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The Blue Cauldron
The Blue Cauldron
The Blue Cauldron
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The Blue Cauldron

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For Ruby, life is returning back to normal with one notable exception, her new found lover, Kieran. However, she's not prepared for a new threat that presents itself when another witch sets her sights on Ruby's wild magic. With Kieran away on pack business, she turns to his second-in-command, Chris, to help confront this new threat.
With Kieran summoned to a state-wide pack meeting, she's left alone without an anchor for her wild magic, forcing her to find unconventional means to make sure her emotions remain in check.

PublisherD.L. Baker
Release dateApr 10, 2015
The Blue Cauldron

D.L. Baker

D.L. Baker lives with her husband and daughter (plus two dogs) and is a stay-at-home mother. She writes erotica as a way to connect with others and unleash her inner animal so she can put on a smile in life and fool the masses. When she's not writing she entertains herself with gaming and reading.The best way to connect with her is via Twitter or Facebook; you can also visit her blog to see reviews and recommendations on other Erotica novels!

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    Book preview

    The Blue Cauldron - D.L. Baker

    The Blue Cauldron


    D.L. Baker

    Book 2 of

    The Wild Magic Series

    The Blue Cauldron

    D.L. Baker

    Published by D.L. Baker at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 D.L. Baker

    Cover art copyright Shmeljov /

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and above.


    A few months had gone by and the spring time air was starting to thaw out the ice and bring in new blooms. I had been with Kieran those blessed three months, having intense and passionate sex and reveling in not being hunted down by a mad man.

    The sex was great and my magic stayed in control, mostly.

    It was really my first experience dating someone for more than a one night fling. I wasn’t someone who partook in casual dalliances, but my powers— those tendrils of wild magic that would blow out lights and send candles aflame— wouldn’t allow me to have been with anyone for a long term period. Not if I wanted to keep my secret.

    That giant secret, that part of me that I kept hidden from most everyone, was that I was a witch. A self-taught, uncontrollable witch that had magic up the wazoo, and I had no idea what I was doing.

    That’s where Kieran came into play. When I met him months back, I was scared and timid and reluctant to be involved with anyone who triggered any emotion in me. It was a boring life full of books and solitary confinement in my apartment, but Kieran had unlocked this other side of me.

    He was the alpha werewolf to the Red Claw pack—a being whose sole purpose was to control magic, although normally the magic of his pack. He was able to take any errant magic that was let loose during the peak of my climax and filter it through his own body, giving it back in a more controlled state.

    Never had I heard of someone else like me before. Never had I understood that this was a special type of magic. Until that creep of a man, Jess, had tried to kidnap me and steal it.

    Jess had been dealt with, but it still left quite a few questions running through my mind. What marked me as special or unique also made me a target.

    I refused to join a coven, despite my boyfriend’s insistence. He ran the local club, The Witches Den—which was not just a clever name— that was the watering hole for all supernatural creatures in the area. He was privy to information because he offered them sanctuary.

    He was also very careful not to mention my name or let anyone know about this wild magic that was triggered every time my emotions went out of check. But he was able to do some snooping and he was coming up short.

    A few local covens had urged him to cut ties with whatever witch he knew that could wield this power. He was told that I was dangerous and he was in over his head. They strongly suggested that he should get me to attach myself to a coven so they could watch over me and control this wild magic.

    He got points for telling me to do what I felt right; he lost them any time he’d suggest I talk to a coven.

    I knew how people reacted to the unknown. I was a young witch coming into my powers, with no real discipline to help me control this foreign power—aside from Kieran.

    So instead of actively searching out a group of my fellow supes, I went to work at the bookstore—reading more than working— and would go back to my place and sometimes break the silence, and bed with Kieran.

    My cat Flip had finally gotten used to the errant bursts of magic around my place. He’d also gotten used to the supernatural canine that I kept inviting into my home. I’m pretty sure there was a small battle of wills in the beginning for alpha supremacy, however, against his nature, Kieran let Flip win and the cat tolerated his presence.

    My apartment hadn’t suffered much damage, little explosions and candlelight flickering, but otherwise Kieran was the best anchor I could have asked for. He also completely rocked my world, but that was neither here nor there.

    He also didn’t make fun of my penguin collection. With the end of the holiday season, it was harder to hide the fact that the penguins on display were not holiday cheer but something that stayed out all year.

    Stuffed animals, breakables, underwear, and slippers were strewn about my house in a chaotically neat organized structure. And not once did Kieran make fun of me, besides the occasional quirk of that handsome mouth. He got tons of points for that.

    Kieran was also helping me focus my abilities, demanding I concentrate and try to keep my emotions in check for the days when he wasn’t able to be there. He was preparing me for when he had to go to some conference of the state packs, where all werewolves converged to discuss something. He was very vague over the details, just informed me that for a few weeks he would be gone and wouldn’t be able to recycle any extra magic, or offer his protection personally.

    It had only been a few months since my brief kidnapping and attempted murder, but I was still a little twitchy which made my emotions scatter every which way.

    It’s strange how dependent I had become on someone I hadn’t known very long. I felt like I was getting in that pattern, needing Kieran to be there to contain this magic that was becoming harder and harder to control.

    My anchor was leaving town for a few weeks and I was all alone in a little bookstore. I was frightened of the magic I contained, but more than that, I was going to be lonely. I’d finally gotten used to having someone to go to, talk to, and fool around with. I loved the feel of his strong muscled arms wrapping around me, holding me tight in an innocent embrace that turned out to be anything but.

    I would miss the pleasure he could bring to me in a moments touch, the shivers that ran along my spine when he touched me lightly. I would miss the feeling of being able to lose control for those brief moments and just let my magic light up my body and watch our ethereal glows cascade along the walls.

    As dependent as I sounded, it was only because I’d never had this kind of relationship before. I’d never been with someone who truly accepted me, knew me, and could let me be. I’d also never felt so safe before. Somewhere, I knew I was probably suffering a little PTSD from the manic villain who had tied me up, but I had found my coping mechanism.

    Chapter 1

    Flip glared angrily as I messed with a strand of hair that would not stay put. It didn’t matter how many times I twirled my finger around it, or how much energy I poured into it. The stray lock refused to curl with every other part of my perfectly manicured hair. Instead I had an alien antenna that wouldn’t fit with the others and I had to admit defeat.

    I did my hair every day with magic—because what was the point of magic if you couldn’t do one frivolous thing with it? But to do magic, you had to have concentration and focus, a steady stream of calm thoughts. Unfortunately, I had anything but calming thoughts.

    I was due to meet Kieran in a half an hour for lunch before he had to make his getaway and meet with the other packs. A few weeks apart from him would probably do me some good. We had been moving very hot and heavy since we met and hadn’t had a chance to take a break from each other and see where our emotions led us.

    I wasn’t relishing the thought of

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