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Tales of Nasreddin Hodja - Enchanting Tales of Wit and Wisdom for Kids
Tales of Nasreddin Hodja - Enchanting Tales of Wit and Wisdom for Kids
Tales of Nasreddin Hodja - Enchanting Tales of Wit and Wisdom for Kids
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Tales of Nasreddin Hodja - Enchanting Tales of Wit and Wisdom for Kids

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Tales of Nasreddin Hodja - Enchanting Tales of Wit and Wisdom for Kids


About the Book:


Dive into the captivating world of Nasreddin Hodja with these 50 delightful stories, each brimming with humor and insight. Crafted in easy English and paired with engaging illustrations, making it a substantial read for young explorers eager to discover wisdom in a light and engaging way.


Why Your Child Will Love This Book:


50 Engaging Stories: From "The Pot of Wisdom" to "The Moon in the Well", each story offers a unique lesson wrapped in humor.

Illustrated with Charm: Every tale begins with a beautifully crafted image, setting the scene for adventure and fun.

Easy-to-Read English: Ideal for kids to read alone or with parents, fostering a love for reading and storytelling.


Some of the Stories Inside the Book:


  • The Pot of Wisdom
  • Nasreddin's New Turban
  • Hodja's Coat of Many Patches
  • The Moonlight Treasure
  • Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup
  • The Wise Judge
  • The Boat of Riches
  • The Unseen Meal
  • The Roof of the World
  • The Whispering Camel


Perfect for Young Minds:


This collection is not just stories; it's a treasure trove of life lessons on wisdom, kindness, and cleverness, making it a timeless gift for any child.


Spark Imagination and Wit in Your Child! Grab a copy today and watch your little one embark on journeys filled with laughter and learning!

Release dateMay 17, 2024
Tales of Nasreddin Hodja - Enchanting Tales of Wit and Wisdom for Kids

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    Tales of Nasreddin Hodja - Enchanting Tales of Wit and Wisdom for Kids - Aasma S.

    Tales of Nasreddin Hodja eBook

    Enchanting Stories of Wit and Wisdom for Kids

    Aasma S.

    My First Picture Book Inc

    Copyright © 2024 by My First Picture Book Inc.

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.



    1.The Flying Carpet

    2.The Magic of Patience

    3.The Soup Stone

    4.The Whispering Camel

    5.A Pot Full of Wisdom

    6.The Moonlight Treasure

    7.Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup

    8.The Wise Judge

    9.The Boat of Riches

    10.The Unseen Ingredient

    11.Nasreddin's New Turban

    12.The Roof of the World

    13.The Question of Heaven

    14.The Invisible Paint

    15.The Key to Happiness

    16.The Half-Eaten Pie

    17.The Sweetest Fig

    18.The Lake of Wisdom

    19.Hodja's Coat of Many Patches

    20.The Silent Sermon

    21.The Sultan’s Dream

    22.The Clever Reply

    23.The Generous Thief

    24.The Echo in the Well

    25.The Truth About Lies

    26.The Perfect Gift

    27.The Weight of the Books

    28.The Three Tests

    29.The Shadow of the Donkey

    30.The Vinegar Taster

    31.The Precious Ring

    32.The Watermelon Contest

    33.The Lion’s Share

    34.The Mirror of Minds

    35.The Feast of Fools

    36.The Blanket of Snow

    37.The Wise Man’s Beard

    38.The Soup without Salt

    39.The Lesson of the Lamp

    40.The Sack of Laughter

    41.The Bread on the Branch

    42.The Donkey’s Advice

    43.The Secret of the Stars

    44.The Hot Soup

    45.The Path of Roses

    46.The Coin in the Fish

    47.The Dance of the Donkey

    48.The Bowl of Olives

    49.The Nightingale’s Song

    50.The Moon in the Well


    Prepare to embark on a journey through the whimsical and wise world of Nasreddin Hodja, a beloved figure whose stories have captivated hearts and provoked laughter for centuries. Known for his sharp wit and profound simplicity, Nasreddin Hodja is more than just a folk hero; he is a cultural icon whose tales transcend borders and generations.

    Nasreddin Hodja, often simply called Hodja, is a character steeped in the folklore of the Middle East and surrounding regions. His stories are often humorous, with a twist that turns everyday situations into valuable life lessons. Hodja's adventures reflect his unique perspective on life, offering both humor and wisdom in equal measure.

    In this collection, Tales of Nasreddin Hodja, we have carefully selected and simplified fifty of these timeless tales to make them accessible and enjoyable for young readers. Each story, while retaining its core message, has been adapted to ensure that the language and themes resonate with children, inspiring them to think and chuckle as they read.

    Accompanied by charming illustrations that bring each tale to life, this book invites children to explore a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and wisdom can be found in the most unexpected places.

    As you turn the pages, we hope that Nasreddin Hodja's adventures not only entertain but also impart lessons of wisdom, kindness, and the beauty of a cleverly turned phrase. So, cozy up with your little ones and get ready for a delightful journey through the tales of a legend whose stories are as relevant today as they were hundreds of years ago.

    Chapter 1

    The Flying Carpet


    Once upon a time in a bustling village, there was a wise and funny man named Nasreddin Hodja. He was famous for his clever tricks and joyful stories. One sunny morning, as the market was filled with people and noise, Nasreddin wandered among the stalls, looking at all the wonderful things for sale. His eyes landed on a beautiful, colorful carpet spread out by a merchant.

    Come, come, see the most magical carpet in all the land! called out the merchant, trying to draw a crowd. This carpet can fly and take you anywhere you wish!

    Intrigued and amused, Nasreddin stepped closer, along with other curious villagers. The carpet was truly stunning, with detailed patterns and bright colors that almost seemed to move in the sunlight.

    And how much for this amazing flying carpet? Nasreddin asked, his voice clear and loud for everyone to hear.

    For you, a special price! Only a hundred gold coins! the merchant replied with a wide grin.

    Nasreddin stroked his beard thoughtfully and then suggested, I would like to try this carpet first. If it truly flies, I will gladly pay you your price.

    The merchant hesitated but eventually agreed. Very well, but you must prove it here in front of everyone!

    Nasreddin nodded, and with the help of some villagers, they made room in the market. All eyes were on Nasreddin as he stepped onto the carpet. He sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and started chanting silly magical words he just made up.

    Fly carpet, rise up high! Take me to the sky! he called out with excitement.

    Everyone watched, holding their breath, but the carpet did not budge. It lay still, as firm as the ground below. Nasreddin opened one eye, then the other, looked around at the watching villagers, and chuckled.

    Ah, it seems this carpet is a bit shy. Maybe it needs a little more encouragement, he joked. He stood up and spoke to the crowd, Maybe it needs all of us to believe! Let's all shout together: Fly carpet, fly!

    The villagers laughed and joined in the game. Fly carpet, fly! they shouted several times. Yet, the carpet stayed right where it was, as still as ever.

    Turning to the merchant, Nasreddin said with a playful sparkle in his eye, It seems your carpet likes being on the ground too much. Maybe it's not a flying carpet after all, but just a very pretty one.

    The merchant, embarrassed that his trick had been found out by Nasreddin's clever test, blushed with embarrassment. The crowd giggled and praised Nasreddin for revealing the truth in such a fun way.

    Friends, Nasreddin addressed everyone, always remember, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. But let's not be sad about this carpet not flying. Let it remind us that sometimes happiness comes not from magical things, but from sharing fun moments together.

    The villagers nodded in agreement, their hearts light with laughter, and the day went on in good spirits. The merchant learned never to try to fool clever Nasreddin again. And Nasreddin? He left the market content and happy, ready for his next village adventure.

    Moral of the Story: True joy comes from the fun and laughter we share with others, not from things that seem too good to be true.

    Chapter 2

    The Magic of Patience


    In a small village surrounded by green hills and sparkling streams, there lived a wise and funny man named Nasreddin Hodja. He was famous in the village for his clever ideas and the funny ways he helped people learn important lessons.

    One sunny spring day, as everyone was getting ready for the upcoming harvest, Nasreddin announced he was going to perform a magic trick in the town square. Everyone in the village was excited and curious about what Nasreddin would do, so they all gathered around to watch.

    Nasreddin held up a small pot and a tiny acorn. With patience and care, I can make this acorn grow into a big oak tree right before your eyes! he declared with a big smile.

    The people in the crowd looked at each other, amazed and a bit doubtful. Right before our eyes? How can that be? they whispered to one another.

    Nasreddin just smiled and started to plant the acorn in the pot filled with soil. He then asked for some water, which a little boy happily brought over. Nasreddin watered the acorn and placed the pot where the sun could shine on it.

    Now, we wait, said Nasreddin, sitting down next to the pot.

    The villagers waited and watched, expecting something to happen quickly. But nothing happened for a long time. Some people got bored and left, but others stayed, curious about what would happen next.

    Every day, Nasreddin came to the square to water the acorn and take care of the soil. Many children joined him, full of questions. Why is it taking so long? they would ask.

    Ah, Nasreddin would answer, magic—especially the magic of nature—needs patience and time. We can't hurry it.

    As the seasons changed, the acorn finally began to grow. A tiny sprout pushed up through the soil, reaching for the sunlight. The villagers who saw

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