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The Summer
The Summer
The Summer
Ebook730 pages11 hours

The Summer

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Daniela, Luz and Almudena, are three friends willing to enjoy life and their first vacations like adult women who are starting a new phase, and what better way to do it than on the beach. But what they never imagined was that this summer would change everything forever, giving them surprises they never expected, becoming an unforgettable experience. For better or worse, love bursts into their hearts, and nothing goes back to the way it was before.
"The summer that changed our lives" is a novel full of conflicts, passion and lots of laughter, because when a Chilean, an Argentinean and a Spanish woman come together... Anything can happen! But the most important thing is that, despite the fact that fate made them friends, the heart made them sisters.

Release dateFeb 23, 2023
The Summer

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    Book preview

    The Summer - Mitchell Davis


    Table of Contents

    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III

    Chapter IV

    Chapter V

    Chapter VI

    Chapter VII

    Chapter VIII

    Chapter IX

    Chapter X

    Chapter XI

    Chapter XII

    Chapter XIII

    Chapter XIV

    Chapter XV

    Chapter XVI

    Chapter XVII

    Chapter XVIII

    Chapter XIX

    Chapter XX

    Chapter XXI

    Chapter XXII

    Chapter XXIII

    Chapter XXIV

    Chapter XXV


    The Summer

    Author: Mitchell Davis

    © Copyright 2023–All Rights Reserved

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    *Note: Please do not read if you are under the age of 18

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Blood makes you related, but loyalty makes you family.

    And friends are the family that one chooses

    Chapter I

    Meeting the wolf...


    The radiant sun was already high in the sky and the heat, despite the hour, was unbearable, almost thirty degrees and it was not yet noon. Once Daniela had breakfast ready, she picked up a saucepan and began to touch it with the wooden spoon.

    -Let's go up! Upstairs, it's eleven in the morning and I'm already awake," she yelled, laughing as she continued to play.

    From inside the tent a growl was heard and Daniela began to laugh out loud.

    Stop, auntie! You're crazy, Almudena growled as she lowered the zipper on her tent.

    No, I'm not crazy, I want to have breakfast, she answered and touched the saucepan again for her other friend to come out.

    "Stop it, baby. Luz didn't come back last night.


    -No. She stayed with the guy she hooked up on the beach, the long-haired boy with a babyish appearance and a little chocolate bar.

    And what number is that?

    —The third, and it's time for you to start catching something too, let's see if that way you'll get rid of that little constipated face you're wearing.


    —Oh, my love, it's that with how beautiful you are and the glamor you wear when you get ready, you could flirt even with the King of Spain himself, and that way you let me sleep a little.

    —Don't talk so much, you're just like me.

    —No, my life, mistake, I have one.

    Daniela and Almudena looked at each other and began to laugh out loud at everything they had said to each other. In that merriment atmosphere they finished making breakfast and when they were about to sit down at the folding table they heard:

    Hey! I suppose they are waiting for the goddess of sex with a mate and the kettle on?

    —Oh yes, my goddess, here the cook has breakfast ready since the sun has risen.

    —Dani, you really are spectacular.

    —Of course, my love, that's what you say because you weren't woken up by the pounding of the pan.

    "Oh! But, are we protesting and I didn't even know?

    No, it's because I was hungry and, well, you guys didn't go out, he apologized with a shrug.

    —Hey!, calm down , what you need is a good romp.

    —I smelled and smelled for Argentina, that I have told her the same thing. Yeah, look at her, it seems...

    Hey, stop there, both of you.

    Okay, okay, she replied, raising her hands and then looked at Luz. How about the long hair?


    But please, could we talk about something else over breakfast?

    —Okay, but it will be your turn to tell one day.

    Perfect, I don't doubt it, but while that happens, could I finally have my hot tea?

    Regardless of Daniela's complaints, Luz took a sip of her freshly prepared mate and, looking at the sea, replied:

    -Bingo! That's the word, Dani. Hot, that's how you have to wear —he argued, running his hands over his body doing a little dance, which caused the three of them to start laughing out loud.

    "Today yes or yes we are going to sunbathe topless ," Almudena said when they finished putting away the breakfast things.

    —Of course, you say that because you have huge lolas.

    —But, darling, you're not far behind, see that the surgeon did a good job with your new tits. You had a heart attack.

    I think... Daniela began.

    —You don't believe anything, my love, that what the Our Father did not give you each day ahead, he gave it to you in that pert little ass of yours.

    —And yes, he gave you a good ass, che.

    They laughed again at the nonsense they were saying, but when they stopped, Daniela tried to get serious to talk.

    I don't know where we're going topless . It's not the style here and you two know it.

    —We know, but some girls on the beach told me that after the dunes they all go there to go topless, so here's your answer, chileanita. Besides, that way you relax, because tonight... I'm going to ruin them! Almudena exclaimed, hugging her friends.

    -Today! Light screeched.

    -Yes because?

    Because I met the surfer, he replied making his typical pout.

    —It doesn't matter, you bring it my life, today is poker night ... yes or yes I win.

    I doubt it, but I'll let you be happy until nightfall, babe, dreaming is free, Luz assured with a shrug.

    Five minutes later, when they managed to stop laughing at the nonsense that was said about the night, they decided to put on their bathing suits, made several sandwiches, loaded a basket and went in search of the beach. As they had been told, after a long walk and passing some sand dunes, the famous beach where there were women sunbathing topless finally appeared before them .

    Almudena was the first to put the towel on the sand, followed by her friends, and once the three of them were sunbathing with only the bottom part of their bathing suits, she settled down and asked:

    Now, now that the Chilean girl isn't eating and is quietly sunbathing, I want to know everything about the surfer, Almudena said, and of course Luz began to tell them everything in luxuries and details without holding anything back.

    —Well, I don't even tell you about the body, you know it, but what I never imagined was its tool.

    -Small? Daniela and Almudena asked at the same time, opening their eyes wide and repressing the desire to laugh.

    -No! Quite the opposite.

    -And then?

    "He pumps too much.

    Now the girls were laughing without being able to stop, even Almudena was on her back kicking on the sand, while Daniela wiped her tears from laughing so much.

    —Well , stop, the circus is for clowns.

    It's just... it's just... who understands you, Daniela commented between laughs.

    —It's just that one also gets tired and the man is powerful.

    —Ains! Talking so much about dicks has made me hot.

    Let's go to the water then, Daniela announced, standing up, at the same time that she took the bikini.

    —And why do you dress?

    Because I don't want to give the lifeguard a heart attack.

    —Ah, but you Don't worry , with the lemons you have he won't stop," Luz joked without caring. That was the relationship of the three of them, they loved each other with all their souls and cared for each other as if they were sisters, because for that they did not need the same blood to flow through their veins.

    The water was wonderful. The three of them played like girls, they threw water at each other and even Luz tried to sink them, they didn't care who was watching them, this was their vacation and the beginning of a new stage in their lives.

    They were all of different nationalities and very unequal personalities, but they shielded each other as if they were one and their motto was: One for all and all for one and like the musketeers, they were also missing a member.

    —Dani, when do you finish painting the house?

    —On Saturday everything is ready, and you will be able to see how beautiful your pink room looks.

    " Asshole, " replied Luz, untying her bikini to annoy her.

    —My girls, we have four days left to continue enjoying this paradise —Almudena sighed—, and start our new life, in a house just for the three of us!

    -At last! Luz yelled. About time we didn't have to share everything! And with nostalgia he continued. Something that comes out as we had planned some time in life.

    Teresa must be happy wherever she is, Daniela spoke looking at the sky, being followed by Luz and Almudena.

    "I hope so, Daniel. This was his dream and I...

    —You nothing, aunt, that's life and especially for us, always uphill.

    —It's just that I'm never going to get rid of the guilt.

    —Listen to me —Daniela began, taking her friend by the hand—, the Mexican is happy, she had a bigger heart than all of us together and the mistake was all of us, not just yours, Luz.

    But it was my idea.

    —But damn! No one pointed at our chest.

    In those three faces there was no longer happiness, only sadness.

    It's over, Daniela cut in, no more regrets. Now, whoever arrives last at the buoys, washes the dishes for the rest of the day," he concluded.

    It was either that or start crying like he always did when he remembered Teresa. She still hadn't gotten over that great pain, especially since the Mexican woman ceased to exist in her arms while she told her that everything would be fine... to be calm.

    Almudena ran past and, as if she were a bird about to catch a fish, she dove in and began to swim. Her friends followed quickly, joining the race. After a few minutes, all three were panting from the effort on the buoys.

    —I'm dying, I'm too old for this.

    —That happens to you because you spend all your energy on sex —Daniela laughed.

    —Ah, but hey, then I'd rather have no energy than have it in excess like you.

    No, that's not because of excess, Luz, it's because you're older, Almudena teased so that her friend would be stung.

    "Look, don't talk too much, you're also going to be a saint, and so they can see that I can have piecework sex and still be the winner, she said, looking at Daniela, I'll bet you the mates for the whole week that I get to the shore first. " than you to that yacht.

    Daniela and Almudena looked in the direction that Luz was pointing, and indeed in the distance they could see a boat.

    -You are crazy! And if there is someone?

    -Someone? But you are crazy aunt, if there was someone we would see it, that yacht is lonelier than one o'clock.

    Well... okay, Daniela agreed after a few seconds. If I get there first, you don't drink mate for three days.


    Congratulations my competitors, on the count of three, Almudena spoke, acting as referee. One... two... three, get out!

    They submerged and began to swim each in their direction. Luz did it so she wouldn't lose her mates, because of them she was capable of anything. Also, without malice, he had taken advantage of her situation, since Daniela was without contact lenses, she had not realized that the distance she would have to swim was too much, much greater.

    Almudena looked in both directions and laughed at the same time. Her bosom friends always did the same: they bet and did their best to be the winners, sometimes they even bet improbable things. They looked like two girls, but she loved that, since it was the childhood quota she was missing. Despite being the same age, she was the most focused, the old one as Luz called her. Daniela was the most sentimental and the one who needed affection the most. That was his big problem, he clung too much to people and sometimes to the wrong people. On the other hand, Luz was the opposite, she lived day by day as if there was no tomorrow, because she never wanted to give herself to anyone again in her life.

    Daniela was swimming in a hurry, the goal was getting further and further away, she was trying her best to win and she believed that she would achieve it, since swimming was the only sport she practiced and that for the rest she loved, but she was exhausted, he felt pain in his legs and lost strength with each stroke he took. In addition, he had a terrible time seeing distance and cursed for not wearing his contact lenses. His heart was beating at a thousand an hour, his lungs were at full capacity and he was short of breath, so he was even getting dizzy. She stopped for a second and raised her head in the direction of the beach and realized that Luz was about to win. Surrendering to defeat, he turned on his back and began to slowly swim to his final goal. I was really exhausted. Only a few minutes later she heard Almudena's guttural cry that Luz was the winner and she began to laugh, as she imagined the dance that her friend must be doing at that moment on the shore of the beach. It was what he always did.

    With the last of his remaining strength, he swam to the yacht, now not because of the competition, but because he needed to rest and return to shore, since he was already beginning to get cramps.

    When she finally reached the steps of the yacht, she not only braced herself, but sat down on a step. He panted and breathed with his mouth open, while he moved his legs. He looked at the shore and it was really far away, the sand was barely visible. She began to laugh out loud, her friend had played it again. But suddenly, as if she were bipolar, grief for Teresa seized her and her tears mixed with the drops of water that ran down her face.

    She stayed like that for a few seconds, until she felt a shadow fall over her and she cursed because it was getting cloudy. He opened his eyes to see, and as he did so he was met with an intense, light-colored gaze just like hers. He did not know how to define the color well since he still looked blurry.

    She knew immediately that the yacht was not alone, and she felt trapped by the certainty with which those eyes looked at her, startling her.

    -Shit! He exclaimed helplessly.


    I, I, I'm sorry. It's just... I thought... there was no one.

    But there is, he said with a wonderful smile, showing her perfect white teeth.

    Sorry, he said as he jumped into the water.

    Come, she answered, holding out her hand for him to climb back up. I do not bite.

    —I imagine, otherwise you would be a dog.

    "Or wolf. —And without knowing why, they both started laughing.

    Finally Daniela took his hand and, as if it weighed nothing, he helped her up, but not before looking at her carefully without a hint of shame.

    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your property, he apologized as he watched everything with great curiosity. She had never been on a yacht in her life, except with a stranger. It's yours?

    No... I just clean it, he answered seeing her with such curiosity.

    It sure is a lot of work.

    -Not so much.

    Daniela shivered from a gust of wind and from the nerves she felt.

    -Are you cold?

    "No, no, not at all.

    He looked at her out of the corner of his eye as if calling her a liar and she dodged him, it was either that or blush like a tomato.

    Would you like to meet him? he asked, noticing that she was trying to see beyond what he could see.


    Sure, follow me, he indicated and began to give him a little tour , which he soon regretted. In the front there were still glasses and clothes from the little party the night before and it was not exactly very decorous.

    I think you do have a lot of work, he said, looking at the disaster that reigned in the place, you didn't have to find out much to realize that.

    Well, hey! I have a little work to do, he admitted somewhat embarrassed, running his hand through his stubble.

    The party must have been good last night...

    You can't even imagine, he stated, and instantly fell silent.

    Thanks for the ride, but I'd better get back.

    —But you have not known the interior.

    —Don't worry, I can get an idea, especially if it's like out here.

    -No. It is immaculate, the interior is only used by the owner and his closest friends.

    -Lucky! —he exclaimed smiling, —so you don't have so much work, but I'd rather go anyway —he assured and began to walk towards the stairs. Being there made her nervous, especially the way he was looking at her. He couldn't say it was a disrespectful way, but too overwhelming for his liking.

    -Do you want to drink something? Then I can take you on the jet ski to the shore.

    —No, thank you very much, I don't want to interrupt your work.

    If you had been the owner, you would have stayed, he snapped in a serious and accusatory tone.

    Daniela turned around and with her wonderful smile that always radiated tranquility, she answered:

    —It doesn't matter if you're the employee or the owner, we don't know each other and I think it's better that I go.

    I'm... Tomás, now we know each other, he introduced himself, stretching out his hand.

    Well, Tomás, nice to meet you, she answered and surprised him with a kiss on the cheek. But it's still late.

    -Where are you staying? He wanted to know, still stunned. He asked himself what was wrong, that he seemed stupid and was unable to answer.

    —At the campsite, we came for a few days. Are you from around here?

    Still stunned, he managed to answer without taking his eyes off her. He was definitely an idiot. town.

    —Well, Tomás from town, let me tell you that I envy your work, I would be happy all day at sea.

    -As? I don't think cleaning boats is the best job.

    —If you do what you like, it is, but I really have to go, I have a lot to swim and a bet to pay.

    -As? he repeated. It seems that the only word she could articulate was that and Daniela, despite the fact that she was amused, contained her laughter.

    I had a bet with my friend, she swam to the shore and I swam to the yacht from the buoys and well... I lost, she acknowledged, shrugging her shoulders.

    Tomás began to laugh with amusement at what he had heard.

    -It was obvious.

    Daniela raised an eyebrow and put her hands on her hips.

    —Don't be angry, it was obvious, the distances are unequal.

    —If I had been with my contact lenses and had not been facing the sun I would have won, I bet you that.

    You seem to like gambling.

    -I love them! he exclaimed.

    At last Tomás saw an opportunity and it didn't take him long to take advantage of it.

    Perfect, then let's see who gets to the buoys first.

    And what do we bet?


    —Perfect, give up then, I choose the place.

    —If you don't know anything around here, I can help you.

    No, don't worry, I know where I want to have dinner, he answered very comfortably, he was clearly flirting and he liked it. Besides, she wasn't going to be the constant teasing of her friends, at least not tonight.

    They both stood on the shore and, as they had agreed, at the count of three they both jumped into the sea.

    Since Tomás was much taller, he jumped away, but Daniela didn't surface until she had no air in her lungs, being sure she was going first, leaving him disconcerted.

    After a few minutes in which no one spared their efforts to win, she was the one who arrived first.

    -I win! she yelled from within, raising her hands.

    —You cheated, you are a swimmer.

    -No! -river-. But I don't like to lose, once a day is enough.

    Perfect, take advantage of me. Where will we have dinner?

    —At the campsite, site 35, at nine at night.

    Tomás widened his eyes, he thought that he would have to take her to dinner at a restaurant and how he would have to do it.


    "Exactly, and don't be late. Saying this, she kissed him with her hand, closed one eye and began to swim towards the shore.

    Tomás was slow to react since he had been stuck looking at what his friends said was the best he had.

    What... what's your name?!

    -Daniela! she yelled without looking at him, because she was red with shame, she didn't blow kisses to anyone, let alone flirt alone with a stranger.

    Before she touched the sand, her friends were already entering the water to question her.

    —Who were you with, idiot ? Look , we saw you.

    —Less God finds out and forgives.

    —Well, but I am not God, nor do I forgive. Damn, we saw you in very good company.

    Daniela passed by him moving her hips and released:

    You'll meet him tonight.

    -Today?! said Luz and Almudena in unison.

    "Yeah, he's coming for dinner and the game.

    —Okay, my love, but tell us more!

    —His name is Tomás and he cleans the yacht that according to you, Almu, was empty.

    "She cleans yachts. Boo! It could have been the owner and that's how the three of us walked.

    —If he had been the owner, he would surely kick me out. If you had seen the little party that was given last night, to tell you that there were even clothes all over the floor, and not exactly clothes to hang.

    —Ugh, posh guys have a great time.

    Whoa! As far as I know I'm not rich yet and I have a great time. —And hugging her friend, she whispered in her ear how she would pay for the bet.

    No, no, please, no, are you crazy?

    —Yes, of course I'm crazy and to boot, so tomorrow you come with me and get on the board, to see if that's how you get on, I say.

    The trio burst out laughing and the afternoon flew by. It was time to go back, so happy they did. Almost upon arrival, Luz made a detour to invite her friend to game night.

    After they finished taking a shower, just before getting dressed, Luz approached her friends with a mischievous face that she only made when she was about to do bad things.

    —And what bug bit you?

    —Well, not a bug, but something bit me.

    —No, but they put it on early and you complained.

    Well, yes, he said, imitating the Spanish woman, "and so you can see that I think of you , I told the boy to bring a friend for Almu."

    Hey, sweetie, I manage by myself.

    —Well , it's just that since the Chilean girl will be with someone today, it's not fair that you're alone.

    —Okay, okay, damn aunt, what do you have that I always tell you yes?

    -Do I answer you? Danielle interfered.


    Okay, that's it, end of discussion. And so they can see that I adore them, I'm just going to tell them to wear a bikini, not underwear, she said, closing one of her mischievous brown eyes and got into the shower.

    -And so? Daniela wanted to know, but her friend began to sing, so Almudena took her arm and, as she always said, whispered in her ear:

    —Less God finds out and forgives.

    They both started preparing everything for dinner. When it was game night they were perfect organizers and they liked to entertain their guests well, for a reason they now worked and could dispose of things as they wanted, and for that they had to wait a long time.

    The first to arrive were Mauricio and the surfer, who, seeing Luz, went straight up to her, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her theatrically on the lips, impressing Daniela and Almudena, since Luz had told them that it was nothing serious and that he only liked sex.

    On the other hand, Mauricio, Pablo's friend, turned out to be charming. He had a slim complexion, attractive and what caught the attention of the girls the most was his hair full of dreadlocks, something that the Spanish woman did not love.

    Once the introductions were made, everyone gathered around the grill. As much as the men tried to make the barbecue themselves, Luz did not allow them.

    —Ah!, Pablo, before I forget, tomorrow you have a new student for the free jump.

    -Really? he asked, opening his eyes wide, visibly happy.

    —Oh, yes, it's that Dani has insisted so much that I told her that you would be delighted to teach her —she answered, now kissing him on the lips, making her friends sigh.

    Me, happy, he assured when he got over that passionate outburst that left him visibly excited, making the girls laugh. I have insisted a lot on Luz to do it, but she doesn't want to.

    It's just that she's a coward, replied Daniela, sticking out her tongue at the aforementioned.

    —No che , cautious, you'll see tomorrow why I'm telling you.

    Daniela was nervous, her stomach was turning. I wanted to see Tomás appear and at the same time rejected the idea.

    Suddenly, with a bottle of wine in his hand, he appeared perfectly dressed in an open white shirt and beige pants. It looked spectacular.

    Hey, coolie, Almudena spoke when she saw him. Did you miss the party? He asked because of how formal it was, everyone there was dressed in jeans and t-shirts.

    This is site 35? he asked confused, there were too many people to be a romantic dinner.

    —Tomás, the boat cleaner? asked Luz, looking at him from top to bottom and narrowed down, "and I thought the girl was stupid , " she laughed.

    Come in, Almudena said to ignore her friend's unfortunate comment. Daniela, she's waiting for you, handsome.

    Thank you, very kind, he replied, handing her the fine bottle of wine.

    "Wow! You have had to spend a fortune.

    No, he answered emphatically. The situation didn't seem like anything to him, he was expecting a romantic dinner alone, but when he saw Daniela appear wearing a blue sweater the same color as her eyes and white pants, he calmed down.

    —Tomas! Did you come!

    Of course, a bet is a bet, he answered spellbound, looking at her. Dry and with clothes on, she looked different, prettier than I remembered. Her eyes were lined with black, her lips were glossy, and her light hair was pulled back into a messy high ponytail.

    Well, this is one of mine, he said, looking at the bottle and was the one who started the introductions. I am Luz, the Spanish one is Almudena, and you already know the Chilean one .

    -And we? Paul laughed.

    —You are too old to introduce yourselves.

    Well, I'm Pablo and he's Mauricio, she introduced herself, stretching out her hand and he returned it to her.


    —Now that the introductions are done, if you'd be so kind, come over to the grill, the coals are burning.

    They all began to laugh and talk unimportant things, while they tasted the meats that Luz showed off giving them. The truth is that they only had praise for the girl.

    Girls, how long are you staying? Paul asked.

    We'll be back on Sunday. Luz didn't tell you?

    Well, well, well , you Do you think that he and I are dedicated to talking?

    Light, Daniela scolded her affectionately.

    —But if I only tell the truth, how soon will you Do you know a lot about the boat cleaner?

    —No, but we did communicate today. Ha, bla, mos," he said, emphasizing the syllables of the word.

    —Well, well, but since the baby here wants to know, I'll give the information accordingly. Almudena, here as you see her, is the studious one, uh... a girl with the balls of a boy. The blonde with the face of not breaking an egg is the questioner and I, well... the prettiest," he informed and everyone laughed.

    Now it's your turn to introduce yourselves and tell us what you're doing.

    —I —Pablo began—, I dedicate myself to adventure tourism.

    —Me —continued Mauricio—, I am a biologist and I dedicate myself to diving.

    They already know me... Tomás concluded.

    He cleans boats! The three of them said laughing, but the prettiest one kept talking.

    —I would have preferred you to be the owner, so you would take us for a walk.

    But how fresh you turned out to be, Pablo murmured, taking her by the waist. I can take them for a spin around on my board.

    Everyone laughed again and the boys talked about different adventures and how much they liked their jobs. The quietest was Tomás, who did not feel comfortable. At various times he thought about leaving, but Daniela's smile and those wonderful eyes prevented him. At times he wanted to forget everything and everyone and get her out of there, take her in his arms, kiss her and... touch her as he wished. He quickly put the idea out of his head or everyone would realize something was wrong with his body, so he shifted uncomfortably on the chair.

    —Are you on vacation or do you live around here? Paul wanted to know.


    In the capital, Luz said, leaving her friends surprised, we're from the big city, we're just on vacation.

    Well, what a pity, Mauricio continued, you won't find a better place to live than here. It has a beach, white sands, and if you need something important, the city is a few hours away.

    I prefer the town, Pablo admitted.

    -Because? the questioner wanted to know, who by now was totally attached to Tomás. Not a piece of paper would pass between the two of them.

    Because the city is too big, he sighed.

    -Big! Nothing of that, six hundred thousand inhabitants is nothing, it is a town, my capital is indeed large, with almost seven million inhabitants.

    —That's nothing, my capital has fourteen million inhabitants in total.

    —But... mine is the one that welcomes them, so cheers to Santiago! —And they all toasted with their glasses raised.

    When they finished eating, the girls collected everything and Luz, surprising the boys, put a deck of cards and began to shuffle them masterfully.

    -And so?

    "Poker night , Tomasito," Luz mocked, flipping the cards from one hand to the other.

    Scared of losing again? Daniela whispered in her ear.

    Nothing like that, little mermaid, he assured, embracing her by the waist, surprising her and himself with his effusiveness, and almost touching her lips, he asserted, believe me, now I'll win and the prize won't be a dinner.

    "Oh! Very sure of your skills?

    Absolutely sure, little mermaid, he acknowledged and brought his lips to hers, kissing the corner, leaving them both with their hearts racing and wanting more.

    —To make it more interesting... —Luz began with her typical mischievous smile—, we're going to play strip poker.

    The men cheered, everyone was happy except Tomás.

    Hey!, handsome boys, don't be so happy, I'm sure you'll stay as God brought you into the world, Almudena spoke, which made all but one of them laugh.

    With all mastery, Luz began to shuffle the cards, she even did a couple of tricks that left everyone stunned and the boys staring with their mouths open.

    —Whoever wants to retire, speak now or shut up forever.

    Nobody said anything, all the males felt like winners. In the first round, the first to lose was Almudena, followed by Luz and finally Daniela.

    Little mermaid, if you want, I'll help you, although you're going to lose anyway, Tomás murmured, kissing her neck, he didn't know if it was because of the beers he'd had or because of the excitement of the moment, but Daniela didn't dislike it and he loved it.

    Between games and laughter the girls were losing clothes. Daniela shivered and Tomás decided to put her between his legs.

    Do you want to look at the cards for me? He asked, settling between her legs.

    —Not at all, this is just so you don't get sick.

    Mmmm, Daniela purred like a cat rubbing against her chest. It felt so good that at that moment, after exchanging a furtive look with Luz, he decided to lose a little more.

    Two more hands passed by and Daniela continued frolicking in the arms of Tomás, who was making efforts to control himself. They weren't kissing on the mouth yet, but her neck, cheeks, and earlobe were more than familiar to him.

    Precious, keep losing that I'll warm you up later, Pablo said to Luz, so you can see how we love our friend in Chile when he's a foreigner.

    They all laughed and the girls looked up and smiled to themselves as they saw the bright eyes of all the boys. It wasn't long before they hugged each other and started screaming like cavemen because they were winning.

    Little Mermaid, when you see more than four quinas on the table, you must raise the bet, Tomás taught Daniela and Daniela, in gratitude, settled further back, feeling absolutely powerful for wreaking havoc on him.

    Thanks for the advice, but I'm not complaining at all. Hey... he said and she ran her hands over his neck and breathed into his ear, "I think I almost let you win.

    Tomas just laughed.

    Three hands later, the girls only had their shirts on, while the boys had only lost their jackets.

    Well, well, how about we raise the ante? Losers go into the sea naked.

    -As? Tomas asked, frowning.

    Naked, naked, naked, skinny, he clarified.

    The voyeur is out now, laughed Almudena and Daniela had to bite her tongue not to comment.

    The exhibitionist, because the ones who are about to lose are you, corrected Mauricio, who by now was caressing her as if they were great friends.

    —No, sweetheart, see that the mother country is always right. Do you dare or not?

    The men looked at each other, almost smacking their lips, and the three agreed in unison.

    Between the merriment and the drinks the bet was closed, the girls would play against the boys and, with regret, they separated from them to stand in front of them. But before Daniela got up, Tomás murmured in her ear:

    —First time I'll see the woman I'm going to kiss naked first...

    Don't sing victory, he replied, putting his fingers in her mouth, then taking them to his and kissing them.

    I'm sorry, little mermaid, this time I'll win, and it will take more than two fingers for me to shut up...or listen to you, because God knows I want to listen to you and not exactly talk, he commented, and those simple words stuck right in his mouth. her stomach like fireworks on New Year's Eve, making her blush.

    Again and with mastery, Luz shuffled and dealt the cards, now it was all or nothing, the participants who lost simply withdrew and there would be one and one left for the final.

    Girls, said Luz, we've already lost a lot tonight and although it's been very, very beneficial, it's time for you to show what your pretty mommy has taught you in life.

    The boys laughed, except Tomás, who was a bit more observant and saw a strange glint in the Argentine's eyes. It was a glow of emotion that until that moment I had not observed and I saw the same in the other two friends.

    The round started. Now the girls were concentrated, with a serious expression on each of their faces, not a sound was heard. The first snort came from Mauricio, who lost, and the girls locked their fingers together and then blew an air kiss, surprising them. Then it was the turn of Pablo and Tomás. Daniela blew the latter a kiss and made a movement of her eyebrows that left him thinking.

    Now they were tied, it was no longer beginners' luck as they thought at first, the boys were only wearing boxers and the loser retired. The order was like this: grumbling Almudena lost and they saw hope, but then it didn't cost anything to defeat Mauricio followed by Pablo, so in the penultimate hand Daniela and Luz were left against Tomás.

    —Dani, do you want to fleece your boy or do I?

    Will you let me do the honors?

    "Oh yes, baby, I trust you as much as if it were me," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek and losing.

    Now the last hand was between Tomás and Daniela.

    Well, the ones that don't work as actresses teach, said Luz, hugging Almudena.

    Very funny, but this is beginner's luck, love, answered Pablo, closing one eye to his girl, who was teasing him by playing with the strap of her bikini.

    This isn't luck, Tomás growled, looking at them seriously.

    Well, shall we play or talk? Danielle asked.

    Tomás looked at her seriously, with an expression that was indecipherable to her.

    The hand was dealt and now anything could happen, it was all or nothing and a wonderful smile spread over his face, relaxing his expression.

    What do you have, little mermaid?

    You draw first, Tomás, Luz said, very sure of what she was saying, these are the rules, she finished petulantly.

    -Ladder! He replied with a smile to faint anyone. Even Luz was affected, so much so that she took a pinch from Pablo, who was looking at her.

    Now ten pairs of eyes were watching her intently. Daniela arranged her cards in a perfect fan and slowly lowered them until she suddenly placed them on the table.

    Look and cry guys! Aces and eights, get naked! Almudena shouted, jumping like a little girl followed by Luz, who was already doing her typical little victory dance.

    —A full house ?! How the fuck is it possible? Tomás yelled, unable to believe it.

    Sorry baby, did I tell you I was voyeuristic?

    Tomás looked at Luz for a moment and then turned to look at Daniela.

    —Have you played before, Daniela? he inquired in a serious tone.

    Daniela pursed her lips, shrugged her shoulders, and with her most angelic smile answered:

    "I've played a couple of times and...gave out of this a few more.

    Tomás looked at the sky and everyone remained silent, the atmosphere was now tense and the girls were already getting ready in case they had to take out the artillery, but suddenly he burst out laughing and hugged Daniela effusively, immediately relaxing the atmosphere .

    God, you're a fucking Pandora's box, little mermaid.

    Now they were all laughing and hugging each other.

    —Let's go to the beach, I want to see those tight little asses go into the sea.

    Suddenly Pablo took Luz in his arms, being quickly followed by Mauricio and Tomás. The latter put Daniela upside down as if she were a sack of potatoes and, as if she didn't weigh anything or care about her screams, he ran down to the beach.

    Put me down!

    "Yes, in the water.

    -No! No! Not in the water.

    Oh... yes, yes, he assured, spanking her that made her squeal, and he quickly took off his boxers, leaving them behind to run like a child into the water.

    When they got to the water he quickly released her, with such bad luck that when he went down he tripped and got completely wet.

    -You are completely crazy!

    —No, not in general, but with you I don't know what happens to me.

    Daniela jumped up, wrapped her legs around his waist and stared at him. Tomás returned her gaze with the same intensity, put one hand on the back of her neck and the other shamelessly on her behind, then brought his mouth closer and kissed her deeply. He moved his lips against hers and began casually to caress her back. When Daniela tried to separate, feeling her fingers undo the bikini knot, it caught her lower lip so she wouldn't move.

    —None of that, little mermaid, equal conditions.

    But I haven't lost anything.

    You cheated.

    -I?! she exclaimed, pretending to be surprised.

    Yes, you, and don't look at me like that, you did the same thing this afternoon, he remembered and continued kissing her.

    Hey, man, that's how you're going to get her pregnant! shouted Almudena, who was passing by along with Mauricio.

    They separated looking at each other very passionately, with their hearts beating a thousand per hour.

    —Sorry, this is not correct, your friend is right.

    -You do not want? she asked strangely feeling rejected.

    Without saying a word to her, Tomás took her hand and brought it to his erection. Unable to resist Daniela closed her hand around him, making him moan.

    -Of course I want to.



    —Nobody sees us and if you're silent... —She didn't finish when he already had his lips glued to her mouth and was devouring her again seconds before. He walked further in until the water was almost up to his shoulders. The sea was calm and the darkness of the night sheltered them, that and, well, the laughter that Luz and Pablo did not hide.

    They chuckled too. Daniela tangled her hands in his hair and brought her mouth close to his, closed her eyes and kissed him as if nothing else existed. That single gesture gave him goosebumps, making them both moan.

    -Do you want to have fun? he asked with a smile capable of melting poles.

    I don't think having fun is the exact word, Daniela replied, finally removing her bathing suit top, but who cares about that?

    I want to be inside you... the panties stated running to the side and, without further ado, he rammed her in one fell swoop making her scream, silenced her with a kiss and waited a few seconds until her body got used to it and adjusted.

    They were both breathing heavily. Meanwhile, she began to move helped by Tomás's hands, which marked the rhythm on her hips.

    Stop... stop, he asked, trying to break away, placing a hand on his chest.

    -Because? he asked and thrust into her again making her breasts sway, arousing him even more.

    Because I don't have anything left, he gasped.

    Me neither, he admitted, penetrating her so brutally that he made her reach a heartbreaking orgasm, and just listening to her, Tomás followed her as if he were a teenager, having to quickly get out of her and, in doing so, Daniela began to laugh between gasps.

    What... what's wrong? I'm on the pill," she informed him and kissed him again. When they separated, Tomás grumbled and then joined her in laughing. She let go and floated, needing space to at least breathe.

    But Tomás did not want to let her go, he reached out to take her, he needed to touch her, feel her, cradle her... That was the feeling she gave him.

    We're crazy, you know that? He assured when he had her attached to his chest.

    -I think so.

    For several minutes they caressed each other looking at the horizon until Almudena arrived next to her who, seeing her without her top, began to laugh and they did not understand a thing.

    —Fuck, aunt, we won the bet and you end up naked.

    At that moment and in a reflex act Daniela covered her breasts.


    —You should have thought of that before, beautiful, now go out and do the whole show .

    Get on my back, I don't want anyone to see you, he snapped in a tone that brooked no argument.

    This is how they got out of the water, without letting it go down, until they reached the place where the tents were. Daniela got dressed and when she came out she saw Tomás sitting waiting for her.

    I think I should go, he explained, standing up.

    -Are you sorry?

    No, it's not that, but it's late. See you tomorrow, he assured leaving her calmer.

    —Uh... tomorrow we're going to town and then at night to the amusement park. Do you want to come?

    -To town?!


    No... I'm a little busy, I'll come at night whenever you are, he said and said goodbye with a kiss on the cheek as if nothing had happened minutes before.

    Daniela entered her tent feeling a bit strange. She didn't regret what had happened, she hadn't forced anyone, but she didn't like Tomás's attitude, she didn't want to give the matter any more thought because she knew she should take it as such, a summer fuck, all at once and one point. for the list, the one she didn't plan to participate in, but there she was, collaborating with a quickie and as if she were a teenager, more like him than her, since she hadn't run away after sex, nor had she felt uncomfortable.

    She curled up on the inflatable mattress and closed the sack so as not to get cold, but when she was falling asleep she felt how the zipper of her tent suddenly opened and Luz and Almudena entered like a machine gun, throwing each other to each side almost bursting the mattress. .

    Tell us , how is it? Big, small, short, long, thick, thin...

    Stop, stop, he said with a laugh as he put his hands over his eyes before beginning to speak. I don't know if it's big, because I didn't see it, I know it's thick because it hurt at first, is that enough for you?


    -No? Almudena asked looking at Luz, the information was enough for her.

    Well, he said, shrugging his shoulders, I can't tell you more, nothing happened here, he just accompanied me and then left.

    —Damn, and with how handsome the posh face was... But will you see him again?

    —I don't know, and now, please, pumpkin, pumpkin...

    They said goodbye with several kisses as if they were not going to see each other for several days, although it was clear that they would meet again in a few hours, but that was the brotherly love they had for each other.

    Chapter II

    Let's play in the park, while the wolf...


    The sun woke Almudena first, who, by the way, had been the only one who hadn't gone to bed exhausted, since Luz and Daniela had done physical exercises, as she liked to say. So he found nothing better than revenge and, as the Old Testament said, an eye for an eye... pan for pot.

    —But what the hell is wrong with you, crazy head?! Luz yelled from inside the tent.

    —Up, up, I'm hungry, my guts are ringing!

    Daniela was the last to leave the tent with a different smile than the day before, which made her laugh at her friends.

    At breakfast they laughed and got annoyed as always. When they finished it was time to take Daniela to fulfill the bet. Reluctantly, she got dressed and with her nerves in her stomach, she got into the car and they all went to the bridge. Pablo was already waiting for them there, and like the night before, when he saw Luz, his face lit up.

    I thought they wouldn't come.

    —It's just that you don't know these two, if they bet they comply, since they were little they are the same, if you saw the things they are capable of doing...

    Well, Dani, come, I want to explain what it consists of, he said and began to show her the ropes. This harness is the one you are going to wear, you will stand on the shore, looking towards the river and at the count of three you jump. As it is the first time I am going to push you, for nothing in the world should you hold onto the elastic, because you will burn your hands when it contracts and you must throw yourself with your hands in the shape of a cross. —With each word Daniela felt that her stomach was turning and that she would return everything she had had for breakfast. When you get to the bottom, you'll feel a jerk and the adrenaline that will course through your body will be better than the sex in the water you had last night," she said, laughing, and Daniela blushed immediately.

    Idiot, he snapped, punching him in the arm.

    "Come on, daughter, if you find it too frightening, don't do it.

    —No, no, I can, Almu, and he expects me to win, because this will be child's play compared to what I already have in mind.

    —Look at you , but for that it will take too long, so now put on the harness and pay.

    Having said this, Daniela began to put on the harness and mentally repeat everything that Pablo had told her.

    Is my head going to sink in the water?



    "Okay, then no.

    When she was ready, she saw how another girl jumped in before her and enjoyed the flight. She prayed in silence and asked her Guardian Angel for strength, nothing more, Daniela believed that God had already given her too much in life, so she never asked him for things directly for her. She only asked for her Little Angel, who for her was called Teresa.

    She swung one leg and then the other over the railing, faced the void, and looked down. He had to hold his breath, seen from there it was crazy and much higher than he imagined. She took a few breaths to calm herself, but she knew she wouldn't make it.

    Stretch out your hands, Dani, Pablo asked, placing them as if it were a cross. It tightens the stomach... —While Luz was speaking, she approached and kissed her on the cheek. Almudena crossed her and also kissed her.

    Pablo laughed when he saw those maternal gestures. They didn't look like that, just a crazy trio, but if you knew them well, they were far from it.


    He just nodded, he couldn't speak, the mice had eaten his tongue and at that moment he only heard the beating of his heart.

    One... two... He didn't make it to three and gave it a shove. Daniela fell, the sensation she experienced had never really felt in her life, she had nothing on her mind, she just let herself fall twenty meters into the void, her hands were trembling and her voice came out in a scream with impressive force. An incredible feeling ran through her from head to toe along with tingling and fear took a backseat. She came back to reality when she felt the first tug and extreme happiness invaded her.

    —Unhappy... you threw me at two! She yelled and started laughing like a real madwoman. This is magnificent! I want more! He said and began to applaud.

    This one drove us crazy, laughed Almudena, who hadn't realized how tight she was holding Luz and she in turn was squeezing the railing, her knuckles were already white.

    When they realized that their soulmate was fine, they hugged each other tightly and kissed as if they had thrown themselves.

    When she got to the top, they hugged again and the three of them jumped in front of a surprised Pablo, who looked at them without saying a word.

    —I have no words... I can't describe what I felt... I flew! she yelled and kissed them interspersed, even Pablo got a couple of kisses.

    Happy and content, they said goodbye to Pablo and went to town, that day they would tour it and buy colored bracelets as if they were adolescent girls and not twenty-four-year-old women.

    They sat in a restaurant facing the sea. As they always did, each one ordered a different dish so they could try everything.

    Fuck aunts, we should stop this custom, otherwise one day we'll end up sharing uncles, Almudena assured as she skewered a Luz shrimp.

    —Ah! Whenever you want, we can share Pablo.

    -Gross! Please! We are eating!

    —But what do you have with sex and food?

    It's just that they don't go hand in hand, that's all, we'll talk about it later if you want, he asked pouting.

    —Okay, okay, but you know that I feel like it with Tomás too.

    And come on, he laughed, throwing her the napkin.

    The only thing they never shared was the desserts, each one ordered a different one and they enjoyed it as if their lives depended on it.

    This is to die for! Almudena acknowledged sucking on the spoon and realized that the man who was with a woman sitting in front of him was staring at her. Mmmm," he said, licking her now from top to bottom, beginning to move his fingers.

    Luz wrinkled her forehead and looked at her without understanding anything. Daniela, who knew her very well, picked up her spoon and imitated her, now they were both making noises with their mouths and holding back their laughter.

    Ma'am, said Luz, standing up, drawing the woman's attention, who instead of looking at her partner with a bad face, was doing it with her friends, don't look at them like that, they're just a couple of crazy women taken out of the madhouse. On the other hand, your husband's asshole is a horny man who is standing up while he imagines that those morons are sucking him off, so do him a favor and do it yourself. Get to your house or your car and...

    -Light! the girls yelled, stopping to suck on the spoon so that he wouldn't continue. By now the whole restaurant was looking at them.

    Ah... look how beautiful! Here you are the depraved ones and I am the one being reprimanded, she pointed out, throwing herself onto the chair, rolling her eyes.

    They left the place arm in arm, laughing out loud.

    I can't believe they kicked us out.

    —They didn't kick us out, Dani, they kindly asked us to leave, which is very different.

    It's the same thing, he replied. Girls, we have to grow up, we can't stay in the world of Peter Pan all our lives.

    "But Wendy! Light spoke. I want to live in Neverland forever.

    —No, Tinkerbell, on Monday we start in the real world.

    -High! Almudena exclaimed, stopping them both suddenly. It is one thing that we have to face a new life, a job that, by the way, has always been our dream and another very different thing is that we are going to change, so listen to me carefully, both of us, we cannot lose our essence. OK?

    Okay, they responded, each kissing her cheek, closing the topic.

    They walked happily along the shoreline of the beach. It was already getting dark and their next destination would be the amusement park.

    A flashing light signal welcomed them, they bought the tickets and entered happily. There were many target shooting games, impossible to win, that was certain, none of them were experts or had good aim, but they wouldn't stay.

    The first thing they did was go to see the show where the clowns welcomed the visitors, inviting them to see all the attractions. The smell of oil, cotton candy and so many other things was in the air.

    The noise of the roller coaster made the three of them look in that direction. Words were not necessary, as girls

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