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Devoted Love II
Devoted Love II
Devoted Love II
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Devoted Love II

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About this ebook

The saga continues between Gene D Geralamo and Vinnie Corleone. Vinnie Corleone has put his daughters into hiding to keep them out of the clutches of Gene. Thorn and Adam recruit friends and contacts all over the world, to locate their lost loves. Rosebud and Angie finally accept their new life and move forward.

PublisherS.L. DeHart
Release dateSep 14, 2014
Devoted Love II

S.L. DeHart

I am a wife and a mother of two sons. From Ohio. Author of romance books. Devoted Love series. Seal's Revenge, Disregard Love. I started writing my first book five years ago. Unsure of my writing abilities I didn’t publish my work. I continued to write other good reads, but did not publish. Chock it up to maturity or an attitude I released my writings. I enjoy writing and have learned not to take the critics too seriously. I write the way I write. Please excuse me if I don’t get all the dangling modifiers correct or go by all the writing rules. I hope you enjoy reading my books.

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    Book preview

    Devoted Love II - S.L. DeHart

    Devoted Love

    Book 2

    S.L. DeHart

    Copyright ©2013 S.L. DeHart

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarities to persons living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    Chapter 1

    What the hell just happened? Thorn asks.

    Are you okay, you’re bleeding? Adam asks.

    I’m fine; a few scraps, you look as if you went through a blender.

    We were outnumbered; I think I hit the pavement one too many times. Adam said.

    We need to get home, clean up and call Vinnie.

    Adam and I got home and cleaned our wounds. Adam’s elbows were hamburger. We put antibiotic on all of our wounds, and I wrapped my knee because it was two times the size it should be. Adam and I knew the root of this problem, Gene. What had he done?

    Vinnie this is Thorn. I’m going to put you on speaker.

    Hello boys, I was expecting your call. I hear you got a little banged up. I’m sorry, but the guys wanted to get in and out and have the girls to safety.

    How are they and where are they? What the hell is going on?

    They are tucked away safely. You cannot know their location. I don’t want you guys to have contact. Gene will do anything and everything to find them. He sent a warning by blowing up Angie’s house.

    Jesus, what the hell is wrong with him? Adam said.

    I’m going to beat the shit out of him. Thorn said.

    You can’t get to him, his security is with him twenty four seven.

    We are his sons, we can get close enough. Thorn said.

    You should let me take care of this. It involves my family not yours.

    Angie and Rosebud are our family. We love them more than life its self. We don’t want to lose them. Nobody is going to take them from us without a fight. Adam said.

    Have the girls said they were dissolving our relationship? Thorn asks.

    No, I think they are still in shock. Angie has lost her home, poor Rosebud is a mess.

    We will replace her home; it will be whatever she wants. Adam said.

    I need to be with Rosebud, she needs me. She may be pregnant.

    Jesus Mary and Joseph, Gene cannot know this, he will move heaven and earth to eliminate that child. Listen to me; do not have any contact with the girls. Gene will be watching every move you make. Do not go near them, do not talk to them, nothing.

    Vinnie was pissed, but thank god he didn’t hold it against me and Adam. I think our father has bitten off more than he can chew. Vinnie is the strong arm of New York and the unspoken code is; one does not mess with one’s family. Our Father crossed the line and now he will have to face the consequences.

    We will do as you say, but we need to keep in contact with you.

    Adam and I headed to New York to see Gene. The dirty bastard needed his ass kicked and I was the one that was going to do it. We walked into our apartment and Mom greeted us.

    Mom what are you doing here; we were going to call you.Adam said.

    Mom always seems to show up at the right time. When we have problems with Gene, she usually comes to our rescue. She hugged Adam and me and said she was sorry.

    I talked to Vinnie and he told me what is going on. I thought you guys may need me for interference.

    I am going to kill the bastard Thorn said.

    Thorn if something were to happen to him you would be the first person the authorities would come to.

    He has gone too far. He could have killed Angie. Adam said.

    I know your Father has crossed the line. Vinnie is a patient man but he will not tolerate anyone trying to hurt his girls.

    Well we feel the same way, they are our girls also and we are not going to let some ass hurt them. Adam said.

    There is a way out of this. Your Father says if I come back to him he will lighten up on you.

    No no no! You will do no such thing; he is lying. He can’t face the fact that Vinnie and you are together. He doesn’t love you Mom; he wants to get over on Vinnie. Thorn said.

    How do you know Vinnie and I are seeing each other?

    We didn’t, but we knew it was a matter of time. When Vinnie looks at you, we can see the love in his eyes. You deserve to be happy Mom; please don’t sacrifice your happiness. It would be for nothing.

    Good evening Adam, Thorn. Gene said with a shitty smirk on his face.

    What the fuck is wrong with you? Thorn asks.

    Is that any way to address your father?

    You tried to kill Angie, have you lost your damn mind?Adam said.

    I have no idea what you are talking about, but to say I’m sorry that someone tried to kill her, I’m not. It could have been anyone attempting that deed.

    Are you happy now that you have ruined our relationships?Thorn asks.

    You are accusing me without proof. I will admit I am happy you and your brother are no longer associated with the Corleones. You brought disgrace to our good name.

    Who are you kidding; you ruined our name years ago. You fucked any woman who would have you and didn’t try to hide it. You are a ruthless tyrant who crushes anyone that says no to you. You have ruined many lives including ours. Thorn said.

    I knew it was useless to stand here and argue with him or try to make him change his attitude about the girls. We had to give him an opportunity to settle this without war. I don’t know what came over me; I leaped over his desk and punched him several times in the face. He fell backward onto the floor, holding his mouth. Blood was squirting from his mouth and nose. His eye had a cut at the brow and swelled instantly. His security tried to pull me off of him, but Adam grabbed the guy and knocked him to the ground telling him not to get up or he would shoot him. Several more of his security came running into the office and restrained me and Adam.

    Get these assholes out of here. Gene said as he wiped his face with his handkerchief.

    No need for an escort; we did what we came to do. Thorn said.

    Adam and I went back to our apartment to get our nerves settled.

    I need to calm down and come to my senses. This fighting is taking a toll on our bodies. My knee is screwed, my hand is swelling and your hands and elbows are a mess. I’m sure you are as sore as I am.

    Yea my body aches; I have bruises all over me. Adam said.

    Let’s take a few days to calm down and nurse our wounds. We will devise a plan to take care of this mess. I am not going to give up Rosebud. I know you will do what it takes to be with Angie.

    I am with you, whatever it takes.

    Mom showed up with takeout food. We weren’t hungry, but we ate a little so she wouldn’t worry.

    I hear you have been showing your ass, as your father put it. Tiffani said as she put more food on our plates.

    Mom, he got what he deserves. Adam said.

    I didn’t say he didn’t deserve it, but I want you two to be careful. I don’t want you to end up in prison.

    Mom we are done with the fighting, it didn’t do anything positive. Well that is not true. Adam and I unleashed some of our anger on him.

    I know it is hard boys, but nothing good ever comes from violence.

    Hello Mr. Corleone; how is life?

    What do you want Gene?

    My sons tell me your daughter had an unfortunate accident.

    What do you want?

    I hear your girls no longer want to be associated with my sons.

    Yes, they have decided they are too good for them. They are presently pursuing other beaus. Thank god they come to their senses.

    You should have stopped the relationships when they first started.

    I don’t dictate to my girls.

    Now for the other matter, you need to dissolve that also.

    You can go straight to hell Gene. When did you decide I take orders from you?

    She is my wife.

    "Yes in

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