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Behind Closed Doors
Behind Closed Doors
Behind Closed Doors
Ebook47 pages52 minutes

Behind Closed Doors

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It had seemed so simple. Jack and Sandi take a vacation in the Caribbean. Just a chance to get away from it all; the kids, the jobs. Everything! Nothing but Pina Coladas, white sandy beaches and crystal blue seas. And, there was that rather risqué bikini he’d gotten for her! Hopefully, a chance to reignite their love life after seven years together?

At least, it seemed simple, until they met Eduardo and Gabriela! Two hot Latin swingers vacationing from Mexico City. Induced to join the two swingers, Sandi convinces Jack that it’s a way to jumpstart their love life. Jack spending the night with the lushly beautiful Gabriela, while Sandi finds her petite curves swept away in the arms of her Latin lothario.

Really, who knows what goes on behind closed doors? And, Sandi’s not about to tell. But, there is still a morning after to contend with. And, with that new dawn, there always comes a reckoning... How will Jack feel about her now? Will their night of debauchery reignite the fire of passion between them? Or, turn it into a cold and dying ember? After all, just how would you handle seeing your wife, used and soiled? The unmistakable marks of another man on her petite body?

Release dateMay 11, 2018
Behind Closed Doors

Richard Carlisle

I love to read! Some of my favorite authors are people like Tess Gerritsen, Craig Johnson, Jefferson Bass, Dan Brown and Michael Crichton. Having spent a lot of years traveling around the country, my wife and I currently live in the Western United States. I try to bring the travels and experiences that we've enjoyed to light in my writing. Some of my stories are based on real life, some on fantasy. But, it is all intended to provide erotic enjoyment for you. You'll find that I like writing about sexy ladies, and their ability to wind us around their little finger! What a way to go! You'll find tales of cuckolding, swinging, multiple sexual partners and other erotic situations. Enjoy!

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    Behind Closed Doors - Richard Carlisle

    Behind Closed Doors

    By Richard Carlisle

    Copyright Richard Carlisle 2018

    Published by Richard Carlisle at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    The following is a work of fiction. Names, characters and places are solely based on the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. This book is intended for adult audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes and language that may be considered offensive by some readers. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older and all acts of a sexual nature are consensual. Sexual acts depicted without the use of protection are strictly for the enjoyment of the reader. Please practice safe sex.


    Chapter 1

    It felt strange sitting here at the dinner table, just the four of us. Other diners all around us casually talking and enjoying their dinners. Yet, here we were, our conversations strained. At least, it seemed that way to me. As exciting as Gabriela was, and believe me, she was exciting. I couldn’t quite get over the way Eduardo’s eyes kept devouring Sandi. Like she was dessert or something. Which, in a way, I suppose she was…

    I’d reluctantly agreed to this night of debauchery, but I still wasn’t happy about it. This was supposed to be our vacation. A chance to get closer together, reconnect. Add some spark back into our relationship. To get away from the kids and the daily grind that had worn us both down. I’d managed to pick up a decently priced trip package to the resort at the last minute. Honestly, I’d been looking forward to a week of sunshine and sandy beaches. Maybe, finally getting to see Sandi in that little bikini I’d gotten for her last year? She couldn’t complain about the Caribbean being too cold. She looked hot in it, too.

    Gabi and Eduardo had latched onto us that first day down at the beach. They were vacationing here from Mexico City, seemingly a world apart from our wintry home in Chicago. Both of them spoke excellent English, which was a lot more than I could say for my rusty Spanish. College now a long way behind me, and no real reason to use the language credits I’d accumulated while getting my IT degree.

    Eduardo was leaning in, whispering something in Sandi’s ear now. I had no idea what he’d said, but it made her giggle. Giggle! Seeing her now, she was acting like some shy schoolgirl that the campus stud had unexpectedly taken a shine to. It was hard to miss the sultry bedroom eyes, the sexy little pout, her tongue licking her lips seductively. Oh, she was excited. No doubt about it. I bet her pussy was leaking like crazy. Something that I hadn’t managed to achieve from her for a long time.

    Honestly, she was probably out of my league. I have no idea how I’d been lucky enough to be the guy she agreed to marry. And, I did love my wife. Honestly. I just had… Taken her for granted after all

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