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Devoted Love
Devoted Love
Devoted Love
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Devoted Love

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Thorn and Adam D Geralamo have severed all ties with their father Gene D Geralamo. Gene refuses to accept his sons have severed all ties with him and continues to interfere in their lives. Gene DGeralamo a Russian mob boss, discovers his son’s are seriously involved with his rival Vinnie Corleone’s , New York top mob boss’s daughters. Gene vows to dissolve their relationship and eliminate the girls.

PublisherS.L. DeHart
Release dateSep 14, 2014
Devoted Love

S.L. DeHart

I am a wife and a mother of two sons. From Ohio. Author of romance books. Devoted Love series. Seal's Revenge, Disregard Love. I started writing my first book five years ago. Unsure of my writing abilities I didn’t publish my work. I continued to write other good reads, but did not publish. Chock it up to maturity or an attitude I released my writings. I enjoy writing and have learned not to take the critics too seriously. I write the way I write. Please excuse me if I don’t get all the dangling modifiers correct or go by all the writing rules. I hope you enjoy reading my books.

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    Devoted Love - S.L. DeHart

    Devoted Love

    By S.L. DeHart

    Copyright ©2013 S.L. DeHart

    All rights reserved.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarities to persons living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


    Gene DeGeralamo stood up and extended his right hand to greet Paul.

    Hello Paul, please have a seat.

    I have the information you wanted. Paul says as he opens a folder he has in front of him.

    Let me get us a drink before you give me the bad news. Gene said as he poured himself a drink.

    No thank you, it is too early for me.

    Gene slowly walked back to his desk, sat down and put his feet up.

    I’m ready, let’s have it.

    Thorn and Adam have relocated. They are residing in California.

    Those two are ridiculous, who in the hell leaves France to live in California? said Gene as he shook his head.

    It is too soon to know if they are planning to make California their permanent residence. My informant says they bought out a manufacturing company and are planning on running the company themselves.

    See why I get pissed, they do stupid shit. Why wouldn’t they put the appropriate people in place to run the damn thing?

    I have more information; it is on a personal level. Adam and Thorn are dating the Corleone girls.

    What the fuck! Vinnie Corleone.

    Gene jumped out of his chair and began pacing the floor.

    They are not his girls by birth, but he considers them his girls. Word is if anyone messes with them, it is a death sentence.

    Do you think I am concerned about Vinnie Corleone?

    I do not speculate about such things, I get information and deliver it to my clients.

    Those two are deliberately defying me. They know I would never approve of those girls. I want the girls eliminated.

    I am a private detective; I do not do anything illegal.

    You will do as I say. Gene said as he shook his finger at Paul.

    Our business is concluded, good day Gene. Paul said, as he got up from his chair and left Gene’s office.

    Chapter 1

    Can this day get any worse, a freaking flat tire? I’ve watched my Dad change a flat tire, but I have never gotten down and dirty and changed one. My first thought; do I have a spare tire? I popped the trunk and got out to look. Thank God I have a spare, but where is the jack? I looked around and located the jack. I try to loosen the nut holding the tire in place, but it will not budge. I tried and tried but the sucker would not come loose. My best friend Angie and I swore off cursing, but I was about to backslide. I tried one more time but it wouldn’t come loose. I kicked the car and cursed loudly. I suddenly remembered I have AAA. Rosebud you are a dumbass. I go to the front seat of my car to get my cell and AAA card when a car pulls over and parks. I get nervous and start thinking crazy thoughts. This person could be a rapist or a murderer. I grab my keys because I have a canister of tear gas hooked on them. It seemed forever before he emerged from his car. The first thing I noticed is he is wearing gloves. What the hell; who wears gloves in ninety degree weather? My heart began pounding so loudly I could hear it in my ears. As he came closer my mouth dropped open. He is the most beautiful specimen of a male I have ever seen. He has sky blue shorts on and they hugged his thighs showing every muscle his legs possessed. His legs were long, lean and the color of warm caramel. He had a white tee on that fit his torso so snug it showed every ripple and muscle. His hair was dark with a few caramel highlights going through it. It was ear length and just a few strands lay on his forehead. I thought I had died and gone to heaven, with this magnificent creature in my view. He is a vision of a Greek God. My eyes traveled up and down his long lean body. I soaked in the beautiful breath taking sight. He smiled and said hello. I looked up into the most beautiful green eyes. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I have never seen eyes that green in my life. I was mesmerized by the color. His eyes could melt the panties off of any girl. His smile was perfect; the edges of his mouth curled up and gave him a sexy mischievous look. I came to my senses and said hello.

    He said, Madam your hero has arrived.

    I have AAA. I managed to blurt out.

    You could be waiting for hours for them to arrive. It will only take a minute.

    As he bent into the trunk to get the tire and jack he was saying something, but I didn’t comprehend, because I was drooling at his ass. It looked so firm and tight, I couldn’t take my thoughts elsewhere. He turned his head toward me and caught me staring at him. My cheeks filled with heat.

    You have everything I need to fix your tire. He said, as he grinned from ear to ear.

    Thinking to myself, you have everything I need and then some. I managed to say thank you and take your time, I really meant it, take your time. He proceeded to jack up the car and I watched his muscles flex tightly. I thought I would cream in my panties. He said something that forced my mind back into reality.

    I’m sorry I didn’t hear you.

    He flashed me a smile and continued working. I had to get a grip on myself. I took a deep breath.

    I’m lucky you were passing by.

    He looked up at me with those greener than green eyes.

    It isn’t everyday a guy gets to rescue a damsel in distress.

    I smiled and thought it isn’t everyday a girl gets rescued by a Greek God.

    When I first saw you I thought you were a young kid, but I can clearly see you are a woman. You are a petite woman.

    It’s a curse. I looked down to the ground because I was blushing.

    Not really, you are put together real well.

    My cheeks felt like they were on fire and I know they were scarlet red. I looked away.

    When you blush, you are so cute.

    My throat seemed to be so dry; I couldn’t utter a word.

    All finished, you owe me.

    My purse is in the car.

    As I stepped to get my purse he grabbed my hand.

    No need for money honey.

    He pulled me close and a lightning bolt went through my body. I didn’t know what to do or what to say. He slowly ran his fingers lightly down my cheek lifting my face to gaze into my turquoise eyes. He leaned over and brushed his lips over mine. God his lips

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