often we try to overhaul our lives in one night. I want you to be okay with where you are now and give yourself permission to take it one step at a time.

    ASK: Who do you need to contact, so that you can ask for help? Is it making a doctor’s appointment? Seeking a counsellor? Finding a life coach? Finding a Nutritionist? Naturopath? Speaking to your boss? Talking to a friend? Downloading a podcast? Who has figured out what you need help with? Changing your life requires you to take immediate action. I want you to be that person who takes a step today. Not someone who say’s they will do it later.

    SCHEDULE: When are you going to do this? In the 24 hours that we are each gifted each day, how much time will you be giving to yourself daily? Make that commitment and know that when you are not doing what you said you would do; you will feel guilty about it. Be that person who shows up when they said that they would.

    VISION: Where would you love to be 101 days from now? If money was not an issue, what would your dream life look like? What would you do? Where would you live? What kind of job would you have? If you could do, have, be anything in the world and failure wasn’t an option, what would that look like?

    I guarantee your dreams were not to go to work, to struggle to pay bills, to live in a cluttered home, to never travel or experience life, to be out of shape, to wait for the weekend, and to settle for just good, or a job with a capped salary, and a boss who mistreated you.

    Dream big. Then I want you to dream even bigger. Write down all those big crazy dreams, and list them out.

    Then list out what you would love to contribute to the world. Have you ever thought about how you could serve and contribute to others without expecting anything in return?

    Dream big.



    Your life is made up by a series of decisions.

    The decision to eat unhealthy food.

    The decision to sleep in.

    The decision to not move.

    The decision to stay in a job that sucks the life from you.

    The decision to keep thinking about the past.

    The decision to quit on yourself.

    The decision to keep shopping when you can’t afford it.

    The decision to stay in a relationship that is no longer working.

    The list goes on and on.

    Do you want to change your life? All you have to do is start making a different decision to get a better result, as everything is shaped by a choice.

    Will you make a different decision today?

    One tiny decision to take a step forward and take a new direction to a more peaceful way of living will change everything.

    You cannot continue to blame anyone else for making the decisions you keep making. This is your life remember, and while it

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