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A group of friends decide to explore an abandoned mansion only to come face to face with a group of psychotic people.

Release dateMay 9, 2024

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    Urbex - Aaron Abilene


    Aaron Abilene

    Published by Syphon Creative, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. May 9, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Aaron Abilene.

    ISBN: 979-8224622986

    Written by Aaron Abilene.

    Also by Aaron Abilene



    505: Resurrection


    Dead Awake

    Before The Dead Awake (Coming Soon)

    Carnival Game

    Full Moon Howl


    Shades of Z


    Deadeye & Friends

    Cowboys Vs Aliens


    Life in Prescott (Coming Soon)

    Afterlife in Love (Coming Soon)


    Paradise Island

    The Lost Island

    The Lost Island 2

    The Lost Island 3

    The Island 2


    Pandemic (Coming Soon)



    The Compound


    Slacker 2

    Slacker: Dead Man Walkin'


    Devil Child of Texas

    A Vampire in Texas

    The Author

    Breaking Wind

    Yellow Snow

    Dragon Snatch

    Golden Showers

    Nether Region









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    Trailer Park Diaries

    Trailer Park Diaries 2

    Trailer Park Diaries 3


    Raising Hell

    Zombie Bride

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    Zombie Bride 2

    Zombie Bride 3


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    A Christmas Nightmare


    Fat Jesus

    A Zombie's Revenge

    The Headhunter



    The Island


    The Quiet Man

    Joe Superhero


    Good Guys

    Romeo and Juliet and Zombies

    The Gamer

    Becoming Alpha

    Dead West

    Small Town Blues

    Shades of Z: Redux

    The Gift of Death

    Killer Claus


    Home Sweet Home

    Alligator Allan

    10 Days

    Army of The Dumbest Dead


    The Cult of Stupid

    9 Time Felon


    Bad Review: Hannah Dies

    Me Again

    Maurice and Me

    The Family Business

    Lightning Rider : Better Days

    Lazy Boyz

    The Sheep


    The Flood


    Good Intentions

    Dark Magic

    Sparkles The Vampire Clown

    From The Future, Stuck in The Past


    Knock Knock


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    She's Psycho



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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Also By Aaron Abilene


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    Also By Aaron Abilene


    Written by Aaron Abilene


    The neon lights of the diner flickered, casting an otherworldly glow on the cluster of friends huddled in a vinyl booth, their voices a low hum of anticipation. A waitress, with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, refilled their coffee mugs one more time and left them to their fervent discussion.

    Blackwood Manor is going to be epic, Jenna said, her eyes alight with excitement as she leaned across the table, conspiratorially lowering her voice. Her friends nodded in agreement, their faces animated by the thrill of the upcoming adventure.

    Jenna's enthusiasm was infectious, the very essence of her spirit. She had always been the one to suggest the midnight swims and impromptu road trips — the glue holding their tight-knit group together. And now here they were, about to embark on what could be their biggest escapade yet.

    She pushed a lock of chestnut hair behind her ear, her fingers trembling slightly, betraying a vulnerability that contrasted sharply with her confident exterior. Jenna knew the risks; after all, Blackwood Manor wasn't just any dilapidated house. It was a place shrouded in mystery and danger, a place that whispered of the unknown. But it was precisely that sense of potential peril that drew her in, the adrenaline rush that came with facing fear head-on.

    Okay, so we've got everything we need, right? Jenna scanned the faces of her friends for confirmation, her deep brown eyes reflecting a spark of determination that refused to be extinguished. The manor awaited, with its secrets and stories, and Jenna felt ready to claim them all, even if a small part of her wondered what lay beyond those forsaken walls.

    The red vinyl booth at the local diner squeaked under Kyle's weight as he shifted to an exaggerated storyteller’s pose, his arms wide and his grin wider. So, legend has it that Old Man Blackwood still roams the halls, his ghostly figure seen in the upstairs windows when the moon is just shy of being full.

    Kyle, you're such a ham, Lucy chuckled, rolling her eyes but not able to suppress a smile at his antics. She reached over to tap the mustard bottle back into its rightful place on the table, ever the mediator of the group.

    Sure, sure, but are we really going to ignore the fact that every so-called sighting has been debunked? Ashley interjected, her skepticism as much a part of her as her well-worn leather jacket. She sipped her coffee, the steam doing little to cloud the clear judgment in her gaze.

    Brad leaned forward, his elbows on the table, a devilish glint lighting up his eyes. Debunked or not, I'm there for the thrill. It's not every day you get to poke around a real-life haunted house. Who knows what we'll find?

    Jenna listened, letting each of her friends' personalities wash over her. The dynamics of their group had always fascinated her—the way they could all be so different, yet fit together like mismatched pieces of the same puzzle. Kyle with his humor that cut through tension like a knife, Ashley who kept their feet firmly planted on the ground, Brad whose zest for life often led them down paths less traveled, and Lucy, the glue that somehow held all their contrasting edges together.

    Anyway, Kyle continued, the twinkle in his eye suggesting he was far from finished, they say the top floor is where it all goes down. That's where the old man supposedly offed himself after the disappearance of his family.

    Ugh, can we not talk about death while I'm eating my pie? Lucy grimaced, but her tone remained light.

    Hey, if we're lucky, maybe the ghost of Blackwood will join us for a slice! Brad joked, earning a playful shove from Jenna.

    Let's just hope the only spirits we encounter come in liquid form, Jenna said, trying to calm the fluttering in her stomach with a touch of levity. Her friends' laughter filled the air, their collective courage bolstering her own. She was ready. They were ready. Blackwood Manor awaited them, and whatever lay within those ominous walls, they would face it together.

    Jenna's gaze flitted from one friend to another, her lips curving into a smirk as Brad recounted his last ridiculous encounter with what he claimed was the supernatural. And there I was, face-to-face with the most terrifying specter, Brad said, leaning forward, his voice dropping to a whisper for dramatic effect.

    Let me guess, Ashley interjected, her skeptical eyebrow raised in amusement, it had chains and moaned a lot?

    Actually, it turned out to be Mrs. Henderson's cat with a flashlight under its chin, Kyle quipped, sending the group into another round of laughter that filled the booth with warmth and camaraderie.

    Bravo, Ghostbuster, Lucy applauded, clapping her hands mockingly. You've saved us from the feline phantom menace.

    Hey, at least I'm willing to dive headfirst into the mystery, Brad retorted, grinning despite the teasing.

    Speaking of diving in, Jenna cut in, her adventurous spirit unable to be contained any longer, I think we've done enough talking. Blackwood Manor isn't going to explore itself. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and the slightest hint of nerves, but her voice was steady and confident.

    Jenna's right, Lucy agreed, sliding out of the booth with an encouraging nod. We'll never know if the stories are true unless we see for ourselves.

    Besides, Kyle added, standing up and stretching his arms above his head, I've got a score to settle with any ghost daring enough to cross my path.

    Or any unsuspecting cats, Ashley teased, grabbing her jacket from the back of the chair.

    Alright, let's do this, Jenna declared, standing at the helm of her intrepid crew. With a final laugh echoing behind them, they pushed through the diner doors and into the cool embrace of the night, unaware of how deeply the shadows of Blackwood Manor would cling to their souls.

    The cool evening air bit at Jenna's cheeks as she made her way to her car, the rest of the group falling into step beside her. The diner’s neon sign hummed in the background, casting an otherworldly glow onto their faces, but it was the prospect of what lay ahead that truly lit them up.

    Jenna, wait up! Kyle called out, jogging to catch up with her determined stride. You really think tonight's the night we'll all become believers? His voice was laced with both skepticism and a thrill-seeking eagerness.

    Believer or not, you just want to see me scream, Jenna shot back with a smirk, unlocking her car with a beep that cut through the quiet parking lot.

    Guilty as charged, he admitted, his laughter infectious enough to draw chuckles from Ashley and Lucy as they approached their own vehicles.

    Brad clapped Kyle on the shoulder, his eyes alive with excitement. Man, I've got a good feeling about this. Blackwood Manor's going to be epic.

    Or a complete bust, Ashley interjected, though the slight quiver of anticipation in her voice betrayed her outward wariness. But I guess there's only one way to find out.

    Exactly, Jenna affirmed, sliding into the driver's seat and starting the engine. The purr of the motor was a call to action, a siren song for the adventure awaiting them.

    Lucy slipped into the passenger seat next to Jenna, her supportive presence a welcome anchor. We've got this, she said with quiet confidence, buckling her seatbelt. Whatever happens, we're in it together.

    Last one to Blackwood Manor's a rotten egg! Brad hollered from his truck, already backing out with an eagerness that bordered on reckless.

    Watch out for black cats crossing your path, Brad! Ashley yelled after him, sharing a knowing look with Jenna before getting into her car.

    Headlights flickered on, piercing the darkness as the convoy rolled out of the diner's lot. The roads were nearly empty, leaving only the sounds of tires on pavement and the occasional hoot of a distant owl to accompany their journey.

    As they drove, the town's lights faded behind them, replaced by the looming shadows of the woods that skirted the edge of the road. The playful banter over the radio channels dimmed to a low murmur as the reality of their destination settled in.

    Ever wonder what we'll do if we actually find something? Lucy murmured, her gaze fixed on the dark road ahead.

    Cross that bridge when we come to it, Jenna replied, her hands gripping the steering wheel with a mix of resolve and the faintest tremble. For now, let's just enjoy the ride.

    And enjoy it they did, the night's chill swept away by the heat of their collective curiosity as they drove on towards the outskirts of town, the infamous Blackwood Manor drawing nearer with each passing mile.

    The car engines hummed a steady rhythm as the convoy snaked its way through the thickening fog that rolled over the road like a creeping shroud. Jenna's knuckles whitened on the steering wheel, her heart matching the tempo of the tires that crunched over gravel and fallen leaves. Beside her, Kyle fiddled with the old radio, trying to dispel the tension with static-filled tunes, but the further they traveled from town, the more the signal waned into eerie silence.

    Feels like we're driving straight into a horror movie, he joked, casting a sidelong glance at Jenna, whose eyes remained fixed on the winding road.

    Perfect setting for an adventure, isn't it? Jenna forced a smile, her adventurous spirit wrestling with the odd flutter in her stomach—a flutter that felt suspiciously like fear.

    In the backseat, Brad leaned forward, his breath fogging up the window as he peered into the darkness. You guys see that? His voice was hushed, almost reverent, as if the night itself demanded their solemn attention.

    The trees had begun to part, revealing glimpses of Blackwood Manor's silhouette against the moonlit sky. The structure loomed like a broken monolith, its jagged roofline piercing the night, windows like hollow sockets staring back at them.

    Wow, there it is, Lucy whispered from the passenger seat of Ashley's car, her tone laced with a mix of awe and apprehension.

    As the cars pulled to a stop, doors creaking open broke the silence, and feet crunched on the path leading to Blackwood Manor. Their flashlights jutted out before them, beams dancing across the decrepit facade. Vines clung to the manor's sides with a desperate grip, as though trying to pull the building back into the earth from whence it came.

    Looks like it could collapse any minute, Ashley observed, her skeptical nature painting her words with concern.

    Or swallow us whole, Kyle added, tilting his head to take in the imposing sight, a half-smile playing on his lips despite the chill that ghosted down his spine.

    Jenna stepped forward, her gaze tracing the cracked steps, the porch that sagged under the weight of years gone by. The air was heavy with the scent of mold and decay, the kind of smell that got caught in the back of your throat. It was silent—too silent—and the absence of life seemed to amplify the whispers of the past that hung in the air.

    Okay, she breathed out, rallying her courage as she took the lead. Let's see if the stories about this place are true.

    Her friends followed, each step they took toward Blackwood Manor echoing with the promise of untold secrets and the peril of disturbing slumbering shadows.

    Brad stepped up to the warped front door, his silhouette outlined by the dim glow of the moon. In his hand, the heavy bolt cutters gleamed briefly as he positioned them around the ancient padlock, its surface a mottled landscape of rust and decay.

    Here goes, he muttered, muscles tensing as he squeezed the handles together with a grunt of effort. The lock gave way with a reluctant snap, pieces of metal clinking onto the wooden porch. Jenna felt her heart skip, her adventurous spirit sending a surge of adrenaline through her veins.

    Nice going, Brad, Kyle said, slapping him on the back, his voice a mix of admiration and excitement.

    They pushed the door open, which creaked in protest, and a collective gasp escaped the group. The beam from Jenna's flashlight sliced through the darkness, revealing a grand foyer draped in shadows. Dust motes danced in the air like ghostly specters, and cobwebs stretched from the chandelier overhead to the corners of the room, shrouds for forgotten elegance.

    Whoa, check this out, Lucy whispered, pointing her light at the peeling floral wallpaper that seemed to flinch away from their intrusion.

    Jenna's excitement was palpable, but as she moved deeper into the manor, her light fell upon a more sinister scene. Discarded needles lay scattered across the floorboards, each one catching a glint of light like tiny beacons of warning. Her pulse quickened at the sight, the remnants of clandestine encounters making the manor feel less abandoned and more... contaminated.

    Her gaze traveled along the walls, now canvases for graffiti—tags and symbols that spoke of an underworld far removed from their own. A chill ran down her spine as she read one message scrawled in jagged letters: Leave or be claimed. It wasn't the threat that unnerved her; it was the conviction behind the words, as if whoever wrote them knew of dangers that lurked beyond the veil of dust and darkness.

    Guys? Jenna's voice faltered slightly, the weight of unease settling over her shoulders. Be careful where you step.

    Ashley looked at her, eyes wide as she registered the disturbing finds, her skepticism morphing into caution. They exchanged a glance that conveyed volumes—their shared thrill of adventure now tempered by the reality of Blackwood Manor's grim legacy.

    Nothing we can't handle, Brad said with a bravado that didn't quite reach his eyes, but Jenna couldn't shake the feeling that they were intruding on something far more profound than an old house with ghost stories. She wondered if the manor was indeed just a place of faded grandeur, or whether it was a silent witness waiting to echo screams once more.

    Jenna flicked her flashlight to the brightest setting and swept it across the grand foyer, the beam skittering over a shattered chandelier. She stepped over debris, her heart drumming a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Each crunch of glass underfoot echoed through the cavernous space, mingling with the soft mutterings of her friends as they dispersed.

    Check this out! Kyle's voice bounded off the walls, tinged with an excitement that was almost convincing. He nudged a dusty portrait with the toe of his sneaker, chuckling when it swung crookedly on its hinge.

    Lucy responded with a nervous giggle, her own light darting from shadow to shadow, lingering on the remnants of opulence now marred by time and neglect. It's like they just vanished, she murmured, more to herself than anyone else, her steadiness wobbling like the wavering beam of her flashlight.

    Brad let out a whoop, brandishing his flashlight like a sword as he delved deeper into the manor. Come on, where's that Blackwood spirit? This is what we came for!

    Ashley hung back, her laughter hollow as she eyed the staircase spiraling upwards into darkness. Yeah, spirits, ghosts, and possibly a tetanus shot, she quipped, but her attempt at humor did little to dispel the tension coiling in the pit of Jenna's stomach.

    Let's not split up too much, okay? Jenna called out, her voice steady despite the quiver she felt inside. She didn't miss the quick, grateful glances her friends exchanged, their bravado faltering as they realized the gravity of their surroundings.

    The group moved in a loose formation, beams of light interweaving, casting monstrous shadows that danced along with them. The air was thick with dust and something unnameable that made Jenna's skin prickle with apprehension.

    Did you hear that? Lucy whispered suddenly, pausing. They all stilled, straining against the silence, half-expecting a spectral answer. Only the sound of their collective breathing filled the void.

    Probably just the house settling, Brad shrugged off, though his voice held an edge of uncertainty.

    Or the ghost of old man Blackwood laughing at us, Kyle added with a forced laugh that faded too quickly into the stale air.

    Jenna swallowed hard, her flashlight's beam trembling slightly as it landed on a musty drapery. She couldn't shake the feeling that their presence had stirred something within the manor's walls, something curious... and watching. The notion that they were trespassers in a home that still had its master loomed over her, oppressive as the shadows.

    Alright, let's keep moving, Jenna said, more to break the sudden stillness than out of any real desire to explore further. Her words seemed to puncture the momentary bubble of fear, and once again, the group shuffled forward, a medley of feigned jests and half-hearted exploration.

    They were weaving their way through the remnants of someone else's life, each room telling a story that ended abruptly, leaving only whispers behind. With every step, the line between the living and the dead blurred, until Jenna wasn't sure which side they belonged to anymore.

    As the chapter closed, their laughter was no longer full-bodied; it was edged with nerves, a thin veneer over the growing unease that slithered through Blackwood Manor like an unseen serpent. It was clear that whatever resided in the decaying halls was beyond their realm of understanding—yet it beckoned them in

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