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Shades of Z: Redux
Shades of Z: Redux
Shades of Z: Redux
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Shades of Z: Redux

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A zombie starts to regain his human abilities and sets out to figure out who he is.

Release dateDec 6, 2023
Shades of Z: Redux

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    Shades of Z - Aaron Abilene

    Shades of Z: Redux

    Aaron Abilene

    Published by Syphon Creative, 2023.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. December 6, 2023.

    Copyright © 2023 Aaron Abilene.

    ISBN: 979-8223792154

    Written by Aaron Abilene.

    Also by Aaron Abilene


    505: Resurrection


    Dead Awake (Coming Soon)

    Before The Dead Awake (Coming Soon)

    Carnival Game

    Full Moon Howl


    Shades of Z


    Deadeye & Friends

    Cowboys Vs Aliens


    Life in Prescott (Coming Soon)

    Afterlife in Love (Coming Soon)


    Paradise Island

    The Lost Island

    The Lost Island 2

    The Lost Island 3

    The Island 2


    Pandemic (Coming Soon)


    The Compound


    Slacker 2

    Slacker: Dead Man Walkin'


    A Vampire in Texas








    Bloodline (Coming Soon)

    Decontaminated (Coming Soon)


    Raising Hell

    Zombie Bride

    Zombie Bride

    Zombie Bride 2

    Zombie Bride 3


    The Victims of Pinocchio

    A Christmas Nightmare


    Fat Jesus

    A Zombie's Revenge


    The Headhunter



    The Island


    The Quiet Man

    Joe Superhero


    Good Guys

    Devil Child of Texas

    Romeo and Juliet and Zombies

    The Gamer

    Becoming Alpha

    Dead West

    Small Town Blues

    Shades of Z: Redux

    The Gift of Death

    Killer Claus


    Home Sweet Home

    Alligator Allan

    10 Days

    Army of The Dumbest Dead


    The Cult of Stupid

    9 Time Felon


    Bad Review: Hannah Dies

    Me Again

    Maurice and Me

    Breaking Wind

    The Family Business (Coming Soon)

    Lightning Rider : Better Days (Coming Soon)

    Lazy Boyz (Coming Soon)

    Sparkles The Vampire Clown (Coming Soon)

    From The Future, Stuck in The Past (Coming Soon)

    Honest John (Coming Soon)

    She's Psycho (Coming Soon)

    Vicious Cycle (Coming Soon)

    Romeo and Juliet: True Love Conquers All (Coming Soon)

    Hunting Sarah (Coming Soon)

    Random Acts of Stupidity (Coming Soon)

    Born Killer (Coming Soon)

    The Abducted (Coming Soon)

    Broken Man (Coming Soon)

    Graham Hiney (Coming Soon)

    Paper Soldiers (Coming Soon)

    Zartan (Coming Soon)

    The Firsts in Life (Coming Soon)

    Giant Baby (Coming Soon)

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Also By Aaron Abilene

    Shades of Z: Redux

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    Also By Aaron Abilene

    Shades of Z: Redux

    Written by Aaron Abilene

    The world had become a monochromatic wasteland, devoid of the vibrant colors and life that once flourished. The sun, a pale disc in the sky, cast a sickly light upon the desolate landscape where abandoned buildings loomed like skeletal remnants, their windows shattered and gaping like hollow eye sockets. Streets, now cracked and overgrown with weeds, wound through the ruins like veins of decay pulsating with emptiness. The stench of rot and despair clung to the air, a constant reminder of the apocalypse that had ravaged the earth.

    In this forsaken place, a figure shuffled through the debris-strewn streets – Adam Walker, an average-height zombie with a lean build that spoke of the starvation he'd faced as a human before his transformation. His matted, dirty gray hair hung limply around his face, framing his pale, lifeless eyes which stared out blankly into the void of this new world. Adam's once-tan skin was now a sallow gray, stretched taut across his gaunt features and marred by various scrapes and bruises.

    Arrrgh, he groaned, the sound escaping his parched lips as little more than a raspy whisper. His limbs moved stiffly, each step a laborious effort against the rigor mortis that threatened to overtake him completely.

    Uggghh... brains? he muttered, one hand reaching up to scratch at the side of his head. An odd question, perhaps, but one that seemed to encapsulate the inner turmoil that plagued him even in undeath. For unlike the mindless horde that roamed the earth in search of flesh, Adam retained a spark of consciousness – a burning ember of curiosity and longing that refused to be snuffed out.

    Is... is this it? Just... eat, groan, repeat? he whispered to himself, shaking his head in frustration. He couldn't help but feel that there must be more to his existence than the monotonous cycle of hunger and violence that defined the life of a zombie. But what else was there for him now, in this bleak and desolate world?

    Adam shuffled through the abandoned streets, his footsteps echoing in the silence. The world around him was a testament to humanity's fall: shattered windows, broken buildings, and the once-bustling cityscape now reduced to ghostly shadows. With each aimless step he took, Adam found himself questioning the purpose of his existence.

    Ugh, Adam grunted as he pushed open a cracked door and stumbled into what was once a grocery store. The shelves were bare, picked clean by desperate survivors and other creatures that now roamed this desolate landscape. He glanced around, his pale eyes searching for something – anything – that might offer a clue to unlocking the mystery of his past life.

    Brains? he mumbled, more out of habit than actual desire. It was strange how some words and phrases seemed to linger in his decaying mind, like echoes from a time when he was still alive.

    Argh came a guttural reply from behind. Adam turned to see another zombie shambling towards him, its hands clawing at the air as if trying to grasp some invisible prize. The creature's eyes were vacant, devoid of any semblance of thought or emotion – a stark contrast to the flicker of curiosity that still burned within Adam's own gaze. This mindless hunger was a trap he refused to fall into.

    Arrr Adam replied noncommittally, feigning disinterest as he maneuvered around his fellow undead. Their grotesque forms bumped against one another, their cold flesh making an unnerving sound.

    Hey, watch it! Adam thought, though his vocal cords could only manage a low moan.

    Brains the other zombie muttered, its voice barely audible above the cacophony of decay that filled the room. It continued to shuffle forward on its relentless quest for sustenance, completely oblivious to Adam's internal struggle.

    Is this really all there is? Adam pondered, watching as the other zombie disappeared around a corner. Just... eat, groan, repeat?

    With a heavy sigh, he resumed his aimless wandering through the broken streets, his mind filled with questions that seemed to have no answers. The world had become an endless loop of hunger and despair, and yet, something deep within him refused to give up. He sensed that there was more to his existence than simply being a mindless monster – a spark of hope that one day, he might find a way to reclaim the life he had lost.

    Ugh Adam grunted, his determination growing stronger with each shuffling step.

    Is there really nothing more to life than this? Adam mused as he navigated the desolate landscape, his thoughts plagued by a hunger for something other than human flesh. He couldn't shake the feeling that there had to be more – that beneath the surface of his rotting exterior, a shred of his former humanity still remained.

    Ugh he groaned, his frustration manifesting in the only form of communication his zombie body could muster.

    The abandoned streets stretched out before him like a graveyard, an eerie silence punctuated only by the occasional distant moan or the crunch of shattered glass beneath his feet. Once-vibrant storefronts now stood empty and decaying, their windows smashed and signs hanging askew. The skeletal remains of vehicles lined the roads, their rusted bodies a testament to the passage of time since the world had succumbed to the undead plague.

    Arr Adam muttered as he paused to look around, taking in the sight of a once-bustling city reduced to rubble and ruin.

    Brains another zombie droned nearby, its voice barely audible amidst the oppressive quiet of the abandoned streets. It lurched past Adam, its single-minded focus on its next meal evident in its staggering gait.

    Ugh Adam replied, feigning disinterest as he continued his aimless exploration. His eyes scanned the crumbling facades of the buildings, searching for any hint of life or purpose beyond the mindless consumption that seemed to drive his fellow undead. He yearned for something to fill the emptiness within him, a reason to keep moving forward despite the gnawing hunger that threatened to consume him entirely.

    Hey! a sudden, urgent whisper caught his attention, breaking through the haze of his thoughts. You! Over here!

    Arr Adam grunted, momentarily startled by the unexpected sound of a human voice. He glanced around, trying to locate the source of the noise, his curiosity piqued.

    Quickly, before the others notice the voice urged again, more insistent this time. It seemed to be coming from a shadowy alleyway between two crumbling buildings, where a faint glimmer of light flickered amidst the darkness.

    Ugh Adam hesitated for a moment, torn between his hunger and his desire for something more meaningful. His undead instincts screamed at him to seek out the scent of fresh flesh, but the spark of intelligence that still burned within him urged him to investigate the mysterious voice.

    With a determined grunt, he shuffled toward the alleyway, the promise of something beyond his current existence propelling him forward into the unknown.

    Adam's pale, lifeless eyes darted from one shattered window to another, scrutinizing the jagged shards that still clung to the frames like sharp teeth. He couldn't help but wonder what stories lay hidden behind those broken panes, secrets of a world now lost to the relentless march of time and decay.

    Uggh he grumbled, dragging his feet as he ventured deeper into the desolate cityscape, his curiosity guiding him forward. A tattered newspaper fluttered past, its headlines a faded reminder of the chaos and panic that had once gripped this world.

    Rrraa a guttural moan punctuated the eerie silence, and Adam turned his head to see a small group of mindless zombies shuffling aimlessly along the cracked pavement. Their vacant expressions were devoid of any thought or purpose, their only drive being the insatiable hunger that gnawed at their rotting flesh.

    Look at them muttered Adam under his breath, a flicker of disgust passing through his hollow gaze. Just...mindless.

    As he continued to explore, he stumbled upon an old playground, its rusted swings creaking softly in the breeze. The sight stirred something deep within him, memories of laughter and joy now buried beneath layers of hunger and decay.

    Remember he whispered, trying to cling to the faint echoes of his past life. Remember who you were.

    Rrr a sudden snarl tore through the air, snapping him out of his reverie. Another zombie had lumbered into view, its decaying form lurching toward him with single-minded determination. Its jaw hung slack, and putrid drool dribbled onto the ground, leaving a slimy trail in its wake.

    Ugh Adam grunted, stepping back as the creature drew nearer. He felt no kinship with these mindless beings, only a deep sense of frustration at the emptiness of their existence. Why am I different? he wondered, his thoughts a tangled mess of longing and despair.

    Hey a voice whispered in the distance, barely audible above the moans of the approaching zombie. Over here.

    Arh Adam hesitated, torn between following the mysterious voice or defending himself against the ravenous creature. But as he looked into its lifeless eyes, he knew that there was nothing to be gained from remaining among the mindless horde.

    Ugh with renewed determination, he turned away from the lumbering zombie and followed the faint sound of the voice, leaving behind the broken windows and crumbling walls of a world that had long since lost its way.

    The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie red glow across the desolate landscape. Adam shambled alongside a group of mindless zombies, their collective moans filling the air like a macabre symphony. Unlike the others, however, Adam's eyes darted around, taking in the surrounding decay with a sense of curiosity that belied his undead nature.

    Ugh, he grunted to himself, accidentally bumping into a zombie beside him. The creature, a rotting mass of exposed flesh and gnashing teeth, didn't even seem to notice. These poor fools.

    Rrrrr, one of the zombies growled, its lifeless eyes fixated on something in the distance. The others followed suit, their noses twitching as they caught wind of an enticing scent: fresh flesh.

    Wait, Adam thought, his hesitation making him stand out among the horde. His hand instinctively moved to the tattered remains of his shirt pocket, where he kept a small, faded photograph of the person he used to be. Is this all there is? Mindlessly feasting on whatever scraps we can find?

    Grh, another zombie snarled, snapping at the air as it drew closer to the source of the scent. A pang of hunger shot through Adam's stomach, an insistent reminder of the undead instincts that still ruled his body.

    Alright, fine, he muttered, reluctantly following the others toward their quarry. But I won't let myself become like them.

    As they neared the location, Adam noticed the others quickening their pace, their hunger driving them forward with reckless abandon. He couldn't help but feel a similar pull, a burning need to satiate his ravenous appetite.

    Focus, he told himself, forcing his thoughts away from the mounting hunger. You're better than this.

    Rrr a desperate cry rang out, undoubtedly from their soon-to-be victim. The zombies surged forward, tripping over each other in their haste to reach the fresh flesh.

    Ugh Adam grumbled, his mouth watering at the tantalizing aroma of warm blood. Despite his best efforts, he felt himself being swept up in the frenzy, his body yearning for nourishment.

    Is this really all I am now? he wondered, his thoughts racing as he fought against the overwhelming urge to join the feast. Or is there still hope for me?

    Rrr another growl sounded closer, a fellow zombie reaching out to snatch away Adam's potential meal. With a sudden burst of clarity, he shook off his hunger and stepped back from the grisly scene, refusing to give in to his baser instincts.

    Ugh he whispered, his eyes locked on the photograph clenched tightly in his hand. I'll find a way. I have to.

    Rrr a desperate cry rang out again, undoubtedly from another soon-to-be victim. Adam hesitated, torn between the gnawing hunger that threatened to consume him and his yearning for something more meaningful than simply feasting on human flesh. He couldn't help but feel a sense of revulsion at the thought of tearing into someone's body, devouring them as if they were nothing more than a meal.

    Is this really all I am now? he wondered, his thoughts racing as he fought against the overwhelming urge to join the feast. Or is there still hope for me?

    Ugh he whispered, his eyes locked on the tattered photograph clenched tightly in his hand. The image of a woman with gentle eyes and a warm smile stared back at him, reminding him of the person he used to be before the world had turned to chaos. In her gaze, he saw love and happiness, and it stirred within him a deep longing for purpose and connection.

    Adam, he murmured to himself, testing the sound of his own name. It felt foreign on his lips, yet somehow familiar. His mind drifted back through the fog of his memories, searching for any remnants of his past life.

    Ugh he grunted in frustration, the details eluding him like wisps of smoke. But the feeling remained – the undeniable pull towards something more than this dreary, unending existence of hunger and loneliness.

    Rrr another growl sounded closer, a fellow zombie reaching out to snatch away Adam's potential meal. With a sudden burst of clarity, he shook off his hunger and stepped back from the grisly scene, refusing to give in to his baser instincts.

    Ugh he whispered, his eyes locked on the photograph clenched tightly in his hand. I'll find a way. I have to.

    Rrr the growls of the other zombies seemed to fade into the background as Adam took a deep, shuddering breath and steeled himself for the journey ahead. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he refused to succumb to the fate that had befallen so many others.

    Ugh he grumbled, taking one last look at the woman in the photograph before tucking it safely away in his pocket. I'll find you, he promised, his voice barely more than a whisper. And when I do, I'll finally remember who I was – who we were – before all of this.

    Rrr with renewed determination, Adam turned away from the other zombies and set off on his own path, his search for meaning driving him forward through the desolate, crumbling world around him.

    The barren streets stretched out before Adam like the skeletal remains of a forgotten world. Buildings loomed overhead, their shattered windows staring blankly, and lifeless trees reached for the sky with gnarled limbs. The only sounds that dared to pierce the silence were the distant moans of other zombies, echoing through the once-vibrant city.

    Rrr Adam growled, not in hunger but in frustration. He couldn't let his thoughts be consumed by the emptiness around him; he needed to focus on his goal. His mind whirred with memories – fragments of laughter, sunlight, and the scent of her perfume. Ugh he muttered, forcing himself to concentrate on the task at hand.

    A gust of wind picked up, swirling dust and debris through the air as Adam walked with purposeful steps. Each stride seemed to defy the slow, shambling gait of his fellow undead.

    Ugh he grunted again, glancing at the cracked pavement beneath his feet. It was as if he could see the man he used to be reflected in those fissures – a man full of life, love, and dreams. But now, he had a new purpose: to rediscover his past and find his humanity.

    Rrr another moan reached his ears, causing Adam to pause momentarily. He turned toward the sound, seeing the source – another zombie, its mouth agape, eyes empty and unseeing. A pang of pity struck him, knowing that it would never feel the same drive or determination that coursed through him.

    Ugh, no he whispered to himself, shaking off the sorrow. He refused to end up like the others, lost to their insatiable hunger. Adam's resolve hardened, his every step imbued with newfound conviction.

    Adam's pale, lifeless eyes scanned the horizon as he continued his purposeful march. The wind carried with it the distant moans of the mindless undead that haunted these desolate streets. He clenched his jaw, fighting against the gnawing hunger that threatened to consume him.

    Must... keep... going, he muttered under his breath, each word a testament to his determination. His thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and emotion. He knew there had to be more to his existence than this – something beyond the flesh-hungry cravings of the undead.

    Ugh! Adam exclaimed, stumbling on a loose brick in the road. As he regained his balance, he noticed a glint of metal in the debris. Curiosity piqued, he carefully bent down and picked up the object – a tarnished locket.

    Wh-what... is this? he asked himself, struggling to open the small piece of jewelry. With a satisfying click, the locket revealed itself, showing the faded photograph of a smiling woman with warm, loving eyes.

    Her... he whispered, memories of laughter, sunlight, and her perfume flooding his mind. A single tear rolled down his cheek, leaving a clean streak amid the grime on his face.

    Who... who are you? he questioned, desperate for answers. The connection he felt to the woman in the photograph was strong - perhaps she held the key to unlocking his past and restoring his humanity.

    Must... find... her, he declared, the locket now secured tightly in his grip. As he resumed his determined gait, a low growl echoed through the air, drawing his attention.

    Rrr came the guttural sound again, closer this time. Adam's head whipped around, searching for its source. Just then, the shadows at the end of the street began to shift, revealing a figure slowly emerging from the darkness.

    Ugh he tensed, unsure if this new presence would prove to be friend or foe. The figure drew nearer, and as it stepped into the dim light of the dying day, Adam could see its features clearly.

    Wh-what...? he stammered, his senses suddenly heightened. The air around him seemed to vibrate with anticipation, suggesting that this meeting held more significance than he could have imagined. As the stranger's eyes met his, Adam felt a jolt of recognition – a connection that went beyond their shared undead existence.

    Who... are you? he asked, his voice trembling with hope and fear. The figure's lips curled into a knowing smile, hinting at a secret that could change Adam's life forever.

    Adam, the stranger replied slowly, I've been waiting for you.

    Adam Walker shuffled aimlessly through the abandoned streets of the decaying city, his once-brown hair now a matted, dirty shade of gray. He moved past broken buildings and shattered windows, amidst fallen street signs and overturned cars. The world around him was a desolate wasteland – empty and devoid of life.

    As he walked, Adam could feel a sense of emptiness that mirrored the world around him. It gnawed at him, an insatiable hunger for something more than the mindless existence he had been cursed with. His pale, lifeless eyes scanned his surroundings. He saw other zombies shuffling about, their glassy-eyed stares fixated on whatever source of sustenance they could find. Unlike them, however, Adam's thoughts were introspective, searching for answers to questions he couldn't quite articulate.

    Ugghhh groaned one of the nearby zombies as it stumbled past him, its outstretched arms reaching towards an unlucky rat scurrying away from the scene.

    Uggggh Adam replied, mimicking the zombie's tone in an attempt to blend in. But deep down, he knew he was different. While the others seemed focused solely on their next meal, he felt a

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