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Golden Showers: The Author, #4
Golden Showers: The Author, #4
Golden Showers: The Author, #4
Ebook238 pages3 hours

Golden Showers: The Author, #4

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Arthur Quill and his friends journey to The Land of Golden Showers to help the rebels retake their homeland from evil depraved perverts.

Release dateMay 14, 2024
Golden Showers: The Author, #4

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    Golden Showers - Aaron Abilene

    Golden Showers

    The Author, Volume 4

    Aaron Abilene

    Published by Syphon Creative, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. May 14, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Aaron Abilene.

    ISBN: 979-8224448456

    Written by Aaron Abilene.

    Also by Aaron Abilene



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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Also By Aaron Abilene

    Golden Showers

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    Also By Aaron Abilene

    Golden Showers

    Written by Aaron Abilene

    Arthur Quill's silhouette was as recognizable as his reputation - a portly figure that moved with an unexpected grace, much like a jovial bear that had learned to dance. His cheeks were ruddy, always flushed with the thrill of his latest fantastical creation or from laughing too heartily at his own wild narratives. Arthur’s hair was a disheveled halo of ink-black curls that seemed to defy gravity and logic in equal measure, much like the plots of his stories. A pair of spectacles perched precariously on the bridge of his nose, magnifying eyes that sparkled with perpetual mischief and curiosity.

    On his vest, a myriad of colorful quills were pinned—a whimsical nod to his surname and the tools of his trade. Each feather was a trophy from a different beast of lore he claimed to have encountered during his escapades within the pages of his own books; whether these claims were true or part of his boundless imagination, no one could say for certain. But it was this very imagination that drew others to him, like moths to a flame—none more so than Ivy and Theodore.

    Ivy, slight and spritely, stood to Arthur's left. Her hair was the vibrant green of fresh spring leaves, woven tightly into braids that trailed down her back, and her skin held the gentle glow of forest twilight. Her attire was a collection of earth-toned fabrics that blended seamlessly with the natural world she so loved. She possessed an ethereal quality, as though she had stepped out of a fable herself, but her practicality was as grounded as the roots of the great oaks she adored. Ivy's sharp wit and even sharper archery skills often saved Arthur from the perils of his overzealous imagination.

    To Arthur's right, there loomed Theodore, whose presence was as solid and dependable as the enchanted armor he wore. The metal gleamed with a subtle magic, runes etched into its surface flickering with latent power. His broad shoulders bore the weight of their collective adventures without complaint, and his deep-set eyes surveyed their surroundings with a protective gaze. Unlike Arthur's chaotic energy, Theodore exuded the calm of a mountain—unyielding and serene. He rarely spoke, but when he did, his voice rumbled like distant thunder, full of resonance and wisdom.

    Together, the trio formed a patchwork of contrasts—Arthur's flamboyant creativity flanked by Ivy's nimble intellect and Theodore's stoic strength, each friend complementing the other, ready to turn any page of their journey into a tale worth recounting.

    Arthur Quill, with a twinkle in his eye that belied the gravity of his portly frame, led the charge into the fantastical realm that unfolded before them. The air was ripe with the scent of adventure, each breath a heady mix of jasmine and danger. Beside him, Ivy's keen eyes darted about, eager to absorb every wonder, while Theodore's armored form cast a reassuring shadow over the pair, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword as if to remind the world of its place.

    Ah, just smell that invigorating concoction of possibility and peril! Arthur exclaimed, gesturing grandly toward the horizon where the sky seemed painted with a myriad of impossible colors.

    The landscape before them was a tapestry woven from the threads of dreams and daylight. Trees with bark that shimmered like gems stood sentinel over meadows where flowers sang soft melodies, their petals unfurling in harmonious symphony. In the distance, mountains danced, shifting and swirling in an eternal waltz guided by unseen forces.

    Behold, my dear companions, he said with a flourish of his hand, the Whimsical Woods of Everlore! Not marked on any mundane map, for they exist only within the confines of one's imagination.

    And as if summoned by his words, a creature of such fanciful design appeared, it could only have been born from the mind of Arthur himself. It was a Frivolous Featherfluff, a bird-like being larger than a man, adorned with feathers that changed hue with every tilt of its head. Its eyes sparkled with mischief, and its beak curved into what seemed suspiciously like a knowing smile.

    Isn't she exquisite? Arthur murmured, pride swelling in his voice as he observed the Featherfluff preen its iridescent plumage. A docile creature by nature, but beware her tickling tufts—legend has it that laughter induced by a Featherfluff's touch can last for days.

    Let's hope we don't test that legend today, Ivy chuckled, her eyes alight with the kind of mirth that only the discovery of new enchantments could bring.

    Indeed, rumbled Theodore, his gaze never straying far from their flamboyant feathered friend. We've got many a mile before nightfall, and I'd rather not spend it in uncontrollable fits of laughter.

    With a final admiring glance at the Frivolous Featherfluff, Arthur nodded, and the trio continued on their whimsical journey, the ever-changing landscape of Everlore unfolding before them like pages in a storybook waiting to be read.

    Bounding over a hillock dotted with giggling dandelions, Arthur led the way, his cloak billowing behind him like a banner of adventure. Ivy skipped alongside, her braids bouncing in rhythm to her steps, while Theodore's sturdy boots thudded a reassuring beat upon the soft earth.

    By the Whispering Winds, this place is alive with stories waiting to be told! exclaimed Arthur, his eyes shining with the thrill of creation. Ivy laughed, her voice harmonizing with the whisper of the winds themselves, as Theodore offered a grin that spoke volumes of his shared excitement.

    Every blade of grass seems to hold its own tale, Ivy agreed, twirling between the sentient flora that swayed to an unheard melody.

    True, but it's the untold tales I'm eager to uncover, Theodore mused, adjusting the satchel slung across his broad shoulder.

    Their camaraderie was a warm glow amidst the fantastical landscape, each one contributing a unique hue to their collective spirit of exploration. Arthur's expansive imagination painted their path with vibrant potential, Ivy's keen perception uncovered hidden wonders, and Theodore's quiet strength provided a grounding force.

    As they ventured deeper into the heart of Everlore, a peculiar sight brought them to a unified halt. Before them stood an ancient stone archway, framing nothing more substantial than the air itself. Engraved upon its keystone was a face, its features twisted in a riddle of expressions.

    Ah, the Arcane Arch of Aspirations, Arthur proclaimed, approaching with curiosity piqued. It's said to test the intentions of those who wish to pass.

    Test? What kind of test? Ivy inquired, peering at the enigmatic face as if it might divulge its secrets.

    Indeed, a test, the stone face suddenly boomed, causing the trio to step back in unison. Its mouth hadn't moved, yet the voice seemed to emanate from the very rock. To proceed, you must answer my riddle. Fail, and you shall not pass.

    Riddles! Ivy clapped her hands, undeterred by the talking arch. How delightful!

    Let's hear it then, Theodore urged, crossing his arms with a mixture of anticipation and skepticism.

    Very well, intoned the face. I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?

    Arthur stroked his chin, his mind already dancing through the labyrinth of possibilities. Ivy's gaze flitted around their surroundings, taking in every detail, while Theodore merely waited, patient and silent, trusting in his friends' abilities.

    The challenge was clear, and the trio stood together, their shared enthusiasm for adventure now coupled with the excitement of unraveling the mystery set before them.

    Arthur's eyes twinkled with mirth as the riddle echoed around them, his portly frame leaning forward as if to embrace the conundrum. Fire, he declared with a triumphant chuckle, the answer bursting from him like a creature of his own conjuring. The answer is fire!

    Of course! Ivy exclaimed, her emerald eyes reflecting adoration for Arthur's cleverness. She turned to the arch with an expectant smile, while Theodore nodded in agreement, a grin breaking through his usually stoic demeanor.

    Correct, boomed the stone face, the air thrumming with its approval. You may pass.

    But the way forward did not open immediately. Instead, the arch presented new terms with a rumble that vibrated the ground beneath their feet. However, to truly unlock the path, one must ignite the Flame of Foresight with but a single breath.

    Ah, but this is no ordinary flame, Arthur mused aloud, waggling a finger as if lecturing an invisible audience. He reached into the folds of his cloak and withdrew a small, ornate bellows, embellished with runes that shimmered even in the dim light. It was a relic from another tale, a tool he'd imagined into reality during a previous escapade.

    Allow me, Ivy offered, taking the bellows with delicate hands. With a knowing glance at Arthur, she directed a focused gust of air toward the unlit brazier standing sentry beside the arch.

    Steady, Theodore, Arthur said, gesturing for his friend to take position opposite Ivy. Theodore, ever the bastion of support, cupped his hands to channel the air, guiding the stream to converge precisely where it was needed.

    With a whoosh, the Flame of Foresight blazed to life, its dance casting playful shadows upon their faces. The archway rumbled in satisfaction, and the barrier that had impeded their passage dissipated like morning mist under the sun's warm gaze.

    Through imagination and unity, you have prevailed, the arch praised, and the path ahead lay clear, inviting them to continue their whimsical journey.

    Brilliant thinking, Arthur, Theodore said, clapping his friend on the back. And executed with finesse, Ivy, he added with a respectful nod.

    Nothing stands a chance against our combined wits and wills, Arthur beamed, puffing out his chest with pride. Onward, my valiant companions! Our story beckons us forth!

    Together, they stepped through the Arcane Arch of Aspirations, their spirits buoyed by the triumph of teamwork and the endless possibilities that awaited them in the fantastical realm beyond.

    Arthur led the way, his portly frame casting a plump shadow on the iridescent ground. The fantastical realm unfolded before them like the pages of an unwritten tome, each step revealing new wonders that danced from the quill of Arthur's boundless imagination. Ivy and Theodore followed, their eyes wide with delight as they traversed landscapes that defied all reason.

    They wandered through the Whispering Woods, where the trees conversed in hushed tones, leaves rustling with secrets of ancient lore. Creatures of whimsy flitted between the branches: flutterwings with gossamer wings sparkling in the dappled sunlight, and mischievous pookas that playfully tugged at Arthur's coat tails before vanishing into thin air.

    Look there, Ivy pointed to a clearing where the grass grew in hues of silver and gold, swaying rhythmically as if to an unheard melody. A brook of molten crystal flowed nearby, its song harmonizing with the wind's soft lullaby.

    Is that...? Theodore squinted at a figure prancing near the water's edge.

    An Inkwell Imp, Arthur said, chuckling as he watched the diminutive creature dip its tiny paw into the liquid light, scribbling playful doodles onto the air that hovered like daydreams before softly fading away.

    Only you could dream up such marvels, Arthur, Ivy remarked with a smile, her admiration for her friend shining as brightly as the enchanted flora around them.

    Ah, but it's one thing to dream, Arthur responded with a twinkle in his eye, and quite another to share those dreams with dear friends.

    Pressing onward, the trio climbed the rolling hills of Everchange, where the landscape shifted subtly with each passing moment. Verdant green turned to autumnal orange, then to a frosty blue, echoing the seasons in a matter of heartbeats.

    As they reached the crest of a particularly vibrant hill, a gasp escaped from all three travelers simultaneously. Below them spread the Valley of Vanishing Stars, a sight so breathtakingly beautiful that it seemed to be born from the deepest magic of the night sky. Millions of flowers carpeted the valley floor, each blossom glowing with an inner light that flickered like distant constellations.

    By the Quills of Quandary, Arthur whispered, his voice barely above the sound of wonder that filled the air. It's as if the heavens themselves have descended to grace our path.

    Stars walking amongst us, Ivy murmured, her gaze lost in the celestial tapestry below.

    Theodore knelt, brushing his fingers against the petals of a flower. Its glow brightened at his touch, then dimmed back to a gentle pulse. A land of living starlight, he said, his voice full of awe.

    Together, they stood at the valley's edge, the light from below casting their faces in a dance of shadows and luminescence. The moment stretched out, timeless and unforgettable, a shared experience etched into the story of their friendship.

    Shall we walk among the stars, my companions? Arthur asked, his hand reaching out to his friends.

    Let's, Ivy replied, taking his hand.

    Indeed, Theodore agreed, completing the circle.

    With hearts full of wonder, they descended into the Valley of Vanishing Stars, ready to weave themselves into the fabric of this otherworldly night.

    As they wove through the glowing flora, each step released a symphony of light that danced around them. Arthur led the way, his portly figure bouncing with an excitement that belied his size. He let out a chuckle, and it was contagious; soon all three were laughing, their mirth mingling with the ethereal whispers of the valley.

    Remember when we first met? Ivy said between giggles, brushing a luminescent petal from her vibrant green hair. You tried to convince us you were a wandering bard who had lost his lute.

    Theodore nodded, his smile as warm as the light surrounding them. And instead of a song, you gave us an epic tale of a lute so magical it sprang legs and ran off to start its own adventure.

    Ah, but what adventures we've had since, Arthur said, his eyes twinkling like the starlit flowers at their feet. Who needs a lute when you have companions such as yourselves?

    True, Ivy agreed. Though I still wouldn't mind hearing you sing one day.

    Let's save that for when we need to scare away a beast or two, Theodore quipped, earning an exaggerated gasp from Arthur.

    Alas, my voice is not the siren call I once believed it to be, Arthur proclaimed dramatically, placing a hand over his heart.

    The laughter that followed seemed to infuse the valley with even more life, and for a few precious moments, the burdens of the world beyond this magical realm lifted from their shoulders.

    As they journeyed on, the luminous landscape began to shift. The glowing blossoms dimmed, giving way to a dense fog that rolled in like a silent tide. Their laughter faded as a hush settled over the trio.

    Curiouser and curiouser, Arthur murmured, peering into the mist. Where are you leading us now, my whimsical world?

    The fog thickened until they could barely see their hands before their faces. They moved closer together, instinctively seeking the comfort of each other's presence.

    Arthur, do you hear that? Theodore's voice held a note of uncertainty.

    There was a sound indeed—a low hum that vibrated through the air, growing steadily louder. It was neither menacing nor welcoming; it simply was, as if the fabric of the realm

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