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End of the World
End of the World
End of the World
Ebook560 pages9 hours

End of the World

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The first meeting between Pedro and Francisca was decisive, it was destined to happen, and everything that had to happen happened. The fire met the water, but neither the water evaporated nor did the fire go out.
She, a city woman, an active feminist, accustomed to raising the flag of struggle with a somewhat troubled love past, accustomed to living sex without ties and he, a country man, raised in the old fashioned way, sure of himself who thinks that women must serve their men without question, accustomed to having everything and more within their reach.
Wherever you look, an unlikely romance, but what they didn't imagine was that fate had a big surprise in store for them, and that despite everything it would bring them back together.

Release dateFeb 23, 2023
End of the World

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    Book preview

    End of the World - Mitchell Davis

    Anne's Vanity.jpg

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23



    End of the World

    Author: Mitchell Davis

    © Copyright 2023–All Rights Reserved

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    *Note: Please do not read if you are under the age of 18

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Chapter 1

    After certain hells, not just any demon burns you


    It's been a worse than horrible day, the only day I want to leave the office early, I'm almost one of the last. I don't know who I hate more, if the look of my boss or the bourgeois idiot that I have as a client. The one who does not understand that if he has a large salary, he must pay more taxes than the rest, which is logical, right? And I, as the efficient employee that I am, I stay explaining, until the last minute, all the concepts that, of course, as a former student of a prestigious private school and religious university, should be more than clear. But not!

    And now who's late to join the girls? I! Well, not with all of them, because we lost Beatriz a while ago. Although I like Costabal, her husband, and I even love him a little, he's still a jealous and inveterate macho chauvinist, therefore, he can't stand her going to the bar to watch the national team matches with us, although of course, when she insists a lot, he accompanies her! And that is worse, because not even we can shout quietly, since with that murderous look he gives us he tells us everything. Not even that we ate the players with our eyes!

    After several minutes walking I finally arrive, I don't stop to say hello to anyone, but I'm sure I'll miss the national anthem.

    I go straight to the bathroom, take off my white blouse and put on my red shirt. I don't worry about the cotillion, Paula sure took care of that. Before reaching the table, I see her with a vuvuzela on the chair and with her face painted.

    To be in tune with the situation, I put my hand on my heart and start singing " Puro Chile... " at the top of my lungs, until an idiot with the back of a bull stands in front of me, covering the television. A 65-inch plasma!

    I count to three to see if he flinches, since he doesn't, I touch his shoulder, but nothing, he doesn't move. So enraged as I am, I push him away, however, to my surprise, he hardly budges. When he turns around, he doesn't even see me, because of course, he doesn't lower his head an inch.

    -Hey you!

    Excuse me, are you talking to me? he asks me, pretending not to understand with a mocking smile on his face, which makes me want to take it away with just one...

    «Calm down, Francisca, what did the yoga teacher tell you? Quiet mind, straight back and calm heart », I tell myself. So, trying to maintain those three mantras, and with the best smile I can put on, I reply:

    I'd like to watch the game and you're blocking my screen.

    They're going to lose, he blurts out at me, as if he were talking about something unimportant and not about his national team.

    -What did you say? I bark, raising the decibels a tad. Making even Claudia who is concentrating turn to see me.

    What you heard, he says again casually, taking the beer from the mouthpiece. So calm down, little one , you're not missing anything.

    Chi... qui... auntie...? I mutter incredulously, Is he telling me?

    "Fran! exclaims Claudia, who, before knowing what's happening, is already asking me to calm down, and this time I really haven't done anything! But nothing, nothing! We're here. He waves his hand, and since I'm still in shock, I walk without being able to respond to the unpatriotic bull.

    —You're finally here, just in time —Paula greets me, passing me a cap along with the flag that I take with desire, I start to wave it with all my strength, and although I don't want to acknowledge it out loud for him to see.

    And so, when we finished singing, we applauded wildly, I even whistled as if I were a hooligan.

    "Come on, Chili! I scream like I'm crazy.

    The first cold beer is already waiting for me, I drink it dry and then I concentrate on the game.

    Shout. I screeched. I salute the team...

    And of course the first goal of the opposing team insulted the coach.

    That's why we're not moving forward! Because you are a mouse to play. Make the change! Do it!

    Bring out Valdivia, continues Paula, who wants to see him take off his shirt more than anything else.

    Once we saw him in a nightclub in the upper neighborhood, and my friend didn't even care that he was with his wife, to ask her for a photo, plus a signature on the shirt she was wearing, which, of course, Daniela didn't like, but Paula didn't even flinch.

    I'm going to get beers, Claudia announces, but I stop her, the truth is that I'd rather go, and I also calm down a bit, I'm yelling so much and with today's stress, my head has started to ache.

    At the bar I ask Tomás for four beers, he shakes his head reminding me that there are only three of us.

    -Its the tradition.

    —I understand you, we miss her here too.

    I'm sure he's watching the game, I say, with all my might.

    —Yes, of course, like a wealthy lady with a glass of sparkling wine in her hand! —jokes.

    How little do you know her? I defend her tooth and nail, although for a second that image crosses my mind, while a shiver runs through my body, so to confirm that this is not the case, I grab my three bottles and go out to the street to call her.

    One, two, three whistles and he answers:

    —Did you see which mouse is the DT? How are we going to win like this? It makes the boys play backwards," he complains, before saying hello to me. That's my girl, I think, though just in case I ask:

    Tell me you're not having champagne by the glass, I blurt out, closing my eyes for a moment.

    —I would give my kingdom for an ice cold beer, but you know who won't even let me try it because of the...

    Beatrice? I yell when I'm out of earshot, until there's ringing on the phone again.

    —I only have halftime to do dirty things to your friend, Francisca, so if you don't mind...

    —Give her back the phone, Costabal, I didn't call you and, even if it hurts, you can't wait, Sofía must be around.

    —Error, my dear feminist, is with my sister.

    That makes me smile, I'm sure I interrupted them on something, but that makes me think...

    - How is it not? Tomorrow...

    -Peaceful. —Beatriz takes the phone from her husband, and from here I hear him snort—. Tomorrow Sofía will be here, she is anxiously waiting for you —she assures, and sighs with nostalgia. I know exactly why it is.

    —Don't worry, you'll be well represented.

    "I could go a...

    —Don't even think about it, we already talked about it, Beatriz... —I listen to how Costabal scolds her, and this time I completely agree with him.

    I'm here, I comment, looking at the device, but of course, they already got into an argument and I've gone into the background.

    I laught alone. A better couple for Bea cannot exist. Just when I'm thinking about it I hear hissing. That means that the second half is about to start and I'm not going to miss it.

    Claudia helps me, the truth is that with my cell phone in my hand and the bottles I look small.

    —Give me, I'll help you, what were you doing outside? -asks me.

    —I was calling... —I can't finish, when the hubbub is present in the place and everyone begins to shout.

    I lose my balance for a moment, and just as I see myself crashing to the ground, strong hands grab me around the waist.

    "If you could see where you're walking...

    -Oh thanks! Claudia yells, making eyes at him, if even daisies form for the shameless, come on, he's not a monstrosity, but he's not Mr. Chile either, although... his demeanor, that hoarse voice and square chin make him look like a bull, yes. even his nostrils flare.

    I'm Claudia, she introduces herself, stretching out her hand.

    A pleasure, miss. He walks over to her to give her a kiss on the cheek, which of course leaves her in the clouds. Pedro Garcia-Huidobro.

    Mish , with a compound last name and everything —I express, mocking with a voice of anger.

    Oh, you heard it. I thought you weren't listening from downstairs... he replies sarcastically.

    "As well as caveman, idiot.

    Unable to hold on for another second, I advance through the crowd, not caring what face my friend makes. Murdered and jaded I sit down to see how, for the third time, they score a goal against us. I don't even bother arguing, I just take a drink of Paula's beer, because I've already had mine. Until suddenly behind my back I hear:

    —I told you we were going to lose, accepting defeat is for wise people.

    But I just happen to not be, so you better shut your mouth or save your fart guru comments for whoever asks, I reply, glaring at him.

    —You don't even have to swear to me, little girl , it's obvious from miles away that you're not.

    Then get out of here and stop wasting time with me. You scare away the people I do want to talk to, and not exactly wisdom. Oh, but I don't think someone like you knows what I'm talking about," I blurt out.

    -Hello! greets my other friend, who of course also melts when she sees him, but what does this man have? I'm Paula —she introduces herself, kisses him as if she knows him, and offers him the chair next to her.

    He immediately accepts her. Of course, like a demon that attracts its faithful and they accept it as unwary.

    It will be bigeye and fresh from raja!

    -Not that way! I yell, as the " wonder boy " makes the wrong pass, then pulls up his shirt to cover his face in embarrassment.

    —Here, so you can clean the saliva from your mouth. —The caveman distracts me by handing me a napkin

    -I? I exclaim, sparks coming from my eyes.

    —Yes, your eyes shine with Alexis's pecs.

    If you noticed, it's because I'm sure you like them too, I reply, handing him the napkin back.

    -Gross! he says, understanding perfectly what I'm saying, and that really bothers me.

    Are you homophobic? I accuse him out loud, he looks everywhere and if sparks came out of his eyes, surely I would already be burned to death and buried.

    I like women, he growls.

    Mmm, the way you look at Alexis doesn't show that much, I say with a smirk.

    Would you rather I look at you? he murmurs, in the voice of a radio announcer, fixing his gaze on my tits.

    Since it hadn't happened to me in a long time, I blush, but the worst thing is that I'm ashamed, because I've always wanted more than what I have. The image of Roberto immediately comes to mind offering me surgery to implant a couple of sizes. A memory that sticks straight into my heart, like a dagger.

    I get up without answering anything, I can't, and if my head ached before, now it's turned into a big headache, which of course has a culprit with a compound name and surname.

    In the bathroom I get my face wet, I breathe a couple of times, however, I can't help but look in the mirror and see that part... that part that I would love to see bigger.

    The bathroom door opens suddenly leaving me surprised.

    Can I know what's wrong with you? -asks me.

    -Me? I question, dignified and emboldened as always.

    Do you see someone else? Because I don't! And now tell me, are you going to be like this all night?

    -As well as? I defend myself badly.

    Nervous about that guy who's looking at you.

    —Your ideas.

    My ideas? You stopped in the bathroom moving her ass, and don't deny it to me.

    "I didn't do that.

    —Ha, my dear, Fran, I'm not going to discuss the obvious, although you can't deny that Pedro is pretty good, how good?, more than good!

    That dude?

    —Where did you get that he was a huaso, if he is far from looking like a country man?

    I look up at the sky sighing, it's clear that neither she nor Paula are seeing the obvious.

    —First, he talks candidly, he has a strange accent. Second, he wears a checkered shirt. Third, didn't you see his belt buckle? And finally, the shoes!

    What's with the shoes? she asks me horrified, looking at me as if I had just discovered America.

    —Boots! Who uses them in Santiago? Tell me.


    -MMM what?

    —I think that in order not to care about that huaso, you've watched him enough.

    I'm going to watch the game. I stop before leaving. oh! Take a little water, let's see if that way you cool down a little!

    He just laughs, that makes me even more angry. At the table, Paula is already installed next to Pedro. I would be lying if I say that it is not being given to him, and that bothers me. So I put all my humanity in my position and start directing the party as always, while I clearly hear how the huaso tells the girls about a spectacular beer that they sell here, one that of course I have never heard of and even less tried.

    Final whistle, the game is over and, despite how happy everyone is, I get up, I don't want to stay another second with that caveman who thinks he owns the place.

    -You can not go! Paula yells like a little girl, and no matter how much I wave her to shut up, nothing.

    Chiquitita , don't you have permission to stay up later? he wants to know, in that damn sexy lusty voice.

    Nobody sends me, I blurt out annoyed, and to prove it I sit down again.

    Take me out of a doubt, he speaks to me, approaching my ear. Are you always unbearable or only with me so that I notice you?

    -That? You do not exist for me, this is my bar and they are my friends, so guess who is left over in the equation?

    Your bar? - He laughs sarcastically.

    That's a saying... I mutter, and that stupid, lust-filled devilish grin appears again.

    —I say this because it would have seemed strange to me that being this your bar, you don't know about the beer that you talked about with your friends.

    I like normal.

    -Normal? he questions in a low voice, looking at me with those eyes that are asking me for an explanation, but for what?


    Anyway, you can always try new things, he replies. Shit, what does that mean? I think.

    I'm of traditional tastes, I stammer as I answer, looking away as he reflects on my words for a second, until he places his big, thick hand on my leg forcing me to look at him.

    But I want you to try.


    -And why not?

    Shit, now the tremor that runs through me is notorious, I don't know what to answer, much less how to interpret those words. Are you talking about the beer? I want to believe so, although from the way he looks at me, I doubt it.

    Are you going to keep talking or are you going to give me a taste of that beer?

    He raises his hand, one of the guys immediately walks over, asks for something I don't hear, and in less than five minutes he's back with three dark cans of a beer that I'm actually not familiar with, plus a bottle of mineral water.

    Parsimoniously, he serves the girls, and to me, he only hands me the bottle of mineral water.

    «Breathe, Francisca, recite your mantra: Quiet mind, straight back and calm heart », I tell myself.

    I'm not drunk, I growl reluctantly, holding his gaze, while he drinks and savors himself!

    Did I say you were? he asks, pretending to be offended, and just when I'm about to answer him, he continues. I like your angry face, you look like a wild mare about to attack —he concludes, running his tongue over his lips.

    And what does this huaso think? What can insult me, just like that, in front of my friends and in my territory? It's one thing for girls to fall in love with him, because well, the truth is that he is attractive, self-confident and very manly, but from there to honor him...

    With all the impetus that I can muster in a matter of seconds I look at the boys who are at the table in the back, I smile at them and coquettishly take the mojito looking directly into their eyes, when I finish I kiss the corner of the lips to the gentle gentleman who, out of respect, could shut his mouth and stop drooling and I sit down again.

    Waiter, bring the lady a coffee! he exclaims, between a growl and a commanding voice.

    Oh well! Do you want to play? I'm going to teach you how to do it... and my way, I growl in my mind.

    The girls don't say anything, it's like their tongues have been eaten and I hate them. It is not the first time that we see a specimen like this, where is the gender solidarity?

    When Tomás arrives with the coffee I receive him with a big smile, I look at the huaso and without gentleness I pour the water into the coffee cup, which of course overflows. And then I take the glass of his beer and do a full-fledged cheers.

    —Forward, up and in!

    I even burp, just to annoy him. That's how finite I can be.

    "You're teasing me, little one , he comments between his teeth, but I still like to break the sly mares."

    Oh no, this is the last straw! I ran out of patience, I have limits, and I can't go on like this.

    —Girls, I say goodbye, if you want to continue flattering the farmer, stay, but shut your mouths so the flies don't get in!

    Having said this, I take my bag and without looking back I walk towards the door. However, since today is not my lucky night, not a damn taxi comes by and, to top it all off, I don't even have the battery to call an Uber.

    «When will be the day that women can walk calmly down the street? When!"

    I begin to walk with my breathing accelerated because I am afraid of this darkness, until I feel a hand grab me by the waist, sticking me against the wall. With my heart pounding I open my eyes and the only thing I can see is his torso, I look up and I run into his lips, for some strange reason I calm down.

    Damn, it's clear that I've lost all ability to reason, surely it's the beers because what I'm feeling doesn't want to leave me. I'm a little, what do I say! I'm so excited and burning like I'm in hell. The first to react are my nipples, and he knows it, since his hand goes straight to them, while he draws a smile, those lips! You know what you are making me feel, who is this man who makes my will disappear and my body remains at his mercy?

    He doesn't make a move, of course, he wants me to be the one to take the first step and kiss him, however, I refuse to fall before him and what his burning eyes are asking me to do, so without further ado I stand on tiptoe and kiss his cheek.

    He burns with rage, but doesn't say it, until suddenly he holds my head in his hands and his mouth collides with mine unceremoniously making me gasp with surprise, fright, amazement, excitement, all together and more.

    The hand that runs through my waist is safe, its sound is so animal that it makes me even forget where I am, until by the work and grace of the holy spirit I recover my sanity, I interrupt the kiss and walk away panting.

    You're...naughty, he growls, taking me by the chin, like he owns me. I will tame you...

    Those are the most triggering words I've ever heard in my life, tame me! With the rage that I feel, I raise my knee with force, and finally I see how he backs off a couple of centimeters, enough for me to slip out of his arms.

    Don't touch me again! I yell, drawing the glances of the people passing by, and of course, no one approaches.

    That is why we are as we are. We are a society engrossed in its own problems, but this is not the time to start analyzing, so I almost run to the street to stop the next taxi that passes.

    Fifteen minutes later, still nervous, I arrive at my apartment. I don't even want to turn on the light, I feel strange, alone and doing the last thing I should do in life.

    I call Robert. Better demon known than to know.

    —Fran, it's three in the morning, are you okay?

    As soon as I hear his voice, an uncontrollable desire to cry invades me, although I hold it.

    -Can come? I whisper with fear, it takes a few seconds, he's thinking about it, it must not be easy, he's not alone, he's with her, his wife, his wife...


    And with that simple word I calm down, I go to my bedroom and I take off all the clothes that have any vestige of what just happened. Before I finish taking a shower, the doorbell rings.

    My savior and my downfall have arrived.

    Without saying a word I throw myself into his arms that receive me as if I were at home. And so I continue, because I just want to lose myself in him and, although I try to calm my anxiety, Roberto's hands know what points to touch to make me fall into the bonfire of vanities.

    His scent enters my nose like something hypnotic. I close my eyes when his lips touch mine, because I already know I'm lost.

    I want to make love to you, Fran. Can?

    I don't know if he can, but I want it, I want it, so without saying a word, I'm the one who unbuttons his shirt while he touches me from all sides as if he needed me, struggling with his own feelings. When I play that part that is already ready for me, he loses his sanity giving up.

    We caress each other slowly, looking into each other's eyes, until my legs separate and my knees open for her to give an accurate push and without having to help us or guide us with her hands, she enters the part that was her home for so long. It takes us little or nothing to find the perfect point where our touches are synchronized, slow and torturing, but without a doubt they take us to the limbo of pleasure.

    I don't know if we ever did it that slowly, and I'm sure I've never felt as much shame laced with guilt as I do right now, but it's his ejaculation that takes all thought away from me. It is that voice that incites me further, until a sudden orgasm appears, destroying everything and more in its path.

    Outraged at myself for doing this, I blame myself. Roberto, still inside me, puts his head between my breasts while I listen to how he sighs sadly. I need him to come out, I want to get him off of me, even though he's so helpless I don't know if I can, but for both of us I have to.

    Fran, I... he finally murmurs, looking at me, and I blush.

    "Don't say anything, you have to go home. —His gaze changes and he is the one who stands on top of me, resting his hands on the ground, leaving me trapped in his arms.

    So, he begins reproachfully, now that you've had your fill, you want me to go away.

    Finally he gets up, pulls up his boxers, his pants, and I look at him naked from below.

    -You better go. Nothing is as before.

    Do you realize that this is what you always do? He yells euphorically. You and only you, take me away from your life.

    —What are you saying, Roberto, please, you...

    -Me what?

    -Are you married!

    —Because it was you and your damned independence that never wanted to go any further, that damned feminism that gnaws at you from the inside, the one that makes you believe that you are a liberal, unprejudiced woman, surpassed!

    -I am!

    —Of course you're not, I see the guilt in your eyes, you call me at dawn and you jump on me as if I were your lifeline, it's always been like that. Why don't you stop lying to yourself and just accept it once and for all? —questions.

    Do you think you are the only man in the world?

    For you I am! Admit it once and for all, we always end up like this, because we don't fuck, Francisca, we make love, even if you don't like it or the word sounds like shit to you, but we do that and no one cares.

    —This will not happen again, Roberto, go back to your house with your wife. We can't go on like this, period.

    -Safe? Is that why we made love today and last week, or is it because your damn vibrator doesn't turn you off like I do? Or is it that you ran out of batteries?

    I don't even stop to consider those damn words, I get up in a rage and slap him across the face with a single slap. When I go to push him his phone rings, and it's clear to me who it is.

    I take the towel off the floor and go to my room, although the desire to know what they are talking about can get me. Like the masochist that I am, I stay listening to them.

    Everything's fine now, Catalina, my father feels better, he lies, and since I don't listen as much, I go out, at this point, what does it matter?

    We look at each other and he continues:

    Yes, I will greet him on your behalf. And since it's all right, I'll go back home.

    Fucking liar, I whisper, and when he cuts off I raise my voice. So that was your plan? Staying here all night pretending I'm your sick father, right?

    -It would not be the first time...

    I close my eyes imagining the situation, I sigh silently and mentally ask Catalina's forgiveness, I've never had anything against her, but I am doing her great damage and she is the side effect.

    Determined way to the door like the one above brought me into the world and I open it.

    —Get out of my house, Roberto.

    Shit, he whispers, you're going to regret it, you'll call me again.

    -Never more.

    —Don't keep lying to yourself, when this attack of morality passes...

    It's not an attack on morality, it's just reality, I say, gripping the doorknob with shaking hands. I don't deserve to be anyone's mistress, and your wife doesn't have to have antlers like a moose.

    "Too late to admit it, Fran.

    Those lunges come directly to me, but they give me the courage to put an end to it.

    —Yes, I am the worst as a woman, I assume, that's why this will not happen again.

    -You will regret!

    Fuck off, Roberto!

    And with those words I give a knock on the door that makes the whole place rumble. I hate myself for everything I've done. My eyes fill with tears, because the culprit is me and although I don't want to admit it openly, I enjoyed it.

    But not anymore.

    Never more.

    I cannot and should not continue like this.

    After all, the apple is always me and the snake between Adam and Eve too.

    And with that, feeling rotten inside I go to bed, I cover my head and in the dark I manage to cry, because sometimes like today, I not only feel, but I am a real piece of shit.

    Chapter 2

    You can't pretend to be an angel if you're surrounded by demons


    Just as we agreed, I go to pick up Sofía, she happily receives me, although I can't say the same about Mauricio Costabal, of course, he's not happy because his daughter is going to leave with me and the girls, but Beatriz is the one who knows how to calm down to his own devil. She is also dying to come, even though she knows she can't.

    I'm waiting for you to eat.

    Whoa! Do you need me so much, Costabal, that you invite me to lunch?

    I guess you're not going to give Sofía anything healthy, and since she'll be with you, it's only fair that I feed you too, he huffs reluctantly, annoying me.

    «How is nothing healthy? What do you think? I think angrily.

    I don't know if she'll eat healthy, what I do know is that I won't feed her soup, I let go, and when I see Beatriz open her eyes, I already know that I screwed up.

    I don't take it back, however, I shouldn't have told him that, even if it was just soup he fed his daughter and brought her up, so I winked at Mauricio and leaned close to his ear:

    —Don't worry, Mr. Costabal, thanks to that your daughter is one of the few girls who loves all kinds of soups, she did well.

    I don't know if my words calm him down, but at least now he doesn't look like an animal about to attack. I urge Sofia to give her daddy a kiss, and we're finally leaving!

    The subway is almost full and although it bothers me, for her it seems to be quite an adventure. Since we are on our feet, every time it brakes we go forward and play that we are going on a roller coaster. I don't care if people look at us.

    When I arrive, my heart swells with joy, thousands of women gathered for a single cause painting and singing while waiting for the march to begin.

    As I know several girls, they all greet me with affection, and therefore Sofía, who is also given a green shirt and scarf.

    If you don't want to use it, no problem, princess, I tell her.

    I do, he tells me, tying it around his neck. It is fair that all women have the possibility to choose. Because it's not an obligation, is it?

    —Of course not, it's up to each woman!

    I eat her with kisses, how intelligent this girl is, sometimes I think she is adopted and not Costabal's daughter.

    In a matter of seconds Claudia arrives with Paula, and of course they hug her too. As always, the banners are courtesy of Pau. «What would be of us without all your organization and your fanaticism for always going to Central Station, to buy all kinds of ornaments?»

    At the first whistle we all stood up in order and in line, to start walking down the Alameda singing and laughing.

    More girls join us with their mothers and I am so happy to see that together women can make a difference.

    It is not about abortion just because, but about being able to give all women the possibility of choosing and that those who cannot are not exposed to social condemnation for not having resources. Nor is it about offending women who cannot have children, it is just one more option, and at least I and this whole peaceful group understand it that way, although of course, to tell the truth, there is no shortage of those who go too far, but hey, There is everything in the villa of the Lord, right?

    At the end, tired and thirsty we sit on the grass, until suddenly the phone rings. Before seeing him I know that it is the father calling to remind us of lunch, with Sofía we look at each other and lie down on the grass laughing; then, without delaying the situation any further, we say goodbye to the girls.

    We took an Uber not only to get there faster, but because my daughter is exhausted, so exhausted that she has fallen asleep. I'm about to do it, I didn't sleep at all last night and although it's hard for me to admit it, I need to vomit what I feel, although I don't love the idea, I think Beatriz is the best option.

    As if it were a battery-powered doll, as soon as we got off, Sofía turned on again and began to chant the harangues she learned in the morning.

    Bea opens the door for us and she runs to show her father her shirt and scarf, we both follow her expectantly because we don't want to miss her reaction. Sometimes, and only sometimes, we women are bad.

    What are you singing? Mauricio asks her, looking at her hallucinated.

    Okay, maybe I didn't tell him the whole truth, but if I did, I sure as hell didn't give him permission.

    Our right, daddy, the girl answers, holding up her scarf.

    At that moment Costabal struck me down and how brave I am I stoically advanced towards the fight.

    —Don't worry, I'm not turning her into a guerrilla or anything, I'm just...

    —You only make her march in favor of abortion, when Beatriz is...

    Stop right there, I stop him short. Do not be ignorant, the movement is not against pregnancies or life, much less against women who cannot have children, we are fighting for the right to choose what to do with our bodies.

    —Abortion! He yelled a bit mad.

    Yes, miscarriage, I reply, waving my hands at him, "what a terrible word. But a reality, even if you don't want to see it and... -I accuse him with my finger, but he cuts me off.

    —Abortion! What is Sofia doing learning about that kind of thing? I hear a voice from beyond the grave say from behind.

    When I turn around I see it, and how I see it! A bull about to pounce, he's wearing blue jeans that are too tight for my taste and a red plaid shirt that could be made out of picnic tablecloth, although, truth be told, they make me notice how ripped his pecs are. something any woman would want to touch. It looks like it belongs to another world, and not to the city, nor even less to Costabal's salon. And that's when I see Beatriz asking me to calm down. Seeing his uncertainty I take advantage of my moment to attack.

    -Man! But if it is the huaso.

    Hearing me, he immediately adopts another attitude, growing several more inches.

    And you, the Lilliputian, she replies reluctantly, which annoys me, I'm not a dwarf, just of average height, maybe a little shorter.

    Where do you two know each other from? Mauricio interrupts us almost instantly.

    - Are you the huaso? Beatriz hallucinates, leaving Costabal hanging.

    Why are my friends so nosy, I think, closing my eyes for a single second, but I snap them open when I hear her voice.

    She owns the bar where I watched the game last night.

    Now they look at me without understanding anything, and since Costabal of course has zero emotional intelligence, he is the first to speak:

    What bar? You don't have a bar, he lets go.

    Of course I don't have it, I defend myself, and looking at him I continue, and I made it very clear to you last night.

    When? Before or after...

    But who do you think you are...?

    —Pedro García-Huidobro —he blurts out as if nothing had happened, making me even angrier, especially when I hear Mauri's laugh.

    Beatriz walks next to me, I know she doesn't understand anything, I'm usually not that rude, am I?

    Can you explain to me what this is about? -ask.

    —Nothing, nothing —I sigh—, last night we met at the bar, full stop.

    "Your ability to summarize leaves much to be desired, chiquitita ," says the huaso, with a sly smile.

    I really want to kill him, and before thinking what I'm going to say I defend myself:

    —And your tamer skills too!

    Now the one who lets out a laugh is Beatriz, seeing Mauricio's face is not for less, if even his eyes come out, and that I thought he was used to everything.

    In the end, and just out of respect, I change the subject, ignoring him.

    —Well, with your doubts cleared up, could we have lunch? Sofia must be hungry.

    -Yessss! yells the aforementioned, waving her scarf.

    Mauricio, you shouldn't let Sofía find out about this kind of thing, he says.

    I choke, drown and rage, fuck yoga and my mantra: quiet mind, straight back and calm heart !

    Are you really stupid? Of course you should know. It's your body and your decision, how come you don't realize it and aren't you able to understand it?

    —The only thing I know is that she is a girl, and that she should not see that kind of thing, that, without counting the disturbances caused by the feminazis

    Oh no, I feel like I'm killing him, but really

    Maybe if the special forces...

    —Are you a fagot ? I don't know if I'm asking or spitting it out. Do you want the militos in the street?

    At this moment Beatriz takes my hand and together we walk towards the kitchen, I know she wants to reassure me, but I start to tremble, how can you be so retrograde, especially in the year we are in?

    "Calm down, Frank. Do not take into account what Pedro is telling you, he is an excellent person, a good friend, and... a wonderful godfather.

    -Godfather? Whose? My voice doesn't come out.

    -From Sofia! The princess is baptized!

    What? No! How? If Costabal doesn't even believe in God and neither do you —I accuse her.

    Well, that's true, he doesn't believe, and I...well, I pray. But it's not important.

    Then what is important? I bark without understanding anything, my head is spinning and I haven't even had a beer.

    —The decision is Sofia's, she wants to make her first communion, she believes in God and for that she must be baptized.

    In the church and with a priest? I ask like an idiot, knowing the answer in advance.

    My friend who is hilarious with the situation stifles a smile, however, it is her eyes and her attitude that tell me that there is something more.

    —Yes, Fran, with all of the law.

    I sigh to calm down, if I can.

    —I'll have to congratulate her then and give her a little angel, or whatever it is that is given in this kind of thing, although a Bible, not even shitting.

    Now she shakes her head even more amused, and before she can speak, Costabal enters the door saying:

    —How is the godmother of the year?

    I look from one to the other, stopping on the tall, stocky figure who looks down at me from behind.


    —Of course I do, who else, Francisca? Costabal continues, hugging me! I know that, although we don't get along at all and we think differently, there would be no better person to entrust Sofia's care to if something happened to Beatriz or me, that's why we've chosen Pedro and you as her godparents.

    I feel like my heart stops, blood stops and my lungs stop receiving oxygen.

    —You are like my sister, what better godmother than you for Sofía? I know that with Pedro they would do everything possible to...

    —Shut up, Beatriz Andrade —it comes from my soul—, this is not one of those movies that you like to see, no, ma'am, it's real life.

    And for the same reason we're talking about this topic, death is part of life, Mauricio speaks, and I... I hate him.

    —Yeah, but not because your ex-wife died in an accident, everyone is going to die before their time.

    I get a pinch on the arm from my friend, and this time I think I deserve it.

    The kitchen door opens again and like the whirlwind that is, my goddaughter enters? with her two cats, one on each side.

    My dad already told you that you're going to be my godmother, she asks, throwing herself into my arms happily.

    I bend down to be at his height, I lovingly put a messy lock that he has behind his ear and tell him:

    Do you really want to be baptized, princess? I ask.

    —Yes, I want to be with my mom when I die, because she is in heaven.

    I am left speechless, perplexed and stunned, how is it possible that religion forces children to make such a decision! Not that they were choosing between angels and demons. The huaso doesn't even give me time to respond, he takes me by the arm and with that damn voice of his he tells everyone to excuse us for a moment, that we have to talk about godfather things

    When I got to the room, he released me, forced me to sit down, and as if I were a giant (which he is), at least from the position I'm in, he told me:

    —If Sofía wants to be baptized, let her do it, who are you to deny that girl something? Don't you realize that he has already suffered too much? It's one thing for you not to believe in God, but it's quite another for you to refuse to give him the chance to be with his mother when she dies, in addition to putting things into his head.

    I hallucinate in colors

    Are you really telling me this, are you?

    -Of course.

    —Know that you will go to hell. Devil.

    —And what does it matter, I have friends in both heaven and hell , chiquitita.

    In the end, and without much desire to speak, I stand up, all because of that girl who stole my heart, and of course, because of my brainless friend who doesn't think before doing things.

    —Look, I'm a civilized woman, and for the same reason at this moment I'm going to pretend in front of Sofía.

    And saying this with my best face, I walk towards the kitchen and I look at them... with hate.

    "Perfect, all fixed. I smile and clap sarcastically. I'm going... we're going to be the best godparents in the world!

    The little girl squeals, Costabal nods and Beatriz hugs me, all happy. When we parted, resigned, I ask:

    —When we start with the band-aid and everything, because I imagine there will be talks and stuff, will he be baptized at the end of the year?

    dumb. They look at each other and do they smile?

    The christening will be at my house in ten days, in a week you and I are going to the south and we will begin with the religious preparations, the huaso murmurs energetically, and despite wanting to turn around and sing it to them clearly, I don't. I can't, or... I don't want to?

    It's been a long time since a feeling like this invaded my body making my heart race.

    Pedro has his lips brushing against my ear, I feel his warm breath while his hand slowly runs down my back making me

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