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The Dream Merchant
The Dream Merchant
The Dream Merchant
Ebook122 pages1 hour

The Dream Merchant

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This book is more of a Religious-Science Fiction type book that imagines maybe how Archangels communicate and are relative to man’s existence in a forever changing technological world with the idea of space travels being made possible in a future that spans 30 years or more from the year 2020
The story takes place with an everyday ordinary couple in a small town in the USA that ends up being the start of possibly saving the entire planet earth while parenting their first born with that task, and with the assistance of the Archangels of the throne of God Almighty, hence the title, “We’re In Flight”
Bobby Manning and Robin Newman’s son Nepo grows up being chosen by Almighty God to deliver people through music and the scripted words of the bible inspired by the Almighty God. (The System), is what modern day men call her. Nepo is chosen to save multitudes of people from demonic extraterrestrials and artificial/super artificial intelligent beings guided and controlled by Azazel the fallen angel, commonly known ln this day and time as the devil.
Release dateFeb 22, 2023
The Dream Merchant

Larry L. Powell

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED? The author would like to know have you ever wondered what angels think about, are if they really think at all? Larry Powell does all the time. Maybe it is because an angel visited him at the early age of 9. Now, Larry do not know which angel it was that visited him, or whether that spirit was an angel or The Christ. He does not know if it was Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, one of his guardian angels or Jesus himself. What Larry does know is, it was very real and he was not dreaming. What did this ministering messenger want to tell him? Larry grew up in a town named Greenville N.C. and his first passion was music as far as he could remember. Then the stars came into focus. Larry knew that somehow he was connected and he wanted to know what was up there in the sky beyond the stars. So his imagination helped him write this Religious science fiction story. Hope You Enjoy It! Larry is a freelance music producer and music videographer.

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    The Dream Merchant - Larry L. Powell

    © 2023 Skylife. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/20/2023

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-7865-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-7873-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-7874-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023901690

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    Chapter 1 Hit The Ground Running

    Chapter 2 Purchase, Sell, or Trade Your Dream(s)

    Chapter 3 The Name Sakes Game

    Chapter 4 I Know Who Dad is Now

    Chapter 5 The Powers of The Sacred Books

    Chapter 6 Beta’s Plan in Full Effect

    Chapter 7 Crew Members Recalled

    Chapter 8 Touch Down on Planet Dykon

    Chapter 9 An Alien Earth Harvesting Plan

    Chapter 10 Returning to Earth Undetected

    Chapter 11 Beta’s Mission Quest

    Chapter 12 Dream Merchant Checkmate

    Chapter 13 Dreamers Forecast


    Hit The Ground Running

    He is running through the dark of night, trying to avoid something, but he does not know what it is he is running from, or what it is that is chasing him. All he can hear is heavy footsteps in pursuit of him. He does not even know where he is in the darkness. One thing for sure that he does know is that he feels that it is real, or is it? Then he wakes up in a cold sweat. He is now breathing extremely hard as he swallows and lets out a breath.

    Now Beta is saying to himself,

    ‘What in the new galaxy’s name was that about again? I want to see what it is that is chasing me, but I am too afraid to find out what it is, so I wake up just before looking at it.’

    Aluna calls out to Beta, Beta! Beta! Wake up it is pre-top-off time. The energy is prepared and ready for consumption.

    Okay! Mom, I am up, and will join you for (BREAKFAST!) in five minutes or less.

    it is CALLED PRE-TOP-OFF ENERGY! Aluna yelled.

    "WHATEVER! Beta yelled back as he puts on his second layer of protective skin, he complains of Aluna’s correcting him, and he continues by saying,

    Exactly around twenty centuries ago, it was called food you know that stuff you eat like Bacon, eggs, grits, and pancakes?

    You cannot beat the system or change it son, so stop reflecting on the past. I tell you I should have never researched our ancestry history by asking that cyborg psychic about it. Ever since you found out about your great, great, great, greatest millennial granddaddy’s bloodline and how he fought against the counterfeit system you want to buck against it any chance you get, son you are just 18 years programmed, focus on your planned future. Aluna explained. Seriously! Or you listening to me son! Yes mom! I am listening and I am coming out to join you for pre-top-off time now. I was in deep thought that is why I didn’t answer you straight away." Beta responded.

    "GOOD SON! And how are you this morning, how was your night? Are you ready for mind programming school?

    Aluna asked Beta. Oh, mom it was another one of those strange dreams again. Beta responded. And yes, mom I’m ready.

    Beta comes out of his room and stands near a portal in their dining area, but before consuming his energy from that portal he tells his mother of the nightmares he has been having and he explains how scared he is of something bad happening to him that may form terrible manifestations soon. Before leaving for programming Aluna hugs and then kisses her son on the forehead and said,

    Son I will set up an appointment for you with a friend of mine that everyone call’s ‘The Dream Merchant’ I am sure he will be able to help you, Aluna claimed. Aluna is seen in her virtual space preparing for her talk with ‘The Dream Merchant’ whose name is Chip Cyigo.

    Chip? Hi! This is Aluna Everasin how have you been these days? Chip then appears virtually, in her space.

    Aluna my dear woman I have been fighting the urge to contact you, other than that I am fine, and how are you doing my dear female friend? Chip asked calmly.

    Chip, I am fine but, it’s the boy, he is still having those frightening nightmares he calls scary dreams, and I am afraid that it is Zycopolis. Aluna stated.

    ‘The Twilight Theory Program?’ I see, The Performance, The Development and The Motivation. Okay then, how we deal with this is through the order of words in progression, of Alphabetical Insemination, in which should be The Development, The Motivation and The Performance in that order." Chip responded. Alright Chip thank you so much I will bring the boy to you in a couple of days. Aluna said.

    Oh! No need to bring him by, I will meet up with him in his suspended animated sleep state tonight. However, I would love to meet up with you later to discuss the compensation.

    Chip said sounding almost cunningly.

    Chip you know the rules, so whatever compensation you are insinuating, it has to be decently and in order. Aluna advised.

    Yes! My dear female friend it is always that way with me, you know that; I will talk to you soon dear.

    Okay see you, and thanks again Chip. Don’t mention it, you both are like family to us, chow!

    Aluna steps out of her virtual space. She is now seen reflecting on her past relationship with her friend Chip, how they first met and how he subjectively became known as ‘The Dream Merchant.’ They met on a job assignment headed 10,000 lightyears away from earth, about 30 years ago. The name of the planet is Dykon. Aluna and Chip were given an assignment with 50 other passengers, 25 males and 25 females. Aluna oversaw the males and Chip oversaw the females. Their objectives there on Dykon was to gather as much information as possible about its atmosphere and Solar System and surrounding planets. They were to pair up and to procreate, to grow food if possible and to send data back to earth for colonization informational purposes.

    Aluna and Chip finds out that the Dykon Planet, like earth is the third planet from their two Suns which make up for earths one Sun and in turn the Dykon Planet host only fifteen hours of darkness out of a forty-eight-hour day. Dykon, like earth is the fifth largest planet in its Solar System, however, it harbored no known human life forms as does earth.

    Dykon’s atmosphere, again like earth is surrounded by layers of gases commonly known as air that surrounds it and is retained by gravity. Not as much gravity as that of earth but enough to anchor down most massy humans and heavy objects. "The atmosphere of earth protects life on earth by creating pressure allowing for liquid water to exist on earth’s surface, absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation, warming the surface through heat retention, and reducing temperature extremes between day and night. By volume, dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen 20.95 % oxygen 0.93% argon and 0.04% carbon dioxide." (Atmosphere of Earth-Wikipedia)

    (Aluna still reflecting on her past, meeting Chip.) They are boarding a huge golden spacecraft. The gold is used to reflectively interact with thick laser light properties harnessing just enough antimatter to thrust them 10,000 lightyears from earth in 10 years, or a little less into the atmosphere of the Planet Dykon. Antimatter once was next to impossible to contain or control until a breakthrough came in the year 2340. Taught to the humans and cyborgs by highly intelligent friendly visiting aliens. Greeting Sir my name is Aluna Everasin I’m the Captain of the fleet of males, 25 of them to be exact. Aluna stated. "Yes ma’am! Pleased to meet your acquaintance, I am Chip Cyigo, and I too like yourself is a Captain, however, as you should well know I oversee the female passengers, 25 to be exact. I read and studied your credentials as I’m quite sure you have read and evaluated mine?" Chip explained.

    "Oh! (Aluna smiles) so you read and studied my credentials, but I read and evaluated yours, that sounds a bit bias or faded toward women. Aluna claimed.

    "No! My dear female comrade (Chip laughs) Ha! Ha! Ha! That was not my intended

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