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Private Party: Box Set
Private Party: Box Set
Private Party: Box Set
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Private Party: Box Set

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About this ebook

This box set describes the same events from both male and female perspectives.

After a night of hot sex at the local swingers' venue, including heterosexual and lesbian couplings, Chris and Melissa are recruited to assist in smoking out a hypocritical fanatic who is seeking to shut down their favourite swingers club. The Carters engage in a wide variety of sexual escapades with several partners. The evening begins with anonymous sex with an East Indian couple, continues with a burlesque show, goes on to an orgy and includes a touch of anal sex.

Will the infiltrator be discovered and neutralized? Who will the police believe?

This box set which includes the same story from both male and female perspectives, is the best value for the money. For more details, see the separate stories Private Party His and Private Party Hers.

Release dateOct 12, 2015
Private Party: Box Set

Jason Pinaster

If you would like to be on my mailing list, please click on the box at the very bottom of the column under my photo. You will receive prompt notification of my new publications and special offers.I have heard say that the first obligation of a writer is to entertain. If so, the first obligation of a writer of erotica is to arouse and I hope you feel that I have succeeded.I believe that story sets the scene. A story lets the reader start to care for the characters in it. And if the reader cares about the characters, it is easier for him or her to identify with their arousal, to let that arousal tingle the reader’s own skin.Christopher Carter is a lawyer who’s into BDSM and other hijinks, most of them sexual. His stories feature a little fun, lots of sex, a little adventure, and Carter's special brand of justice. Lusty Lee was a private investigator whose nemesis forced her to pursue him through a new kink in each episode. The Mistress Megan stories take her through her development as a dominatrix during which she must satisfy their every fetish.While my current focus is on stories featuring (in order of frequency) erotic combat, wet and messy, action-adventure and tickling, I’m open to anything which turns me (and hopefully you) on. I dabble in sex games and BDSM. I have published two novellas set in Hedonism II, the notorious Jamaican resort and even one featuring a sentient sex robot.At present, I’m developing a Patreon page showcasing erotic combat vignettes: feel free to contact me at And don’t forget to click on the box at the very bottom of the column under my photo. Cheers!

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    Book preview

    Private Party - Jason Pinaster

    Private Party: Box Set: His & Hers

    by Jason Pinaster

    Copyright 2015 Jason Pinaster

    Published by Jason Pinaster at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people outside your household. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely and entirely coincidental and not intended by the author. In short: this story is not about you, anyone you know or about the acts or omissions of anyone living or dead.

    The cover art is Pierrot's Embrace by Guillaume Seignac

    Special Acknowledgment: I wish to express my gratitude to my wife, Penny Pinaster, for her invaluable assistance with this project.

    Table of Contents

    Front Matter

    Private Party: Hers

    Private Party: His

    Back Matter

    Private Party: Hers A Christopher Carter Story circa 1998

    Editor’s Note: Open sex at public venues, including inside swinger’s clubs, was illegal in Canada until the Supreme Court legalized them in 2005. There was constant concern of being outed or persecuted by the police. Prior to the court’s rulings, swingers hooked up at dance parties but sex occurred only in hotel rooms or at private parties, usually at the residence of a swinger couple.

    Melissa walks up to the nightclub, a few steps behind Christopher Carter. A cop on a motorcycle pauses to note the licence plate of a car parked on the street. The cop will be back in two hours to see if the car has over-stayed the permitted two hours. For once Chris’s idea of paying to park at the municipal lot had been a good idea. At the nightclub, there’s a letter-sized piece of paper taped to the door with ‘Private Party’ in big letters. This is the place, Chris announces and holds the door open for Melissa, his wife, making her feel at once feminine and important. It is after all a date night.

    Inside there’s another couple in front of them at the check-in table. They’re newbies, so the host couple is explaining the rules of the club. No penetration, fondling is okay, if you want sex, you need to go off premises, we have a special deal with the hotel around the corner. ‘No means no’ but there are many swingers here, so don’t be offended if someone asks. Safe sex is a must…

    Melissa’s heard it all before so she tunes the patter out and turns around towards the club entrance. She catches sight of herself and Carter in one of the mirrors scattered about the club. She’s just a few inches short of his six feet. Tonight she’s wearing a denim mini-skirt and a pink t-shirt; he’s wearing tight fitting jeans and a matching vest. Jeans aren’t usually allowed at the club, but Denim Night is an exception. The couple behind are younger, she’s wearing a short black mini-skirt and red blouse, he’s in black dress pants and a white shirt. Melissa says ‘hi’ but they’re too shy to engage. Carter steps forward to the host couple, greets them by name, and pays the $20 cover charge.

    As they move to their table, Carter is folding up a flyer. What’s that?, she asks.

    There’s a private party next week. He puts the flyer in his back pocket. Melissa wonders why he’s put it in his back pocket where it will obscure the lovely roundness of his butt.

    What’s the party theme?


    What type of costumes?

    Performers, clowns, like that.

    She’d have preferred more detail on the dress theme, but moves on. Where is it?

    West end?

    Have we been there before?

    Carter shrugs.

    Good—he doesn’t know. One more question and he’ll have to show me the flyer. Who’s hosting?

    Carter sighs, removes the flyer from his pocket and unfolds it for her. The letters are large and round, as if made of balloons. Small drawings of clowns, a trapeze artist and a magic act festoon the edges. The host couple are John and Judy, she announces.

    She folds the flyer back up, gives it an extra fold and stuffs into his vest pocket. We should go. You could wear your leather pants and fluffy white shirt. I could wear my flouncy damsel-in-distress dress. You’ll have the small whip circled around your left arm—the evil circus master kidnapping the local girls.

    Isn’t that dress a bit much for a swinger’s party?

    You said I looked good in it.

    But only if you don’t wear a bra.

    That’s okay—the French Revolution Josephine look?

    And maybe panties optional?

    Melissa wonders why men always think it’s sexy when a girl’s got no panties on? Maybe they need an obvious invitation…

    The music becomes louder and couples stream onto the dance floor. Carter and Melissa follow suit. As they enter the dance floor she sees an older couple dancing slower, sensuously. She feels Carter spin her

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