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Seduced by the Alpha King: His Human Mate
Seduced by the Alpha King: His Human Mate
Seduced by the Alpha King: His Human Mate
Ebook212 pages4 hours

Seduced by the Alpha King: His Human Mate

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I never thought this was a moment I would have to witness, my fiance, the absolute love of my life, cheating on me with one of my best friends.
"That was incredible, as always," Haley said with a seductive tone "No man has ever made me come as you do,"
Derek responded with a low growl "You're making me want to make love to you again..."
My hands shook through my anger. It seemed as though they both knew I was standing outside the door, and just needed to brag about their sexual exploits I hadn't known about.
"So when are you going to tell Alyssa about us?" Haley asked.
"Soon," Derek replied "Once the wedding is official, Alyssa and I can begin the process of making a child, once my heir is born then Alyssa will have fulfilled her use to me," he paused "You and I can raise the child as our own, our own little family."
"The very idea of you having to make a child with Alyssa makes me so…" she paused. "Jealous."
As a human, I was told that the mate relationship among werewolves is considered divine and undeniable. Believing in this, I uprooted my human life to reside in the world of werewolves with my so-called fated mate. However, my expectations were shattered when I discovered that all of this was merely a deception, and that I was nothing more than a tool for childbirth.
One thing was clear to me - I wasn't going to let Derek and Haley get away with this deceit.

Release dateMay 22, 2024
Seduced by the Alpha King: His Human Mate

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    Book preview

    Seduced by the Alpha King - Scarlett Orion

    Chapter 2 Betrayal

    Alyssa's POV

    I struggled to contain my tears, trying not to make a sound as I sobbed. I wanted to listen to the conversation between the two of them. Was this why Derek couldn't make our appointment? To have sex with Haley in our bed?

    What have I done to deserve this? Derek and my best friend. Why haven't I seen this? Was I far too smitten to see the signs of what was going on around me?

    That was incredible, as always, Haley said with a seductive tone No man has ever made me come as you do,

    Derek laughed Carry on like that way Haley, and you'll give me an ego,

    Seriously though, Haley replied I've never felt a connection like ours, do you feel it too? Our bodies are so entwined when we make love, it's intense, She paused with a giggle I think your ego is big enough anyway, I don't want to enhance that,

    You certainly enhance something on me baby, Derek responded with a low growl You're making me want to make love to you again,

    Were they doing this to rub it in my face? My hands shook through my anger. It seemed as though they both knew I was standing outside the door, and just needed to brag about their sexual exploits I hadn't known about.

    So when are you going to tell Alyssa about us? Haley asked I think it's a little unfair us sneaking behind her back for so long now, she released a gentle sigh As much as this hurts, she's my very best friend, and it pains me to deceive her like this,

    Very best friend? My teeth gritted as my jaw clenched. Aching with the pressure. If I was such a good friend to Haley Green, she wouldn't think twice about having sex with my husband! Friends don't hurt one another.

    I felt the bile rise in my throat, how long have they been going behind my back? My stomach knotted in pain from this information. They had both deceived me so cruelly. I wanted to barge in there and confront them, but I waited to listen more to their conversation.

    Soon, Derek replied I don't want to hurt Alyssa, especially when I tell her that the marriage is all a facade. As soon as we're married, I will have access to all of my Father's wealth, and my truly deserved Alpha status, he paused We need to bide our time on this, he sighed and I heard the soft sound of lips kissing You know you're the love of my life, despite the mate bond with Alyssa. I don't want her, I want you,

    I know, Haley sighed. I love you so much, and I can't bear to think of you marrying Alyssa. I want us to be together. I know we have to wait, and reap the rewards of our patience afterwards,

    I do too my darling, Derek said in reply But once the wedding is official, Alyssa and I can begin the process of making a child, once my heir is born then Alyssa will have fulfilled her use to me. We will have her sent back to the human world where we never have to bother with her again, he paused You and I can raise the child as our own, our own little family,

    My throat began to ache with the pain of my sadness, I struggled to contain the sounds of my tears and as I pressed my hand to my mouth, I managed to keep silent.

    All this time I thought Derek wanted the marriage to happen quickly because he loved me, because he wanted to be mine forever. But it turns out I was being taken for a fool, and it's all part of his disgusting plan to knock me up and toss me away.

    Haley sighed in disgust The very idea of you having to make a child with Alyssa makes me so… she paused. Jealous, she grunted But, I can wait. You're worth it. The future sounds perfect, Alpha and Luna with a bouncing baby to nurture and care for,

    Once the difficult part is over, we can rid ourselves of Alyssa and be together, Haley. I love you more than anything, Derek said gently, before pressing his lips to hers as the sound of delicate kisses filtered into my ears again You are the woman I truly want to be with, we will have our own wedding, a proper one,

    I lifted my hands to my face, covering my eyes as the tears streamed harder. My fingers trembled with shock, upset and anger. I was devastated. All this time, Derek had been manipulating me into making me think he wanted to make me happy. Making me believe I was the love of his life, and he wanted to give me everything.

    I wasn't going to let them get away with this, not for one second. Fumbling in my pocket I pulled out my phone and turned the camera mode on. 

    I will be sure to get all the evidence I need on this. I may be a human, but I'm not an idiot. I know the laws of werewolf mating. How a bond must not be broken under any circumstance.

    As I gathered myself, I took deep breaths, trying to stop my entire body from shaking. I opened the door quickly and pointed the camera at the pair on the bed. Derek and Haley both lay naked with each other, their lips locked in a passionate kiss as his fingers stroked across her bare breast. 

    I was quick enough to take the photo that neither Derek or Haley noticed I had taken the candid picture of them both. It seemed they were too locked into each other to realise, so I left it at that. I had the evidence to prove their disloyalty.

    Running down the stairs, I powered out of the front door, my hand grasping onto my phone as though my life depended on keeping it safe.

    Tears streamed down my face as the emotion had built up and been ready for release. My tears blurred my vision, and my legs had already started to ache from the speed I was running, but the adrenaline kept me going.

    I knew one thing for sure, I wasn't letting Derek and Haley get away with this deceit.

    Chapter 3 Raven Haired Beauty

    Travis' POV

    What have I got to look forward to today? I appeared to ask myself out loud as I accessed my emails. Staring blankly at the laptop screen, I knew there would be something in there to bring down my day. As hard as I worked as the King, I could never please everyone, no matter how hard I tried.

    There it was, that dreaded email.

    My eyes searched over the words of the email I perused, another complaint it seemed 'An anonymous complaint,' I spoke to the wolf who resided in my mind 'Sometimes I would really love to know who was writing these,' I grunted.

    Clayton chuckled in return 'So we can mess with them?'

    'Hmph,' I said in reply. The thought had crossed my mind. 'Of course not Clay, I mean so I know who is unhappy with my ruling. Feedback is important,'

    'What's the issue this time?' Clayton asked curiously. His grey fur shook as he stood to his feet.

    'Someone isn't pleased with the lack of medical care for low status Omega's at the Dark Heart Hospital,' I paused 'Which I think is a fair complaint, but it pisses me off. That hospital is falling to pieces,'

    'Want me to eat them?' Clayton asked with a gentle growl simmering in his throat 

    'No Clayton, maybe don't think with your stomach all the time,' I said with a sigh 'I've noticed the lack of care at this hospital for a while now, and it's really not good enough,' I felt the anger burn within me 'Everyone deserves the same treatment, regardless of their status within a pack. But I grow tired of the Dark Heart Pack making such demands when it is them who are failing to contribute financially. They want more, but with no money to spend I can't provide it,'

    'What will you do?' Clayton asked 'If not consume the ones who whine and moan,'

    A small smirk curved on my lips 'I'm going to pay the hospital a visit,' I said 'Find out what's going on here. I've noticed a number of residences appear in the area, too luxurious for the Dark Heart Pack to fund with their lack of financial support. It seems as though they are pouring their money into the wrong areas,'

    'Yes,' Clayton said in return 'Be firm, you are the King after all,'

    'I am,' I said as I leaned back into my chair 'And you know I would never abuse my power,' Raking my hand through my slick black hair, my fingers ran down across my jaw as I stroked my stubbled chin 'I just need to find out how the Dark Heart Pack are suffering financially, to ensure they're giving the people what they really need,'

    Clayton responded 'And if not, we eat them,'

    Calling my car, I decided to make the hospital trip today. It was early in the day that I could prewarn the staff I was coming. I made the call to close the hospital for my arrival, and made sure the patients were informed to reschedule any appointments.

    Sitting in the back of the car, the plush leather cushioning me, I looked out of the window. The streets bustled with people, and the ones who spotted the luxurious car stared in awe as they wondered who would be sitting in the back. With the blacked out windows it would be impossible to tell.

    Even though I was the King of the Alphas, I didn't flaunt my power. I remained a private person and didn't like to advertise myself with appearances. Which is why the press were sniffing around me as soon as they had a clue as to where I may be.

    'Oh here we go,' I spoke to Clayton 'The press are here already! How did they find out so soon?'

    'People gossip Travis,' Clayton responded with a chuckle 'And you're hot stuff, you know,'

    'I just want to get out of the car and into that hospital. I don't want to have my photo taken or give any press interviews' I could feel my frustration rise inside me now.

    'You don't fancy being the centrefold in next month's Teen Heartthrob magazine?' Clayton said with a laugh 'I feel like you're more of a treat for the lonely housewives though,'

    Sometimes I hated that Clayton never took me seriously.

    I exited the car swiftly as a member of my entourage opened it. Sweeping my hand through my hair, I began to walk straight to the front door of the hospital. I ignored the call of my name from the Press, the screaming of a group of women ahead made me cringe. I was just doing my job, and I couldn't escape all the attention.

    Passing the group of women, I couldn't help but feel drawn to part of the crowd. It was then, I removed my gaze fixed ahead of me and caught the eyes of a stunning woman. Her long dark hair cascading over her shoulders, while her green eyes sparkled as our eyes met. 

    I felt myself become weak to her, she seemed different from the rest of those women. They were flailing about and screaming my name, making me feel like a piece of meat they wanted to get their teeth into. But this woman, she was calm and seemed to study me with intrigue.

    'Well would you look at that' Clayton said with a cheeky tone to his voice 'What a pretty little thing she is,'

    'I noticed,' I said with a gentle exhale 'But I'm not here to pick up women, I need to focus on my job today,'

    It wasn't my intention to draw any attention to myself, but I found myself giving this raven haired beauty a little smile. Our eyes stayed connected as I passed, and part of me wanted to slow down my pace so I could enjoy her a little longer.

    'She's blushing,' Clayton remarked 'Her cute freckled rosy cheeks are illuminating,'

    'She really is something isn't she?' I replied to Clayton, my heart beginning to race in my chest 'I can't, this is the wrong time!' 

    Closing down my feelings, I passed the crowd and fixed my gaze ahead again. Focusing on the entrance to the Dark heart Hospital. I had a job to do and I wasn't letting anything, or anyone distract me.

    Chapter 4 A Way Out

    Alyssa's POV

    I decided to head to the Dark Kingdom's Library, knowing they keep all kinds of information and studies related to werewolf law. I was still rusty in this knowledge, but I knew someone would help me.

    As I dashed down the road, I looked at my phone. Several missed calls from Derek and a few texts from Haley. The guilt seemed to be on their mind now, so it should be. 

    Good luck trying to talk to me, assholes, I said under my breath as I pushed my phone back into my pocket I'm going to drag you both through the mud,

    As I entered the large revolving door of the library, my mouth fell agape at the vast sight before me. The Dark Kingdom library was somewhere I hadn't had a chance to explore before. It was a stunning building from the outside, with its Victorian looking design, but the interior was something else. The walls were filled with shelves of books from floor to the high ceiling. As I kept looking up, I noticed the stained glass dome in the centre of the ceiling, allowing natural light to illuminate the readers.

    Can I help?

    My attention was drawn to the echoing voice who welcomed me, and as my eyes turned to her, I noticed the way she looked at me. Her blonde hair was pulled back into an updo style, while she peered over her thin glasses at me as they sat on the end of her nose.

    She was one of those people who had already decided she was better than me, I had gotten used to that around here. It sometimes felt as though humans were not fully accepted by some people at the Dark Kingdom, even though the werewolves and humans had somewhat integrated, there were a handful of werewolves who couldn't stand us in the community. 

    Yes, I smiled warmly as I approached the desk I'm looking for the section of books I would find wolven law, particularly the bonding and marriage,

    The blonde in her elder years peered at me, her eyes narrowing Do you have a membership?

    No, I replied coyly, feeling ashamed I hadn't taken any time to explore the library yet But I'm happy to open an account, I just really need to find a specific book desperately,

    Hmph, The blonde said as she tapped at her laptop Very well. Go browse at your leisure, and if you find something you like I will get you registered, she paused A Lot of time wasters in here, you know. Come in here to read the books, but never want to take them away and become a member. I miss the old days when the library was respected,

    I'm sure, I laughed nervously, my eyes already catching the section of books I needed Thanks for your time! I dashed off into the part of the building where the books lived, and started to skim over the texts.

    The decadent scent of old leather bound books filled my nose as I browsed the collection, it reminded me of my childhood, after keeping a big collection of stories myself. This was a small comfort to me.

    It wasn't long before I found one which took my interest and opened it. I pulled my notebook from my bag, along with my pen and took a quick look at the woman on the desk to make sure she hadn't noticed my actions.

    I don't want to be one of those disrespectful whippersnappers she despises so much, I laughed lowly to myself. It was fortunate, and in my favour that I had the ability to read text extra quickly, I could get through a novel in no amount of time, and my note taking skills were on par.

    Flicking through the pages of this legal scripture that piqued my interest, I skimmed the words rapidly, turning the pages faster until I found the information which interested me the most.

    Marriages, I said in a whisper as I read the words Werewolf to werewolf, I said, that did not interest me. I carried on reading Werewolf and human legally binding constraints! This is it!" I said louder than I intended.

    My words were met with a Ssshhhhh, from another staff member who was rearranging a

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