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Mind Right Money Right: Financial Mastery for the New Age
Mind Right Money Right: Financial Mastery for the New Age
Mind Right Money Right: Financial Mastery for the New Age
Ebook353 pages3 hours

Mind Right Money Right: Financial Mastery for the New Age

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About this ebook

Who: Persons who want to learn wealth building principles & improve finances/credit

What: Learn how to:

Develop a positive money mindset that attracts wealth 

Improve your credit within 6-8 months (in most cases)

Give your money marching orders and make your dollars work for yo

Release dateOct 23, 2023
Mind Right Money Right: Financial Mastery for the New Age

Michelle Dornor

Michelle proudly served her country as a United States Air Force military member during Desert Storm and Desert Shield. She currently works as a Sales Professional for a Fortune 500 Tech company for the past 12 years and has more than 30 years of experience in sales and customer service.

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    Mind Right Money Right - Michelle Dornor


    Copyright©2023 Dornor Consulting LLC

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    Printed in the United States of America

    First Printing, 2023

    Mind Right Money Right Collection Edition

    Dornor Consulting Publishing

    Cheyenne, Wyoming

    All images/photographs are author’s personal photos and artwork except where notated free use via & may not be used without prior written consent from publisher & author.


    To all the people who don’t realize that they have the power to get wealth.

    Why I wrote this book

    I wrote this book because years ago I needed a book like this. I know there are people out there who are in the position of unawareness that I was in that need this book. I wrote it for you.


    I wrote this book from my personal experience in going from being broke on welfare to earning 6 figures consistently for more than a decade and now acquiring assets that will soon pave the road to 7 figures and beyond on to financial freedom. This book and the contents herein are for entertainment and educational purposes only and not a replacement for seeking a licensed financial advisor or professional. You, the reader, shall not hold Dornor Consulting LLC nor the author of this book responsible for any results or lack of results in all outcomes. Before making any financial decision, the reader understands they must seek out a licensed financial professional to help them on their road to financial freedom and generational wealth.

    MY ASK

    My hope is that the words contained herein will encourage your spirit to pursue your highest good and purpose. If the words herein have touched you in some way, please leave a positive review & share on your social media pages with the hashtag:


    With Love, Michelle




    Note from the author


    What Money Is and Isn’t

    Financial Do’s and Don’ts

    Money Statistics

    Case Studies

    Types of Economies

    Time is LITERALLY Money


    Etymology and Story/History of Money

    The Story of Money

    Money Religion and Spirituality

    Money & the Occult

    Money and Your Body

    Money and your Mind

    Money and Entrepreneurship

    Economic Revolutions & Astrology

    Money Astrology & Numerology



    Overcoming the Injustices

    Avoiding Money Scams

    Credit Basics & Beyond

    Budgeting for Success

    Resources and Tools for Budgeting

    Automating your finances: Time & Money

    The Secret Weapon for Wealth

    100 Affirmations for Money


    The Principles of Wealth

    Necessary Skills for Wealth

    Wealth building strategies

    Investment Types

    Compound Interest: 8th Wonder of the World

    Etymology of Compound Interest

    The Magic of Compound Interest

    How to Utilize Compound Interest

    Financial Literacy for the New Age


    How to for Estate and Legacy Planning

    How to find the resources from the list above

    Financial Resources

    Recommended Reading

    100 Famous quotes about money

    Blank Financial Planning Notes

    Financial Planning Notes continued

    My New Financial Story

    Action Steps for Improving Finances

    To Do List for Action Taking

    Legal Business Ideas for Cashflow

    Investments & Assets I Want to Acquire



    NOTES (Blank)


    Throughout this entire book, I share all my compiled research over 2 decades that helped change the financial trajectory of my life. This book is not a get rich quick scheme or start making money tomorrow in your business scam. Nothing in this world works like that no matter how good you are at manifesting. Manifestation is subject to the law of sowing and reaping. You must do the hard things over a lengthy period of time to see the results you desire. The sooner you start, the faster your change will come.

    This book is broken down into sections that include chapters on the section topic to help you understand the different facets of finances and wealth building. Use this book like a workbook and understand that it was written in a certain way to increase your ability to assimilate the information for maximum benefit.

    If you have not heard by now, money has a spirit. It has life and we are the ones who give it that life.

    To get your money right, you must first get your mind right. My money came together as my mind elevated in consciousness. I often have wondered about people who call themselves highly spiritual. I am not talking about those who say they are taking a vow of poverty. Those people know EXACTLY what they are getting into, and they do not live in waste, filth, and squalor. Their basic needs are provided for as they choose to focus more on the spiritual than the material. I am talking about those people who say money is not everything, call themselves highly spiritual and yet struggle to have their basic needs met. I personally doubt their highly spiritual status because I have seen this principle at work in my own life.

    When I elevated spiritually, my entire life rose with those high spiritual tides. If you truly get your mind right, your money will also be right.

    Once again, I am not a licensed financial advisor, and this book is not a substitute for you obtaining financial assistance or education in any form from a licensed financial advisor to improve your finances. I am sharing what has helped and worked for me personally to get to a much better financial place in life. Some of my information comes from my 8 years of experience as a Loan Officer and Banker at a prominent bank in the USA. I worked at a regular bank and at a credit union, so I understand both sides of the banking world. The rest was learned by going to the school of hard knocks unfortunately. I did not want you to have the same experience, so I wrote this book with you in mind.

    Learn what you need to but most importantly, APPLY WHAT YOU LEARN.

    Section 1: Getting Understanding

    In this section of the book, you will get a better understanding of how finances truly work. You should walk away after this section with a much better understanding that will set the right foundation for changing your financial path in this life. You truly have the power to get wealth. But first, you must get an understanding of what wealth, money, moolah, the bag, etc. truly is.

    Let’s get started!

    What Money Is and Isn’t

    Most people believe they know what money is. We know what it does for us, but most do not truly know the purpose of money. Here is a detailed list of what money is and what it isn't:

    What Money Is:

    1. A Medium of Exchange: Money serves as a universally accepted medium that facilitates the exchange of goods and services, eliminating the need for bartering.

    2. A Store of Value: Money retains its value over time, allowing people to save and store their wealth for future use.

    3. A Unit of Account: Money provides a standardized measure for pricing and comparing goods and services, enabling efficient economic transactions.

    4. A Standard of Deferred Payment: Money allows individuals and businesses to enter into agreements to pay for goods and services at a future date, providing financial flexibility.

    5. Liquid Asset: Money is highly liquid, meaning it can be readily converted into other assets or used to settle debts.

    6. Accepted by Legal Tender: Government-issued currency is considered legal tender, meaning it must be accepted for payments of debts within the country.

    7. Universal Recognizability: Money is widely recognized and accepted, making it a trusted means of conducting transactions across various settings.

    8. Portable and Divisible: Money is easily portable and can be divided into smaller denominations, enhancing its usability.

    9. Economic Indicator: The amount of money in circulation and its velocity can indicate economic activity and inflation levels.

    10. Tool for Wealth Transfer: Money enables the transfer of wealth across generations and among individuals.

    What Money Isn't:

    1. Inherent Value: Modern money, like fiat currency, doesn't have intrinsic value (like gold) but derives value from the trust of the issuing authority.

    2. Source of Happiness: While money can improve quality of life, it doesn't guarantee happiness or fulfillment on its own.

    3. Solution to All Problems: Money can solve financial issues, but it can't address all life's challenges, including emotional and personal ones.

    4. Indicator of Self-Worth: A person's worth isn't solely determined by their wealth; it's about character, relationships, and contributions.

    5. Unlimited Resource: Money has limits; overspending or excessive debt can lead to financial problems.

    6. Replacement for Skill and Effort: Money can facilitate opportunities, but success ultimately depends on skills, effort, and strategic planning.

    7. Automatic Investment: Money requires thoughtful investment decisions to grow; it doesn't automatically generate wealth.

    8. Equal for Everyone: While currency is standardized, socioeconomic disparities mean money's impact varies for different individuals.

    9. Guarantee of Stability: Economic conditions can affect money's value, leading to inflation or currency devaluation.

    10. Replacement for Human Connection: Money can't replace genuine relationships, community, and emotional bonds.

    What Money Is:

    11. Potential for Financial Security: Money can provide a safety net during unexpected events, helping to cover emergencies, medical expenses, and unforeseen circumstances.

    12. Economic Empowerment: Money empowers individuals to make choices aligned with their goals, such as education, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy.

    13. Enabler of Dreams: Money can fund aspirations and enable experiences like travel, education, and pursuing hobbies.

    14. Resource for Innovation: Money fuels research, development, and innovation by providing funding for technological advancements and new ideas.

    15. Tool for Generosity: Money can be used for charitable giving and supporting causes that align with personal values.

    16. Economic Stimulator: Money in circulation drives economic growth, as spending creates demand for goods and services.

    17. A Factor in Decision-Making: Money influences choices, from career decisions to major purchases, shaping the trajectory of life.

    18. Investment Capital: Money can be invested to generate returns over time, contributing to wealth accumulation.

    19. Resource for Education: Money can fund education and skill development, enhancing career opportunities and earning potential.

    20. Means of Achieving Financial Freedom: Managed wisely, money can provide the means to live life on one's terms, free from financial constraints.

    What Money Isn't:

    11. Absolute Security: While money can provide a buffer, it can't shield individuals from all life's uncertainties.

    12. Measurement of Self-Worth: Personal value transcends monetary wealth and encompasses character, contributions, and relationships.

    13. Sustainable Happiness: Money alone doesn't ensure sustained happiness; fulfillment comes from various life aspects.

    14. Replacement for Emotional Needs: Money can't replace emotional support, love, and connection from family and friends.

    15. Substitute for Purpose: Money doesn't provide a sense of purpose; it's the pursuit of meaningful goals that does.

    16. Universal Solution: Money can't solve systemic issues like poverty, inequality, or environmental concerns.

    17. Guarantee of Success: Money can facilitate success, but individual effort, skills, and determination are essential.

    18. Automatic Financial Wisdom: Having money doesn't guarantee financial literacy; wise financial decisions require education and planning.

    19. Unlimited Resource: Money has finite limits, so managing it responsibly is crucial for long-term financial well-being.

    20. Automatic Contentment: Accumulating money won't automatically lead to contentment; a balanced and purposeful life does.

    What Money Is:

    21. Resource for Personal Growth: Money can be invested in self-improvement, such as courses, books, and experiences that enhance skills and knowledge.

    22. Means of Accomplishing Goals: Money can fund entrepreneurial ventures, higher education, travel, and other endeavors that contribute to personal and professional growth.

    23. Facilitator of Innovation: Money enables entrepreneurs and businesses to develop and launch new products and services, driving economic progress.

    24. Instrument for Social Change: Money can be used to support social and environmental causes, driving positive impact in communities.

    25. Indicator of Financial Discipline: Money management reflects discipline and responsibility in financial decisions and habits.

    26. Resource for Retirement: Accumulated wealth provides financial security during retirement, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable life in later years.

    27. Leverage for Wealth Creation: Money can be strategically invested to leverage opportunities, such as real estate or business ownership.

    28. Means of Expressing Values: Spending and investing money align with personal values, reflecting choices and priorities.

    29. Tool for Building Generational Wealth: Money can be passed down through generations, fostering family prosperity over time.

    30. Catalyst for Personal Fulfillment: Money can fund passions and pursuits, leading to a sense of accomplishment and joy.

    What Money Isn't:

    21. Sole Measure of Success: Success involves a holistic evaluation of achievements, relationships, well-being, and contributions, not just financial status.

    22. Substitute for Knowledge: While money can offer opportunities, it doesn't replace knowledge, skills, and expertise required for success.

    23. Automatic Happiness: Money can enhance quality of life, but true happiness comes from emotional well-being, purpose, and relationships.

    24. Replacement for Experiences: Money can enable experiences, but the value of these experiences lies in the memories and personal growth they provide.

    25. Solution for Unfulfilled Dreams: Money can assist in pursuing dreams, but it's passion, effort, and perseverance that make dreams come true.

    26. Guarantee of Health: Money can contribute to healthcare accessibility, but health itself depends on various factors beyond financial resources.

    27. Substitute for Strong Values: While money can amplify choices, it doesn't create character, values, or ethical behavior.

    28. Solution for All Relationships: Money doesn't automatically strengthen relationships; communication, trust, and mutual respect are essential.

    29. Source of Permanent Satisfaction: Material possessions purchased with money offer temporary satisfaction; lasting fulfillment arises from meaningful pursuits.

    30. Automatic Wisdom: Money doesn't inherently lead to financial wisdom; prudent decision-making and education are necessary.

    What Money Is:

    31. Resource for Personal Empowerment: Money provides individuals with the means to take control of their lives, make choices, and pursue dreams.

    32. Instrument for Economic Growth: Money circulating in the economy fuels business activities, job creation, and economic expansion.

    33. Vehicle for Risk Management: Adequate financial resources allow for managing unexpected events and risks, reducing vulnerabilities.

    34. Expression of Gratitude: Money can be used to give back to those who have supported and helped, demonstrating gratitude and reciprocity.

    35. Facilitator of Interconnectedness: Money connects people globally, enabling trade, communication, and cooperation across borders.

    36. Bridge to Financial Inclusion: Money provides access to financial services, empowering underserved populations to save, invest, and build credit.

    37. Enabler of Innovation: Financial resources support research, development, and technological advancements that shape modern societies.

    38. Tool for Family Security: Money contributes to family well-being by providing a safety net during challenging times.

    39. Indicator of Economic Health: Money supply and its movement reflect the overall health of an economy and its growth prospects.

    40. Platform for Giving Back: Money can fund philanthropic efforts that contribute to social welfare and community development.

    What Money Isn't:

    31. Replacement for Authentic Relationships: Money can't substitute for genuine connections and emotional bonds with loved ones.

    32. Solution for Existential Fulfillment: Money can enhance life quality, but finding meaning and purpose is a deeper and personal pursuit.

    33. Automatic Equality: While money can level some disparities, systemic inequalities require broader societal changes.

    34. Antidote for Loneliness: Material possessions obtained with money don't alleviate feelings of loneliness; meaningful relationships do.

    35. Cure-all for Personal Challenges: Money can address financial concerns, but emotional, mental, and health-related challenges require specialized solutions.

    36. Guarantee of Happiness: Money can provide comforts, but lasting happiness comes from personal growth, self-awareness, and gratitude.

    37. Substitute for Social Responsibility: While money can support causes, true social responsibility entails systemic change and ethical behavior.

    38. Automatic Knowledge: Money can't replace education; informed decisions require understanding and awareness beyond financial matters.

    39. Solution for All Goals: Money can aid in achieving goals, but setting clear objectives, planning, and effort are essential.

    40. Sole Measure of Contribution: Contributions to society involve more than financial support; time, skills, and care are equally valuable.

    Understanding the multifaceted nature of money helps individuals cultivate a balanced relationship with it. While money can provide opportunities and security, it's important to integrate it harmoniously with personal values, goals, and aspirations.

    Money's roles and limitations help navigate financial decisions

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