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Alphabet Belonging to Christ
Alphabet Belonging to Christ
Alphabet Belonging to Christ
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Alphabet Belonging to Christ

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Approaching my faith in Jesus Christ in a simple, Basic, and Childlike way and sharing the Delightful Experiences I have had with Him are the foundations of this book. Also, Fundamental truths from God's Word are Highlighted throughout this book. Introducing the Jesus I Know and Love to others has Motivated me to write Numerous cards, letters, poems, stories, and mediations Over the years. Each Page of this book is Quite a good Representation of the things I have written. It is truly an A B C Sampler! It has been put Together in the hope that your Understanding of the Bible will increase and that you will come to Value it as God's Word. May it also cause you to eXamine the Scriptures for Yourself and discover that Jesus is Lord of everything, from A to Z! "The righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord, they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bring forth fruit in old age, they are ever full of sap and green, to show the Lord is upright; He is my rock and there is no unrighteousness in Him." Psalm 92:12-15 "...Even to your old age, I am He, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and I will save." Isaiah 46:4 Anne B. Chason, at age 86, is acquainted with the joys and sufferings of the elderly. She knows all about heart flutters, impaired vision and the loss of her beloved husband of 57 years. She also knows about the joys of life, surrounded by family and friends. She understands that there is much more to learn about our Savior for she still attends Community Bible Study and has for 41 years. She still designs her personal greeting cards for every occasion, using those same skills to illustrate this book. Motivated by her own ABC initials and her love for words and the Word, she created this alphabet book to describe the Creator. She hopes this book will encourage women to pursue their dreams even into old age.

Release dateMar 1, 2018
Alphabet Belonging to Christ

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    Alphabet Belonging to Christ - Anne Chason


    Alphabet Belonging to Christ

    Anne B. Chason

    Copyright © 2018 Anne B. Chason

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc

    New York, NY

    First originally published by Christian Faith Publishing, Inc 2018

    ISBN 978-1-64140-279-8 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64140-280-4 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America


    Abba, wonderful Father,

    Being blessed by Your dear Son

    Comforted by Your Spirit,

    Daily assures my battles won!

    Elated that You are with me,

    Fortified with Your Word every day,

    Gives me courage to go ever onward,

    Help from You is a whisper away!

    I’m so glad You ‘ve provided a Savior,

    Jesus has spared my life!

    Keeping close to His side and in His Word,

    Let’s me grow and protects me from strife!

    Man’s ways are different from Yours, Lord,

    No one else had a total solution,

    Only Jesus’ death on Calvary’s tree

    Paid the price for my restitution!

    Quite an act of love was that,

    Resigning Your Son to that fate,

    Supreme sacrifice of His sweet life,

    Total atonement for the sins of hate!

    Union with You is now possible; so is

    Victory over death and sin!

    When wounded by some of life’s problems,

    eXalting You brings me thru, lose or win!

    You are to be thanked and praised, O Father,

    Honor, glory, wisdom, power, and might

    Belong to You, Father of

    Zion, and to Your Son, Jesus the Christ!

    A—Description and Illustration

    But to what angel has He ever said, ‘Sit at my right hand till I make thy enemies a stool for thy feet?’ Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to serve, for the sake of those who are to obtain salvation?

    Hebrews 1:13-14


    A—My name is ANNE; my husband’s name was AUBREY; I live in ANNANDALE, where he sold APPLES. Oh, sweet memories of childhood! I do not know if this sidewalk game is played AROUND the world, but I do know that it provided hours of delightful recreation for my friends AND for me when we were ADOLESCENTS growing up in Hazleton, A small ANTHRACITE-mining city in northeastern Pennsylvania. We would bounce A ball or jump rope on the cracked sidewalks AS we repeated names, cities, AND products which represented each letter of the ALPHABET. ALMOST ALL of the ABOVE is true ABOUT me! My name is ANNE Brill Chason; my departed husband’s name was AUBREY, AND I live in ANNANDALE, Virginia, A suburb of Washington, D.C. ALTHOUGH my husband was ADEPT AT gardening, he did not sell APPLES. There had been times when we have had AS many AS three children in college AT the same time, so that might have become AN ACTUALITY! ACTUALLY, he was A retired ADMINISTRATOR who had worked for the Central Intelligence AGENCY. We met while ATTENDING The George Washington University AS students in AN ART APPRECIATION class. I received my ASSOCIATE in ARTS degree from there in May 1952 AND married my husband in September 1952. I worked briefly for the Veterans ADMINISTRATION AND then AS secretary to the Dean of Engineering AT George Washington. I received news of A promotion to be ASSISTANT to the Dean on the same day I received the news that I was ABOUT to become A mother! I have been in the mothering business ever since AND it has been exciting! God has blessed us with four lovely children, two sons AND two daughters. ALL except our younger son ARE married AND we are so pleased with these ADDITIONS to our family. We ALSO have seven wonderful grandchildren, four girls AND three boys!

    I have ALWAYS been AN AVID participant in word games AND have been ATTRACTED to the study of words AND their meanings. Writing has been AN AVOCATION. ART, painting landscapes AND flowers, has been AN emotional outlet for me through the years. When our older son was A fifth grade student AT A parochial school, I had made AN ADVENT ANGEL out of stiff cardboard with twenty-five little doors in the skirt. This was to be used AS preparatory material in explaining the meaning of Christmas to the children. Inside each door I had painted A biblical scene which depicted the coming of Christ. I had written A small booklet AS AN explanation of the pictures to ACCOMPANY the ANGEL. His teacher ASKED him if I were AN AUTHOR, or perhaps AN ARTIST, AND I remember his reply. No, she’s just A mother! So, with that background you can see that ANY ATTEMPT AT writing A book, AND especially A book ABOUT the Lord, is AN AMBITIOUS undertaking. How can one ADEQUATELY describe with ADJECTIVES or by ANALOGY the innumerable ATTRIBUTES of Jesus Christ? AT the very onset I ADMIT that writing this book will be AN ADVENTURE in faith. ABSOLUTE dependence will be on Him for ASSISTANCE.

    I have ALWAYS been A believer in AND follower of Jesus Christ. But, it was in 1975 that I ACCEPTED Him AS my personal Savior AND ASKED Him to be my enabling Lord by the power of His Holy Spirit. He is not AN ABSTRACTION to me; He is ALIVE! He has become very real to me AND the pages of this book will ATTEST to that fact. I ATTRIBUTE many things to my increased faith in the Lord: His AMAZING, ABOUNDING grace; ABIDING with Him daily And studying His Word; ATTENDANCE AT my church, the Church of the Holy Spirit; ACTIVE participation in my Thursday morning prayer group; AND being A member of Community Bible Study since its inception in 1975 until the present time. Lastly, two ACQUAINTANCES, who have become my confidantes AND prayer partners, have ADDED to my knowledge AND love of the Lord. Marjean Lenert is one of them AND you will see her name mentioned often AND AFFECTIONATELY throughout these pages. The other member of our ALLIANCE is Ethel Seneca. She has ADDED much joy to my life. She has used her ARTISTIC talents in designing the cover of this book in cross-stitch. The Bible verse that holds us together is from Ecclesiastes 4:12, A threefold cord is not quickly broken.

    ATTEMPTING to write a book can be very time consuming. ALWAYS AWARE that I AM dependent upon the Lord for every inspiration, I frequently call upon Him for ideas AT my ALTAR, my kitchen sink! A friend once sent me A Mother’s Day card which said, Want to have A few quiet minutes to yourself? Inside the card it said, ASK everyone to help you wash the dishes! So it is there that I APPROACH the Lord, spend time APART AND ALONE with Him, AND become ATTUNED to Him. It is there that I often present my AGENDA for the day AND pay ATTENTION to His leading. It is there that I APPEAL to Him for guidance, ASK His ASSISTANCE in AVOIDING error, AND tell Him my ASPIRATIONS. It is there that I ASK Him to ACTIVATE me, ALTER my ATTITUDES, ADAPT me to new situations, AID me in ADOPTING new habits, AND help me to ASCERTAIN what my APTITUDES ARE. It is there that He helps me to ACCURATELY ASSESS my good points, become AWARE of my sins And failings, confess them, AND be ABSOLVED over AND over AGAIN. In APPEARING before the throne of grace, I find that I can ARTICULATE my joys AND my sorrows. I can ADDRESS every problem to Him, tell Him what I AM AFRAID of, or ASHAMED of, or ADEPT AT, or AWKWARD with (like this computer), what makes me ANGRY, what makes me ANXIOUS, what causes ANGUISH or ALARM. I can tell Him what ASTOUNDS, AMUSES, or ASTONISHES me ABOUT ANYTHING AND everything! I can ARISE from the ABYSS or ASCEND to the heights with heavenly ASPIRATIONS. I can ASK Him to APPOINT or ASSIGN, me, ANOINT me, AND equip me to be His AMBASSADOR, to represent Him. The AIM of my life AND this book is to tell ANYONE AND everyone ANY time, ANYWHERE, AND in ANY way, the Gospel message ALL for His glory! ALL of the universe reflects God, but only ANGELS AND humankind can sing praise. ACCEPT, O Father, this book of ADULATION!


    AS I

    ATTEMPT to




    ALL the truths contained in God’s Word


    APPLY them to every

    AREA of my life, I



    AWARE of God’s


    AWESOME grace. He

    ALONE is holy; He

    ALONE is Lord. He, who is

    ALL powerful

    AND the


    AUTHORITY over

    ALL our


    ACCORDS us His wisdom

    AS He gives us

    ACCESS to His truths. Throughout the Word, He

    AFFIRMS our


    ATTESTS to His faithfulness,


    ARRESTS our

    ANXIOUS thoughts. He informs us of our




    AS His sons through Jesus Christ. I would be

    AMISS not to


    APPRECIATION for His gifts to me. I

    ADMIT that



    ABLE to


    ARTISTIC talent

    AND my writing



    ATTRIBUTES to His benevolence, gifts which He gives

    ACCORDING to the riches of His glory. I

    AM, therefore,





    ASK Him to

    ACCOMPANY me on this writing

    ADVENTURE. I implore Him to be my

    ANCHOR, to


    AS my guide, to

    ASSIST me, to

    ALLOW me to hear His small, but

    AUDIBLE, voice

    AND to

    ASSUAGE my fears. He

    ASSURES me that He will

    ANSWER my prayers because I

    APPEAL to Him in the name of Jesus, the


    AND finisher of my faith, my

    ALL in

    ALL. I thank Him in

    ADVANCE for His kindness.

    "ALMIGHTY God, I

    ASK that You

    ACCEPT my


    AS I


    AS the

    AUTHOR of the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ,

    AND of the written Word, the Holy Bible,

    AND of words. I

    ADMIT that there is nothing that I

    AM ABLE to

    ACCOMPLISH without You; therefore, I

    ASK that You

    ASSIST me in

    APPLYING the Word to my daily life, that You

    ABIDE with me,

    AND that You

    ALLOW me to

    APPROPRIATE Your blessings in this

    ARTISTIC effort, in every page that is written

    AND every illustrated page. I pray

    ALL of this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.





    Amen and Alleluiah!

    Almighty God are You!

    Applauded throughout the ages,

    Acclaimed for what You do.

    Angels and archangels sing

    A daily song of praise,

    All men around the entire world

    Approach You with hands raised!

    Acknowledgment of who You are,

    An anthem to my King,

    Allegiance to the great I Am,

    A poem to Thee I bring!

    Awe and trembling fill my heart

    As I describe the God above.

    Accept, approve this accolade,

    Anoint me with Your love!

    Author of the Word are You,

    Architect of the world,

    Artist who planned the universe,

    An array of colors unfurled!

    A paradise for Your creation,

    A place for man to dwell,

    Adam, attacked by the evil one,

    Acquiesced-Your dreams for all men fell!

    A savior for fallen man was needed,

    Abundant life was Your plan,

    Able to act with agape love,

    A Son You sent, the God-man!

    "Accept salvation through faith in Me,

    Ask and you shall receive,"

    Affirmation and confirmation, You

    Accord to all who believe!

    An advocate, the Holy Spirit,

    Abides and dwells in our hearts,

    Armor protects and equips us,

    Against Satan’s fiery darts!

    Appreciation for You,

    Ardent love may I impart,

    Absolute, total commitment,

    Adoration is the gift of my heart!

    Authenticate my work, Lord,

    Approve these words I write,

    Affirm my every thought and act,

    Arrange my life in Your light!

    Assemble me with Your people,

    Arouse love in me for all men,

    Appear among us and be recognized

    As the least of my brothers, my friend!

    Appoint me to write words of praise,

    All powerful Father above,

    Accept this book on the alphabet

    As an aroma, a labor of love!


    [Three of my grandchildren were all baptized on the same day in a glorious ceremony at their church. Little children marched up the aisle carrying individual banners for each child bearing their names, the date, and the words, Marked as Christ’s Own Forever! I made a card for each of them to wish them blessings on that special day.]

    Be happy and be joyful, too,

    Rejoice! for the Lord made this day for you!

    Into His family you’ve been baptized today,

    That is where you’ll want to stay!

    The Lord wants to bless you from above,

    And fill you with His peace and love!

    New blessings today and every day,

    Your whole life thru-that’s what we pray!

    Every angel around God’s throne above,

    Must be singing praises to the Lord of love!

    Into His family you’ve been baptized today,

    Love and blessings will be coming your way!

    You’re a special girl and God loves you,

    We want you to know that we do, too!

    May God bless you on your special day,

    Innumerable blessings may He send your way!

    Contentment and peace may He give to you,

    Health and wealth your whole life through!

    Above all else, may the Lord above,

    Encircle you with His arms of love!

    Learn early, dear grandson, to depend on the Lord,

    Life abundant will be your reward!


    [A new granddaughter born recently was a long-awaited gift to our family. I read from Psalms 8:1-2 on the morning of her birth, O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is thy name in all the earth! Thou whose glory above the heavens is chanted by the mouths of babes and infants.… I knew her arrival was close at hand! This poem was designed for her baptism.]

    Rejoice, dear one, on this special day,

    All of God ‘s blessings are what we pray!

    Contentment from the Lord above,

    Health and happiness, but most of all, love!

    Enjoy your life as a child of the Lord,

    Life eternal is the sweet reward!


    Of the numerous references to angels in the Bible, I believe the one that is most meaningful to me is Hebrews 1:14 which describes their purpose as ministers to those who are to obtain salvation.

    In the summer of 1981 my son, Craig, was employed as a construction worker. This was during summer break between his first and second years of law school. He had mentioned a few times that the work was rather dangerous because it involved scaffolding that was used in the construction of concrete or brick walls at a building site. One morning after he had left for work I was impressed with the thought that I should be on my knees all day praying for his safety. It was very early in the morning when I had that thought and I succumbed to the temptation of going back to bed. However, before I did that, I remember praying, Lord, You’ve told us in Your Word that you have provided holy, ministering angels to take care of us, so would you please surround Craig with angels today to protect him on this risky job.

    Normally, I would not see Craig until the evening meal, but on that day he arrived home at lunch time with a fantastic tale. All of the workers had finished constructing a gigantic wall, half the size of a football field. His boss had told him and another worker to start taking down the scaffolding. During that process, Craig heard a sound that alerted him to the fact that the wall was collapsing. He yelled to his friend who jumped straight down and was not injured. Craig rode it in, like a wave, is the way he described it. The older, more experienced workers stood by, looking on in amazement, and could not believe their eyes! Craig came out of it with a few scratches, a greater appreciation for men who work so hard and face dangers every day of their lives, and, of course, praise and gratitude to the Lord who rescued him! Thank the Lord for His ministering angels!

    Community Bible Study currently has approximately 700 classes in the United States and is active in 100 countries around the globe. If you are interested in learning more or joining a class, visit their website at or call 1-800-826-4181.


    Ephesians 6:10-17 says, Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand, therefore, having girded your loin with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. For years I have used a woman dressed in armor when I have tried to visually emphasize the wonderful weapons the Lord has provided for His church. Actually, I had seen this done using a male model; however, I wanted to make this point relevant whenever I spoke to women’s groups, so I, therefore, added a skirt and feminine features, knowing we all, male and female, need to be equipped with spiritual ammunition! The cost of this equipment was enormous, which is what I found out during a reflection on this passage of scripture on Good Friday in 1992:

    You can wear the helmet of salvation

    on your head today because I wore a

    crown of thorns on My head.

    You can wear a breastplate of righteousness

    on your upper body because

    My upper body was beaten and bruised

    during the scourging.

    You can be girded or clothed with the

    belt of truth because My body was

    stripped naked.

    You can wear

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