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The Game of Seduction: how to become a modern-day "Casanova" and take beautiful women to bed.
The Game of Seduction: how to become a modern-day "Casanova" and take beautiful women to bed.
The Game of Seduction: how to become a modern-day "Casanova" and take beautiful women to bed.
Ebook173 pages2 hours

The Game of Seduction: how to become a modern-day "Casanova" and take beautiful women to bed.

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Have you ever heard of "Pickup Artist" or "Alpha Male"? And what if it were possible to transform into a man capable of seducing any woman you desired? Get ready to step into the fascinating and disturbing world of "The Game of Seduction: How to Become a Modern-day Casanova and Take Beautiful Women to Bed," a comprehensive work on the art of seduction and the Pickup community worldwide, written by John Lougan, one of the most influential Brazilian PUAs (Pickup Artists) today. This book delves into the deep roots of seduction, from its beginnings, encompassing figures like Don Juan and Giacomo Casanova, to the creation of the seduction community, composed of great conquest masters such as Mystery, Achilles, Steve Piccus, Julien Blanc, Tyler Durden, Brad P., Hypnotica, Brent Smith, Alex Coulson, Asian Playboy, Artisan, Vin Dicarlo, Paul Janka, and several other modern-day "Casanova". This work is an in-depth study of the "venusian arts." Analogous to martial arts, where fighting techniques and methods are taught, the "venusian arts" consist of the art of seducing stunning women and mastering social dynamics among groups of people. This book covers all the essential topics to make you a master of the game, including personal and professional development, financial independence, healthcare, Inner Game (beliefs), and self-image. It also addresses the concept of the "Alpha Male," appearance, body language, voice, and facial expression. Additionally, it provides guidance on how to always be ready for the game, whether it's at night, during the day, or over the phone. It also explores strategies on how to take women to bed, build a solid social circle, and develop lasting relationships. "The Game of Seduction" promises to definitively transform your love life, teaching you how to become an Alpha Male and attract women into your life. No book before has delved so deeply into the art of conquest. Explore the seduction "underworld" revealed by John Lougan and embark on a journey of self-discovery. This book is considered a "treatise" on the art of seduction and a revolution on the subject, providing the complete path for your personal transformation. Get ready to master the game and become a master in the art of conquest through this fascinating, holistic, and revolutionary book.

Release dateMay 7, 2024
The Game of Seduction: how to become a modern-day "Casanova" and take beautiful women to bed.

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    The Game of Seduction - John Lougan


    How to become a modern-day Casanova and take beautiful women to bed



    Copyright © 2023 John Lougan

    All rights reserved

    All copyrights of this work are legally owned by John Lougan. The author holds all copyright in Brazil and abroad. As established by Law No. 9,610/1998, the total or partial reproduction of this work, whether manually or electronically, is expressly prohibited without the prior authorization of the author. Those who violate the copyrights of this work will be subject to civil and criminal penalties as provided by law. This book has been submitted to the Legal Deposit with the National Library Foundation (Brazil), in accordance with Law No. 10,994/2004, and is registered for copyright in compliance with Brazilian and international legislation.

    Cover design by: Editorial Team

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309

    ISBN: 9786500932829

    CDD: 306.7


    Author's edition

    Published in Brazil


    If you want to be loved, you have to be deserving of that love (Giacomo Casanova).

    This is a book for men who desire to seduce stunning women. Here, you will find valuable insights, field-tested strategies, and practical advice to change your beliefs and enhance your seduction skills.

    John Lougan, an expert in seduction, shares his expertise and experiences in the world of conquest in this book. He provides a comprehensive guide, filled with concepts and effective techniques to authentically and respectfully attract, engage, and conquer women.

    Throughout these pages, you will discover how to boost your confidence, develop persuasive communication skills, and create meaningful connections. Lougan addresses different interaction contexts, from casual encounters to more enduring relationships, offering useful guidance for various situations.

    However, remember that seduction is a two-way street based on consent and mutual respect. This book is not intended to promote manipulative or harmful behaviors. Its purpose is to empower readers to become more confident and skilled men in the art of social interaction, with an emphasis on consent, the well-being of the women involved, and compliance with the country's laws.

    Therefore, dive into these pages with an open mind, learn from the shared experiences, and adapt the techniques to your own personality and values. Be aware that, as you enter this game, the responsibility lies with you to use these skills wisely and with integrity.

    Are you ready to enhance your seduction skills and unravel the secrets of the game? Then, embark on this journey with John Lougan and enjoy the exciting possibilities that the book The Game of Seduction has to offer. Happy reading and much success with women!



    I dedicate this book to Jackson M. (Jack Player) for being my first partner in the game, for our long-standing friendship, and for all his contributions on this journey. I dedicate this work to Renato B. for being a great friend, for the countless women we seduced together, and for the incredibly fun moments we've shared. I am grateful to João Abrantes (Chameleon) for writing the preface of this book and for our beautiful and enjoyable friendship. I dedicate this work to my mother and father for believing in me, for all their support, and for loving me - I love you!

    I dedicate this book to Erik Von Markovik, Neil Strauss, Cris Odom, Owen Cook (Tyler), Julien Blanc, Michal Pospieszalski, Alan Roger Currie (in memoriam), Arash Dibazar, Adam Lyons, Alexander, Alex Coulson, Asian Playboy, Badboy, Beckster, Bobby Rio, Brad Branson, Brad P., Braddock, Brent Smith, Derek Cajun, Carlos Xuma, Chris Orleans, David DeAngelo, David X (in memoriam), David M., David Shade, David Wygant, Dharam, Discovery, Dj Fuji, Doc Holliday, Steve Mayeda, Richard La Ruina, Gareth Jones, Herbal, Hypnotica, James Marshall, James Matador, JDog, Jeremy Soul, Jeffy Allen, Johnny Soporno, Johnny Wolf, Jonathan Sankey, Jordan Harbinger, Juggler, Julian Fox, Keychain, Kezia Noble, Lance Allen, Loverboy, Manwhore, Mateus Hussey, Max, Timothy Marc (Tim), Nick Savoy, Ozzie, Papa, Paul Janka, Ross Jeffries, Ryan Jaunzemis, Sasha PUA, Pietro G. (Seven), Sinn, Speer, Stephen Nash, Steve Dean Williams, Steve Piccus (Steve P.), Swinggcat, Thundercat, Toecutter, Tokyo PUA, Troy Dizon, Twentysix, Vince Kelvin, Vin Dicarlo, Vince Lynch, Zan Perrion, Chris Anderson (60 Years of Challenge), Louise L. Hay, Maxwell Maltz (in memoriam), Allan and Barbara Pease, Ron Louis and David Copeland, Robert Greene, Anthony Robbins, Richard Bandler, and John Grinder, Daniel Goleman, Brian Roet, Nathaniel Branden, and David Bonham-Carter.

    I dedicate this work to Eduardo Playtool (in memoriam), Eduardo Santorini, Daniel Madeira, Bruno Giglio, Fernando Fênix, Guilherme Malaquias (Doc), Felipe Marx, Irmãos Sabetta, Gambit, Marcelo Seven, Riker T., Jahpz, Hamunaptra, Instigante, Magaiver, Haley Venusians, Vlorenz, Don Conejo, Rotch, Black Snake, JP and Felipe Di Fiori. I also dedicate this book to my students and to all who have contributed, directly or indirectly, to my evolution over these last fifteen years and to the construction of all the knowledge present in this work. I also dedicate this book to all the hundreds of women I have talked to and been involved with: you are truly special!  

    John Lougan


    I  confess that I feel honored to write the preface for a book that I am absolutely certain will contribute significantly to male seduction worldwide. I met John Lougan in October 2011. At that time, Lougan was known for being one of the few Brazilians who had successfully mastered the Mystery Method - the most renowned seduction method in the world. While thousands of Pickup students struggled to apply Mystery's strategy, Lougan seemed to effortlessly incorporate it into his persona.

    However, he wanted to go far beyond that... In our first phone conversation, which preceded our physical meeting, I was amazed by Lougan's simplicity. I felt that a beautiful friendship could arise from there - and I was not mistaken: we became great friends. Lougan's commitment to his evolution in the game was evident. Whether in daytime or nighttime settings, Lougan never hesitated to approach. Whether the women were committed or alone, with family nearby or not, they were enchanted by his friendly, comfortable, and, of course, seductive manner. We played the game, had a lot of fun, and I felt a strong sense of empathy from him.

    After our meeting, Lougan continued playing the game relentlessly. His reports became regular in the seduction community, and he meticulously described the step-by-step process of conquest, aiming to assist his colleagues and admirers. And yes, Lougan had gone beyond the Mystery Method and achieved a natural game, where he operated both directly and indirectly. The pace of his results also increased, and he often engaged sexually with attractive women on the same night he met them.

    What you have in your hands are undoubtedly the secrets of a Brazilian master of seduction who had the kindness to compile them into a rare and unprecedented book. Use them wisely and utilize them for good. The international seduction community will be forever grateful to this great man, who, like myself and other players, has left a legacy and entered the history of Pickup. Welcome to the elite, Lougan... Improvise, adapt, and overcome! A warm embrace from your friend,Chameleon.


    John Lougan (artistic name) is Brazilian, a coach, and an author of books on seduction, psychology, and social dynamics. With a fervent passion for helping men refine their conquest skills, he entered the world of seduction in 2009 and never stopped studying the female mind and social dynamics.

    With over fifteen years of tireless practice, Lougan delved deep into the secrets of the GAME, meticulously practicing and studying a wide range of seduction methods such as Ross Jeffries' Speed Seduction, Alan Roger Currie's Mode One, and Erik Von Markovik's acclaimed Mystery Method. In addition, he conducted in-depth and uninterrupted research on Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Social Dynamics from prominent and distinguished authors, including Louise L. Hay, Maxwell Maltz, David Deangelo, Allan and Barbara Pease, Ron Louis and David Copeland, Robert Greene, Anthony Robbins, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Daniel Goleman, Brian Roet, Nathaniel Branden, David Bonham-Carter, Neil Strauss, Michal Pospieszalski, Owen Cook, Julien Blanc, Alexander, Jeff Allen, and Max (Real Social Dynamics), Wayne Elise, Danijel Nesek, Arash Dibazar, Alex Coulson, and Richard La Ruina, among others with international recognition.

    With over a decade of experience and practice in the field of seduction, Lougan is widely recognized as a reference in Brazil on the subject and has been teaching the practice of authentic and natural game. His books, translated into several languages, are true transformational guides that help men reach a new level in their lives and relationships with women worldwide.

    Get ready to explore this disturbing and fascinating world of seduction, social skills, unwavering confidence, and authentic connections with women. Discover the power of game and transform your life with the fascinating, holistic, and revolutionary works of John Lougan.



    Introduction, 15

    How It All Started, 25

    Taking Care of the Garden to Attract Butterflies, 39

    Inner Game, 45

    The Alpha Male, 61

    Appearance, 75

    Body Language, Voice, and Facial Expression, 85

    THE GAME, 91

    Night Game, 121

    Day Game, 139

    Phone Game, 167

    Activating the attraction buttons in your conversations, 189

    How to Always Be Ready for the Game, 191

    How to take women to bed, 199

    Social Circle, 213

    Long-Term Relationships, 219

    Glossary, 227


    This is not just about seducing women... but about building a life (Erik Von Markovik).

    Welcome to the game! I'm John Lougan, and what you are about to discover within the pages of this book can change the course of your love life. Get ready to enter a seduction underworld that has remained hidden from your eyes but will now be revealed in its entirety. Understand that this is not a conventional book about relationships; it's about the game of seduction, and through it, I will unveil the complete path to transforming your personal life and success with women.

    Prepare yourself to be captivated by the game, to feel an irresistible attraction towards it. The lessons you will learn in these pages will result in radical changes in your life to the point that when you look back, you will hardly believe the magnitude of this transformation.

    The story that follows is real, it actually happened. To guide you into the seduction universe, I will first share a bit about myself and explain what Pickup is and how it originated, which is the main objective of this book.

    Despite the stage name, I am Brazilian. I am the son of a military man and parents who are separated. I was raised under the care of my father since the age of two. The separation of my parents had an impact on my life, but it was only in adulthood that I truly realized the void I felt from not having a united family. We are four siblings, divided between the two resulting families from this separation. Like many others who have gone through this, I learned to adapt and overcome the situation.

    Throughout my entire adolescence and until I was 24 years old, I lived immersed in religion, following in my father's footsteps and finding my compass in faith. During this period, I devoted over a decade to an evangelical church, whose doctrine preached the isolation of the faithful from the pagan world. This mindset kept me away from studies and secular society, resulting in stagnation in various areas of my life during those years.

    It took several years for me to finally open my eyes and free myself from the religious mindset that held me captive. By making the decision to break away from dogmas, I embarked on a journey in search of a more balanced life integrated into society. Today, I consider myself agnostic, finding my peace in this way and in the pursuit of personal answers.

    Despite all the forces pulling me in the opposite direction, I decided to forge my own path. I resumed my studies, attended a college preparatory course, graduated from a public university, and am currently a civil servant, writer, and enjoying financial independence.

    This transformational journey was challenging, requiring courage to confront old beliefs and break away from a familiar, traditional, and comfortable world. However, the fruits reaped along the way justified every step taken. Today, I feel free to explore new ideas, expand my intellectual horizons, and live a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    No matter what baggage we carry from the past, it is always possible to reinvent ourselves and seek an existence that truly fulfills us. Freedom of thought and the pursuit of our own path are essential elements in this journey of self-discovery.

    Although I don't consider myself extremely attractive, I don't think I'm ugly either. Some women claim that I'm attractive,

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