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Rustic Healthy: How to Get Healthy and Lose Weight, Be Happy Without Really Trying
Rustic Healthy: How to Get Healthy and Lose Weight, Be Happy Without Really Trying
Rustic Healthy: How to Get Healthy and Lose Weight, Be Happy Without Really Trying
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Rustic Healthy: How to Get Healthy and Lose Weight, Be Happy Without Really Trying

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"Rustic Healthy" is my 'anecdotal' experience as well as what I've learned (though I'm told I'm "unlearnable" by some) :/ in the last year including my own "hypothesis" (though I'm told it's not an "hypothesis"... and if it is? it's not mine!) in getting healthy (perhaps lose some weight) naturally. I've included also my very compelling "Rustic Commentaries" to share what I've encountered as well! Now, I am not a doctor or health professional, however I have consulted with physicians (online), and one informed that ..."perhaps rustic's ovaries should be removed so as not to pass on any of her "dumb genes" :/...And then "...rustic should start her own organic garden and turn herself into compost"! 8) ...Nevertheless :) for years I believed in a natural "livingstyle" (as much as possible in a NYC environment) however, found what I thought was "natural" really wasn't. Basically I've been my own guinea pig regarding health, after being on 4 asthma medications, overweight, tired of being sick, and always kind of curious as to why illness happens, which I hope to present here some answers (at least how I can understand them anyway). In 2007 I retired early, and moved down to beautiful rural Virginia, where I learned (or think I've learned:) a bit more! So, herein are all that I wish I'd known regarding health, dieting :p, exercise :/, and other pertinent things in hopes that you may look into these "rustic findings" for yourself as well, and hopefully get healthy and be happy too!
Patti aka: RusticHealthy!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 26, 2019
Rustic Healthy: How to Get Healthy and Lose Weight, Be Happy Without Really Trying

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    Rustic Healthy - RusticHealthy

    Copyright © 2013 by RusticHealthy.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 06/17/2013





    Chapter 1: Get Healthy, Be Happy

    Chapter 2: It’s Not Just About Me

    Chapter 3: Go Organic Or . . .

    Chapter 4: It Takes Time

    Chapter 5: What do we get?

    Chapter 6: How to Easily Detox

    Chapter 7: Just Say No To GMO and CAFO . . .

    Chapter 8: Consider the Cost

    Chapter 9: Drink Water

    Chapter 10: On To Exercise!

    Chapter 11: My First ‘Alternative’ Experience

    Chapter 12: It’s a LivingStyle

    Chapter 13: My Own Happy Conclusion

    Rustic’s Healthy Commentaries

    Rustic Commentary 1: My Hypothyroidism

    Rustic Commentary 2: The Newest Scape Goat

    Rustic Commentary 3: Whose Guinea Pig are You?

    Rustic Commentary 4: Bad Medicine:/ in the Belly of the Beast

    and the Dose of the Vitamin

    Rustic Commentary 5: Liar, Fraud!

    Rustic Commentary 6: Why Do My Placebos Work?

    Rustic Commentary 7: Vegan/Vegetarian or Organic Omnivore

    Rustic Commentary 8: What’s the Harm Rethink

    Rustic Commentary 9: The Belly of the Beast

    and Green Coffee Beans

    Rustic Commentary 10: Pain (Headache and Heartburn) Management

    Rustic Commentary 11: Anecdotal vs. Clinical

    Rustic Commentary 12: Vitamins :) vs. Vaccines :/

    Rustic Commentary 13: Nip it in the Bud!

    Rustic Commentary 14: Barking up the Wrong Tree (again)

    Rustic Commentary 15: Vitamin C (with Bioflavanoids & Rosehips)

    Still my Stealth Fav :)

    Rustic Commentary 16: From Fluoride to Freedom:)

    Rustic Commentary 17: On the Cold War Front

    Rustic Commentary 18: Dealing with death trolls

    Rustic Commentary 19: A few Thank you’s very much Appreciated

    Rustic Healthy 20: On Defending Omnivores (taking on the Vegans :)

    Rustic Commentary 21: The New Snake Oil

    Rustic Healthy Anecdotal Testimonials

    Let Food be thy Medicine . . .

    Rustic’s Healthy Recipes :)

    Chapter 1

    Get Healthy, Be Happy

    My Message Here and How it Began


    The fellow who has not had any experience is so dumb he doesn’t know a thing can’t be done, and he goes ahead and does it. Charles F. Kettering

    My message here is a simple one actually (hence Rustic), regarding health (hence Healthy:) and how you, and just about anyone you may know could, and should have much better healthcare (and perhaps learn how affordable it can be afterall?!). However, it has nothing to do with "healthcare" as in the media. And, it has little to do with any conventional or popular dieting and weight loss or fitness programs (though many are healthy and many on them are happy). Not putting down anyone’s healthy fitness and weightloss program! However Rustic Healthy is not a diet! But if you are happy with the diet or fitness program you’re on you just might receive a little help, and perhaps learn a few other things from here too about health (it is my hope anyway). If you are happy with the diet or fitness program you’re on you may also receive a little help, and perhaps learn a few other things from here too (it is my hope anyway). Actually it’s more about getting healthy from whatever age, stage or condition you’re in . . . Even stage 4 cancer?? . . . hmmm well, we shall see. Now, I’ve been informed that I am cruel beyond belief presenting anything hopeful in that case to anyone, but, I’m going to let the reader decide for themselves. Obviously I cannot guarantee any such thing. But I do believe they are great to hear about and believe one would want to know them, and have some very possible good options even at that stage? (I would like to know them for myself anyway). As I stated in the Book Summary I am not a doctor, health professional, or nutritionist for that matter. So the following is according to me, my own unprofessional, non-clinical studied anecdotal experience (as well as some others I’ve come across) and what I’ve encountered (and think I’ve learned :) hoping you will carefully look into these things for yourself before accepting or rejecting anything I’m presenting here, or what anyone else says about them too. Please, always check with your own doctor or alternative health professional if something may or may not be right for you as well!

    Personally my experience has been more with respiratory problems (though I do have others as you will well see:). I’ve had to deal with bronchitis since a child (my parents being told to consider moving to Arizona) and pretty bad asthma as an adult (being on 4 asthma medications including 2 inhalers, and steroids) and now without any use of conventional meds for over 4 years now, thus, the get healthy part! Being on (and off:) diets most of my life, it’s been a long downward battle. Yes I said downward, because I never did find a way to conquer it with any diet that I’ve tried anyway :p (though I know many have done so amazingly, and I give a lot of credit to!). This isn’t that kind of testimony. It’s the testimony of how I’ve come to learn a few things only, not even considering losing weight any longer, totally giving up (fed up actually:) to find what was the stumbling block to any effort I’ve made. I am not talking about a trick, or formula in a pill, but it actually is better (I believe anyway). It has little or nothing to do with discipline, strong will, counting, weighing, etc. And you’ll perhaps see truly once and for all time how it never was your fault to begin with. You’ll actually be able to live very happy with it, and perhaps return to normal regarding food and diet as well, if you’ve been battling for years as I have. I want to lift the weight off your shoulders rather. Thus, the be happy part.


    It began with Vitamin C! an awesome vitamin for allergies and a natural antihistamine (among other things so I’m finding out) which did indeed help my asthma! However, you should know (as I am told as well, many times in ‘health’ forums) that this is not possible because . . . clinical studies do not show it, and health alternative studies that do show it (of which I have found quite a few actually) do not prove it. That it’s a placebo (please see my commentary on Why My Placebos Work:). I’ve also been told I didn’t have asthma (?) or I didn’t know I didn’t have asthma (!) or the doctors didn’t know I didn’t have asthma(?!) but put me on 4 asthma meds anyway hmmmm :) Another was, I did but it comes and goes at will and nothing I did or took helped . . . In any case! it did help for years (according to me anyway, and I’m the one writing this book afterall:) however it was not enough to keep attacks away so I found (according to me too).

    Ok so with that out of the way :), to the best that I can describe anyway, in the beginning of an attack, I would take usually 500 mg to 1000 mg vitamin C supplement, wait a few minutes and it would many times subside. Why I thought of Vitamin C to take at the time was I had heard it helps with colds (though I’ve been told I’m wrong about that too) and allergies Vitamin C for allergy, (of course I’m wrong about that also:) so perhaps it would help with other respiratory conditions such as mine (whatever it was)? If it didn’t naturally I would take my inhaler. I’m not suggesting anyone not take their inhaler or medicine if they need it. Please keep it right there with you. I still have an inhaler myself (just rarely need to use it now). I also began realizing I needed something for infections because that’s when I noticed my asthma would act up at times also and Vitamin C alone was not doing it all the time. I remembered (from perhaps my mom reading about vitamins) Vitamin A for infection, and so looked for Vitamin A (beta carotene) supplements, and somehow, can’t say exactly why at the time, but I thought of fish oil (perhaps remembering ‘cod liver oil as a child), and added that as well, which did seem to have a better effect!

    Sometimes with Vit C alone I would still have a tightening when breathing the best I can describe it but when I added the Vit A and fish oil it opened or loosened a little easier. I do believe everyone is different, but those are some basics that I have and still use. However it was not on a daily basis then (not thinking in terms of strengthening and prevention which happens to be very important to me now). Actually, my asthma acted up not only when I had an infection but during allergy season (four years ago it was because of an awful mold condition here in rural Virginia), and then when I had a cold, or when I was stressed, or when in a polluted environment (maybe a smoking area or subway station when I worked in NYC), or when I over exerted myself (running for a bus), or the weather was bad. Pretty much . . . it could happen anytime. I now take 1000 mg Vit. C every day which I believe now helps prevent my attacks to begin with (more if I need it, if I feel I’m coming down with something, and for me it’s usually in the colder weather also). I’ll use things like apple cider vinegar now (a natural anti-viral), organic honey (a natural anti-bacterial) and cinnamon also (a natural anti-biotic). If you look up the health benefits of any of those you would be absolutely amazed at the multi benefits reaped as well! An all natural (organic preferably) powdered fruit and vegetable source for Vitamin C such as kamu kamu berry (a high source of Vitamin C) is great too.

    Other benefits of Vitamin C?

    What’s absolutely amazing about all the vitamins and nutrients and natural foods also (like honey, cinnamon and apple cider vinegar) is, the more I learn about them? the more benefits they seem to produce! So here are some other amazing benefits of Vitamin C:

    promotes healing of all body cells

    essential for building collagen (less wrinkles? yes!)

    helps prevent cancer and heart disease!

    detoxifies the body (absolutely need this)

    supports the good bacteria in your gut

    kills candida, bacteria, fungi, viruses (colds, flu?), and parasites

    prevents hardening of the arteries (that’s always a good thing:)

    neutralizes harmful environmental and bacterial toxins

    protects us from pollution and dangerous pesticides

    destroys free radicals (a real warrior)

    combats stress (cool!)

    acts as an antidepressant (nice, maybe what more need)

    removes heavy metals like mercury and lead

    lowers high cholesterol (super!)

    a natural antihistamine (for allergies)

    *     *     *


    My weight problem started after I quit smoking at around 20. (There are over 4000 chemicals in burning of a cigarette by the way, so I’d encourage anyone to quit). And so for years I’d been on low calorie or low fat diets. I did try keeping natural and ‘healthy’ (as I thought I could anyway), but the battle continued, and constantly gaining back more than what I’d lose would continue too. There were times, even when staying on diet I’d feel like I only had to look at food and I could gain weight! my metabolism getting slower . . . and slower . . . as the years went. I was told I had borderline hypothyroidism, by one doctor, who also wanted to start me on a little medication that I’d have to have the rest of my life. I didn’t like having to be on medication then either so I turned it down. Having hypothyroidism was also considered an excuse for one’s weight problem at the time (as I actually was informed just recently as well)!

    Then the low carb diet came along . . . Great! I can eat chicken with the skin! . . . and burghers! but, without the bun and mash potatoes! :p..::sigh::.. ok So I cut down on simple carbs, white sugar, white bread (which was a good thing) but the bad thing was artificial sweeteners in diet sodas and iced teas. However, constant hunger and cravings was always a problem I’d fall back on. Even if I were full I might still be thinking about food and what to have next. All along feeling ‘guilty’ :/ which made me feel ‘bad’ :(which I then ‘remedied’ by eating something good! :)

    I did try ‘ephedra’ when it was out, being that it was ‘natural’ and actually that was the one thing that helped! I only had one in the morning and felt energized and good most of the day not thinking of food all day! Then, that of course, was soon taken off the market! hmmm I finally gave up on dieting. The thought of any diet was just too much at that point. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay on anything for long, and I’d more than likely simply gain anything I lost (and more) right back! in fact I knew I would. I was just . . . plain . . . tired.


    Ok, enough of this . . . . . . (I decided walking home from the train station after work one day). I totally had it with guilt, trying, failing, worrying about what anyone else said I should or shouldn’t eat, how much I should or shouldn’t have, how long I should or shouldn’t exercise, should or shouldn’t weigh etc. etc. etc. I just wanted to be normal about food and diet. I decided I’d still try to stay pretty much natural and as "healthy" as I thought I could anyway with whole foods, cooking from scratch and bringing my own lunches to work now (saving some money too), but I always did want to go organic. I used to get Mother Earth News and I actually did grow my own little organic garden for a few years. I even had corn! (Ok they were 5 inches long . . . but they were my corn! :) Unfortunately, I got away from it after having my two little ones to run around after, and then as a single mom, working full-time and just didn’t have time for much of anything else actually.

    Still living and working in New York in early 2007 I saw an organic grocery site that did home delivery in my area. I thought to myself at least it may be a little more healthier for us. But, the draw also was that I could order right on line and it would cut shopping time! so this worked out great too. I’d even order or make organic desserts and snacks from scratch. Nothing was "off the table" so to speak:). My diet, my way! Just a regular menu without any counts, fats, weights or switches (after so many years of being on and off diets, this was a novelty to me). I now eat organic mostly whole grains such as brown rice, breads, and pasta. I buy organic dairy products (this is very important) and organic fruits and vegetables as much as I can, and every other month or so order free range grass fed meats and poultry. I now use healthy oils (very important), such as organic extra virgin olive oil, and just lately, organic coconut oil (my new healthy oil favorite!). Melted for oil, solid for a shortening or butter substitute sometimes when baking.


    I did read how a doctor in the UK gave coconut oil to her husband who then showed remarkable improvement within weeks for Alzheimers! so it seems (in my opinion of course), to be something very good to include in my own diet as well! Your brain is 60% fat by the way, and the good fat in your brain helps create the cell membranes for the rest of the body. So

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