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Treasures so often overlooked
Treasures so often overlooked
Treasures so often overlooked
Ebook71 pages42 minutes

Treasures so often overlooked

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This book aims to encourage one and all to see just how rich we are with treasures freely given to us here on earth; motivate you to spend more time doing the things you love; and enlighten you to appreciate the people who truly matter to you while you still have them.

Release dateMay 12, 2024
Treasures so often overlooked

Amanda Hearthstones

From South Africa discovered my love for books as a child. My love for reading led me to believe I could write books of my own, I write nonfiction-relatable books to encourage and inspire people, young and old.

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    Book preview

    Treasures so often overlooked - Amanda Hearthstones

    By: Amanda Hearthstones 


    No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author.

    Copyright © 2019 Amanda Hearthstones

    Table of contents

    ~ Foreword

    Chapter 1: Parents

    Chapter 2: Teachers

    Chapter 3: Spouse

    Chapter 4: Pastors & Church Community

    Chapter 5: Siblings & Friends

    Chapter 6: Children

    Chapter 7: Time/Moments

    Chapter 8: Life (Health & Ability)

    Chapter 9: Talents

    ~ Epilogue


    Praise be to God who has blessed us with all these treasures we so easily forget. I did not mention Him amongst these treasures simply because He cannot be overlooked. Anyone who has come to know God understands that He is the center of it all, our very source of life. Without Him, we would not exist.

    The same could not be said when it comes to a person who merely knows about God. To hear about God and personally knowing Him is different. To know Him is to love Him, even when you don’t understand His ways.

    Hearing about God will hopefully spark a curiosity to seek Him and there you shall find Him...

    Please allow me to take you on a journey where together we search treasures bestowed here on earth for us to enjoy. You will never know the value of what is in your hand until it is evaluated. Nor can you know how to handle something appropriately until you learn its worth.

    -Amanda Hearthstones



    If you are reading this now and you’ve had the awesome privilege of calling someone mom or dad then you are blessed. There are children all over the world who are orphaned from birth for various reasons.

    Some mothers die right after giving birth because of complications that take place during the pregnancy or even as soon as labor pains begin. The will to live for the expecting mom is very much present but it cannot be compared to the mother’s hope to deliver a healthy baby.

    Sometimes a couple can be on their way to town when the unexpected happens. If the couple finds themselves in an accident, their lives depend on the medics. When the paramedics or doctor arrive on the scene, the first thing they’ll be concerned about is the heavily pregnant woman.

    If the situation is really bad, well unfortunately they’ll focus on saving the unborn rather the two adults. Thus the baby is born without parents. So truly, if you have parents, consider yourself blessed. Even if those are not your biological parents, be grateful. At least they give you a chance to be loved.


    Every single person alive on this planet was first loved by God but then how can you know that when you’re just a baby? God then displays this love for us through parents. Parents may not fully understand it when they are doing it but yes, it’s true. Parents are stewards to usher God’s love to little, fragile, dependent babies until they mature.

    We all experienced our first love by being loved by our parents. Our first relationship ever, was with our mothers when we were still in their tummies. After nine months we were introduced to another parent, which is the father.

    Together these two people will stop at nothing to bring nourishment and security for the little one [which was you-some years ago]. More so for single parents because they have no one to share the responsibility with. They will

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