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Break Up. Break Down. Break Through.
Break Up. Break Down. Break Through.
Break Up. Break Down. Break Through.
Ebook177 pages25 minutes

Break Up. Break Down. Break Through.

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Break Up. Break Down. Break Through. is a must-read for anyone who has loved and lost. Geoff Olds makes himself entirely vulnerable in this raw articulation of his journey from rock bottom to rebirth. Powerful, honest and necessarily confronting, this collection of poems and musings will lead you on your own path to self-betterment.

From page one, Geoff Olds manages to bleed onto the paper in a way that is both powerful and poetic. You'll journey with him through his darkest moments; witnessing his battle with hedonism, rejection, divorce and depression. Then, hold your breath as he fearlessly fights to rise from the ashes.

His willingness to blazingly share it all - his grief, shame, despair and self-deprecation - will leave you feeling both uncomfortable and unable to put the book down. Geoff Olds manages to share every crevasse of his suffering. And, as you read his collection of poems and musings, you get a sense you're reading from his personal diary.

Prepare to be provoked by a book that will stir many things in you: sadness, shock, sympathy and self-reflection. Part one 'Break Up' will undoubtedly hit home for anyone who has experienced the collapse of a relationship. With heavy words and heaving pages, Geoff Olds pours out his lament without holding back. The depth of grief that he shares will leave you pausing for breath after each page.

Then, in part two 'Break Down', Geoff Olds wrestles with his inner demons. Held under the weight of self-loathing and self-destruction, Geoff invites you to be privy to his deepest and darkest moments. It's in these pages that you realise Geoff Olds isn't just a brilliant poet, but a brilliant mind. He dissects his consciousness in a way that many people wouldn't be capable of (or fearless enough to); and articulates it in a masterful, tangible way.

By the time you reach part three, 'Break Through', it becomes clear how necessarily vivid the former verses needed to be. After experiencing the depth of his agony, his rebirth is made eminently more powerful. Here, in these moments of redemption, Geoff Olds shifts his tone from confronting to cathartic. It's a shining message of hope, hard work and hanging on no matter what - and it will resonate with anyone who has suffered.

As a successful entrepreneur and advocate for men's mental health, it's no wonder that Geoff Olds is so equipped to tell this story. The reader is forced to open themselves up and prepare for their own personal journey of reconciliation. The sheer brilliance of Break Up. Break Down. Break Through. is its ability to catalyst a 'phoenix rising from the ashes' moment in anyone.

Release dateAug 23, 2018
Break Up. Break Down. Break Through.

Geoff Olds

What can one say about ones self?16 years of business and 21 years in the Information Technology Industry. I'm an entrepreneur who loves to create and focus on empowering business through Technology. Seeing ideas transform lives in a positive socially sustainable way; is what it's all about. For Profit, For Purpose.That would be my "day job"All other time is spent on the things that set my heart on fire such as reading, spending valuable beautiful time with my friends and family, studying, writing, travelling, doing art and much more. Occasionally I get a good nights sleep but if you can't beat insomnia you learn to join it...Currently I am furiously writing to hit some deadlines and practicing Han Mudo, which is my martial arts of choice, I strongly believe that Martial Arts is more about the fight within than the fight without. Thus all of these disciplines, for me, should be coupled with Mindfulness and Martial Arts.My philosophy is The Meaning of Life is a Life of Meaning.The finding and creating Meaning is up to us. As a lot of spiritual books say; "Work Out Your Own Salvation"Namaste and Adventure Onwards!

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    Break Up. Break Down. Break Through. - Geoff Olds

    Break Up.

    Break Down.

    Break Through.

    Geoff Olds

    Published by


    Copyright 2018 © Geoff Olds

    All rights reserved

    Licence Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. All rights reserved.

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    Dedicated to the Beautiful Spirit.

    About the Author…

    Geoff Olds has been an avid writer and poet since early teenage years. Over the past 15 years, he has focused his energy on building technology businesses, speaking at events and working as a volunteer counsellor.

    Break Up. Break Down. Break Through. is a personal collection of poetry and writings on love – each entirely raw and honest. It is Geoff’s first published work, soon to be followed by his novel Death of an Entrepreneur.

    Geoff spends his spare time practicing martial arts, writing, travelling and helping others, which he believes is the greatest way a person can live a meaningful life.

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    Author’s Note

    Love. What joy. What pain! This is a collection of writings, musings, agonies, poetry and experiences written with great rawness, pain, fear, care and vulnerability.

    The key word is vulnerability. Something hard for a lot of men. Something even harder for business leaders, alpha types and those of us who instinctively look for other ways to numb the pain and block out feelings.

    One of the key reasons I decided to publish this collection was because of the counselling I do for other men and because of the amazing advice from The Way of a Superior Man by David Deida.

    In short, I counsel other men to be VULNERABLE with their feelings, their emotions, their partners and be willing to risk showing their underbelly. I hope they have learned from my repeated failings.

    This book of rawness and vulnerability is my willingness (and yes, I am shaking when I type these words; fear is gripping me at thought of others reading this) to practice what I preach.

    Is this collection a work of art? Is it worth reading? And is it worth being published among the millions of other better works out there?

    Intellectually I would say no. But spiritually I say hell yes!

    Not because of the quality of the words; but the depth of emotion and pain that has gone into this.

    I want to share this journey with everyone to show that I am a failure and a fuck up but there is a way through it all. So ultimately you can be the best version of yourself. I want others to understand that you can be abandoned and feel like your life is ending and you want to end it. BUT in the bitterness, brokenness and burned out smoking ruins of your life; the magical phoenix rises above.

    I am indebted to my beautiful cousin Leanne Larson who transferred my scribbles and concepts into beautiful illustrations. I would also say a great heartfelt thanks to my editor Rachel Sadler who has polished this very rough piece of work. Jen Mosher was also very instrumental to helping

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