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A Fall of Dust
A Fall of Dust
A Fall of Dust
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A Fall of Dust

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About this ebook

When you know the world is ending, what would you do? Some people give up. Others tend to go a little crazy. Then there are the planners and the ones that refuse to believe things will end. Nick Theopolis, convienience store owner, reader, and planner is one of those. 

It won't be easy. Mobs, hunger, and collapse of general infrastructure. Don't worry, he's got a plan for most of that.

Release dateMar 23, 2019
A Fall of Dust

Philip Clubine

Philip Clubine has often referred to himself as a "Jack of all trades, master of none". He's spent most of his time in Ontario, Canada and is happy there, more or less. He started writing small things years ago, trying to get things right. Finally, things changed and he started driving forward with ideas and characters that eventually lead to him realizing that sharing is better then keeping things hidden on his hard drive. He's the proud father of a young son, and involved in a relationship with his loving wife.

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    A Fall of Dust - Philip Clubine


    Philip Clubine

    This book is a work of fiction. Locations, organizations, or real people are used to lend a sense of authenticity to the setting and are used fictitiously. All other characters and incidents are made up whole cloth by the author and aren’t meant to resemble people living or dead.

    Copyright © 2019 Philip Clubine

    All Rights Reserved

    For Tammy, who believes in me.

    Also, for my son who showed me what I can become.

    And for all the rest that have poked and prodded me here and there

    along the way.

    Thank you to everyone.


    The world was ending. The asteroid was a massive one. It had started innocently enough as a dot of light on piece of film. Or was it a digital file? It didn’t matter really. It still meant the same thing.  The early details weren’t all that important, just that it’s orbit would intersect with one planet.

    Sirhan was sitting at his desk office going over the daily and weekly reports. When he had started his career in astronomy he had expected to spend all his time looking through telescopes and hoped for finding new and wonderful things. Reality eventually ground him down and now here he was twenty years later running herd on the new and established astronomers. It wasn’t that bad really. It had been discovered that he had the talent to run things and run things well for his department. He may not be making those discoveries, at least though he had the ability to direct and mentor the younger scientists and it had given him great satisfaction.

    So today was looking like a normal and typical day, until the knock on the door. He looked up at the open door and saw Matthew. Matthew had been working there for about a year now and had focused on Near Earth Objects. It was a tedious job at the best of times but Matthew seemed to flourish at that type of work. Today though, he had a worried look. Sirhan sighed wearily and thought that this could be either very good or very bad, or just another false alarm.

    Good morning Matthew, what can I help you with today?

    Morning boss, Matthew answered. I think we might have a small problem.

    Another object orbit intersection again?

    Uh, yeah. Actually I think it may be worse than that though. I have done the preliminary calculations and it appears to be an impact event.

    Sirhan sat more erect, all thoughts of paperwork going out of his head. Are you sure? No, you aren’t. Otherwise you won’t be bringing it to me this way. What have you got.

    Matthew walked over to Sirhan after closing the door to the office. He reached out with a USB stick and dropped it on the desk in front of Sirhan. Here, I copied the findings, the preliminary calculations, and conclusions. Figured it would be easier then pulling up all the links from the server.

    Sirhan stared down at the brightly colored USB stick as if a live viper had been dropped in his lap. He carefully picked it up and flipped it over end to end in his hands. When did you discover it?

    First discovery was eight months ago. Final tracking and orbital calculations were completed last night.

    How much time do we have really?

    If my calculations are correct? A year or so. I’m sorry for ruining your day like this.

    Sirhan glanced briefly at his desk calendar, December 21, winter solstice. A year? That isn’t enough time to do anything really.

    I know, Matthew answered looking miserable. That’s why I am bringing this to your attention like this. I am hoping that I am off and that instead of an impact that it’s a near miss. Maybe I slipped a decimal or something. I don’t think that’s the case though.

    How big, Sirhan asked softly.

    Matthew threw his hands out to either side of him, Big, in fact very big. Still trying to figure out the composition, either rock or iron. Definitely not a comet remnant. So far size is around 3600 meters in diameter.

    Sirhan’s eyes grew wide, That large! This is not going to be pretty. Have you talked to anyone else about this?

    Just a couple guys on my team. Managed to get some triangulation data from a couple other observatories without giving away my fears I think.

    Sirhan shakily inserted the USB stick into the port on his desk top, fumbling around a couple of times before it seated properly. He pulled up the files and quickly went over them briefly scanning for the information they contained.

    Can’t really tell if you have made a mistake yet. I am going to need to have this checked out thoroughly. This is going to need to be kicked higher. Sorry, Matthew, this is out of your hands now.

    Kind of figured that would be the case. Something like this though couldn’t be sat on any longer.

    You do know that your name is going to be attached to this right?

    Matthew sighed wearily, Yeah, I know. I wasn’t looking for this type of fame. The discoverer of the end of the world.

    I’m sorry, guess you better get back to work. Any of this information able to accessed from an outside server?

    I don’t think so. I can’t guarantee that for sure. Once I realized that I may be looking at something I tried to lock down as much access as I could. Guess I should have come forward sooner?

    Sirhan shook his head, No, you did everything you should have. No need to jump to conclusions if you don’t have enough facts. Go, get back to work. I will deal with this now. I hope we have enough time to do what we can.

    Thanks, I will try to work, can’t say that I will be able to though.

    Any plans for the holidays? Sirhan inquired.

    I think I will be going to my folks for Christmas. Wasn’t really planning on it before. They will be pleasantly surprised though. I don’t think I will get a chance next year.

    Family is important. Keep your phone charged and on in case we need to contact you.

    Thanks Sirhan. Talk to you later?

    Yes, we will be talking later. Now get out of here, I have a lot of work ahead of me.

    Matthew stood up from the chair and slumped out of the office, closing the door behind him as he left. Sirhan looked at the orbital chart and the presumed impact date and shook his head. He opened up his contact list for emergencies and dialed the first number on the list. The phone rang briefly and a voice answered stating he had reached the Planetary Defense Coordination Office.

    This is Sirhan Guphdeet from CNEOS, I need to talk to your director. We have very large problem.

    Part One


    Chapter One

    June 1st: Six Months to Impact

    We are asking everyone to be calm in this time of crisis, Was the opening statement by the prime minister. Nick was sitting in his living room watching the announcement of the coming asteroid strike. He was only watching it because there was nothing else on TV. at the moment. He glanced around the small living room in his apartment above his convenience store. Looking at the family pictures hanging on the wall, shelves of books, knick knacks that had belonged to his mother and father.

    He hadn’t changed things much since they had passed all those years ago. Absently he bounced the remote control for the TV. in his hand as he sat quietly in his large easy chair. The well worn covering showing it’s age. Nick sighed as he tried to follow the rules and requests from the prime minister and thought about checking what other world leaders were saying.

    All thoughts and emotions were a turmoil as he looked over the treasures he had collected from his life. A plaque here, a certificate there, a medal mounted with his old unit’s cap badge in a place of prominence to acknowledge his time of service before he had to return home. He turned his attention from the TV. to his computer on the desk he had set up on the back of the living room. The e-mail he had received over a week ago still running through his head. The drone of the prime minister came to an end and all the political talking heads had taken over discussing in a hushed panic of what was just said.

    Nick turned off the TV. and thought about the announcement that had been delivered by the prime minister. It had been about what he expected. Price controls, don’t panic, things will be dealt with. All the usual hog wash that could have been lifted from a Hollywood epic screenplay. In fact he had his suspicions that some of it was. He had his doubts about any of the measures working. In fact, he had been making preparations ever since the rumors had started leaking from NASA and the ESA. Something this big was too hard to keep under wraps for long.

    The e-mail he had awoken to a week ago had been worrisome. His old army buddy Mark had given him a heads up which had meshed with the rumors he had heard. Mark had kept in contact with all his army friends after he had retired and had passed on the information about the preparations being made. He advised Nick to start working on the end of the world plans that they had discussed once a long time ago as a mental exercise when they were bored. He signed off saying that he would be too busy to contact anyone again. Just wished Nick good luck, and to stay safe.

    He stood up and went to his computer desk and logged into his email account to check on some of his orders. He then checked his credit card balance to see how much grace he had on it. Finally he logged into his bank account to see what funds were available there. Things were possible if he continued with his planning and purchases. He had canceled some of his orders and made some new ones. He figured that he wouldn’t be able to hold onto perishable items after about a month from now. His storage rooms in the basement were fairly empty right now which was perfect. That meant more space for what he needed. Rice, beans, some spices, noodles, and possibly other grains. He opened the drawer to the desk and pulled out the notebook he had. Carefully he went through the list and started starring important items that would be needed and what might be considered luxury items. He looked around his living room and made a note to get a measuring tape.

    He would miss the TV., it wouldn’t be useful anyways. He looked at the one bookshelf that covered the wall behind his favorite chair and smiled at the thought of increasing his personal library. Online book sales was a god send. And he had found all the books he knew wouldn’t be in second hand book stores. He would have to close up the shop for a few days so that he could go through all the second hand stores downtown. Looking for whatever caught his eyes. A trip to Home Depot was going to be needed as well for the lumber to build the additional bookshelves.

    He went back over his list and thought about what else he could add that he hadn’t thought of. Medical supplies! He should lay in a stock of first aid kits, and assorted other needed emergency first aid supplies as well. He tapped his pen on the half full page of writing. He paused and then added copper tubing to the list, glass jars of the large type, and other distillation needs. He had ordered a lot of water filtration devices that said they were good for thousands of liters of water. He got as many as he thought he would need and then doubled it. Fresh water was as important as food. He was going to be busy for the next month or so, and in the end it would be worth it. His neighbors would depend on him as they always had. And it was his goal to ensure that they would want for as little as possible.

    He paused as the sounds of sirens went screaming down the road outside his building. Probably nothing, or maybe the beginning. He hoped things weren’t starting already. He put it out of his mind and went back to making his plans. There was a chance of survival, and he was going to stack the deck as much as possible in his favor before everything came crashing down. No matter what the prime minister and his ministers were spouting, things were going to crash, and crash hard. That was before the asteroid struck. They had their wishes and dreams. Nick though worked the front lines serving people and knew how fragile the whole system was. It had just taken a hit, and the wobble was about to knock the whole edifice over.

    Chapter Two

    June 8

    It was a warm sunny morning. Traffic was busy as usual along the front of the store and the roadway beside it. The back alley behind it was empty and quiet. All the people that parked there were gone to work, or just gone. Nick was pacing back and forth while he waited for the delivery to arrive.

    Nick was waiting by the back door when the delivery truck showed up. On time as usual. The store was closed while he waited for the delivery. He figured maybe one or two more and that would be it. The driver, Jack, hopped out along with someone new that he didn’t recognize.

    Morning Jack, Nick started, See you got some help today?

    Morning Mr. Theopolis. Yeah, we have a lot of large orders today besides yours. Going into the bulk food business?

    Nick smiled, Possibly. Thinking about expanding my horizons really. Lot of people in this area depend on my small shop and figured I would give them something more to purchase.

    Well, it’s going to take a little while to unload, even with the two of us moving stuff around. Where do you want it all? Downstairs?

    No need. Just put as much as you can in the back room. I made space earlier so that you wouldn’t have to worry about climbing all those stairs.

    That’s what I like about delivering to your store Mr. T., you always try to be considerate to my back. Jack had move to the back of the truck and opened it. His helper was standing beside him as they set up the lift to take out the pallets of bagged food. Have to say, that’s a lot of beans and rice here. Not hoarding are you? Cause if you are we have to report you.

    Nick shook his head, Nope, not hoarding. Just getting stock in for customers. Seriously, do you think I could eat all this on my own? Would take me years just to get through a large bag of the stuff.

    Jack winked, Gotcha, not hoarding, shop stock stuff. Oh, forgot to mention, word is coming down from corporate that all deliveries are going to be slower than normal. Been a big run on stuff lately and they are having issues keeping things in supply. You got lucky when you got your order in, that’s for sure.

    I was figuring that would happen. Don’t think there will be too much more I will be needing anyway until things get settled down. Hear any word through the grapevines, Nick asked hoping for some news that wasn’t filtered through the media talking heads.

    Jack’s assistant spoke up, "Got a couple friends that are truckers. They are getting

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