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Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization
Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization
Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization
Ebook212 pages3 hours

Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization

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About this ebook

Stephanie Zumwalt helps you develop the self-awareness and radical responsibility for your own emotions and question and reprogram the inner workings of your mind in her debut work, the Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization. 

Deconstruct and detach from the programmed ego through eval

Release dateJun 15, 2023
Higher Self Connection: A Path to Self-Realization

Stephanie Zumwalt

Stephanie Zumwalt was born and raised in Spokane Valley, Washington. She has three children and three grandchildren. As a single mother, Stephanie owned a medical transcription business to work from home while her children were little. After a spiritual awakening in 2017, Stephanie no longer resonated with her career and answered the call of her Higher Self to follow her childhood dreams of becoming a writer. Stephanie discovered her connection to her higher self through devotion to her spiritual practice and continues to enjoy meditating, journaling, and spending time in nature. She lives the life of a creative artisan, and when she is not writing you can find her painting, drawing, or creating Macrame wall art among many other modalities that sparks passion within. She cares deeply for humanity and has found purpose in uplifting others to a higher perspective, inspiring them to find inner peace over suffering.

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    Higher Self Connection - Stephanie Zumwalt

    Higher Self Connection



    Where You Are…Is Where You are Meant to Be


    Be Here Now

    – Ram Dass

    This is perhaps the single most important chapter I could write in relation to the Higher Self Connection. It is one I hope you will re-read again and again. All your life you have been remembering and forgetting, remembering, and forgetting. I have been shown by my guides that we were born with the information I am giving you but forget it when coming into this lifetime. We all have a knowing that is lost when our egos become solidified early on in life. You get glimpses of that knowing from time to time when you hear something, and it gives you a feeling of truth within. That feeling of truth is called resonance and is the spark of knowing that has been ignited. Then life happens, our attention gets diverted and our egos kick in with survival mode and we forget again. This is the human experience.

    That’s why this chapter is something I hope you will always remember to come back to.

    Where you are in your journey right now is exactly where you are meant to be.

    Right here. Right now. Feeling what it is you are feeling. Experiencing what it is you are experiencing.

    As you read this book, it is my intention that first and foremost you always love yourself for where you are and how far you have come. When you begin to develop this connection there will be days that you feel progress has been made and there will be days when you feel as if you are taking two steps back. There will be days of great clarity and then there will be days of confusion.

    It’s so important that you understand this is completely natural.

    Alignment with your Higher Self is a feeling I describe as elation and inspiration, life seems magical. It feels incredible to experience life this way. However, it is not a one and done achievement. There is no finishing point. There is no point that you will be done practicing this connection and just be able to maintain it forever more. There will always be times when you will be aligned to your lower self, and you may feel as if you have done something wrong or that you’re not as far along as you are (this is because your ego will emphasize that notion in your thoughts). In those times, the feeling of being out of alignment will feel drastic in comparison to what you had just felt previously.

    You will always have a lower self (ego) and a Higher Self. They are both aspects of you that exist. While I have heard theories that people have what is called an ego-death, from what I have understood from my Higher Self that is not entirely possible and not something this book is guiding you towards.

    I have noticed on my journey that the ego continues along with me. As I move through my life experiences and I become more and more aware, I have heard the ego continue to try to distract me or keep me at the level I am at to be safe. No matter how much expansion I go through the ego is right there going, Okay! Awesome! She is comfortable, let’s keep her here. But comfort is not what I’m striving for. Expansion is. Expansion awaits just on the other side of discomfort. I want to stretch myself creatively and on a spiritual level so that I can help more and more people have freedom, well-being, and a purposeful, joyous, and fulfilling life.

    It’s my experience that you can learn to integrate the lower self and recognize when that is the aspect you are feeling at any given moment, and there will be times when you are not in alignment with your Higher Self.

    The feeling of being out of alignment with your Higher Self can feel like self-doubt, anxiety, or depression; you might feel worried or fearful or confused. You may lack energy and feel exhaustion. Your thoughts will likely mirror these feelings and it is important that you do not internalize these feelings as having failed or of not being as far along as you should be.

    Again, you are exactly where you are meant to be, feeling what you are meant to be feeling. It is important during these times that you acknowledge that these feelings are not you. They are just feelings. Do not identify with the feelings. There is nothing going wrong. There is nothing you did wrong. Allow yourself to be where you are.

    In those moments when you are struggling to find it, let yourself off the hook. Practice self-soothing acts and nurture yourself. Allow yourself to be where you are. If you fight the feeling of where you are, that feeling will only grow bigger and take longer to move through. Where focus goes energy flows. When you give your attention to anything you are giving it energy to grow. Allow yourself to be off.

    It’s important for you, the reader, to know that I have days where I am off. I feel confused or sad. I need to cry or scream. I give attention to things that are out of my control and those things anger me. I get triggered. It happens! What I don’t do is beat myself up for being where I am.

    In the beginning, I would say I knew better, or I should have been more aware, etc. My Higher Self wasn’t doing that though. She was loving me through my self-loathing. Now, I soothe myself with indulgences. I eat comfort food, or I take bubble baths or watch Schitt’s Creek. I treat myself like I would my child if they were sick or having a hard time. I allow myself to feel whatever it is I’m feeling without judgment knowing that soon I will feel better. I have judged myself for most of my life and I refuse to consciously do it anymore.

    When you find the connection and your life starts flowing for you and you start to see how powerful you are and that you are in fact creating your reality, something may happen that seems like a setback. You might panic and think that you are not doing as well as you thought you were or even worse that you are creating more of what you don’t want. In that moment, my advice would be to simply acknowledge these are just old patterns working their way out. You have lived a long life of programming and it takes a while to work all the bugs out and rewrite the new program, so allow yourself that time.

    It’s also important to realize there are periods where it is necessary to be restful. Your Higher Self could be preparing you for your next journey and may require you to rest up. It’s impossible to know exactly what is next, but always know wherever you are in your process, you are exactly where you are meant to be. Acceptance of what you are feeling allows the feeling to move through you. You can even speak to the feelings you are having as if they are separate from who you are – because they are! I will sometimes speak to them and say well hello (shame, guilt, grief etc.), I feel you, but I AM NOT THIS FEELING. Also relevant is This too shall pass".

    In these times of lower emotions, remind yourself that everything always works out for you. Journal about how excited you are to feel the connection again, write about how it feels and how you are looking forward to feeling it. Also, try to remember where you were when you started this journey and see the changes that have occurred bringing you to where you are now.

    However, do not beat yourself up for not feeling the connection in that moment. This causes resistance and will add more suffering to your experience. Surrender to where you are in the present moment, and you will likely begin to feel relief.

    As time goes on and the more you practice the Higher Self Connection the easier it gets; the more faith you have in the connection and your power. The moments when you are aligned to your ego or lower self are less significant. They begin to feel like time to take a little rest from the world and practice self-care. Self-care is extremely necessary and important in this practice as you are learning to connect and love another aspect of YOU.

    You Cannot Change What You Don’t Acknowledge


    With Awareness Reality Shifts

    – Don Miguel Ruiz

    Finding alignment with your Higher Self is to find alignment with your true self. To be in alignment with your true self means to be completely honest with yourself. People find it easier to blame others for the way their life is going, but the Higher Self Connection has shown me that this is 100% about me and how aware I am of my behavior, emotions, thoughts, feelings, words, etc. This life, my happiness, my success or failure, my dreams, my relationships, my emotional experience in this life is 100% about me and how I navigate it. There is no one else that has power over my life other than me.

    Awareness is your light of consciousness. Just by merely giving your attention to the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are swirling within, you are beginning to release what no longer serves you. If you are unconscious, you bypass awareness by blaming others for making them feel the way that you do. Something happens and you think it’s that person’s fault, because I didn’t feel the way I do now until you did what you

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