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A Reason for Rainbows
A Reason for Rainbows
A Reason for Rainbows
Ebook233 pages3 hours

A Reason for Rainbows

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A powerful true story of love, courage, and thought-provoking revelations, A Reason For Rainbows offers spiritual insights narrated from the perspective of a mother's love for her child. Author Patricia Cornett tells the story of her son, Jesse David, who was diagnosed with the life-shortening condition, Cystic Fibrosis. Patricia discusses how Jess David became a man while yet in his youth, despite the challenges he bravely faced.
In this memoir, she chronicles her efforts to help him thrive, her own spiritual voyage in search of the purpose of life and what heaven is really all about.
A Reason for Rainbows also provides an understanding of conventional and alternative treatments that are widely incorporated throughout the CF population.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 18, 2023
A Reason for Rainbows

Patricia Cornett

Patricia Cornett grew up in Maryland, the third among nine siblings. Her career in IT has spanned more than thirty years in bot the private and government sectors. Patricia relocated to Southern California in 1980 where she lived for twenty-six years before returning to her home state to reunite with family. A Reason For Rainbows provides a candid reveal of Patricia's life, her dreams, her accomplishments, and what drives her at the core.

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    A Reason for Rainbows - Patricia Cornett

    Copyright © 2023 Patricia Cornett.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-3949-0 (sc)

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-3950-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023903259

    Balboa Press rev. date: 04/06/2023




    Note to Reader


    Chapter 1An Explanation

    Chapter 2A Child’s Faith

    Chapter 3Home Is Where the Heart Is

    Chapter 4A Reason for Rainbows

    Chapter 5It Never Rains in California

    Chapter 6The Science of Rainbows

    Chapter 7Love with Arms Wide Open

    Chapter 8The Visitor

    Chapter 9The Puzzle

    Chapter 10An Answer

    Chapter 11I Became a Scientist – of Sorts

    Chapter 12Time in A Bottle

    Chapter 13The Turning

    Chapter 14Returns on Investment

    Chapter 15Holding On; Letting Go

    Chapter 16Messages and Messengers

    Chapter 17Tell Me, Wisdom, What Are All These Things?

    Chapter 18Letters to a Friend

    Chapter 19The Length of Love

    Chapter 20Just A Little Longer

    Chapter 21God Keeps His Word

    Chapter 22The Final Analysis

    Chapter 23Final Hours

    Chapter 24First Light

    Chapter 25Remembering Jesse

    Chapter 26Silence Is Golden

    Chapter 27The Agreement

    Chapter 28Surrender

    Chapter 29Poems, Prayers, and Promises

    Chapter 30The Reassurance

    Chapter 31Don’t Miss the Miracle

    Chapter 32Rain Dance


    This book is dedicated

    To the

    Life and Memory of

    My beloved son

    Jesse David Cornett

    And to our

    Heavenly Father

    Whose Love never fails.

    Dreams do come true, but when higher purposes than any the Dreamer envisions are infused into them, untold magnificent and unimaginable outcomes will inevitably unfold.

    This powerful true story of love, courage, and thought-provoking revelations offers practical nutritional information, clinical research, and spiritual insights narrated from the perspective of a mother’s love for her child so profound it sends her on a trek that starts out in a determined effort to learn ways to help him thrive, despite a life-shortening diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis, and turns into a journey in search of the purpose of life and what heaven is really all about.


    I began journaling a few weeks after Jesse David’s transition in order to create an outlet and a means for stirring my soul and unlocking myself from the shock, sorrow, and dismay I felt over his passing. Jesse lived a mere sixteen and a half years with the life-shortening genetic disorder known as Cystic Fibrosis, yet he had a determination to survive. His confidence and compassion toward his own life and others can only be deemed uncommon by any standards.

    I did not intend to write this book when I began journaling. The decision evolved as my observations of Jesse’s life and our experiences began to formulate a positive message with a constructive force in my life. My foremost reason for putting this story in print is to bind my memories of the gift of Life and Love afforded me and entrusted to my care.

    My notes-to-self of personal revelations and experiences, along with explanations and insights shared with others, helped me put the pieces of my life together anew and make sense of circumstances and outcomes well enough to survive emotionally.

    Although the accounts of our experiences are precise in the pages that follow, they are by no means all-inclusive. And while I do not intend to draw sympathy or create sorrow, the story of Jesse’s life, both written and unwritten, is nevertheless not meant for the weak of heart. That said, however, having observed him, having loved him, and loving him still, my personal interpretation of the purpose of Life has been ever more greatly magnified.


    This book chronicles my journey with an Angel that lasted sixteen and a half years, how he came to me, the experiences we shared, and how he left.

    I believe we have come into this world in order to learn to love on levels even deeper than Angels love. How so? How can we love more deeply than the Angels? It comes down to this. The Angels in Their Heavenly dwelling know no discord. There is no sorrow or disappointment. There is no grievance or offense to forgive. In fact, Forgiveness is not required in the Heavenly realms. Forgiveness is a mechanism provided to us who are journeying this Earthly experience in order to rise above the conditions and discord that leave us feeling injured and offended.

    I have studied Forgiveness for many years, decades in fact, and what I have learned is that it is not until the process of healing is able to expand sufficiently that we are able to love on levels deeper than we have ever imagined. But we are not taught how to forgive. We are only told that we must. I, however, needed to know the method, a way to invoke the activity of Forgiveness so thoroughly within my experience that I would have proof of Its activity within my feeling world, my emotional world, and in the core of my memory world. I want to Love as Angels do, and greater, and I think that has been my mission since entering this place of splendor and of shadows. As Angels (Spiritual beings) having a human experience it should be possible to transcend the human emotions and ego in order to Love on a deeper, eternally sustained level.

    I am convinced that no circumstance is mere coincidence. We are each being drawn back to that magnificent Source of Love that placed us here, guides us, teaches us, and reminds us that our glorious beginning is our ultimate Destiny. It simply requires the Desire rightly motivated, and we will find our way back Home in Peace and irresistible Beauty that is ever expanding and permanently sustained.

    I believe that in the perfecting of our Souls and the Love we have come here to remember, each of us constructs specific challenges, whether consciously or unconsciously, intended to build our eternal character and attain our individual mastery of life. Certainly, if this is true, then as for me I can think of no greater requirement than to have to return the one I have loved so deeply to the Source of the very Love that gifted me so magnificently.

    And as for you, my Precious Jesse David, I can think of no greater challenge than to give up every hope, every dream, and every desire for the sake of being perfected in all that you are Eternally. You always thought you were not strong, but I know the power of the Love that brought you to me, as if at my command. And I know the power of the Love that has led me from where I first began to where I am now. Your life, while you were here and since you have gone, has been the amazing miracle of God’s Love manifest in my own life that continually draws me, convinces me, and raises me into the Heart of the mighty, loving Source of our existence.

    You, Jesse David, remain my most studied teacher, my forerunner, my crown, and the greatest privilege of my life.




    I knew, and yet did not know, Jesse Cornett. I never communicated with Jesse, even online, but as I learned more about his life in this poignant account by his mother Patricia, I came to a new understanding about what a special young man he was. But even more, I came to a new understanding of what a special woman Patricia is. For while I have never met Patricia Cornett in person, I know her heart.

    Patricia’s life intersected with mine for the first time in 2003, when she emailed me about her then-13-year-old son Jesse. Three of my children have the disease Jesse had—cystic fibrosis—and I was trying to understand its pathophysiology well enough to help them. My family and I had appeared on the Today Show to talk about our efforts, and after her sister told Patricia about the show, she reached out to me. This is what she said in that very first email:

    Congratulations on the wonderful progress of your children and your courage and determination to excel as a mother of CF children. I say congratulations, because I always want to celebrate the triumphs of our efforts - those of us who are determined to do all we can so that our CF children can be and do all they can.

    I am a full-time working mother of a 13-year-old CF child, diagnosed at age 5, although I knew that we were facing something out of the norm from the time he was 3+ years old. Like you, I have not accepted the fate the specialists prognosed for my son and have done much research and made many strides on my son’s behalf that have done great things for my son, Jesse David. At one point the doctors asked me what are you doing right? (17 June 2003)

    Though back then we could not see what Journey lay in store for Jesse, I think you can understand why I felt so close to Patricia from this very first email. When I think of the word determination, I think of Patricia Cornett, for she is the pure embodiment of that virtue. When I think of the word loyal, I think of how loyal Patricia has always been to Jesse, standing by his side when others shrank from doing so—a loyalty that could never be interrupted by death. Indeed, the volume you hold in your hands is an eloquent testimony to that loyalty. Because of Patricia, Jesse’s wise and beautiful spirit will continue to bring healing in our world.

    Patricia was fearless in diving into the research literature; every week I would receive several emails summarizing the articles she had been reading, as well as hearing updates about how Jesse was doing. She was also fearless in advocating for the best care Jesse could receive, fearless in prodding the CFF by writing to them about new therapies, fearless in drafting a professional brief ¹ on a treatment that still has great potential to help CF patients²—in fact, a form of it is being used today in the coronavirus pandemic of 2020.³

    As this book will share, Jesse passed away in October of 2006. My own daughter, who did not have CF, passed away suddenly in August of 2005, so I knew what Patricia was going through. But she was much further along the path of understanding than I. She wrote to me soon after Jesse’s death,

    God has been so compassionate to me. I keep getting a better and clearer recognition of His plan - that there IS a plan, one for each of us individually, which is itself an awesome thought, but what is way high and wonderful is that he’s working each of us and the individual plan He has designed for us into the greater universal plan. Like a puzzle within a puzzle, a picture within a picture. (29 October 2006)

    I am slowly seeing what Patricia saw. But maybe I can see something that Patricia cannot, and so I say it here in the foreword to this unforgettable volume: the kind of love that Patricia has for Jesse is a type of the love the Savior has for all of us. I feel that Patricia understands the heart of God more than most as a result because of how well, how loyally, how determinedly, and how unfailingly she loved her son. I can only guess at how much God loves Patricia for how she loved His son Jesse.

    So, while yes, this book is Jesse’s story, read it also for Patricia’s story. Both Jesse and Patricia have gifts to give us, and both are precious beyond measure.

    Valerie M. Hudson

    April 2020

    Valerie M. Hudson is a University Distinguished Professor and George H.W. Bush Chair. Ms. Hudson holds the position of Director of the Program on Women, Peace, and Security, at the Department of International Affairs of The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University.





    An Explanation

    IN THIS WORLD I BELIEVE FORGIVENESS is the axis upon which life must turn and that it is perhaps the greatest of the laws of Life provided to humanity. Once invoked, Forgiveness will act. It will heal conditions, and as it continues to gain momentum, it will release us into the greater and greater freedom of Life until we recall what we originally intended to do, which is simply to love.

    When we begin to understand the magnificent power inherent in the activity of Forgiveness and then embrace it as a gift one would give to oneself, we realize the recipient of our forgiveness actually experiences our intentions as a side effect, because we cannot send forth anything, whether it be word, thought, or deed, unless it exists within us, and therefore is already acting in our own life. With this in mind, it is my hope the story I share will be an encouragement, increasing hope through the greater understanding of the gifts of Life provided to everyone. Thus, I begin.


    And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself? ~ Rumi

    If asked when I first began my study of what defines real love, I would say the ripe old age of three or four years old. It was a perfect summer day as I recall. My parents, sisters, brothers, and I were gathered in the front yard of our house. My father was having a pleasant time with us. He even decided to swing me by my arms in a circle around him, and at first, I’d never had so much fun. But after two or three rotations my instincts told me I was headed for a painful disappointment. I called out to alert him that he was moving too close to the rose bushes lining the fence around our yard, but he would not hear me. I tried

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