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Journey to ME: becoming functionally self-ISH
Journey to ME: becoming functionally self-ISH
Journey to ME: becoming functionally self-ISH
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Journey to ME: becoming functionally self-ISH

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We know you’re wondering, and it’s a good thing to wonder. Because in this day and age, the entire world is talking about helping others.
• Have you noticed that most people are helping others at the expense of themselves?
• How long can you sustain a life bu

Release dateJul 9, 2018
Journey to ME: becoming functionally self-ISH

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    Journey to ME - Fiona Jeanne

    Notion Press

    Old No. 38, New No. 6

    McNichols Road, Chetpet

    Chennai - 600 031

    First Published by Notion Press 2018

    In colloboration with

    Want Solution

    Copyright © Fiona Jeanne 2018

    All Rights Reserved.

    eISBN 978-1-64324-617-8

    This book has been published with all efforts taken to make the material error-free after the consent of the author. However, the author and the publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

    No part of this book may be used, reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    To my birth parents, for the gift of life, I am forever grateful. My birth mother, you nurtured my being and birthed me into this world. I love you.

    To my adopted family, especially my mum Jeanne, my dad Geoff and big brother Simon, your acceptance and unconditional love is endless, I am truly thankful I found my way into your loving care. I love you.

    To my adopted grandparents, who are now all in spirit, your guidance and love taught me so many things, the sadness I felt with the loss of this generation in our family is eased greatly by the wonderful box of memories I have to treasure. I love you.

    To all those that have passed through my life and to those friends that stayed, you know who you are, I thank you for the lessons given and received. They were exactly what I needed when I needed them and it is a blessing to share this journey with you. I love you.

    To my step-kids and granddaughter who are so uniquely different, I am so humbled to be a part of your life. To guide and watch you grow into the beautiful humans you are destined to be. I love you.

    To my Peter, the gift of understanding love, intimacy, laughter and playfulness all come from you. Thank you for helping me peel back the layers so I could see myself. I love you.

    Finally, my fur babies, confidants, comforters and keepers of secrets. My beautiful gentle giant Mermaid, RIP, you guided me through some of the darkest times; my boys Ping You and Sidiki, so gentle and caring yet protective and strong and a huge part of my healing journey.


    Foreword by Joe Pane

    WHY Should YOU Read This Book!

    The Real Reviews – What Others Are Saying

    Part I

    10 Days to 40 Something

    Chapter I Life Before Big School

    Chapter II Trying to Fit In

    Chapter III First Job, First Love & First Heartbreak

    Chapter IV Choosing Pain: Rinse & Repeat

    Chapter V The Flight to Freedom

    Part II

    Nurturing your Inner Strength

    Chapter I Self-ISH Is a Great Fish!

    Chapter II Finding DORY? Let’s Find YOU!

    Chapter III The Power of Intention

    Chapter IV Embracing Vulnerability

    Chapter V Things Need Fixing; Not You and I!

    Bonus Content: Essential 5: Keys to Self-ISHNESS

    Part III

    Love Chemistry

    Chapter I A Highly Combustible Mixture

    Chapter II H 2 + O = Water

    Bonus: Love Chemistry Guided Meditation

    Part IV

    The Mummy (Preneur) Refuels & Takes Off

    Chapter I I Dream of Flying

    Chapter II Cruising at 30,000 Feet

    Part V

    Creating Wholehearted Homes

    Chapter I Abundance or Clutter?

    Chapter II 31 Hacks for a Wholehearted Family Connection

    Part VI

    CHANGE: Chance to Have a New Growth Experience

    Chapter I Journey to Inner Wisdom

    Chapter II Daily Rituals and Variety

    Part VII

    Meet My Famous

    Chapter I Regaining Oneness

    About the Author Fiona Jeanne

    References & Acknowledgements

    From My Heart to Yours

    Foreword by Joe Pane

    Dear Readers,

    In all my years of coaching, training, and leading groups, in the emotional intelligence, personal and spiritual development space. I can say with deep certainty that most of us don’t make it to adulthood with our self-esteem intact. Most of us as young adults, through to our 50s and beyond hide a secret from the world. That secret hides the gap that exists between how we are perhaps perceived and what we regard as the ‘truth’. The ‘truth’ being that, others hold us in higher regard than we hold ourselves. In other words, we are good at hiding our lack of self – love.

    It no longer needs to be this way. When people stop fuelling the lie and start living their truth by expressing themselves fully, having the courage to simply be themselves, then everything changes. Bringing honesty of emotion into our relationships, embracing the vulnerability that comes with doing and saying things for the first time, which involve some kind of risk. The risk of being rejected, not accepted or on the other hand, even people saying things to us that reflect the secret ‘truth’ we have been hiding inside. Most people live their lives based on how they think others want or need them to be. This only leads to isolation, not in a physical sense, but in a spiritual and emotional sense. This is when we find ourselves spending lots of time with people who don’t even know us truly, deeply and intimately.

    How do we change? How do we close this gap? How do we begin to find the courage? The first step is awareness. Awareness of what? Aware that amazing books like this exist. That there are people like Fiona Jeanne who have taken those very same courageous steps. Reading books like this is not just a huge step in a significant new direction; it also empowers us on how we can make a change. Listening to the story of Fiona Jeanne’s life, what she has overcome, the decisions she’s had to make, her awareness and most importantly the actions she has taken—this inspires us all to come out of the shadows of our history and into the sunlit reality of our potential.

    It has been said by many that for us to truly connect with the magnificence that is inside us, we need to choose to see it. How on earth do we do that? By noticing this in people like Fiona Jeanne. When you allow yourself to be inspired by Fiona Jeanne’s courage, vulnerability, and strength. We get to see it within ourselves as well. For we can only see in others what is first contained within us. Once we acknowledge what Fiona Jeanne shows us in this fabulous book, we can’t help but choose to acknowledge and notice the same within us.

    Fiona Jeanne’s inspirational stories and example will reconnect us all to resources we have taken for granted. Enjoy the journey; enjoy the new forever expanding awareness of what is in you. You are in the beautiful, warm, generous hands of Fiona Jeanne. Enjoy her guidance like so many before us have embraced.

    Yours in love,

    Joe Pane

    Joe Pane is one of the most-loved and most-masterful life coach and human behaviour experts. He is the ‘Coaches’ Coach’ and a Senior Trainer at The Coaching Institute. Over the past 10 years, Joe has trained over 6,000 coaches globally. A model of excellence, dedication and passion, Joe is a Master Trainer in extended DISC an internationally-accredited behavioural profiling tool. He is one of only 10 master trainers in Australia and has a degree-qualified in Psychology. Joe demonstrates powerful coaching tools and teaches proven coaching models at all his live trainings.

    WHY Should YOU Read This Book!

    This book is for you, my fellow nurturers. To light the path to transformation. From inner critic to inner guide and that means you, like me, get to say goodbye to that inner critic:



    •People pleasing

    And you get to say a big fat hello to becoming a functionally self-ISH professional human being. Living a life where you serve with love, trust, kindness, and generosity firstly to yourself and then given to others. Not with neediness, but as an expression of itself to another.

    Fiona Jeanne shares her story of the good, the bad and the sensationally ugly truths that have absorbed the first 40+ years of her life. More than that, she is a functionally self-ISH human being, who writes this book 100% for herself. Sever all remaining ties, release old hurt, releasing limiting beliefs and releasing the behaviours that kept her stuck playing it too small for too long. She celebrates life now as a fun loving, inspiring and thriving Mumpreneur. She attracts infinite abundance in all things in her life.

    So if you chose to perform acts of generosity to constantly ensure that the needs of loved ones and in fact everyone else are prioritised over the needs of yourself. Leaving you playing a very small game but in a constant state of total depletion. Emotionally and physically constrained by a series of choices you have made. Beliefs you hold to be true or have been taught by your family and you know you are ready to change and chose different paths. Break the chains that are binding you and become functionally self-ISH. Then like Fiona Jeanne, you will start to attract infinite possibilities and abundance into areas of your life that you value. Like the self, intimate partner, career, business, family and spirituality.

    So, who are you?

    Are you who you want to be?

    If you are, do you want to peel back even more layers and see even more of you?

    If not, when will you say yes to you and become the person you are destined to be?

    Perhaps you do not know who you want to be?

    Or you don’t know what is stopping you from moving forward.

    If this is you… then read on. Start taking this phenomenal journey to you. You will not regret it.

    The Real Reviews – What Others Are saying

    Journey to ME is a phenomenal read – one of strength not through challenge but a result of challenge. The way Fiona Jeanne shares the depths of her life and all the lessons she has learnt along the way without once shying away is a true show of tenacity and gives so much hope. The pages are brimming with vulnerability, humour and insight, and for her to have gone through what she has and be in the amazing position she is today, is the essence of a hero’s journey.

    Vicky Murgatroyd founded Life Empowerment Project, a company dedicated to helping female entrepreneurs to grow their purpose and mission-driven businesses. She helps them with huge personal transformation and business strategy, so they can serve more people, make more money and make a bigger difference in the world.

    Fiona Jeanne’s story is at once heartbreaking, uplifting and incredibly inspiring. She shares her story with courage and vulnerability, and in doing so is a leader for all those who are hiding their inner child behind the suit of armour that they present to the world. She mixes wonderful story-telling, powerful insights, and practical techniques that when combined create life-changing shifts for those who are open, willing, and ready to transform their lives.

    The world needs this book and I am so thankful that Fiona Jeanne followed her heart and wrote it.

    Nathan Meola is a mindset coach and Master NLP and Time Line Therapy Practitioner from Melbourne, Australia. He helps people who are stuck, unfulfilled, and frustrated to discover their purpose, regain their passion, and develop unshakeable self-belief so they can reach their full potential and live the life of their dreams.

    Wow, what a beautiful and inspiring story Fiona Jeanne’s Journey to Me… becoming functionally self-ISH is… a real page-turner from beginning to end! I was hooked!

    Having known Fiona Jeanne (Fi) for over a year, we have developed a strong, one-of-a-kind friendship as well as being co-founders of two self-development platforms. Reading this book has given me a deeper level of understanding, respect and love for Fi. Bearing one’s soul and allowing others to read about some of your greatest triumphs as well as your deepest lows takes an incredible amount of courage and strength, both of which Fi embodies and encourages in others.

    The insights and exercises throughout the book were easy to follow and a very useful bonus tool!

    Thank you Fi for sharing your story with the world, and for educating us all on the true power of becoming ‘functionally self-ISH.’

    Amy Milnes (nee Haggerty) is a people development expert and founder of Amy Dee Coaching. As an Empowerment and Leadership Coach and Speaker, powered by her philosophy of Freedom to be YOU, Amy specialises in equipping people to live their best, most authentic and fulfilling life!

    Journey to ME – becoming functionally self-ISH takes you on a journey of loss, regret, shame, realisation and redemption. It’s a beautiful personal account where the author bares her soul and is unafraid to be vulnerable. It starts with her feeling not enough when she finds out that she was adopted. Of course, her family never made her feel different but she, like many of us, created an idea of herself and continued to fossilise that idea until there was no other way but to shatter those pre-conceived notions and truly learn to see herself for who she is.

    Mind you, this book will make you cry, question your own choices and be empathetic towards people in general. People like you and me who have our own insecurities and fears, and the need to be loved despite having them. To have the space to remove our masks and let our guard down and be accepted for both our beautiful and messy bits.

    In the second part of the book, Fiona Jeanne also shares some amazing techniques and tools that are meant to help us better ourselves. Whether it’s meditation, journaling or even becoming consciously self-ISH, they are all meant to help see our deeper selves a little better but without judgements. There are parts that will make you smile and parts that will make you want to give the author a hug for being so brave and honest. A must-read for anyone who is interested in peeling those inner layers and knowing what lies underneath.

    Komal Singh is a Delhi-based writer who has written for magazines, websites and NGOs

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