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Life After Dieting: A 90-Day Blueprint On How To Lose Weight, Defeat Sugar Addictions and Transform Your Health Forever.
Life After Dieting: A 90-Day Blueprint On How To Lose Weight, Defeat Sugar Addictions and Transform Your Health Forever.
Life After Dieting: A 90-Day Blueprint On How To Lose Weight, Defeat Sugar Addictions and Transform Your Health Forever.
Ebook191 pages2 hours

Life After Dieting: A 90-Day Blueprint On How To Lose Weight, Defeat Sugar Addictions and Transform Your Health Forever.

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About this ebook

Life After Dieting is a step-by-step guide on how to transform your physical health forever. No matter the stage of your life and your fitness levels, this book will help you achieve your health goals more rapidly than you ever thought possible.

Samuel Hlonyana has helped and coached more than 2000 people around the world with the #90DaysWithoutSugar online program. The program has helped people defeat sugar addictions, lose weight and transform their health.

The book shares inspiring stories and principles where you will discover:

1. How to put together a simple, actionable health plan to help you stay committed.

2. Strategies to eat healthier, plant-based and whole meals.

3. How to start running for weight loss.

4. The core habits that bring changes to losing weight.

5. Small steps you can take to overcome sugar addictions

6. Methods on how to master consistency in health.

Life After Dieting will help you go through the process of weight loss, build long and lasting health habits and stay consistent until you get results.

“Losing weight is very easy while building habits is difficult, that is why people lose weight and gain it back. They didn’t build sustainable habits. Focus on building healthy habits, that is the secret of losing weight and keeping it off”

– Samuel Hlonyana

Release dateJul 16, 2019
Life After Dieting: A 90-Day Blueprint On How To Lose Weight, Defeat Sugar Addictions and Transform Your Health Forever.

Samuel Hlonyana

Samuel Hlonyana is passionate about God, his family and helping people become a better version of themselves. He went through a health transformational journey after experimenting with going without sugar and processed foods for 90 days. He lost 13 kilograms, dropped a pant size, drank more water, eat healthier and could run 5 kilometers, three to five times a week without stopping. He currently runs marathons regularly. He created the #90DaysWithoutSugar email program after people began to ask for 'the secret'. The program has helped more 2000 people lose weight, defeat sugar and build sustainable health habits. The growth of the program led to his first book: "Life After Dieting: A 90-Day Blueprint On How To Lose Weight, Defeat Sugar and Transform Your Health Forever". The book is about the 90 Day Movement philosophy, an extension of the #90DaysWithoutSugar program and principles on how to develop consistency and longevity in health.

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    Book preview

    Life After Dieting - Samuel Hlonyana

    Life After Dieting

    A 90-Day Blueprint on How to Lose

    Weight, Defeat Sugar Addiction and

    Transform Your Health Forever.

    Samuel Hlonyana

    Copyright © 2019 Samuel Hlonyana

    Published by Samuel Hlonyana Publishing at Smashwords

    First edition 2019

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without permission from the copyright holder.

    The Author has made every effort to trace and acknowledge sources/resources/individuals. In the event that any images/information have been incorrectly attributed or credited, the Author will be pleased to rectify these omissions at the earliest opportunity.

    Medical Disclaimer: Because everyone is different and has dietary needs or restrictions, the dieting and nutritional information provided in this book does not constitute professional advice and it is not substitute for expert medical advice. Individuals should always check with a doctor before undertaking a dieting, weight loss, or exercise program and should continue only under a doctor’s supervision. While we provide the advice and information in this book in the hopes of helping individuals improve their overall health, multiple factors influence a person’s results and individuals results may vary. When a doctor’s advice to an individual conflict with the advice provided in this book, the individual should always follow the doctor’s advice. Patients should not stop taking any of their medications without the consultation of their physician.

    Samuel Hlonyana


    Twitter: @mohausam and @9movement


    This book is the result of many years of searching and learning from many mentors, teachers, supporters, advisors, counsellors, friends and family who have invested their time, energy and interest in my life. For this I thank you.

    To my wife, Nontokozo and son, Mohau for their unwavering support and allowing me to spend so much time developing the #90DayMovement and writing this book. The book would have never made it to print if it wasn’t for my wife’s constant encouragement, Thank you for that.

    To the team at Reach Publishers thank you for the development and delivery of this work, you are a writer’s dream.

    To all the members and family of the #90DayMovement who allowed me the privilege of sharing and testing the ideas and principles in this book through our online interactions. Without you, the dream would have just remained the dream. I am forever grateful

    Most importantly, I would like to thank God, The Father In Jesus Name for giving me the gift to touch and help so many people’s lives, it has been an honour to be a custodian of God’s dream of making health a lifestyle.

    Table of Contents




    Section 1: Healthy Eating

    Chapter 1: Week One

    How to make the #90DaysWithoutSugar program a success

    Chapter 2: Week Two

    Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?

    Chapter 3: Week Three

    Are all fats really bad for our health?

    Chapter 4: Week Four

    What about Carbs and Protein?

    Section 2: Exercising

    Chapter 5: Week Five

    You can’t out exercise or our-run a POOR diet

    Chapter 6: Week Six

    Focus on building habits.

    Chapter 7: Week Seven

    Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

    Chapter 8: Week Eight

    Learn to Celebrate Small Wins

    Section 3: Healthy Habits

    Chapter 9: Week Nine

    Wellness Is A LONG Game. Be Patient.

    Chapter 10: Week Ten

    Managing Stress while losing weight

    Chapter 11: Week Eleven

    Lack of Sleep May Be Hampering Your Weight Loss Efforts

    Chapter 12: Week Twelve

    Meaningful Relationship Are as Important as Eating Healthy.

    Chapter 13: Final Week

    The End of a Matter Is Better Than The Beginning.

    Section 4: Post 90 Days Without Sugar

    Chapter 14

    Finish Before You Start

    Chapter 15

    Two is Better Than One

    Chapter 16

    Results Are Predicable

    Chapter 17

    Master the Lesson

    Chapter 18

    Nothing fails like success



    My Story and The Origin of the 90-Day Movement.

    We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. - Albert Einstein

    I come from a family that is plagued with weight issues. It seems everyone in the family--my father and siblings inclusive, struggles with maintaining regular weight. As a family, we must take care of our bodies lest our waistline will expand uncontrollably. I have friends who are able eat anything without any form of exercise in their routines, yet they never gain weight. I am the opposite; once I eat processed sugar and refined fats, the extra kilograms start showing on me.

    Issues of easy weight gain have necessitated the search for solutions far and wide. In recent years, we have become a family of regular dieters; we have tried almost every diet under the sun—the13-day diet, the military, the banting diet—you name it. We have tried them all.

    I have always been a chubby child; however, that started becoming a problem when I attained adolescence and entered high school. Aside bullying, which was a motivator, my first attempted weight-loss was motivated by a positive reason—my determination to make it to the soccer first team. I wanted to lose weight so that I could improve my form and speed. I decided to stop eating mielie meal/pap for a year and I lost a lot of weight; that was my first low-carb diet. The results were amazing—I improved my running pace; I became lighter and fitter. Unfortunately, I didn’t achieve the motivation for my weight-loss journey as I made the second team instead of the first team I was gunning for.

    During the rest of my teen and young adult years, I maintained the same weight even when I ate unhealthily and stopped playing soccer fulltime. Consequently, my weight problems began to resurface after I got married. That year, there were many variables in my life that changed, but I can’t pinpoint which specific factor made my weight gain spiral out of control. The year I got married, I also bought my first car and moved into our home. In my culture, there is a belief that weight gain equates to happiness. Going by this logic, I guess I was at my happiest that year and that led to the weight gain. I went from weighing 75 kilograms to hovering around 100 and 110 kilograms.

    I tried going back to my childhood conditioning of dieting by joining different diet routines; my wife and I embarked on any known kind of diet routine. We saw results by losing the weight; plot twist was, we gained double of the weight we lost. An epitome of taking one step forward and moving two steps backwards. We even signed up for the gym; however, managed to go for two months and wasted the rest of the 24-month contract.

    The year 2018, I decided to lose weight for the umpteenth time. One thing I did different this time, before embarking on the healthy journey, was that I read a dozen of goal-setting and personal development books. I started noticing a recurring pattern in getting results and making them permanent. One of the recurring principles or idea I learned was that people need to change what they do daily in order to improve their lives and make changes permanent.

    I started reading about habits of successful and productive people. The second principle I discovered was how to build habits. I found out that it takes between 21 and 30 days to start mastering habits and it takes 90 days to turn a habit into a lifestyle.

    The initial idea of the #90DayMovement started to take shape in my mind. The philosophy behind the #90DayMovement is founded on the principle of focusing on one small and practical step or action. This simple action should be repeated for 90 days or until a person gains expertise in it. The main idea is to transform this simple action into a habit and then work on making it a part of your lifestyle.

    The initial #90DaysWithoutSugar program is about transforming people’s health by challenging them to go 90 days without consuming saturated fats, processed sugar and foods. However, I also found out that the #90DayMovement principles can be used beyond the health arena. As an example, you can use the same principles to transform your personal finances; you may start tracking your daily expenses for 90 days. This seemingly insignificant act creates a sense of awareness of one’s spending habit. Awareness of reckless spending and bad habits may help people to practise financial prudence. I am confident that the #90DayMovement principles can bring lasting changes to spiritual growth, professional goals, family relationships and to professional or business life.

    #90DaysWithoutSugar Challenge.

    Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practised every day.- Jim Rohn

    The #90DaysWithoutSugar challenge was supposed to be my personal experiment of putting the principles of the #90DayMovement into practice. After I had learned about daily actions and habits, I initially announced the challenge on my Twitter feed and asked people to commit and join me on the journey; however, many of them fell off after just a couple of weeks.

    Why did I start with sugar?

    Many people have asked me why I chose to begin with avoiding sugar. It was simple for me as sugar was one of the food groups I was addicted to. My ‘sweet tooth’ started before I was even born; my dad and mom both had this trait. Dad was put off sugar; he used sweetener and condensed milk as sugar substitutes. My mom, on the other hand, always had a stock of sweets in her bag and closet.

    One of my earliest sugar memories was me stealing my dad’s condensed milk and ate it straight from the container; the sugar rush hit immediately. I can still taste it in my mouth today. I hope my father doesn’t read this book, as I vehemently denied stealing it.

    When I moved to primary school, my sugar addiction started to spiral out of control. Eight or more teaspoonfuls of sugar in my coffee or tea (I had multiple cups daily), candy floss, fudge, sweets, chocolates and daily soda or fizzy drinks became the norm in my life. I started having problems with my teeth. The dentist suggested that I got braces. After some time, I had to take out two teeth. As many of you know, there isn’t any pain that equals the pain of taking out a tooth; now, imagine taking out two. OUCH! I had gaps between my teeth as my sugar consumption caused more cavities and these resulted in having to lose more teeth. In all, I lost four teeth due to my sugar addiction.

    At that point of my life I didn’t connect my teeth issues with sugar. I just thought I was being hard-done by life and I only had to adjust. My love for sugar escalated when I started to earn a living. I had my own money and I could get any sophisticated sugar treats I wanted. My obsession with doughnuts and cakes began here. Every time I passed their stores, I had to get at least one doughnut—sometimes more. My wife was shocked when she didn’t want to cook dinner one night and I seriously suggested we had ice cream as the main course, some cake as dessert and

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