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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate: A Happy Ending With My Werewolf Mate
The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate: A Happy Ending With My Werewolf Mate
The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate: A Happy Ending With My Werewolf Mate
Ebook218 pages3 hours

The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate: A Happy Ending With My Werewolf Mate

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“I’m sorry Quinn, but I; Jeovanni Lum rejects you; Quinn Felon as my mate. You’re no longer Luna of this pack, nor are you my fated mate. Accept my rejection.”
His words awakened the pain within Quinn, and she fell to her knees, crying out when it became too much to bear…she didn’t want to, but if she didn’t accept his rejection, she’d die.
“I…I Quinn Felon a-accepts your rejection…I am no longer Luna, nor am I your fated mate.”
It was hard to say the words because these words were never ones she thought she’d ever have to say…
Quinn Felon was at the very pique of happiness when her life started to crumble apart. Her mate whom she had spent three long and blissful years with suddenly didn’t seem to love her anymore.
He became distant and cold, and soon Quinn found the reason behind his change…it was because he was courting her sister…her sweet and innocent omega sister; Delilah.
She had predicted that he’d choose Delilah, but what she hadn’t foretold was being rejected and banished in front of the whole pack in the middle of her mate’s and her sister’s mating ceremony.

Book 2 of the series- a happy ending.

Release dateMay 22, 2024
The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate: A Happy Ending With My Werewolf Mate

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    Book preview

    The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate - Gaydar

    Chapter 81: TO SAVE THE OTHER

    The night drifted down to touch the trees a little sooner than Quinn had expected it to. The preparations for the ceremony were made, food and drinks were being served, and the pack was merry.

    In all of this, Quinn stood in her room, wearing her white dress. Zayd had already left, but she didn’t get to see him. Marcia had cruelly forbidden them from seeing each other. She said it’d be a lot more sensational to meet when the ceremony began.

    While that was probably true, she’d wanted to see him in that white suit he said he’d wear, a hug or two would’ve been nice before the ceremony too, but there would always be time after, right?

    Her hair and makeup, which was done by Marcia was simple and yet beautiful, and so was her dress. It was an off-shoulder design that wafted against her ankles, and she wore a flowery, block heel shoes along with it.

    She was ready, but there was one thing she had to do before the ceremony. She needed to talk to her father again, to decline his cry for help. She didn’t want to tell him no, but considering the circumstances, she had to.

    He told her to meet him in the heart of the woods, and instead of having him wait for her in vain, she was going there to tell him that her decision was to stay.

    Taking a deep breath, she walked out the door. Would he be disappointed? Would the way he viewed her change?

    Quinn shook her head. It didn’t matter, she was not obligated to give up herself as sacrifice for someone who wouldn’t do the same for her.

    Her steps took her out the east wing of the pack house, and she tried her best to remain unseen as she wandered off into the woods. Since her sense of smell was gone, it was hard to locate him, but he found his way to her.

    He was wearing a black suit, one that might’ve been given to him by Nicholas. Are you ready? He asked.

    Quinn shook her head. I’m sorry, dad…but about what we spoke about earlier, I can’t. If you were the one being held hostage, then I would’ve definitely considered it, but Delilah…? Delilah betrayed me, and how will I save her when I don’t even have a wolf?

    You don’t need to fight. He won’t hurt you, but he will hurt Delilah if you don’t show up tonight. He just needs you to lure Zayd out, he promised me that after that, he’ll set both of my daughters free.

    And you believed him? He won’t set neither me nor Delilah free, he’ll kill her and me and probably you too. He wants to retake his position from Zayd, and he intends to use me to do it. If I go willingly, then I’d be betraying Zayd…and I won’t do that since I for one knows exactly how betrayal feels.

    Quinn twisted away from her father, and he desperately grabbed onto her hand. Please Quinn…she’s your sister, your family…save her.

    Why hadn’t she thought of that when she was sneaking around with my mate? Why hadn’t she thought of that when she was colluding with Kathrine to poison me? Why must I save her when she wants me dead?! Quinn yanked her arm out of his. I’m not going, I can’t save her while sacrificing myself. You know what might happen, and asking me to do it anyway is cruel, father. I just realized it now, but Zayd is really the only person I can trust.

    She lifted her dress and started her walk back into the open. Earlier in the morning, after Zayd left for the office, she went to find her father; to catch up, to rebuild their bond…but what she got instead was him asking her for help.

    You see, he didn’t really come here to celebrate her birthday…he came here for an entirely different reason, one that burnt Quinn's chest.

    He said because of her, a lot of terrible things would happen, and if he didn’t bring her back with him, then Delilah’s life would be in grave danger. Five days, he said… that’s all he got to save her, and this was close to the last one…

    The threat he got was not a shallow one. If he was unable to bring her back within three days, then the silver moon pack would be attacked, and when the fifth day ended, then the prior alpha king would break Delilah’s neck...

    And Derrick told her that three days had already passed…

    Then did that mean the pack was already attacked? But then again, how was he so sure that the alpha wasn’t just playing tricks on him?

    And even if he wasn’t, then he chose the wrong person to hold as hostage because Quinn would not risk her life to save Delilah’s, and she would not be used to put Zayd in danger either. A fight should be fair, and if she was going to be a part of it, then it wasn~

    I’m sorry, Quinn.

    Quinn opted to turn at the sound of her father’s voice, but before she could, his hand slammed into her neck and her body tensed all over…becoming paralyzed.

    Her eyes fluttered shut as she fell forwards, hitting the grass that had once been beneath her feet.

    Derrick looked down at her and then at the hand he’d used to harm her. I’m sorry, Quinn…but this has to be done. Zayd will save you, but who will save your sister?

    He reached down to pick up her lifeless body, and just then, an omega came out of hiding. Larna…that was her name he believed; the spy alpha Jake said would be here to help him. It is done, you have to hurry or else you will get caught.

    Derrick nodded, placing Quinn in Larna’s arms as he transformed into his wolf. Brown fur coated his skin swiftly, and he now stood on four feet and not two.

    The omega situated Quinn on his back then, and he sped off into the woods, looking up at the sky when the lightning flashed. He forgot all about it, but the rain would fall heavily tonight.

    The ceremony should’ve never been held, he wouldn’t have captured Quinn this easily if everybody weren’t busy having a blast. The patrol men had easily been taken down, Larna was trusted here, so anything she gave them, they’d unsuspectingly drink it.

    Damn…this was wrong, but despite everything, both of his daughters deserved to live. They were all he had left, and only Zayd could save them both.

    Chapter 82: A RAINY SEARCH

    As the little drops of rain started to fall from the sky, Zayd looked through the crowd for Quinn. It was finally time and Marcia had gone to her room to get her.

    He felt more impatient now than ever; to see her…to touch her, and the bliss he was trying to hide showed so blatantly in his uncontrollable smile.

    Quinn was about to be rightfully his…the happiness he felt was something he couldn’t even explain. His heart was beating heavily; like a drum, and anticipation was trying its best to kill him.

    He couldn’t wait for her to bless the crowd with her beauty, to light up this dark night like a beetle. Every step she’d make would wreck him wonderfully and when she was finally in his arms he’d crumble and fold…

    God dammit…! It had been so hard to keep his distance before the ceremony, but now he was kind of glad he did. If he’d seen her before, then he wouldn’t be this excited to see her now.

    He knew she’d look beautiful, but to what extent, he was clueless…

    Goddess, that angel would surprise even him when she finally stepped on these grounds…or so he’d thought until his eyes found Marcia rushing through the crowd alone. She stepped up on the podium, approaching him with an unreadable expression on her face…and then she leaned in to whisper in his ears. Quinn is not here…she is gone.

    At the sudden declaration, Zayd’s eyes widened, and he staggered back. The beat of his heart quickened again but this time in petrification. W-What?

    Calm down, Zayd…everybody’s watching.

    What do you mean gone?

    She isn’t anywhere here…and neither is her father.

    Zayd’s blood ran cold immediately, and he pushed his mother aside, rushing off the podium. What did she mean by Quinn is not here?

    What could she f*cking mean?!

    The sound of thunder clapped above, and the tiny drops of rain got bigger and heavier, hitting the ground hard and fast. The pack members scattered, all searching for shelter…but not him. His eyes were searching for something else…for her…

    As they wandered around aimlessly, tears disguised as the rainwater that showered his body dripped down his cheeks. Did she run away again?

    From all of his…from him…was it too much for her? Was she not ready?

    If so, then why hadn’t she said something? Why hadn’t she~?


    Zayd heard his name, but he was too deep in sorrow to answer, so focused on the thoughts that wanted to drown him that reality was but a blur to him.

    Someone grabbed his shoulders, shaking him back to the real world, and only then did he realize that Dantae and Frederick were standing in front of him. She was kidnapped…the patrol men are all unconscious, somebody drugged them. We need to get to work and quick, it’s raining, if we don’t start the search now, then the water will wash away every trace of her.

    Zayd heard…but it was almost as though he didn’t. Kidnapped…?

    Yes…regain your composure, man. Dantae squeezed his shoulders. I know how you feel, but if we don’t start the search now, it’ll be harder to find her.

    Zayd nodded, swallowing as he opened up the mind link between him and Rachel. Get the trackers ready, you’re leading them.

    ‘Yes, Alpha…’ She responded.

    He closed the link and looked at Dantae. Handpick a few more strong warriors to accompany us.

    Dantae nodded, doing as told and when the trackers arrived and the warriors followed them, Zayd transformed into the black fur of his wolf and the white suit he’d worn before laid in pieces on the floor just like his heart.

    He should’ve known this wouldn’t have ended well. The sky was dark, and rain on such a day was bad luck from the very beginning. Maybe he should have taken her to the ceremony himself instead of listening to Marcia, and maybe he should’ve killed her dad the very night he showed up here.

    He was at fault…for every_f*cking_thing that happened to her, he was at fault…!

    Zayd sprinted off into the woods when the trackers did, following them into the night with a heavy heart. He didn’t know why this was happening or why her father would ever do such a thing…but he’d find out…

    He’d also find out who drugged his men as well, because he knew Derrick couldn’t have done it. His men weren’t stupid enough to just drink anything…even on a night like this. Somebody here…somebody trustworthy had given it to them.

    Nevertheless, finding who wasn’t his priority right now, finding Quinn was. Her scent was already weak due to the loss of her wolf, and the rain made it much harder for him to scent her out. He couldn’t smell anything but the trees and the wet dirt, and he was trying so hard to. ‘Rachel…what are you getting?’

    ‘It’s faint, but I’ve got a trace…of her father too, his scent is stronger, but it’s gradually weakening as well.’

    Zayd would've believed her father had been kidnapped too if there was the scent of another. But as Rachel said, it was just his scent and Quinn's that freshly tainted the path they were on. ‘Good, move faster.’

    The wolves in front as well as the ones behind him skidded effortlessly into the mud, only stopping hours later when the trace Rachel had been following disappeared completely. She turned to him, shaking her head. ‘The rain is too heavy…I can’t…it’s gone.’

    Zayd knelt down, changing forms. Try again, Rachel…

    ‘Alpha I~’

    I said to f*cking try again…!

    Rachel nodded, leaning down to sniff the earth, she moved around, turning towards him when she was done scenting everything out. ‘I’m sorry, alpha…I have failed you. There’s an intersection ahead, if we’d been quicker, then we would’ve known which road they’d taken."

    F*ck… Zayd ran his hand down his face. Let’s split up…Dantae Frederick, lead one team…Rachel, you’re with me.

    And so, they ran in two different directions and yet met back up empty handed when the sun barely started to rise. Zayd didn’t understand this…how could she have been taken right under his nose?

    He’d pledged to protect her, and look what he’d done instead.

    A breath of frustration left his lips as he looked back at his pack members. First, he needed to travel to her old pack, and if that wasn’t where he’d taken her, then he’d

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