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Crystal Heart
Crystal Heart
Crystal Heart
Ebook627 pages10 hours

Crystal Heart

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About this ebook

After a break in his life, Cristóbal Anguita decides to live the visa in a totally different way from how his established canons allow it and always keeping the secret hope of returning with the only woman he was capable of loving. What he never imagined was that on his way he would come across Kristal del Cielo Rodríguez Rodríguez, a girl very different from the ones he had known in his life.
The attraction between them surges immediately, causing her, a young student by day and an enigma by night, to accept the unacceptable to be by her side.
Will they ever be able to accept each other for who they are?

Release dateFeb 23, 2023
Crystal Heart

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    Book preview

    Crystal Heart - Mitchell Davis


    Table of Contents

    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III

    Chapter IV

    Chapter V

    Chapter VI

    Chapter VII

    Chapter VIII

    Chapter IX

    Chapter X

    Chapter XI

    Chapter XII

    Chapter XIII

    Chapter XIV

    Chapter XV

    Chapter XVI

    Chapter XVII

    Chapter XVIII

    Chapter XIX


    Crystal Heart

    Author: Mitchell Davis

    © Copyright 2023–All Rights Reserved

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    *Note: Please do not read if you are under the age of 18

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.



    " To that inner woman that each one of us carries inside, because beauty begins with the decision to be yourself and there is no makeup in the world that can beautify us more than a beautiful smile "

    with you

    Chapter I


    After a week in bed with the flu, fever and headache, I can't believe I'm here now, getting out of the shower nothing more and nothing less than to go dancing with Manu. Or am I crazy crazy or I just don't have the willpower? Well, to be honest I think both. But... Who can say no to Manu? It is clear that I do not.

    We are in the middle of winter, exactly June 21 and I am hot, I am sweating, a bad sign, that is clear. I try to blow dry my hair with cold air so I can cool down a bit, but when I hear the noise of the dryer, my best friend and confidant comes in to see what's going on.

    —It's been an hour! I'll make myself wait for you outside!

    —Don't be exaggerated, Manu. But did you see how deplorable I look today? - I manifest putting my hands on my waist, to see if he takes pity on me in some way.


    -Hmm? Just hmm?

    Oh dear! -sighs-. Sit down and stay still, let me see what I can do for you, I won't have the appropriate makeup here, but something is going to occur to me, those dark circles, red eyes, swollen nose...

    —Hey, don't go on, I'd better stay lying down —I speak a little irritated, Manu is sometimes too frank for my liking.

    Twenty-five minutes later the one who looks at me from the mirror is another, a daring, sexy, pretty, really pretty woman, by the way.

    What will you wear, Disney Princess?

    —Don't call me that, you know I don't like it, especially at home.

    -Home?! You mean piece —he corrects me laughing, I know he doesn't do it with bad intentions, but his comment offends me just the same.

    —It's what I can pay without asking anyone for anything. Only with my work.

    With your body, princess.

    —Manu... —I cut him off so he doesn't continue down that path, otherwise we'll surely end up arguing.

    I really don't understand, if you'd just work a little harder or ask Chantal for help.

    -No. Until when do I have to tell you that I'm not going to talk to her, let alone ask her for help.

    —But well, thanks to her you have a job, you pay for the university and you live in this...little house.

    —Point one: because of her I am stuck where I am, point two, my job is thanks to me, she did not give it to me, point three, I study with credit and point four...

    —Look, pretty, everything you know is because you learned it from her, besides Ricardo, I wouldn't indulge all your whims if it weren't for Chantal, so don't tell me stories.

    I don't want to listen to him anymore, but I know he won't give up that easily. No, that wouldn't be Manu, and for some inexplicable reason, he adores that woman, so I decide to cut my losses. Or do we get into a never-ending argument or do I let him choose my clothes? I opt for the second.

    —Now you do see yourself, wow! not even the Disney princess would look better than you, now we are ready.

    I look at him with a more than fake smile and I remind him of the words I always say to him when he convinces me to put down my books and go dancing.

    —Who are the queens of the night?!


    With that we end any hint of an argument, we went out like two queens at night, now I really feel cold, of course, Manu won't let me take something to wear, according to him, that would ruin the electric blue strapless dress that I'm wearing, rather, imposed, but that's it, so nothing to complain about.

    In general, when I embark on something I don't regret it, from a very young age I learned that everyone always has something to say, and not exactly positive, that's why when I started to grow up, what others said stopped mattering to me, but of course, now I am in another world, where what they will say and where you come from is very important.

    Through a lot of effort and work, I am studying economics at one of the most prestigious universities in my country. When I graduate I have promised myself to forget my past and my present; I can't change my name because everyone already knows me as Kristal del Cielo Rodríguez Rodríguez, but what I do know, since my name is Kristal, is that I will never be the Disney princess again, although as Manu says that helps me greatly part to pay my debts, every day that I have to be, I feel worse and I think I get a little closer to...

    —Change that little face and give me a smile, now my personal friend Walter will let us in and the VIP!! Manu yells, starting to jump like a rabbit, that makes me smile for the first time of the night and I follow him like crazy, attracting the glances of the people who are behind us.

    —It's temporary madness guys, let's all jump and that's how we get rid of our stress —I tell them to get out of the embarrassment, and in no time at all almost the entire line begins to jump. What a good vibe everyone has here today, that infects me in a matter of seconds.

    When the music enters it is so loud that we can only shout to speak, I don't know what Manu wants, but I understand that he tells me to stay here for a moment. I, obedient that I am not, stay in the place, but the music begins to invade me little by little, my feet begin to move and I decide to go out on the floor to dance. Electronic music fascinates me, it transports me to worlds that only I know, it doesn't matter how you dance to it, it's always good, there is no pattern to follow. When I'm dancing I spot Matías, a friend from the university, he's studying design, I make a sign to him and he comes over, after a couple of words we're both on the dance floor.

    —I leave you alone for a second and you disappear —Manu scolds me affectionately.'s the music! —I explain in an apologetic tone, there is nothing I like more in life than dancing, if it weren't for the hatred I have for some things I would have been a dancer, another thing I have to thank...

    Drink this, it will make you excellent, and you'll see how it will take away your cold, he orders me, handing me a small glass bigger than a shot so I can take it in one sip, I put it in my mouth and drink it, it burns me to the stomach I know it's tequila with lime, but it's a long way from being a margarita.

    We continue like this, the three of us dance in the middle of the dance floor, little by little we have been gaining ground and people begin to look at us, Manu is an excellent dancer, Matías does his thing, and well, I am not far behind; some girls come up to us and to ingratiate themselves with me they give me a glass with a transparent liquid, then they give my boys flirtatious faces and I literally stay dancing alone, but at least I have something that tastes like...

    "God, but what is this!! she yelled when I finished swallowing the liquid that never seems to reach my stomach.

    Vodka with ice, the two girls answer me in unison, laughing.

    For God's sake, they're girls, I let them out from my heart, and it's true, with luck they're twenty years old, it's not that I'm that old, I'm twenty-three, but in soul about forty for everything I've already experienced. As my Manu says, I am in my last life. And we're supposed to have seven.

    I feel really tired, after dancing for an hour I decide to tell the boys, Manu grabs my waist and in his ear asks me to free him from the girl he is with.

    —But I thought you were having a great time. That's how you looked at least.

    —Well, you're wrong, little princess, the one I like is Matías, and I do have to dance like a pirinola with that girl to be by her side, because I'm a top. But it's just that with these brand-new shoes out of the box I can't take it anymore, Juanito strangles me.

    Juanito? I ask without understanding anything. What John?

    —The bunion, pretty, for God's sake, but how unglamorous you are.

    Laughing, we went up to the second floor, to the VIP sector of the place, and as Walter had said, the place is something else, another style, everything fine and elegant, black leather stools and seats, waiters who serve the table, even smoke you can. This is life, so anyone can have fun.

    We sit looking at the track, since Manu doesn't want to take his eyes off Matías, suddenly one of those men who leave your mouth dry comes up, handing us a menu with drinks; When I see the price, I look wide-eyed at Manu, this costs double, no, triple what they cost in the bar on the first floor.

    —Don't look at me like that, today I invite you.

    A Coca-Cola, I ask when Manu rolls his eyes and says:

    -Nothing of that. Bring us a double whiskey on the rocks, sweetie.

    But are you crazy? Did you see how much they are worth?

    —Oh yes I know, but I've always wanted to say that, and what better place to do it than here.

    Even if you're eating arroz con huevo all next week? I ask, mocking.

    —Yes, princess, even if I am, but... I'll go every night to dine with a beautiful dancer.

    -Oh yeah?

    —Exactly, so this week either you move that cute little ass of yours more or we both become Chinese and eggs...

    —Manu!! I yell, amused by the situation and of course, by the tequila, vodka and whiskey that is in my body.

    When Icona Pop's «I Love It» starts to play, I jump out of my chair and start screaming like I'm possessed, because I'm not singing, I don't care about the people around me and that they're looking at me, this song is for me a I vent, just as the lyrics say, grab all the memories and throw them off a bridge, and that's what I do every time I listen to it.

    -Oh! the one who doesn't like the show, or attracting attention —my great friend mocks me, without caring about anything, because at this point nothing could matter less to me, I throw myself into his arms to kiss him, I love this man so much, and with a little alcohol in the body I want it even more.

    Manu, this time it's my invitation, I tell him, closing one eye. I walk with total impudence trying to fix my dress a little because I already have it about to show something else, I get to the bar and coquettishly pulling the lock of my hair from my face I ask:

    Two whiskeys on the rocks, and one with Coke, please.

    "What a way to ruin the alcohol. The bartender laughs when he mixes my cocktail.

    I only give him a smile, this man is very handsome, if he tells me to drink it alone, then I would have drunk it.

    When I turn around after having closed one eye in gratitude to the wonderful man who gave me the glasses, I feel how the cold liquid that I am carrying is spilling on my dress, I look up to see what I have collided with, and I only see a dark jacket , shirt, well, a bit damaged, but the chest I crash into is as hard as a stone, I raise my head to see who belongs to such a spectacular body and literally almost died. My heart skips a beat, this man in front of me, besides having a slender body, because I'm checking that out, he's perfect, tall, good suit, tailor-made for sure, square jaw with a mouth, mmm,! God! I better not continue, but his gaze stops meeting my eyes that are scanning him for the truth.

    Don't you see where you're walking? he growls wiping himself off without even asking me how I'm doing.

    —Oh no, this is not, everything that is handsome about you is gross —I blurt out, really indignant.

    —Don't you know how to watch where you're going? You should also use a tray.

    Cuenta Kristal cuenta, before you get out of the population and they throw you out of the place.

    —Point one, I don't feel like using a tray, and point two, I'm not a waitress. I tell you driver why are you wearing a suit at three in the morning in a bar? I answer to humiliate him, his good taste is evident from miles away, his spotless suit speaks for itself.

    Bingo! He narrowed his eyes and swallowed, my comment annoys him, well, I don't like being called a waitress either.

    I'm not a driver, he huffs, staring at me.

    "Well, I'm not a waitress either.

    We're even then.

    —None of that, you owe me two drinks.


    "Exactly, you are the culprit. You pay them.

    —You're wrong, but I'd rather pay than continue arguing with you.

    At his stunned gaze, I turn, walk past him and walk to my table.

    -Princess!! What happened to you?

    —That idiot in a suit who looks like a driver has turned my drinks around.

    -Driver! But yes, that man wears a custom-made Armani and he doesn't even look like a driver.

    —I know, don't remind me, but he's pedantic, conceited, and that bothers me.

    —Well, little princess, then go on making a grateful face, that the hunk of man is coming here with two glasses.

    These are the glasses that the young lady spilled, the whiskey for you and this mineral water for her, I think she has gone too far with the glasses, she tells Manu without even looking at me, that really makes me angry, who is Did you think it's to tell me what I can or can't drink?

    —Calm down, princess, I already see you coming. And before you say anything, I think the friend is right here.

    This is the last thing I needed, my best friend and a stranger judging my drunken behavior, I jump up and with such bad luck, the glass that he still holds in his hands turns over, and spills again staining both of us .

    Fuck you woman!!

    —Woman nothing. You should use a tray —I tell her and I try to go out in the direction of the bathroom, but at that minute I feel her grab my arm, and in view of everyone's patience she smiles, inserts her fingers through my neckline and removes the ice that is on me. freezing, a shiver runs through my entire body, staying right between my legs, I instinctively put them together to keep the feeling, but nothing, I think the red colors have completely invaded my face and he just makes a face with those lips so sexy that I swear to God I want to kiss. But not content with that, seeing my expression, he raises his fingers to his mouth and introduces the ice, runs his wet fingers over my lips and leaves.

    God, but how I want to kill him!

    I look at Manuel in search of a coherent explanation, but he is worse off than me, stunned is not enough, I don't know whether to walk up to the guy and ask for an explanation or stay seated. But what am I saying, I'm not going after any man, although of course that's not just any man.

    Luckily the sane part of my brain starts to work and I decide to walk to the bathroom, I feel sticky and wet, drops are still running down between my legs.

    When I arrive I am grateful that it is empty, so the shame is only for me. I look carefully that there is no one, I close the door and start to lower my dress, I am absolutely sticky with the dress at the waist. I move quickly to find something to dry myself off when I see the door to one of the bathroom stalls open.

    Is it that you don't know how to read? I say trying to cover myself as much as I can.

    Before me and staring at me is the culprit that I find myself like this.

    He is with his shirt unbuttoned, showing off his almost naked torso, he hasn't moved even half an inch and I know he's scrutinizing me with his wonderful dark eyes...

    I have every right to use the bathroom, he says slowly in the hoarsest voice I've ever heard.

    —Yes, of course, but the gentlemen's. Sorry! I'm sure you don't know what that means.

    Now he starts laughing, while I try to pull my damn dress up, but it's stuck and the zipper won't go up.

    —This is a mixed bath.

    -Mixed?! I yell louder than I really wanted to. Like what mixed?

    Of men and women, he explains to me as if I didn't know what that word means, while I'm still giving the war to the closing, he approaches, standing behind me and with incredible mastery he moves the canvas, freeing the cart, then Delicately, he smooths it out and pulls up the damn zipper that cost me so much.

    So you can see that I'm a gentleman, he tells me, and against all odds he lowers his head and kisses my bare shoulder.

    My body betrays me and as soon as he separates his warm lips from my skin, he responds with a shudder. As if he was asking for more. And of course, the arrogant knows it, I know it from his half smile that he doesn't try to hide.

    God, this can't be happening to me. Not now and alone locked in a bathroom.

    Do you want us to go somewhere else? he asks and I swear I feel like I'm having a fit.

    -As? I question in an almost intelligible thread of voice.

    Do you want to go to a hotel or...? He clarifies as if he were offering me a piece of candy. It's not that I'm a prude by any means, but this is how my Manu would say, Of one is out of all my limits, but my bad angel seizes me in seconds, and replies:

    I prefer a hotel, I assure him normally.

    At that moment, he kisses my forehead as if he were closing a pact, he takes my hand, and together we go outside, Manuel makes an angry face when he sees me, but then after two seconds he winks at me and yells:

    -Good job!

    I want to die hearing it, out of the corner of my eye I see the man I don't even know his name and I notice that he smiles, I don't know why that doesn't calm me down.

    When we leave through a side door that I didn't even know existed, before going down the last step, he turns around, takes me in his arms, places his hand on the back of my neck and gives me a passionate kiss, leaving me almost breathless.

    -And what was that?

    A foreplay and a gift for your bonds.

    A prelude? Bonuses? This guy speaks Chinese to me or I have too much alcohol in my body to understand him. I prefer option two, anyway, I'm leaving with a guy I don't even know. I don't know his name.

    I don't even want to reproduce everything that my good angel, who is not so good because of what he tells me at this moment, is recriminating me.

    But I must admit that I feel fantastic, a feeling of feminine power overwhelms me at this moment, for the first time in my twenty-three years a man, and what a man! He looks at me, and we go almost without knowing what we're going to. It's not that I'm ugly, I'm rather normal, neither too much nor too little, neither blonde nor dark, neither tall nor short, neither curly nor smooth, I'm ordinary, but when I produce myself to be the Disney princess, that's something else , even today I see myself, even if it sounds ugly to say it, very wow!

    While we're waiting for his car, he doesn't hold my hand or I him, I'm a little sorry, but I can't ask for more. His car arrives in a matter of minutes, and like the gentleman he is, he opens the door for me. After a short ten minutes of talking about anything, we arrive at a hotel.

    In the elevator, as soon as the doors close, he approaches me, surrounds me by the waist again, presses his forehead against mine and sighs.

    -This is crazy.

    If you don't want, we'll leave it, I manage to say stoically, I'm not going to force the situation.

    Of course I want, he states appropriately. As soon as the doors open, he takes my hand again, we go out and I realize that he knows the place very well, because he doesn't even have to pay attention to the room numbers.

    In front of door 345, he pulls out something like a card, which I never knew when it was handed to him and seconds later we're inside, he drops his jacket on a chair and looks at me smiling.

    Well, now or never I say to myself to self-impose courage, I hug him throwing myself on him and put my hands under his shirt to finally feel what I want so much. His skin is still wet, and his muscles very tense.


    That makes me laugh timidly, it's true, we're not exactly going to chat, although I would have expected a little more foreplay, but hey, I'm not fifteen, and this isn't a date.

    Before starting to take off my dress, he already has his shirt open, he takes it off delicately and very sexy for my taste, also his pants, leaving me glued to watching that show.

    Seeing him naked leaves anyone open-mouthed, especially me, it short-circuits my operating system, leaving me without thinking about anything. If I extrapolate it to my profession, it leaves me bankrupt, without the power to react to such a magnanimous opportunity.

    He doesn't have a single gram of fat, he only has perfectly formed blocks of hard muscles and why not say it, all ready for me, his marked abs make him look very sexy, it's clear that he is as my Manu would say, a tough macho , not even the chest is shaved, and my hands water from touching it.

    —If you're done observing, I'd like to be able to do it myself if it doesn't bother you.

    What did they tell me! I do know how to do that and in the best way, it's just opening the door a little so that the hated Disney princess comes out, and just as I know how to do it, I begin to take off my clothes with soft and sexy movements , just like I've seen him all my life, but this time they're not for a standoff, they're for him. I like to watch her face and appreciate her reactions while I do it, until I am almost naked.

    You're beautiful, he murmurs as he runs his hand over my chest and then catches a nipple to begin play.

    I moan when I feel the electric current that he produces when he touches me, then he brings his hot tongue close to my cold skin and I think I'm dying, it's been so long since I felt something like this, it's been so long since nobody makes me feel like a desired woman without being the famous princess.

    I'm just me.

    Crystal only.

    Not being able to take it anymore, I slide my curious hands over his wet skin, I long to feel him, go through him and delight myself as much as he is doing, I know how to make him feel special, and that's what I remember about my great teacher, Manuel.

    Indeed, everything Manu has told me about how to touch a man to turn him on is giving results, I feel ultra powerful, I have a man completely at my feet. At my mercy.

    Now it's my turn, he orders, his voice hoarse and loaded. The truth is that I am enjoying it so much that I would have continued for an eternity.

    What I begin to experience when he begins to touch me is so intense that it hurts, it's as if each of his touches burned me. Suddenly I don't know how I get back to reality, to a cold hotel room with a man I don't even know who he is, I'm about to fuck, because that's what I'm about to do, nothing more. But at least I want to know his name.

    Tell me... tell me your name.

    -Does it matter.

    God...! Everything sexy about this man is also pedantic, and when he sees that I'm staring at him and as if it's hard for him to pronounce, moving his mouth away from my body, he responds:


    -I am...

    "Quiet, don't talk.

    If my hormones weren't at a thousand, I swear to God I'm leaving, no, lie, I'm the one who must take the heart out of the situation. No romance, just sex and pleasure, Kristal.

    But I can't stay like this, no, I'm going to teach this conceited pedant who I am, and who wants to know my name. I lift his face to kiss him deeply. I lick his mouth like I'm savoring him. I feel how he despairs with the kiss, his pulse also accelerates, I think if I continue like this, I could make him reach the climax, but I run the risk of doing it too, I mentally go through everything my co-workers do and I swear that he is me giving results.

    I feel how his hands desperately run through my body, without stopping anywhere, the friction that his fingers exert on my skin is clouding my reason. Everything he does to me turns me on, God, this is clearly not me. In my life I had felt like this with someone, let alone behaved this way. The intensity is so great that I feel that at times I think I am dying and resurrected in heaven.

    I don't know how, but we start walking, neither of us wants to take off the other's mouth, we reach a bed.

    How and when did it appear? Don't know.

    I run my hands over his naked torso, his frizzy hair, I stop at his nipples, if I feel, surely he will feel too, that's what I think imbued with the lust of the moment. That's right, in a matter of seconds they are as erect as mine, I begin to lick them as he was doing minutes before, a guttural sound emanates from inside and without waiting any longer, he lays me down on the bed.

    I love your body, I tell him, scratching him with my teeth from his throat down to his chest. With one hand I run over his torso and with the other I go down slowly until I reach what I want to touch so much.

    I guess, he tells me in a somewhat strange tone.

    I try not to give importance to his comment and continue to enjoy the moment, but this stays in the same place as the previous comment about the name.

    I want to touch you, he murmurs.

    You've had your chance, I sneer, to which I feel him contract the muscles in his arms and I think he's clenching his hands.

    Without caring and behaving like never before, I reach his pelvis, kneeling in front of him, I amaze him and of course I surprise myself with my audacity, I put his penis in my mouth, he takes my head and intertwines his fingers in my hair, in another Surely this would hurt me, but excited as I am and although I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, I like it, she raises her hips slightly, I can see how she squeezes her eyes tight, a moan escapes from inside her, that encourages me to continue with harder, I begin to suck as deep as I can, I love its taste, slightly hard at times soft, it tastes wonderfully hot. And very, very tasty.

    This is... Before he finishes the sentence, his eyes widen as I slide to the top and brush my teeth slightly. God, she moans again, I feel powerful, even more than the Disney princess. Now he opens his eyes watching me, but what I see is confusion, I stare at him, I hold on to his thighs and he begins to move quickly, affirming my head.

    In an instant it stops. don't stop...

    I feel so powerful, so woman, so kinky that I'm not interested in what he tells me, and I keep sucking faster, pushing as deep as I can.

    -I'm going to...

    His back arches, his eyes are so open that I even think they might pop out, I can't stop looking at him, it's as if he had a magnet that won't let me separate, through his pupils I even see my own pleasure, and I see how it climaxes He grunts and I take him even harder, feeling how a warm and salty liquid enters my throat, I swallow it quickly and do not stop, for a few seconds I know that I have full control of this man. I never imagined that everything Manu told me could be true, and only with my mouth or my...tongue.

    Never in my twenty-three years have I done anything like this, not even with Daniel, my only boyfriend I've ever been with like this.

    I get up slowly and see something that resembles a smile, it looks at me in astonishment, and I really don't know why.

    —I thought it would disgust you, but of course, you'll be used to it.

    I give him something like a smile, and bite my tongue, I think about answering him, but I also think that he has every right to think like that, if he's only known me for five minutes.

    More than two hours, my conscience reminds me, a great consolation to me, but I don't let myself get discouraged by it and file it with his other comments.

    He doesn't let me think much more and he knocks me down I don't know how but now I'm under him, he runs his hands through my hair and for the first time tonight I feel that he looks at me tenderly.

    He looks at me passionately and kisses me with intense fervor, I raise my legs and wrap them around his waist, all I want is to feel him inside. But now!

    You don't want any more preamble. TRUE? he asks running his thumb over my lips, drawing my features. I feel an electric shock go through my body, I've never felt like this, well, I've never done such a thing before.

    - You are anxious. So beautiful and a bad girl. A dangerous combination.

    I really believe that we are from different countries, that is clear, he is good, how to say it, from the world and I from the town, but he speaks so strangely at times that I feel that we are even from different planets.

    Now he slowly starts kissing my neck, he holds my hands and doesn't let me move them, I feel trapped and I don't like the feeling, I want to be able to move and control the situation, but it's clear that in sex or in life it's up to him who likes to rule the roost. I think that in some way I am pleasantly paying for his orgasm, and for having made him lose control.

    You look very young, you're quite a contradiction, he mumbles close to my body. What am I going to do with you?

    —Whatever you want, but now! I ask, and I really don't know where that came from.

    It's the genes, an inner voice answers me, as if that reassures me in some way.

    Don't move, he orders me without a shred of request, stretches his arm over me, and takes a condom out of the drawer of the side table.

    I don't even move, this man has the face of not playing, and I can't even control myself and leave, no, I want the opposite, I want him to enter and make me feel.

    I want to touch him, I need to run my hands over his body, but he won't let me.

    —If you move I'll look for something so you don't, be a good girl and obey, this is my time, precious. You will be graciously rewarded," he says very softly, and I shudder again.

    Yes please, but now, I feel like my body is going to explode, I don't know how much longer I can stand still while he runs over me with his hot lips, his mouth slides down my neck, down to my chest, staying on my nipples, squeezing and alternately sucked. Damn, I can't take it anymore, my hips begin to take on a life of their own and I try to raise them to lessen my agony somewhat, I feel his member, touching me, but nothing else, it's as if he were making fun of my sex, just brushing against it, it's hard and hit me.

    -Do not move.

    Carefully caressing my left leg, then my right and puts them on his shoulders, in no time he stops looking at me, examines me and his gaze penetrates mine.

    I tremble at what I know he's going to do, I want it, I want it, I long for it, but I'm afraid, and I don't know why.

    -Peaceful. Do you trust me?

    I'm here, what do you think? I reply ironically.

    He just laughs, and kisses me again, I don't know if he's doing it to reassure me, but he succeeds, I'm dying of shame, but another part of me is happy.

    He stops just before entering my sex, and inserts a finger making me moan immediately, I didn't expect that contact, I'm so open, so exposed that I feel like I could do anything. He withdraws his finger and with that disturbing smile of his, he puts his finger in his mouth. Oh God I feel like I'm going to die or I'm already dead ascending to heaven. Or to hell?

    You taste wonderful, and you smell like...

    Lavender, I murmur, handing over this very personal information.

    In gratitude for this, he inserts his finger again, gently moves it, and I squirm asking him for more...

    "You're so tight.

    And what did you expect? Another comment to file. Argg, yeah I actually won with this guy. God of sex, idiot of comments.

    —I like to hear you beg, your eyes shine in a special way.

    Fuck the shame, I'm here and so I say:

    —Please, I want to feel you, I don't want to wait any longer. Can't.

    I don't usually concede, but I've been pleasantly surprised with you, and your pleasure is turning out to be mine.

    Oh... I gasp and my body begins to convulse slowly, I can no longer control it, I only feel pleasant massages around my clit that are making me lose control, my legs are shaking as a current takes over me, my heart is racing I find it hard to breathe, I open my mouth and moan, but at that moment, he sticks his lips together and I scream into his mouth, he squeezes my hands and caresses my sex wildly, it's the most delicious feeling I've ever had, I can't stop move and the God of sex controls my body while he drinks my moans. I completely lose my senses, and just let myself go.

    You're so wet, he tells me, still with his two fingers inside me, now making a bigger circle around my clit. I moan and try to slide a little, it's already too much, my body can't resist, coherence has fled from my being and doesn't intend to return.

    I barely know what's going on around me, but I feel that it gives me relief for a few seconds, until it penetrates me slowly and begins to move, the jolt is strong but pleasant, wild but just enough to lengthen my sensation of pleasure making my orgasm endless. Faster, to the depths of my being, he pushes over and over again, I am once again senseless invaded exclusively by him, by his body, I gasp, sigh and moan again.

    I like to dominate, he whispers in my ear, his husky velvety voice making me shudder. The tremors run through my body again, but I refuse to let him have power over me, gathering all the strength I have left I clench the muscles in my belly and begin to move at a frantic pace, I watch as he grits his teeth and fights to control himself. , according to Manu, if I say things in his ear that are somewhat risqué, he will fall at my feet.

    —Come on, give me more strength, I know that you can. Show me what you can do," I murmur, not embarrassed by any of my vocabulary. Instead of economics I should study to be a bitch, I tell myself, but I quickly remember that this is in my blood.

    I don't know how, but with a strength that I didn't know I had, I turn and stay on top of him, now I can move piecewise, at my own pace.

    An animal noise coming from his throat tells me that he can't take it anymore, that it's coming to an end, I can't stop looking at him with my mouth open, while I feel how he contracts intermittently under my legs.

    Seconds later, once he's calm, I slowly get out and lie next to him, I'm exhausted, I think I can't move a muscle in my body. I slowly raise my arm and cover my face, I imagine myself red from the effort and daring, suddenly he begins to make circles with his fingertips and I feel the irrepressible need to tell him something. But what?

    You were incredible, I blurt out suddenly, removing my hand from my face, looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

    He turns over his body and tries to control a smile that struggles to come out of his fleshy lips. I feel that his fight is eternal, but suddenly surprising me, he kisses me on the forehead and stands up, leaving his sculpted body in front of me.

    What is me, I am completely naked on the bed, I try to find the sheet with my hand to cover myself, while he is examining me completely, just as I am delighted, he is doing it.

    —You have surprised me, it is not easy to achieve, I will pay you double in reward for the pleasant moment you have given me. While I'm in the shower, you can call a taxi," he tells me, licking his lips.

    My brain takes a while to process the information coming through my ears and it stabs me straight into sanity, I want to open my mouth but there's nothing coming out of it, I dart out of bed to the other end ripping from I hit the sheet that covers it. I swallow saliva, narrow my eyes a little and slowly shaking my head I ask:

    -What did you say?

    —That I will pay you double for your services, it was an experience...

    Before he finishes speaking, as if a demon had possessed my body, I grab an ornament that is next to the lamp and throw it at him with all the force I can muster in a matter of seconds.

    He quickly dodges it and yells at me:

    -You are crazy woman!!

    -Crazy?! But who do you think I am to tell me that you're going to pay me, you idiot? - I scream broken down.

    Aren't you a prostitute? He asks me a bit puzzled.

    -Of course not! What gives you the right to think like that? I roar like a real madman while looking for my things.

    —The right that gives me to see you dance with two different men, flirt with each one of them, then find you semi-naked in the bathroom waiting for me and well, that dress you're wearing isn't very decent, not to mention everything that...

    I can no longer listen to him, and like the beast that I have become, I climb onto the bed, cross it, stand in front of him without caring about my nakedness, I slap him with all my strength, which, although it is not much with the anger that inside me I manage to move his jaw, he can't do anything, because he never imagined my reaction, he puts his hand to his face, I think he feels he deserves it. But fuck it.

    -Where are you going? he wants to know, approaching cautiously when I'm already on my way to the door.

    I'm getting out of here, idiot! Or do you want me to dance for you too?

    "You can't go like this.

    -Oh no? A moment ago you told me to call a taxi...

    Yeah, sure, but I thought...

    —She was a bitch, I know that, there's no difference, so don't come at me now with stupidities.

    I see that he is coming, while I have almost reached the door, I don't want him to follow me, or touch me, I don't want to see him or speak. I quickly grab his pants taking him with me so he doesn't follow me, I go out fixing my tiny dress. I run down the hall, I don't stop to wait for the elevator, but I rush down the stairs, dropping my pants on the first floor before opening the door.

    When I go out into the street, I don't want to cry, I raise my hand and a taxi stops immediately, of course, and why not?

    How have I been so stupid, if I really look like something I'm not, and it's not just because of the dress, it's the makeup, the heels, the attitude, it's a whole!

    Covered in the darkness of the night, while I watch the streetlights go by through the window, I give him the address of my house while a tear falls down my cheek, then another, and another, I close my eyes because the last thing I want is for this man who Perhaps what he thinks of me will find out that I am crying, something that he has not done for more than ten years.

    "Miss, we're here. Are you sure it's here?

    The last thing I needed, for him to question my house, okay, it's not a luxury, but it's mine, decent and I can afford it. I look for my wallet and curse out loud, when I leave like crazy or something else, rather I have forgotten it, I ask the taxi driver to wait for me a second, he pouts and I know he is following me with his eyes, but before he When I reach the door, I curse again.

    -Shit!! How will I get in if I don't have a key? I return to the vehicle under the watchful eye of the driver.

    Excuse me, you're taking me to Avenida Central with Suarez, I inform him of my new address, fifteen minutes later when I see on the dashboard of the car that it's ten to six in the morning, we arrive, I ask him again to wait for me, I run out, I play the intercom leaving my finger stuck on the button.

    -That?! They growl on the other side.

    Come down with your wallet to pay for the taxi, I ask almost crying, I'm cold, embarrassed and I need a hug.

    Five minutes later, the taxi starts and he waves at me with his hand and his thumb raised, I feel terrible, and when Manu, my Manu arrives at my side with his black silk pajamas and his naked torso, like the crazy person that I am, I I start crying Again.

    He looks at me horrified and begins to examine me as if I were a little girl, we haven't entered the elevator yet and he already has me completely surrounded, even a bit crushed, but that's what I need, love, affection and nice words. Once we are in his minimalist apartment, like an automaton I sit in his red leather armchair, I see him take a glass from the kitchenette, add water and a lot of sugar and come to my side.

    —Princess, if you don't tell me what you have, I swear by the one above that he'll give me a patatú.

    I hug him again, I drink the sugar water to see if I can calm down a bit, but nothing, humiliation emanates from my pores, but when I see Manu's eyes like a saucer, how can I start to babble.

    I did everything you told me, what you taught me so that would be astonished.

    Then why are you crying? I'm sure he was amazed, I assure you from the one above.

    At that moment a wave of grief washed over me again.

    —Kristal from Heaven! Tell me now in great detail what's wrong with you, what happened to the handsome guy from the bar? He asks me a bit uneasy.

    He told me he paid me double, I mumbled in a small voice, just remembering it makes the dagger stick a little deeper into my pride. Manu gets up from my side and running his hands through his hair begins to tell me.

    Where is that wretch? Because I kill him! and waits for Chantal to find out.

    -No! -shouted him-. The last person I want to know is her.

    But princess, she would go to hell for you.

    Because of her I'm in hell! and don't call me princess, my name is Kristal and that's what I want you to call me.

    Let's see, calm down and explain to me.

    —When I went to the bathroom to dry myself —hiccup—, I lowered my dress, Cristóbal just appeared, we looked at each other and....

    Come on, I don't have all the time, she urges me, tucking my hair behind my ear.

    —Well we kissed, and I don't know why when he gave me a choice, a hotel or the bathroom I told him a hotel. —I look away, I feel...dirty—, we went out, I danced and to pay attention to you... —Tears fell down my cheeks again.

    —But for the one above, my girl, that man is a brute. But don't worry, it's over, now you're here with me.

    And with me, announces Juan Pablo, Manu's partner, who leaves the room wearing only white boxers, anyone who sees the scene from the outside would think we're in an orgy.

    —How do you think of going out like that, Kristal? Did you see yourself in the mirror?

    Yes, I say, wiping my nose that won't stop dripping. But not for going out with a dress I am... that.

    —Not my life of course not, but men are basic, and they do see you go out with that piece of cloth, heels and that exaggerated makeup that Manuel surely did for you, and of course, without counting that you almost threw it in the bathroom .

    Whoa! don't help my princess so much —Manu defends me, but deep down I know that Juampi is right, and I am to blame for everything... for letting myself go.

    —No, Manu, it's true, I can't blame him alone, I bear a large part of the blame, but I let myself go.

    —That, my princess, is because you've been alone for a long time and your body deserves a pleasure from time to time, but if you didn't insist on being a nun.

    —And what use is it to me, you see what happened.

    "Oh no, my princess , one thing is to give pleasure to the body and another very different is to go with the first one that crosses your path —Jampi clarifies that he looks at me with pity, God how I hate that look, it is the same one that I saw when I was little and I saw my mom...

    —Leave my girl alone, wait for me in bed, I'll give the princess some tea and then I'll catch up with you.

    —None of that, Manuel. Kris, let's go to the shower —he orders me affectionately, I raise my eyebrows without understanding anything and I see how he outlines a nice smile—. Don't be rude, I want you to go to bed and be you again, the brilliant student and self-assured woman that you are, not this one in front of me with smeared makeup who looks like a koala dressed in blue.

    - Oh, Jumpi! I exclaim with a sigh as Manu holds out his hand to get me up.

    —I know, princess , I'm irresistible.

    —Don't believe it, sweetheart, I swear by the one above that I lift a stone and find one just like you, divine, divine .

    The good thing about being here is that this pair manages to boost my

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