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A group of friends decide to explore a mansion that was abandoned halfway through the build, but they run into pure evil.

Release dateMay 11, 2024

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    Unfinished - Aaron Abilene


    Aaron Abilene

    Published by Syphon Creative, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. May 11, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Aaron Abilene.

    ISBN: 979-8224918720

    Written by Aaron Abilene.

    Also by Aaron Abilene



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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Also By Aaron Abilene


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    Also By Aaron Abilene


    Written by Aaron Abilene


    Jared leaned back in the booth, his laughter mingling with the cacophony of clinking glasses and the hum of conversations at their favorite local hangout, The Rusty Anchor. Across from him, Ryan was mid-story, gesturing wildly with hands that still bore paint stains from his latest art project, a vibrant canvas of abstract emotions.

    Then she says—she has the nerve to say—that my piece is 'derivative,' Ryan scoffed, rolling his eyes theatrically.

    Sara, her pixie-cut hair reflecting the neon lights, chuckled and shook her head. You should have told her that her critique was derivative, she quipped, eyes sparkling with mischief.

    Erin, sitting next to Sara, nodded in agreement while sipping her herbal tea. Her bookish demeanor, complete with round glasses perched on the bridge of her nose, contrasted with the rest of the group's more boisterous energy. Yet her presence was like an anchor, grounding them.

    Speaking of derivative, Jared said, seizing a lull in the conversation, have you guys heard about the old Henderson place? They say it's haunted by the original owners who were—

    Murdered, right? Sara jumped in, leaning forward with interest.

    Exactly! Jared's eyes gleamed with excitement. And not just murdered—their spirits are supposed to be trapped there, reliving their last moments over and over.

    Sounds like a bad movie plot, Erin remarked dryly, but curiosity flickered behind her skeptical gaze.

    Bad movie plot or not, wouldn't it be wild to check it out? Jared’s voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, drawing them all in closer. We could go this weekend, see if there's any truth to the rumors.

    The suggestion hung in the air, charged with potential and the allure of shared adventure.

    Sara's eyes glittered with the reflection of the dim bar lights, her pulse quickening at the thought of the mansion. Haunted, you say? She tilted her head, a grin spreading across her face. I've always wanted to see a ghost up close. Imagine the stories we could tell!

    She had always been drawn to the unexplained, the adrenaline rush of stepping into the unknown. The idea of venturing into an actual haunted house sent shivers of excitement down her spine.

    Her enthusiasm was palpable, and she leaned in closer, her gaze darting between her friends. We have to check it out. It's like... it's like calling our names, begging us to uncover its secrets. Her words danced with the thrill of potential discovery, the allure of adventure too tempting to resist.

    Ryan snorted, his lopsided grin undercutting the building tension as he reached for his half-empty glass. You know, I once dated a girl who said she was psychic—turns out she just had really good intuition about when I was hiding snacks from her, he quipped, taking a sip.

    He winked at Sara, teasingly adding, Just think, Sara, maybe this is your chance to find a ghostly boyfriend—you could have midnight rendezvous in the spirit world.

    His joke rippled through the group, easing the edges of the eerie topic, as he casually draped an arm over the back of his chair. Ryan's humor was a welcome balm, a reminder that no matter how serious things seemed, there was always room for a laugh.

    Erin folded her arms across her chest, a crease forming between her brows as she surveyed her friends through cautious eyes. The laughter from Ryan's joke still hung in the air, but it didn't seem to reach the wary corners of her mind.

    Come on, guys, she began, her voice tinged with a seriousness that acted like a damper on the group's rising excitement. You've heard the stories just like I have—people going in and never coming out, inexplicable sounds echoing through the night... We don't even know if this whole haunted mansion thing has any truth to it, or if it's just a bunch of made-up nonsense meant to scare kids.

    Jared leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, his eyes alight with the fire of conviction. But that's just it, Erin! he exclaimed, his passion for the supernatural evident in his animated gestures. Think about it—the mystery, the history, the adrenaline of stepping through those doors not knowing what we might find. It's every horror lover's dream!

    His enthusiasm was infectious, and even Erin couldn't help but be momentarily swept up in his fervor. Imagine actually experiencing something most people only dare to watch in movies or read about in books. We're talking real-life exploration here, not some scripted ghost tour. It's about the rush, Erin—the thrill of facing the unknown head-on!

    She bit her lip, caught in the gravity of Jared's argument. His words painted a picture of an adventure so vivid, it was hard to keep her feet planted in skepticism. Erin glanced at Sara and Ryan, looking for an ally in reason, but found them both more intrigued than wary.

    Besides, Jared continued, his gaze softening as he reached out, placing a reassuring hand over Erin's own. We'll all be together. Whatever happens, we face it as a team, right? And just think of the stories we'll be able to tell after tonight!

    Erin's apprehension lingered, but Jared's unwavering confidence and the promise of camaraderie began to chip away at her reservations. She knew, deep down, that the allure of the unknown was slowly reeling her in, despite her better judgment.

    Sara's eyes sparkled with the reflection of distant stars as she leaned forward, her heartbeat a syncopated rhythm to Jared's tales of the haunted mansion. The air of the local hangout seemed charged with electricity, each word from Jared's lips stoking the fire within her. She reached across the table and seized Jared's hand, her fingers intertwining with his in a firm, unyielding clasp.

    Let's do it, she declared, her voice a vibrant note that danced above the ambient noise of clinking glasses and muffled conversations. I want to see what secrets that old place hides behind its cobwebbed curtains.

    Jared returned the grip, their hands a silent pact sealed in the thrill of the forthcoming escapade. Sara's usual reticence was shed like an unwanted cloak, her spirit alight with a daring fervor that mirrored Jared's own.

    At the other end of the table, Ryan's chuckle broke through the rising tide of anticipation. He nudged Erin playfully with his elbow, a mischievous glint in his eye as he addressed her lingering doubts.

    Come on, Erin, he teased, his words laced with the warmth of camaraderie. What's life without a little mystery? I thought you were all about solving puzzles—consider this one a live-action riddle waiting for your keen mind to unravel.

    Erin shifted in her seat, a reluctant smile tugging at her lips as she met Ryan's gaze. His jest, though light-hearted, carried the undercurrent of truth she couldn't deny: the allure of the unknown was indeed a puzzle begging to be solved, and her analytical nature yearned to dissect the enigma of the haunted mansion.

    Maybe there's logic hidden amidst the legends, Ryan continued, his voice softer now, encouraging. And who knows? You might just be the one to find it.

    Her eyes flitted between her friends, their faces alight with expectation and excitement—a stark contrast to the shadows that lingered in the recesses of her mind. Erin's skepticism still clung to her like a cautious whisper, but faced with the contagious enthusiasm of her friends, it began to wane, the edges fraying into curiosity.

    For a moment, the fearsome image of the mansion with its looming spires and whispered horrors faded, replaced by the comforting solidarity of the group. They were a team, a unit bound by shared adventures and the promise of new ones—however chilling they might be. Erin's resolve inched closer to acquiescence, the scales of decision tipping precariously towards the unknown.

    Erin's eyes darted to the old clock above the bar, its hands ticking in a rhythm that mirrored her racing heart. Each tick seemed to echo her trepidation, a stark reminder of the swift passage towards an inevitable decision. She swallowed hard, her voice a hesitant murmur lost beneath the cacophony of the bustling hangout.

    Guys, I just... Are we sure about this? Erin's fingers traced the grainy surface of the wooden table, her mind grasping for tangible reasons to avoid what she feared was a reckless escapade. It's not just the rumors—what if the place is structurally unsound? We could be walking into a deathtrap.

    Jared leaned forward, his eyes sparking with the kind of fervor only forbidden places could ignite. Erin, think about it—the mansion has stood for over a century. It's survived worse than a few curious explorers.

    Sara nodded vigorously, her hand still clasped in Jared's. And we'll be together, she added, her voice a soothing balm to Erin's anxiety. We look out for each other. Always have.

    Ryan chimed in, his playful grin failing to mask the earnestness shining through. Besides, we need your sharp wits. If there are any ghosts, you'll reason them into the afterlife.

    A laugh escaped Erin's lips, lighter than she felt, as her gaze settled on the united front before her. They were an eclectic mix of bravery and brains, humor and heart—and somehow, in the face of their combined curiosity, her reservations seemed smaller, less consequential. With a sigh that lifted the weight off her chest, Erin finally nodded.

    Okay, she conceded, the word tasting like both defeat and solidarity on her tongue. Let's do it. But if anything feels off, we leave. No questions asked.

    Deal! the others exclaimed in unison, relief and excitement mingling in the air.

    Alright, let's figure this out. Jared pulled a notepad from his backpack, the unofficial planner of their quartet. We go Saturday night. Less chance of anyone noticing us. Plus, the darkness adds to the ambiance, don't you think?

    Classic horror movie setting, Ryan agreed, his chuckle lightening the atmosphere.

    Let's meet at the old willow down the road from the mansion at eleven, Sara suggested. It's secluded, and the moon should give us enough light to navigate without drawing attention.

    Bring flashlights, though, Erin added, her practical nature surfacing despite the adrenaline beginning to course through her veins. And maybe some snacks? Investigating on an empty stomach is never a good idea.

    Laughter filled the space around them, a testament to the camaraderie that would see them through the shadows of uncertainty awaiting in the decrepit halls of the haunted mansion.

    Saturday night it is, Jared confirmed, his pen dancing across the notepad as he made a list of their provisions. This is going to be one for the books, guys.

    As they rose from the table, their steps synchronizing in a dance of anticipation, Erin couldn’t help but feel the infectious glee of adventure pulsing alongside her fears. The haunted mansion beckoned, and together, they stepped closer to the unknown.

    Jared’s eyes gleamed with the kind of fervor that comes from orchestrating a shared escapade, one that edges on the precipice of legend. You know, we might need more than just flashlights and snacks, he said, reaching into his backpack once again. His hand emerged brandishing a set of bolt cutters with a flourish, as if pulling a rabbit from a magician's hat.

    Whoa there, master thief. Ryan slapped Jared on the back, a wide grin plastered across his face. Planning to break into Fort Knox next?

    Only if it's haunted, Jared quipped, winking at Sara who was already nodding in approval, her adventurous spirit alight like wildfire.

    Maybe a crowbar too, for prying open any locked doors or... crypts, she added, leaning into the thrill of their impending night-time excursion.

    Guys, are we sure about this? Erin's voice cracked slightly, revealing the tightrope she walked between excitement and fear.

    Erin, we'll be fine. We're all in this together, Sara reassured her, squeezing her shoulder. Besides, Jared here is basically a boy scout. Aren't you prepared for everything?

    Absolutely, Jared agreed, puffing up with pride. I've got a multi-tool, some heavy-duty gloves, and even brought rope. You never know when you might need rope.

    Like if we have to tie up a ghost, Ryan joked, only half-seriously dismissing the possibility of otherworldly encounters.

    Or make a quick getaway, Erin muttered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, her eyes betraying the glint of curiosity that kept her rooted to the group despite her reservations.

    The conversation tapered off as they stood, the weight of their decision settling in the silence between them. But it was a weight they each chose to carry, bound by the allure of adventure and the strength of their bond.

    Let's do this, Jared declared, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. Saturday night at the old willow tree.

    Let the haunting begin, Sara whispered, her voice a mix of determination and glee.

    Or let us become the haunted, Ryan added theatrically, throwing an arm around Erin's shoulders as they headed for the door.

    Either way, it's a night we won't forget, Erin conceded, her steps matching the rhythm of her friends'.

    With a final glance back at the local hangout—their safe haven and the backdrop of many less perilous gatherings—they stepped out into the night. The air held a crisp promise, one that sang of mysteries to unravel and stories to forge within the walls of the haunted mansion.

    Their agreement sealed, the chapter closed on four friends, united in bravery and bound for a rendezvous with the unknown that lurked in the shadows of the decrepit estate.

    A shroud of twilight draped itself around the group as they stood at the base of the hill, their collective gaze lifting to the silhouette of the decrepit mansion that clawed at the darkening sky. The air was thick with anticipation and excitement, an electric current that tethered each of them to the looming edifice. It was a place of legend, a structure whispered about in hushed tones and dared visits by only the most intrepid—or foolish.

    Come on, Jared said, his voice steady and imbued with a determination that seemed to cut through the chill of the evening air. He stepped forward, taking point as if he were born to lead this motley crew into the teeth of the unknown. His eyes never left the mansion, a beacon of mystery that called to something deep within him, a yearning for the thrill of discovery and the affirmation of the rumors that swirled like the autumn leaves around the haunted house.

    The path ahead was choked with neglect; brambles and wild foliage had over the years claimed dominion over what was once a grand approach. Yet Jared's stride did not waver. He moved with the confidence of someone who knew that hesitation was the sibling of fear, and he would not allow it to root in his heart—or in the hearts of his companions.

    Let's find out if the stories are true, he urged, his rallying call punctuated by the crunch of dead leaves and the snapping of twigs underfoot. Each step taken was a pact made, a silent agreement that they were bound to this adventure, come what may.

    The iron gates loomed before them now, as imposing as the tales suggested, wrought in intricate patterns that time had dulled to cruel spikes and unwelcoming bars. They stood sentinel, guardians of a realm that lay forgotten by man but remembered in lore. With a resolute grunt, Jared reached out and wrapped his hands around the cold metal, the rust flaking beneath his touch.

    Here goes nothing, he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else, and with a show of strength fueled by adrenaline, he pushed. The gates groaned a lament, a sound that seemed to resonate from deep within the bowels of the mansion, a forewarning that echoed off its vacant windows and into the bones of the brave souls that dared to disturb its slumber.


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