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Detective, Seduced
Detective, Seduced
Detective, Seduced
Ebook38 pages31 minutes

Detective, Seduced

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I started looking at Dawes more frequently after twenty minutes. After another fifteen minutes, I took a refill of my beer and headed over to Dawes.
“Can I help you?” she asked before I had to make a smart—but not too smart—comment.
“I would have asked you the same question. I thought I caught you looking at me.” I smiled to show I took no offense—that I was flattered, that I would gladly be escorted back to her bed after we flirted for a while.
“Do you mind if I sit? Then you can look all I want.”
Dawes looked like she wanted to correct me. She also looked me up and down and then nodded. Dawes was more than worth looking at herself. Tall and brunette. She wasn’t traditionally thin, but the extra weight came in the form of muscles. Nothing bulged out, but I could imagine her physically taking down criminals trying to escape. Her smile was just as charming.

Mina was looking forward to a pleasant affair with a rich Austrian woman, Karli—with the affair crowned by the theft of Karli’s naughty art as much as by sex (Mina is a false identity of the burglar known as the Wolf, who uses sex and seduction to help her pull off her heists). But that affair ended prematurely with an assassin intruding upon their lovemaking. Mina barely escaped with her own life.

Now she’s on the run. The police suspect her of killing Karli. Additionally, Mina has to worry about whoever sent the assassin after her and now wants to ruin her life.

But the Wolf has a plan to track down the man who wants her dead. And fortunately, it involves plenty of sex. That seems the best way to gain the help of two of the best private detectives she ever encountered. Since only one, Thomas Fowler, would recognize her, the Wolf can seduce his wife, Lydia Dawes and use their affair to gain access to their files

And, really, just as much as information, the Wolf needs a little naughty intimacy to help her reset her mind and put her in a mindset where she can regain control of her life. Lydia Dawes is a much better woman to sleep with than anyone she meets in a hotel while trying to hide—like the Wolf, detectives Dawes and Fowler use sex and seduction in their detective work.

Warning: contains explicit descriptions of adult behavior.

Detective, Seduced is part 2, following Illicit Art, of The Wolf in the Sheep’s Den a novel to be serialized weekly. The Wolf previously appeared in another standalone novel, The Wolf, Seductive Burglar.

PublisherA.S. Peavey
Release dateJun 15, 2016
Detective, Seduced

A.S. Peavey

A.S. Peavey began writing erotica in a micro caption-based form (which you can check out on Tumblr), before branching to explore the world of longer form stories and novels. Peavey is excited by the opportunities offered to expand on those shorter stories, and grasp what tugs at the libido. Peavey lives along the Rocky Mountains, going out to hike and bike when time and the weather allow.

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    Book preview

    Detective, Seduced - A.S. Peavey


    Part 2 of The Wolf in the Sheep’s Den

    A.S. Peavey

    Copyright 2016 A.S. Peavey

    All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted by applicable copyright laws, no portion of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted without the express written permission of the publisher.

    This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and coincidental.

    Published by Peavey Publishing

    Warning: contains explicit descriptions of adult behavior.



    Copyright Page

    Table of Contents

    Detective, Seduced

    Other Works by A.S. Peavey

    About the Author

    I took one last look at my assailant, the blood spilling out of him. I still didn’t know why he’d come here, much less how he had found me. I suppose it was only just a guess that he was interested in killing me, and not Karli, my girlfriend and would have been burglary victim, who he had succeeded in assassinating. I had a feeling that he didn’t know me from Eve, but I would bet he had a boss who wanted vengeance from me. Unfortunately, I didn’t think he was in any mood to talk, and I wasn’t in any mood to question him anyway.

    He’d be dead soon, anyway.

    Instead, I headed to the front door and walked out onto the driveway, down thirty feet to where the whole valley was visible. I couldn’t see the police coming. No; I didn’t expect to make out their cars if they were still miles away, near the village. But their blazing lights would have made them readily visible in the distance. And there were no lights.

    Karli must have forgotten to turn on the alarm.

    It wouldn’t have done her much good anyway. And now it gave me a chance to avoid the clean up from this mess. I don’t have anything against the police, and I wish them well when they aren’t pursuing me; I hoped they could figure out who my assailant was. Who had sent him?

    But I had a feeling this was bigger than they could handle.

    Plus, as a thief, someone who had been planning to rob from Karli, and who—under my working moniker, the Wolf—is one of the most wanted burglars the world over, I didn’t want to spend more time around the police than I really had to. They’d want to keep me for questioning; they’d probably want me to stick around for weeks. All time when my cover could be blown.

    And a

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