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Summary of The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren
Summary of The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren
Summary of The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren
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Summary of The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren

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This book does not in any capacity mean to replace the original book but to serve as a vast summary of the original book.

Summary of The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren


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Christina Lauren's new romance follows Anna Green and Liam "West" Weston, who fake their relationship to receive a massive inheritance. Anna, a starving artist, and West, a Stanford professor, are forced to marry for five years to receive the inheritance. Liam's family pressures him to introduce Anna to his parents, but his fears shift from Anna's potential to the toxic world of wealth corrupting his wife. Liam must decide if the price tag on his cover story is worth losing true love.

Release dateMay 22, 2024
Summary of The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren

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    Summary of The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren - TIME SUMMARY

    Summary of

    The Paradise Problem


    Summary of Christina Lauren’s book


    Summary of The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren


    Author: TIME SUMMARY


    Cover, illustration: TIME SUMMARY


    Please note that this book contains a summary of the original content, which is a condensation of the key ideas and information found in the original book. Therefore, it is recommended to read the original book for a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the topics discussed. This summary is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of the original book.

    Please be aware that the ideas and opinions presented in this summary reflect the interpreter's perspective and may differ from the original author's viewpoint. If you wish to explore the original book, it is encouraged to purchase or access it from a reliable source.

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    Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 9783989831001

    Verlag GD Publishing Ltd. & Co KG, Berlin

    E-Book Distribution: XinXii


    Table of Contents







































    The day my husband moves out of our apartment coincides with the release of Resident Evil Village for PlayStation. As I watch him and his two PhD brothers pack up our belongings, I feel a sense of relief and comfort. West, my meticulous ex, is a capable man who makes complex tasks like tax preparation and drywall repair look easy. I've never had an obsession with how tall other people are, but I know he's chin-at-eye-level tall. At our wedding, he had to bend to kiss me. Now, two years into this adventure, I'm better acquainted with the couch he's leaving behind than I am with him. As we stand on the sidewalk, our eyes meet, giving me a strange, wavy feeling in my stomach. His eyes are the color of sunlight passing through a glass of whiskey, and his thick hair seems to have ruined me for other men. West stops and asks if he's going to kiss me goodbye, but he says he's all set and will pick up any forgotten items.

    Jake, the younger brother of West, introduces Anna to West, who is now her sole remaining connection to him. Anna is excited to see West and congratulates him on nishing his bachelor's and doctorate. West is excited to move to a new apartment and is excited to see Anna's newfound life.

    As they shake hands, West leaves for the curb to meet his friends, including his neighbor Candi. Candi is worried about Anna's safety, but she assures her that she is okay. Anna realizes that the cover story doesn't matter anymore, as she has nished her bachelor's and has a life of unknown adventure ahead. West has nished his doctorate and is on his way to a brilliant future.

    Anna assures Candi that she barely knows West and that she is grateful for the family housing he provided for her. She turns to go inside, having zombies to kill. The conversation between Anna and West is filled with eye contact and a sense of anticipation for West's future. The story highlights the importance of friendship, support, and the pursuit of personal growth in the face of adversity.


    Three years later

    The author recounts her experience working as a night cashier at a convenience store, a job she initially considered as an artist. However, as her father's medical bills increased, her ambitions to become a professional artist began to rise. She reads a US Weekly article about lucrative jobs in the entertainment industry, but she realizes she is too lazy for it.

    The author's boss, Ricky, is a man with a blond hair and sweatpants from his alma mater, Hamilton High School. He is a former college graduate who has no interest in college and is managing their Pick-It-Up location at Pico and Manning. The author is hesitant to leave the store unattended, as the Verizon store next door was robbed just last week.

    The author tries to maintain her dignity by avoiding conversation with Ricky, who has a distinct height advantage. She tries to forgive him, but Ricky remains unattended, causing her unease.

    The author's thoughts on her career and her future as an artist are influenced by her experiences and the challenges she faces in her current job.

    Anna, a young woman, is confronted by Ricky, a business owner, for allegedly watching her work and stealing a pack of gum. Ricky accuses Anna of being condescending and pointing to the security camera footage. Anna explains that Ricky watched the entire video and that she didn't pay for the gum. Ricky insists that the issue isn't about the date, but the fact that Ricky is watching security footage of her on the days she wears skirts to work is a significant issue.

    Anna is shocked and panicked, as Ricky reveals that his parents are aware of the situation. Ricky offers Anna a set of keys and a final paycheck, but Anna insists that she already has the cost of the gum. The situation highlights the importance of trust and the potential consequences of a business owner's actions. The situation highlights the importance of maintaining professional boundaries and maintaining trust in one's work environment.

    The protagonist is in a difficult situation, with her car being parked on Manning and her roommate's boyfriend parked in her spot. She is unable to get home due to the rain, and her Dad reminds her to get the car sorted and talk to Vivi about picking up more shifts at the café.

    The protagonist's roommate, Lindy, and her boyfriend Jack are in a compromising position on her divorce couch, and she is trying to free them while they shout apologies. Her own apology for coming home early disappears into their chaos, and she wishes she could live in the building's foundation for the rest of her days.

    In her room, she finds her paintings, which are stacked three deep with giant canvases of flowers, but they don't pay the bills. She has no idea what to do now, but she knows she doesn't want to work at a 7-Eleven or a Starbucks, nor be someone's overworked assistant, an instructor, an Uber driver, or a career waitress.

    She hasn't had a single painting at a show in eighteen months and her manager hasn't called in nearly a year. She will have to apply at every coffee shop and convenience store she can find tomorrow.

    As she reaches for her phone, she realizes it's a bill from the hospital for Dad's latest chemo co-pays. She grabs a comforter and drags it with her as she rolls over, burying her face in the pillow.


    The author, William Albert, lives in Palo Alto, California, a suburb of the US's sixth-largest grocery chain, Weston Foods.

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