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As We Walk Through Life
As We Walk Through Life
As We Walk Through Life
Ebook122 pages29 minutes

As We Walk Through Life

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About this ebook

Worries, inner feelings, discoveries, observations, expectations and dreams as we walk through life, these are the core things depicted in this volume of poetry. It dives the reader into the universe of a passionate living who aims at recreating the world from his perspective. As we walk through life, there’s a lot to it for everyone to learn. Look around.

Release dateApr 8, 2021
As We Walk Through Life

Paterne Freeman Shadowriter

Né le 15 avril 1991 à Ouidah une ville historique De la république du Bénin, Paterne Freeman Shadowriter est titulaire d’un Master 1 et d’une Licence en Anglais option ‘’Etudes Américaines’’ et d’un Brevet d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (BAPES) en anglais. Il enseigne la langue anglaise dans les établissements d’enseignement secondaires publics et privés du Bénin. Il est Coach et Traducteur indépendant ; un mordu de leadership et de développement personnel.Mais pour lui, rien n’a plus de prix que la littérature. Il a toujours eu du béguin pour l’écriture et depuis bien longtemps, il a décidé d’extérioriser son art en écrivant des poèmes chargés d’émotions sur des thèmes très variés et avec les mots les plus raffinés. C’est aussi un talentueux écrivain de romans dont l’imagination n’a de limite que l’infini. Polyglotte accompli, il écrit ses textes aussi bien en français qu’en anglais.Accroché au dos de sa plume, c’est aussi un bloggeur, un activiste et un bénévole dont l’engagement est indéfectible. Il est membre fondateur, cofondateur, responsable et membre actif de plusieurs organisations et associations à but non lucratif, dans lesquelles il met ses connaissances, ses expériences et sa sagesse au service des jeunes et du monde entier.Pour lui, l’écriture tout comme l’activisme ne rime qu’avec un seul but : Impacter le monde et le rendre meilleur. Un objectif qu’il exprime très bien dans sa devise de tous les jours : « We rise by lifting others ».Son nom de naissance ? Plutôt simpliste pour quelqu’un de son acabit : Paterne Hessou. Mais sous la casquette de Freeman Shadowriter, l’homme épris de liberté et d’intégrité, l’écrivain de l’ombre, c’est un tout autre homme que l’on découvre et redécouvre à chaque seconde à travers ses écrits.

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    Book preview

    As We Walk Through Life - Paterne Freeman Shadowriter


    A Letter to my Friend Angie from Another Land

    I stand for Trees

    At Dawn of Crisis

    A drop of my tears

    Is that worth?

    You’re gone

    My Demise

    When death calls my name

    To a second chance

    Words from a dream


    My Redemption


    My sassy Girl

    Give me love


    A Drink Tonight



    This able

    I will return


    The storyteller


    The messenger

    Before late

    God I need to know

    Listen, Africa


    Before then


    Dreams I used to have


    Hear my voice

    His Fate



    Mother of Art


    Some days

    To Sierra Leone

    To the Naysayers

    What if I don’t care?

    When I turned twenty five

    Who am I?





    A Letter to my Friend Angie from Another Land

    Dear Angie,

    I am writing you this letter to speak of the refusal to accept behaviors, beliefs or opinions that are different from one’s, I mean intolerance.

    About two months ago, I witnessed a cruel scene of intolerance at a funeral and this led me right to this moment when I am writing you this letter. In fact, it was about a young man’s funeral. Actually, Malik was born to a Muslim family but as he grew up, he became a Christian. After an accident that cost him life, his Muslim parents decided to bury him according to the Muslim rites while his fellow Christians who knew him as a faithful Christian wanted to offer their brother the right funeral to their understanding, a real farewell funeral. One thing leading to another, a misunderstanding issue was raised. The Muslim folks thought the Christians were wasting their time and they wouldn’t allow them to say any farewell to their brother for the simple reason that the latter was a born Muslim man. The Muslim folks said they did not believe in Jesus Christ as god and added that it would be inappropriate to see them acting according to the rules of a religion they do not believe in. The situation eventually broke into a fight because they were unable to accept one another’s beliefs and perspectives. I spare you some details but two people got killed at Malik’s funeral. I was so upset by the situation and I asked my aunt to take me back

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