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The Origin Of Words According To DJ
The Origin Of Words According To DJ
The Origin Of Words According To DJ
Ebook205 pages3 hours

The Origin Of Words According To DJ


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Be fascinatingly enlightened, truth is stranger than fiction, especially when exposing the splendiferous true origins of the words you love to hate.
Release dateJun 17, 2020
The Origin Of Words According To DJ

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    The Origin Of Words According To DJ - DJ



    While you are reading this book, I would like for you to keep one extremely important fact in mind, you do not know nothin. You may think, suspect, hope, deduce, surmise, and assume, but you do not know. Well, that is not completely true, you do know one thing, but only one thing, which I will reveal to you later on page 32.

    Did you look on page 32?

    Tell the truth.

    I should mention to you right now, so that we feel more comfortable with each other, that when I talk to someone I am tremendously in tuned and sensitive to their feelings. I just know things about them, things that they do not even suspect that they are communicating to me. I am also acutely aware that for some people telling the truth is about as easy as a blind person in a pitch-black room, trying to find a black cat that is not there. Do you understand what I mean?

    Wonderful! Now, here comes the question again. Did you look at page 32? That is better, now we can continue.

    Once again, you know nothing! So, when you encounter someone, me, who does know, you must defer to that knowledge. It does you absolutely no benefit to argue, debate, disagree, or otherwise engage in indefensible and refutable actions, that will inevitably be determined to be time consuming and futile. How do I know, your ever-inquiring mind will indubitably ask? Here is the indisputable answer. As you peruse the words on these historic pages, you must ingest them through the DJ two rule policy: (1) I know, that I know, what I know. (2) if you ever have the desire and/or tendency to question and/or dispute the facts or validity of what I say, always refer back to rule number one and defer; accordingly, without question, or inappropriate discussion.


    Great. Now the meat of this matter can be applied to the bones of this discussion.

    I have often wondered why most, if not all, of the conflict that goes on in the world emanates from the same fallible source, not knowing. Many people are easily willing to fight and even lose their lives over something that they know nothing about. I do not care how deeply into the crevices of your mind you go; you will find nothing that you unequivocally know. Even the most infantile information that you were taught while growing up is not truly known by the educators entrusted to disseminate it.

    An example of this is that George Washington was the first president of the United States of America. Any American child entering formalized education for the initial time is branded with this information. Were not you given this information in your early education? However, I beseech you to tell me, have you ever met George Washington? Do you even know anyone that has? We are talking about the year 1789. Do you know any 230-year olds? I rest my case and the court of common sense, logic and reason is not hearing any appeals.

    Have you ever pondered why people get so upset about words, especially certain words in particular? After all, words are just letters randomly selected and put together. Anyone can make a word, and anyone can say how it is supposed to sound and what it is supposed to mean. Some words, if totally dependent upon their spelling for pronunciation clarification would forever remain a mystery. Furthermore, once the meaning of that word is established, anyone can change or add to that meaning at will. And, we need not even discuss the discombobulation that occurs when that word is being translated from one language to a different language.

    So, why should anyone word hold any more significance, importance, or meaning than any other word? Most of the time people are going to hear what they want to hear no matter what you say or how you say it. And it is going to mean whatever they chose to interpret it as meaning.

    Have you ever heard someone say, about someone else, oh he/ she would not harm a hair on your head? Are you truly hearing what they are saying? They may not harm a hair on your head but every place else on your body is fair game. If later in your experience with that person you discover that you are carrying your head in your hands, it will not be because you were not duly forewarned.

    I have contemplated the ambiguities of words, considered their ensuing conflicts, and arrived at a guaranteed solution to eradicate all of their destructive qualities. You have never heard anyone say this before so prepare yourself. Sit down, stand up, roll over, do whatever you do to adjust yourself for the un-respectabilities of life. Are you ready? Here it comes. All human beings should accept and respect the fact that everyone is RIGHT. Yes, everyone is right. It is just that simple. Everyone is right. No one is capable of disproving what anyone says, feels, or believes because the proof that they would use is refutable because NO ONE really knows what a person actually feels, believes, or what the words truly mean when they say what they say.

    Therefore, since the accuser’s accusations and the accused’s denial of said accusations can never be disproved, they are both right. This is an indisputable universal truism of human behavior rarely relied upon for its practicality.

    Think about it. If you say that someone is a racist, bigot, and/ or misogynist, how would someone go about disproving that? This is how you feel. It is impossible to disprove feelings, anyone’s feelings. Does anyone truly know where feelings come from or where they reside when not being used? NO! There are of course many theories but there are no concrete facts to substantiate those theories. Feelings are usually associated with the heart. The heart is an organ, it does not feel, it pumps.

    Then, of course, that which the heart is not credited with, is assigned to the brain. The brain is also an organ, an organ that produces intellectual impulses, not feelings. So, the premise must be, since there exists no reliable evidence to substantiate the inerrancy of RIGHT nor the justification for WRONG, right must always prevail. Therefore, to eradicate all of the pernicious actions resulting from how a person feels, indicated by the words that they express, is to accept and respect the fact that when it comes to words, everyone is always right.

    When words are involved, there is no need to argue, fight, destroy or kill, when you disagree with those words, because you have conclusive evidence that words are just an outward manifestation of a person’s feelings and no one truly knows what those feelings are. So, after you have rationally expressed your thoughts on a subject, walk away, confident in the belief that you are right, but so is everyone else.

    Based on the above-mentioned premise, I am exercising my Right to be RIGHT, with the following.

    There is a word, that if spoken just the right way to just the wrong person, can result in a life sentence in prison for both the hearer and the speaker of the word. Can you guess what that word is? Go ahead, guess there is no right or wrong answer I just want to know which word you think could be that punitive. Guess, no one is going to hear the result except you and me. Go ahead and guess!

    Can you recall any word, that was ever spoken to you, that angered you so much that you lost total control of your senses?

    How about a word that you heard spoken to someone else that caused them to totally lose control?

    Well, I digress.

    The word is NIGGER. YOU did not say it out loud did you? WOW, that was close, U almost got us both incarcerated. Some people do not have to say that word out loud to cause devastation, because some people claim, and believe, that they can see it painted on some people’s faces or detect it hovering on their lips.

    How is it that some people can see it painted on some faces and others cannot? I guess that will remain an unsolved mystery like why dogs bury bones or wag their tails at some people while barking at others. There has been plenty of speculation and conjecture on both of those topics but nothing conclusive has surfaced to explain either one.

    None the less, that word, you did not say it right? Let us just refer to it the way it has more contemporarily been used, in an attempt to diffuse its potency. Let us just refer to it as the N word, while establishing some literary foundation for exposing its innocuousness and detailing its origin. While at the same time pretending to espouse that old adage, you can fool some of the people some of the time, you can even fool all the people some of the time, but you can’t even fool a fool all the time. Or something like that.

    But, I digress.

    This word has been granted the power to cause more destruction and devastation than any other word that has been uttered, whispered, spoken or shouted in the last century. Why? Do you know why? Did I catch you? You have not forgotten that you do not know nothin, have you? That is because not only do you not know why, neither does anyone else. One thing, however, is certain, that power did not come from the word ‘s origin, which shall be exposed henceforth.

    The use of the N word was popularized (if I may be so crass as to use that word. Heck, it is my recollection, I can use which ever word I chose to use. What are you going to do, take me back to the library?) back in the early 1900s, but its origin was established eons before that. In West Africa, during the most primitive of primitive times, there were two brothers, Grntzy and Dwprx who realized that the land that they lived on could not sustain all of the people that inhabited it. Grntzy, the oldest brother, decided that he would venture north and explore a land that his elders had spoken of for many years. A land that was not as desirable as where they were living because it was very dry and mostly desert, unlike the coastal region where they lived, which was conducive for farming, raising livestock and realizing industrial pursuits.

    Because many of the people were dying, from lack of food and proper shelter, both Grntzy and Dwprx agreed something must be done to alleviate the crowded conditions and thus save their eroding civilization. What they did not agree on was who should make the journey to that unfamiliar land that had been labeled hyrbn, which meant, place of the walking dead. Grntzy and Dwprx have always thought of themselves as twins because there were only five months difference in their ages. This anomaly occurred when Dwprx was born almost five months premature, or so it was first thought, shortly after his brother Grntzy was born.

    In the entire tribe there were no brothers closer than Grntzy and Dwprx. Dwprx was very special to Grntzy, not only because he was his little brother or because he was born prematurely. Dwprx was special to his big brother because of the fact that he was born at all. Dwprx was not only born almost five months premature, he was born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and was thought to be dead when his blue body came out motionless from his mother’s womb. The entire tribe gasped as they witnessed Grntzy grab his tiny presumed dead brother, by the right foot, like a rag doll, and run carrying him into the nearby marsh.

    One of the elder tribesmen ran after Grntzy, but because of his belated start, by the time he caught up with Grntzy he could only see him bringing the submerged baby out of the river. When the elder saw that the baby was no longer blue and was moving and making mjwhx noises, the elder tribesman fell to his feet and worshiped Grntzy. When the elder tribesman walked back and stood before the members of the tribe, with Grntzy and his squirming and extremely vocal little brother in his arms, the entire tribe stood silent and motionless in unparalled amazement.

    Msdgrh, the mother of Grntzy and Dwprx, had not understood how a second baby could come so fast after her first, especially since she was fully aware that she and her mnryx (husband) had not had sexual intercourse since before the birth of Grntzy. She did wonder why her abdomen had always felt full and the slightest touch of it caused her excruciating pain. Also, her extreme bouts of regurgitation were inexplicable. The resorting, by the tribeswomen, to using the rare unorthodox medicines brought to their country by foreigners, even though they believed that all sicknesses and illnesses were brought on by spiritual and social imbalances that were only cured by medicines concocted from nature ‘s plants, revealed their desperation. But Msdgrh’s condition only worsened.

    Did you know that babies born in Africa do not usually cry when they come out of the womb? Even if you didn’t know, if you thought that you knew you did not. Remember, remember, remember. Soooh, not knowing that they don’t cry when coming out of the womb, you of course do not know why they do not cry. But, just for the heck of it, hazard a guess as to why you think that they do not cry.

    it is always so easy to just say i do not know and read the answer or wait to be told the answer. The saying, those things that we obtain too easily we esteem too lightly, is true. Therefore, while you ponder, I will squander. La dee da, la dee da. Any answers? Do not just say anything, think! La dee da, dee da la. Why do you think that you cried when you came out of the womb? Think about that and then use counterintuitive thinking to arrive at the answer as to why African babies do not cry when coming out of the same anatomical location.

    you can put your thinking cap back in the freezer, or wherever you store it for safekeeping, here is the answer. Most people have an aversion to unwanted activities. When was the last time that you said, oh yea I get to go to the doctor to find out about the results of my cancer test, or I cannot wait to see the dentist today and get a couple of my teeth extracted? Or, today I get to take that test, for my job promotion or college final, that I studied little or not at all for? you get the idea.

    Many self-titled sophisticated human beings unfortunately still harbor many primitive thoughts, one in particular, that the fetus has absolutely no idea what is transpiring outside of the womb. Badala Yake (I will wait while you try and figure this one out). Hint, I could have said au contraire. See how you are, being familiar with French but not Swahili. That is fine, I am just saying, people do have their preferences.

    But, to continue with the explanation as to why African babies do not cry when expelled from the mother’s womb when most babies born in other countries do. It would probably assist greatly in the understanding of this phenomena by having some knowledge of the gestation of human life. If one would just take two minutes and read or listen to the facts about the developmental processes of a fetus, one’s respect for life would be greatly altered. I am of the belief that after absorbing and understanding that information, a fetus would probably become more commonly known as that little person, as soon as that big rude sperm penetrates that polite little egg.

    One would suppose that outside of planned parenthood, that the sperm would ask the egg if it wanted to be penetrated and thus become responsible for unwrapping the most precious gift given to humanity, life. But, it does not. Of course, the blame should not be placed solely on the sperm, even though without it there could be no penetration of the egg and no igniting of the fertilization process. After all, the sperm is only doing what it has been biologically created to do.

    The responsibility should, and does, rest solely in the heart and mind of the ejaculator of the sperm. If maturity and serious discussions about bringing an innocent, and life long demanding, life into

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