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The Spell of the Wolf
The Spell of the Wolf
The Spell of the Wolf
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The Spell of the Wolf

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When the name of Nessie comes up in any conversation, our minds quickly picture the Loch Ness Monster, the great legend, but what if we now don't picture the monster and see her as the woman with the greenest eyes in Scotland? Those eyes that were capable of bewitching the fiercest warrior, the most feared, who is known as "The Wolf". She, the witch of the devil, will make us bring out the warrior that we carry inside to fight a personal battle, one that only the heart is our contender, and he, well, he will make us think that even the most feared animal has a heart. "The Wolf's Spell" is a romantic novel that will make you laugh, cry and hate, but above all, fall in love with love. Let yourself be enchanted by the Wolf and transport yourself to the Scotland of castles and legends

Release dateFeb 23, 2023
The Spell of the Wolf

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    Book preview

    The Spell of the Wolf - Mitchell Davis


    Table of Contents

    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III

    Chapter IV

    Chapter V

    Chapter VI

    Chapter VII

    Chapter VIII

    Chapter 9

    Chapter X

    Chapter XI

    Chapter XII

    Chapter XIII

    Chapter XIV

    Chapter XVI

    Chapter XVII

    Chapter XVIII

    Chapter XIX

    Chapter XX

    Chapter XXI

    Chapter XXII

    Chapter XXIII


    The Spell of the Wolf

    Author: Mitchell Davis

    © Copyright 2023–All Rights Reserved

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    *Note: Please do not read if you are under the age of 18

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Chapter I

    Alistair Cameron looked out of the corner of his eye as the excitement of returning home invaded his good friend Athol, not a single day of the twenty-five they spent together had he seen that joy reflected on his face. In a certain way, he envied him, he knew that his recent wife and father were waiting for him in that home, while no one important was waiting for him in his castle, which was located on the highest hill in Scotland. For years he had only worried about winning battles, without thinking about anything or anyone. With that he had created fame and glory and thus many legends were told of The Wolf nickname that his adversaries gave him because of the way he had to fight.

    She inhaled the warm breeze and raised her eyes to the sky. That day the sun shone high and received them like the heroes they were. Summer was coming to the lowlands, which meant that the sun had shone earlier in their home. The cold wind was already retreating and the days were getting longer. At last he could start rebuilding his castle, he had waited too many years for that and now after having become the king's fiercest warrior, he had the necessary money. He remembered the only person in the world he had ever loved, his father, and he was glad to think of how proud he would be now that his clan would have everything it deserved.

    He was thinking about that when Athol came to his side, pulling him out of his reverie.

    I'll see you at the castle, I need to go ahead was the only explanation the Laird gave them and he began to go down the hill like a soul chasing the devil.

    Several minutes of riding later Athol took to the shore of the lake, where he delighted for a few minutes observing the woman who floated carefree.

    Without thinking about anything, the young woman was just singing a love song, until she heard a sound coming from the shore and turned around. The smile of the previous few minutes vanished from his face and he began to get closer.

    You shouldn't be here, young lady, the man scolded her, you're going to catch a cold.

    -I do not believe it. He refuted suppressing a smile. As you will see, the sun is high.

    You're right, but you shouldn't be here anyway, he repeated, entering the water's edge, if the Laird finds out, he'll surely be furious.

    She rolled her eyes and seconds later responded cautiously:

    ―Like the ogre that he is, but... if you don't tell him, he won't have any way to find out.

    You're tremendous, he laughed. Come here Ness, and greet your laird properly.

    Nessie closed the distance running to hug him.

    Not caring about entering the lake, he did the same, they hugged like they hadn't in a long time. Meanwhile, despite Athol's replicas, Nessie checked it to see if it was in perfect condition.

    - What joy! It's wonderful that they came back, I thought they would take longer," she admitted somewhat embarrassed, but he knew the young woman and she always said what she thought with total sincerity.

    I know, me too, but we had the help of El Lobo he answered as if that was enough to understand everything.


    You don't know who it is, right?

    ―Exactly, and I'm not interested either, the only thing I could thank him for is that he brought you back safe and sound ahead of time.

    You're taking away my credit, Ness, he spoke, stroking her wet hair.

    -No! he exclaimed laughing. I would never do that to my Laird, but now you, get on Black and run to surprise your wife. Elaynne can't wait to see you, she's counting the days until your return. It will be a wonderful surprise.

    The young woman was right in her words, surely his recent wife would be waiting for him, but why wasn't he impatient to get on his beautiful black steed and leave for his destination?

    I thought the laird of these lands was me.

    "Oh yes, my lord, of course it is, I'm just one more servant...

    Don't talk like that, Nessie, he cut her off with the wrinkled rictus that characterized him so much. You are so much more than that this castle.

    ―Yes, well, I know we're like Athol brothers, but don't be angry, don't tarnish this beautiful moment.

    Like brothers he thought and sighed resigned while Nessie accompanied him until leaving him as if he were a child on the horse.

    Dry yourself, and go to the castle, I'm not coming alone, we're coming with the Cameron clan, he seriously ordered, spurring his horse to leave.

    Nessie waved at him and when he was away, he happily returned to the lake. Her happiness was complete, everyone was back, now her friend and lady would be happy.

    He would wait a while before returning, thus giving the couple time for a sneaky reunion.

    She smiled mischievously thinking about that.

    The hooves of some horses surprised her again.

    Why had everyone decided to go through that route that is not the main one? she thought angrily, getting to her feet.

    -Knew! I knew I'd find you here," a hoarse voice called from the shore.

    "Broderic! he yelled and began to run as fast as the water would allow him.

    When he reached the body of the giant warrior, he took it as if it were a feather and began to spin it through the air, as if it weighed nothing.

    They had been raised as siblings since they were little, Broderic's mother had died when he was only five years old and Clariss, Nessie's mother, had taken over.

    Nessie repeated the action of reviewing it completely, although of course, Broderic gave in, he knew it was impossible to resist what she was proposing.

    That's it, woman, you embarrass me.

    It's just that I missed you so much, she sighed and hugged him again, she didn't care at all that another warrior was looking at her with a frown from his impressive Moorish brown steed. You have a lot to tell me.

    Yes, I will, but now go away, and leaning close to her ear so that no one could hear him, he whispered, These men from the Cameron clan are fearsome, I don't want you to be alone and unprotected.

    Nessie broke away from her friend's arms smiling.

    ―Do you think I could be afraid of some men who are led by someone who calls himself The Wolf? he scoffed.


    "Come on, Broderic, as a colonel you should know that I fear no one, except men with animal names.

    A dry sound was heard next to him, it was the other warrior who had dismounted making a noise as he fell. Like nothing, Nessie looked at him, but she had to look up to see his face, and the first thing she noticed were impressive black eyes.

    If you should fear the wolf, the warrior roared.

    Nobody scares me, if they're so afraid, the ones who should go to the castle should be you, she answered annoyed. Why should he fear someone who had an animal name? He will surely be a great warrior, but a man nonetheless.

    -Let's go. ―The warrior spoke producing a satisfied smile on Nessie's lips. She would be alone and calm again.

    Alistair had not been able to take his eyes off that woman. He eagerly wanted to teach him who The Wolf was so that he would fear him like everyone else did, but that girl with green eyes and hair the color of fire, looked at him haughtily and now smiled. But he would teach him who The Wolf was.

    Hurry up, it's not going to be something that devours you The Wolf ", he expressed laughing at the top of his lungs. When Broderic was going to clarify who his companion was again, it was Alistair who forbade him.

    Dry yourself, girl, was the only thing he heard from his friend's mouth.

    Reluctantly, Nessie chose to obey, sat on a rock and waited for her clothes to dry a bit.

    Almost at noon he appeared at the castle, it was full of men from the Cameron clan, they did not look the same as the men of his clan, no, they had disheveled beards and tangled hair, what did catch his attention was seeing that they all had a pendant in the shape of a wolf. Nessie rolled her eyes.

    In addition to being an animal, he made them adore him.

    She went straight to the kitchen, to see how she could help, that wasn't her job, since that was to help Elaynne, but she imagined that she would be very busy taking care of her husband.

    Before arriving, he heard some screams coming from the living room, without thinking about anything, he quickly went to the place. He cursed when he saw that some men from the other clan were bothering Lowenna, a young girl who was serving them beer.

    Don't you guys have manners? He scolded them vigorously.

    Of course we have them! that's why we're telling the...lady that it would be better for her to sit on my legs so she doesn't get tired, he said, closing one eye to which the poor scared girl screamed again. All the movement could be done by me. Now since they seem to be so close, you could take their place.

    -What have you said? she asked, stunned by that impudence.

    Come on redhead, a little pelvic movement would take away the constipated face you're wearing, another warrior spoke from behind.

    In a quick movement, Nessie grabbed one of the swords that was on a stool and after making a fuss in the air, she placed it against the chest of one of the warriors and hissed furiously:

    And don't you think my constipated face could go away if I plunged the sword into your partner? -asked.

    They all remained silent, they never expected that reaction and even less from a woman.

    -What is hapening here? A man bellowed after her, the men upon hearing him sank into their own bodies, immediately falling silent. Nessie remembered the voice, she turned with her sword in hand and now pointing it at him, she spoke:

    It happens that these... gentlemen, don't know how to behave like men, that must be because they are led by an animal, she blurted out annoyed.

    Just an oh...! Widespread was heard.

    The warrior who was being targeted narrowed his eyes, aware that he was being threatened in front of his men and he could not consent to that, even less coming from a woman who by now was beginning to exasperate him greatly.

    Nothing is wrong, sir, said a voice. It was just a misunderstanding...

    A misunderstanding? Nessie interrupted, turning around to point it now at him. Coward is what you are.

    -Enough! roared Alistair who didn't understand anything and was also as surprised as his men. But it wasn't until the young woman heard Athol's commanding voice that she did not drop the sword.

    But what's going on here, Nessie?

    Nothing, nothing, my Laird, just clearing up a misunderstanding, she repeated the same words she had spoken before, she wouldn't make her lord angry, even less if she had just returned.

    Before leaving, and haughty as she was, she gave the black-eyed giant a look of contempt, who as expected also hung a wolf from his neck, only this one was different.

    "The whores are outside the castle, warn your companions before your...animal is ashamed of your men.

    He couldn't even answer, since the girl quickly turned around leaving him with the word in his mouth.

    Before Athol came down, she was already walking towards the stairs to go up to see her mistress. The Laird went straight to the men who were causing the problem and despite wanting to speak to Nessie immediately, he didn't. Attitude that Alistair did not ignore.

    Once upstairs in front of Elaynne's door, she allowed herself to breathe, her heart racing, she knew she had acted impulsively, but she couldn't let them offend the poor girl's honor, let alone her own.

    He knocked a couple of times and when he heard his wife's voice he entered with a big smile on his lips.

    How did you like the surprise, milady!?

    "Oh Nessie! Elaynne sobbed, throwing herself into his arms.

    But what is it, does it scare me? He asked hugging her with all his might. Alright?

    She was really worried about her mistress, she just hid her face without saying a word.

    I'm just anyone, he blurted out, putting her on alert.

    -No! How do you say that, milady, by God.

    "Yes, I... I... I...

    -Me what!

    Elaynne looked at her blushing and very softly, almost in a whisper, she began to tell her what was so embarrassing for her.

    When Athol appeared in the room, I was lying down, when I saw him I threw myself into his arms and... and I began to kiss him, she cried again. I wanted to feel it, I put my hands under her clothes to... start to feel it and when I did, Athol removed my hands and told me that a decent woman never reacted like that," she remembered and cried uncontrollably again.

    No, no, I didn't cry, but... are you sure that's what he told you?

    Nessie couldn't believe it, how could the Laird have said such a thing to his own wife. Of course, that wasn't so decent, but she thought that between four walls and especially when they were husband and wife, anyone could take the initiative to start loving each other, especially after not seeing each other for so long. She herself had witnessed the longing for her mistress. He shook his head disapproving of his friend's act and seeing the pain in the girl's eyes he knew he had to do something.

    ―You see why I am just anyone.

    "Don't torture yourself anymore, milady. Now come, let me help you wash your face so that you can come down and receive my lord's guests. You can't stay here, hiding. No! She must prove to him and to everyone that she is the worthy mistress of the castle.

    And if he doesn't approve?

    How can you not approve? she screamed horrified by what she was hearing. That was one of the reasons why she would never marry a warrior like her father, or like her friends, no, she wanted someone who cultivated the land, who looked at her as an equal, because she never wanted to stop commanding the land. his own life to become only a consort. Not counting the anguish he would have to experience every time he left with the laird of the castle. She already had enough to suffer for her friends, so that she would also have to suffer for the man she would love for the rest of her life. Of course, if that man existed, because, although she would never admit it out loud, sometimes she wondered why at twenty she was still alone, although she did have the odd theory.

    You know him better, Nessie, what am I to do?

    Well, uh, yes, I've known him forever, and believe me, he's always been the same grump, he said to get a smile from her. But he's a good man and she loves him, Elaynne. They are married!

    Yes... he whispered softly almost alone to her.

    Now come and don't keep your master waiting. Also, that's how he meets El Lobo

    -That!? The wolf?

    -As? He doesn't know that our clan came accompanied by the Cameron clan, and that their leader is that animal.

    ―Nessie, please don't talk like that about The Wolf, you don't know what is said about that man and what is said about his battles.

    It's just gossip, my lady, he is a warrior like any other, who makes up stories to be more fearful. It's like the fairies of the forest, they don't exist either, he said, downplaying the matter, but Elaynne didn't think the same, she had heard many stories about The Wolf a fierce warrior who feared no one or nothing, he had earned the nickname Because he used to attack on the darkest nights and when the full moon appeared in the sky, he would transform into the fiercest of beasts. All the men of his father's clan feared him. She didn't know much more about him, since she had never dared to ask and even if Nessie didn't believe, she did.

    She got up, determined not to embarrass her husband. She wanted him to be proud of her and if that wasn't too much to ask, to love her as much as she loved him.

    Once Nessie had her combed and groomed perfectly, she was ready to go downstairs.

    My lady, you are beautiful, you will dazzle everyone with your beauty, he praised from the heart, taking her by the hand.



    Remember that when we're alone you can call me by my name, without formalities, she fondly recalled.

    That was the same deal he had with his friend Athol, only with him it was much easier, since they had always been just Athol and Ness. Since childhood they had been very close, since Caley her father was the colonel and right arm of Marroc, father of the now Laird of the Mackay clan.

    He nodded his head and then spoke:

    "I have one thing to do before I go downstairs with you. Do you mind if I catch up with you in the living room?

    Does that something to do have to do with what I know you keep in your pocket?

    Nessie reached into her skirt pocket, smiling. Yes, her friend had caught up with her and she had no choice but to admit the truth.

    Yes, but if Margarite finds out, she cuts me up and feeds me to the pigs, she laughed heartily, also taking Elaynne's laughter.

    ―You are tremendous, Nessie, I would like to have that vitality of yours.

    You have it, believe me you have it. But now I do have to go before Margarite finds out, or even worse, if my lord finds out, she replied, closing one eye to rush out the door.

    Without being seen by anyone, or at least that was what she believed, she reached the large wooden door that led to Marroc's room, tapped it simulating the password that they both had and entered the count of three.

    Girl, I've been waiting for you for hours, he scolded her affectionately with visible happiness on his face.

    "If someone finds out, I'll end up sleeping in the woods because of them.

    Don't worry, girl, if that happens I'll go keep you company myself.

    They both laughed and Nessie took a handful of blackberries out of her pocket. The old man's eyes shone with joy as his mouth watered at the forbidden delicacy they were handing him.

    -You are a sun.

    Well, but now this sun has to go, or they'll end up discovering us, rest assured, there will be a celebration at night, you know, to honor the wolf.

    Alistair is here? He asked surprised and happy at the same time. It seemed that she was the one in charge of telling everyone that the famous animal was in the castle. It also bothered her greatly to have to be the bearer of said news, she didn't know him or anything, but for some strange reason so much adulation to that animal bothered her, so with a grimace she replied:

    ―Yes, that animal is in the castle, and today they will celebrate the arrival of the clans.

    Girl, don't talk like that, he's a good man and a great warrior, and very handsome, by the way, all the women fall at his feet.

    ―Marroc, you know that I adore you and consider you as a father, but let me tell you a couple of things with all due respect. I do not dispute that he is not a good warrior, but from there to putting him at the level of a god is saying a lot, especially since his entire clan venerates him, all his men wear the face of a wolf, and handsome is about see, I still don't know him, but I do know one thing, he can be a monstrous man, but with the fame that precedes him, any woman will want to warm her bed.


    "It's true, and I told him so with all due respect.

    I know, I know, my child, he sighed. I wish so much that things were different.

    What do you mean? he asked, opening the door to leave, he couldn't take any longer.

    Nothing, daughter, don't listen to this old man, now go, we'll see each other at night, so you can give me a little dance.

    Nessie blew him a kiss through the air, she would have loved to give him all the dances he wanted, but that was impossible, in the same battle that his father had died, Marroc had been disabled. His father had given his life for his Laird.

    Another reason why she would never marry a warrior who would give his life for his lord, leaving his family alone and dispossessed.


    Like a wolf watching its prey, Alistair watched with his penetrating black eyes as Nessie fixed her skirt and left Marroc's room, he had gone up to surprise the old man, but he had been surprised.

    In less than a day, she had seen how that girl flirted with more than two men, first her great friend Athol, then Broderic and now Marroc. And so everything had the nerve to say that the whores were outside the castle. But why did the presence of that woman bother him so much? Was it because she hadn't once looked at him like the others?


    Nessie took a while to locate her next target, as when she passed through the living room she stopped for a while when she saw Elaynne sitting alone. She wanted her to be happy, with her husband, not just sad and almost abandoned. She asked Lowenna to stay with her for a bit while she sorted out her unfinished business.


    Outside the castle, meeting with the commander of the other clan and his own, Athol toasted his triumph with beer, while some non-local girls hovered around them. That bothered him, he quickened his pace and without caring much who he was with, he spoke:

    "My lord, excuse me for interrupting you, but I urgently need to speak with you for a moment. It's about my lady.

    Don't you see he's busy, girl, replied Ray, Alistair's friend and commander.

    I see... but I'm not talking to you, and looking at his Laird again, he begged. It will only be a few minutes. Please.

    Athol, who knew her very well, knew immediately that the conversation would not be pleasant, which is why he was trying to extend the time, if it had been about anything else, he would not have doubted it for a second and he would already be away from those men and in the best of companies for him.

    I have little time, talk, he commented dismissively. Nessie raised an eyebrow, she wanted to yell at him a thousand things, especially now because of that attitude, but she knew it wasn't right, especially when she wasn't surrounded by other people.

    Sir, I don't think it's prudent for you to air what I've come to tell you in front of other people, not because they don't trust you completely, he inevitably scoffed. If not because it is a domestic problem that I don't think it concerns them.

    Okay, he huffed resignedly and inevitably took her arm. I needed to feel her. Turning around, Nessie cursed to find penetrating black eyes that scrutinized her, blaming her for who knows what, she quickly looked away as if she were a fly that bothered her. Which royally increased Alistair's anger.

    Once they were away and they didn't stop watching covertly, Nessie couldn't hold it anymore and yelled:

    -What are you doing?! I can't believe the behavior you're having with Elaynne.

    Don't pry, Nessie, Athol cut her off.

    Of course I'm in! I know... I know it's none of my business, but she's been waiting for you since you left, she keeps looking from the battlement to wait for your arrival, and you... you despise her as a woman," said the latter a little lower, and When he did, the colors on his face lit up, he knew he was his lord, his Laird and he shouldn't talk to him like that, but he couldn't help it either.

    While he was listening to her, the anger grew inside him, why did his wife have to vent her problems precisely to her? But when he was scolding her, seeing her with those colors, and her bright eyes, in an impulse he couldn't resist, he just hugged her.

    -No! With a hug you won't get Athol to apologize, that's right. I can't see milady suffer like this ―but the rage grew when she felt how he began to laugh, she let go to look him straight in the eye, she didn't care about her lord's height and that it wasn't less, at least one head was sticking out. Let go!

    Okay, sorry, sorry, he apologized, raising his hands as a sign of peace, "I shouldn't have laughed.

    -That?! No! I'm not interested in you apologizing to me, you must apologize to Elaynne, she is suffering because of you.

    -No! He snorted annoyed. His behavior was inappropriate, Nessie, and I cannot tolerate that.

    -No? she asked amazed and as always her romantic heart spoke for her, betraying her. Of course you can tolerate it! A woman in love waiting for her man, willing to do anything to make him happy when he returns, is it bad? Is it bad that the wife wants to love her husband as a reward for how brave he was in defending his lands and his clan? She knew that she was going too far with the questions, but she also knew that it was the only way to make him see reason, at least that's how she had always done it with him. Is it bad that she wants to feel you and melt under your skin?

    -No! It's not bad! He yelled, attracting several glances from around, including his men's. And one in particular.

    She walked running her hands through her hair over and over again, of course it wasn't bad, everything she had said was wonderful, sublime even, but if it had been with someone else, not with Elaynne. But that couldn't be. And he would regret each of his days for that.

    -So? he asked almost in a whisper caressing his arm, he knew he was exasperated, he knew him too much, but he also knew the way to return him to his calm state. He took the last blackberry he kept out of his pocket and, as if it were a small puppy, he ordered:

    "Come on, open your mouth.

    He, mesmerized by that gesture as always happened to him, obeyed him and received the prize that he liked so much. That woman put a spell on him, and he just wanted to die under that spell.

    "Okay, I'll talk to her.

    -Thank you! she exclaimed, now throwing herself into his arms.

    For a few seconds he allowed himself to feel what he always felt next to Ness, while she with sincere fraternity thanked him for the gesture, her lady and friend deserved it.

    "But don't think I'll apologize for my attitude.

    "I know, I don't think I've ever heard you apologize. Not even when we were little and I was right.

    "That's because I'm never wrong.

    -Or why...

    Don't go on, I know you, now go do your thing, I'm discussing important matters.

    ―Hmm, sure, I imagine, so important that they are discussed over beer and...women.

    Nessie, he tried to sound angry, but it was impossible, not with her.

    Now, it's okay, it's okay, I'm leaving my lord, he said, closing one of his green eyes that was so beautiful for him.

    As if nothing had happened, Nessie withdrew and entered the castle again, she did have several things to do before nightfall.

    Athol returned to the men to continue their important conversation, watching the reason for their smile recede.

    A while later, his friend and colonel already with several beers in his body spoke to him:

    I think you got your first scolding already, Broderic scoffed. Despite the years that will never change.

    The Laird looked at him with a frown, but he knew he was absolutely right.

    I got the first one when I greeted her early, she acknowledged with a half smile.

    For God's sake man, Alistair intervened angrily. Nobody can revolt with the Laird of their lands, you shouldn't allow that woman to talk to you like that. If he were in my domain... he thought.

    It's just that he doesn't know that woman, Broderic smiled at the thought of Nessie as she left the castle visibly upset towards the forest. Who could resist her?

    Exactly right, Athol agreed ruefully. Who could?

    All the comments that Alistair thought he kept to himself, it was hard for him to believe what he was hearing, and without further ado, he turned around and began to walk towards where his men were drinking beer and bothering some girls.

    After giving him some instructions on where to camp, he went to where Ray was, he needed to give him instructions before cleaning up to return to being a person with a normal appearance, not as he was now with a beard, curly hair and too long.


    On the other hand, while she was picking the blackberries, from the brambles, Nessie complained about the work she was having to do with Margarite's errand, if they had been for Marroc or Athol she would have been doing it with pleasure, but no, now she was cutting blackberries for a cake that they would make in honor of El Lobo. Without thinking about it much and without any care, every second she went further into the blackberry, her hair was tangled in the thorns while her dress was damaged a little more.

    Now I hate you a little more, he whispered to himself when he was about to take a good handful of blackberries.

    They say that madmen speak for themselves, said a voice behind her. That when he listened to her and made a move, he got more tangled and lost the little balls he was about to reach.

    Damn, what I was missing, she muttered annoyed and in pain, turning to him, a branch had scratched her face.

    It took her a while to recognize the man she now had in front of her. Now this one was clean and neat. He no longer had that bushy beard and his black hair fell neatly over his shoulders, while his penetrating black eyes looked at her. He took a breath almost out of inertia when he saw her mouth, fleshy and sensual, and without knowing how or why an electric current ran through it, producing heat that settled on his cheeks. She really would have to be blind not to see how handsome that man was. But what was he doing looking at her with a disapproving face and even more insinuating that she was crazy?

    I'm not crazy, I'm talking to myself that it's very different, or am I calling you crazy for worshiping an animal?

    Not just because you're talking to yourself, just look at you, your hair, your clothes, your mouth... He shouldn't have said that, it escaped him, it's not that there was anything wrong with his mouth, quite the contrary, it was just that it was almost black and surely it was because of the blackberries he had eaten.

    But what did you think?! she yelled angrily, yanking herself out of the brambles, taking with her several scratches that at any other minute would have made her swear. Am I crazy for talking to myself? And what do you adore a man who calls himself The Wolf who is nothing more than a human being just like you or me! Are you sure that the crazy one is me? oh!

    Alistair stood up when he heard her, he was really furious because of what he just heard, no one had ever insulted him like that and now a woman was doing it, she had no respect for him, he took a step forward while Nessie took another step back, going deeper in the blackberries feeling her heart beating so fast she could feel it in her throat. When she took the last step, she knew she couldn't go back any further, she was completely trapped.

    At the very moment that he had finished speaking to her, he had realized his mistake, that could bring consequences for him, so swallowing his pride and without further ado, in an apologetic tone, he spoke to him:

    I didn't mean to offend you or your...commander?

    Laird, he corrected haughtily.

    He was now finally enjoying the situation, that was the attitude he always expected and especially from women.

    Well, your Laird, but I find it hard to believe that they could adore an animal so much, she stated and closed her eyes automatically, once again her thoughts had spoken for her.

    Alistair raised an amused and very surprised eyebrow. The girl was truly terrific and exasperated him like no one else.

    When he opened his eyes again, he apologized again.

    You shouldn't say the first thing that crosses your mind, that will cause you problems.

    Don't tell me, he scoffed helplessly. Again.

    Hearing her, he sighed.

    Come, he ordered, holding out his hand to help him out.

    "Don't worry, I still have to continue collecting berries for the ani...

    Only an animal growl was heard from the man in front of him.

    "Excuse me, for your... Laird.

    You already have enough, he indicated, pointing to the basket that was on the floor. And if you don't keep eating them, it will be enough.

    Oh, no, I'm not eating them, she shielded herself with a disgusted face.

    -Oh no? Lying is a sin.

    I never lie, he defended himself.

    Then why do you have a purple mouth? he asked getting closer to her, making the great difference in sizes that occurred between them fully evident.

    "I was holding the bunch with my teeth, but the blackberry hairs itched and when I scratched some of them they fell apart. I don't like blackberries.

    He laughed as he imagined her like this, and something inside him that he didn't know began to vibrate.

    "Okay, but I think they're enough, plus you're...

    I already know how I am, it's not polite for you to remind me.

    "It's not polite for you to refer to people in bad terms either.

    Ah, no, I don't mean in bad terms, calling the... wolf an animal is not bad, after all if it's an animal, whether it's a man or a wolf, he gallantly emphasized the last words. The warrior had nothing to say, she had left him speechless. Again.

    As she tossed the last of the blackberries into the basket under his watchful eye, with a startled smile she announced that she was finished.

    Okay, now I can die in peace.


    -Oh no! It's just that you don't know Margarite. She's capable of killing me if I don't arrive with these berries, although I'll hold back a bit, she thought aloud.

    -And for what? If you do not like them.

    "Not me, but I know of a couple of people who adore them.

    -The wolf?

    No, people I'm really interested in, he replied thinking of Marroc and Athol and when he put some in his skirt pocket, Alistair reacted understanding who he was referring to.

    Without saying a word to him, he turned to quickly get out of there. It was the best for the girl, again the anger had grown inside her. Ultimately, that girl with the face of an angel was nothing more than a demon.

    Of course she didn't understand anything, and brushed it off. What else could be expected from someone who obeyed an animal?

    Minutes later, Nessie arrived in the kitchen to deliver the blackberries. She helped with the final preparations for the meal, then went to Lady Elaynne's room to see if she needed help dressing for the celebration.

    Why are you so dirty? was the first thing he said when he saw her.

    It's nothing, I just want to know if you need help.

    No, thanks, I can alone, go home to get ready, although I would like you to accept something.

    "No, you know I don't need anything.

    "Nessie, please, you're so good to me.

    "I'm good because you are too, so I don't need retribution of any kind.

    But I know you'll love it, he said making a pout that was very funny.

    Okay, she sighed resignedly. That thing is?

    This, he whispered, showing her a green dress that he had on the bed.

    -That! No! How can you think? I cannot accept this, no, impossible.

    Nessie, Ness, please, it's very important to me, I swear to God, she answered truthfully, even a little nervous because she'd accept the dress.

    "It's's too much, I can't accept it. It's too pretty and...fine for someone like me.

    Elaynne thought for a moment and blushed when she remembered what had happened minutes before in that same room.

    If you accept it, you would be doing me a great favor. And if you don't want to take it as a favor, it's an order. Choose.

    You can't do this to me, she begged.

    -Yes, I can. Now go, it's getting dark and you have to get ready.

    And you, who will help you?

    Well, now that you've accepted the gift, Athol, he mentioned, turning red. He'll ask for the tub to be brought up and he'll help me," he smiled.

    -Really?! he asked happily, his friend had finally understood the message, he felt happy.

    Aha, so now go, see you later, he stated, walking her to the door, handing her the dress.

    She left Elaynne's room happy, she even looked for Athol to congratulate him on the change in attitude, but not finding him and noticing that it was already getting dark, she decided to go home, she had to bathe and put on the pretty green dress that her friend had given her. given.

    When he was going home, he seriously thought about going to the river to cool off, but when he heard the voices of the Clan Cameron warriors, he quickly put the idea out of his head, he would have no choice but to do it at home.

    When he arrived, he noticed that the door was ajar, so he quickly lit a candle and picked up a stick. It took her a few seconds to see that there was no one in her home, just a small lump on her coffee-colored bed. She walked determined to take the package, when she opened it, she began to jump for joy.

    In his hands he had a blue glass ball, which would match the collection he had in the window. She forgot the time, the weather, what she had to get dressed, everything.

    She quickly left her house in the direction of the person she knew had given her something so beautiful. She took her dress in her hands so she could run better, and when she saw him on the parade ground, she ran even faster.

    Broderic, was cleaning his sword while talking to Ray about some new maneuvers they wanted to implement when he felt someone literally throw himself at his back, he almost fell flat on his face, his first impulse was to defend himself, but when he felt Nessie's warm arms he relaxed. and tried to turn around.

    A little embarrassed by the attitude, he separated from her, but she was not willing to leave it that easy.

    -Thank you thank you thank you! I don't know how to repay you for this, Broderic.

    -I do. Inviting me to your cabin. There will be a full moon.

    You're welcome tonight at my house after the party, she told him and kissed him again.

    Ray was stunned watching that spectacle of which of course he understood nothing. A few seconds later, Alistair joined, who was also on the parade ground, only in another place and recognizing the girl's voice like a moth that goes towards the light, he went to see what was happening.

    This is not a place for women, he yelled, annoyed to see her hanging from Broderic's neck again.

    That unpleasant tone of voice couldn't be from anyone other than the unbearable warrior who had left her talking to herself. She spun around and faced him.

    -You're talking to me?

    Is there another woman here?

    "It's just that since you didn't give me time to answer anything recently, now I don't have anything to tell you.

    Do you keep saying the first thing that crosses your mind? she asked as she watched how Broderic still had her by the waist.

    "Sir, don't worry, Nessie is leaving.

    Sir, why did you have to call him that? thought the young redhead as she separated from her friend so as not to bring him more trouble, but she had neither the time nor the inclination to find out the reason for that formalism.

    I'm going, of course I'm going, but this is a place for both men and women, he replied, glaring at him while he did the same and now softening his gaze, he turned to his friend. After the party, don't forget," she remembered and walked out as calm as ever.

    When she was gone Alistair roared:

    It's the second time that this woman comes to the parade ground, I don't want to see her around here, he said.

    That will be difficult, if not impossible, Broderic answered, annoyed at hearing how he treated his friend.

    I'll speak to Athol right now, he announced, and began to walk toward the castle. That situation had to end, it couldn't be that the young woman entered a fighting place and distracted the men while they trained, although to tell the truth that wasn't what bothered him, but he wouldn't even admit it to anyone dead.

    To his bad luck, he did not find the Laird anywhere and when he asked for him, they informed him that he was taking a bath in his room. But he had to talk to someone, he walked around the room a couple of times until he saw a solution in Marroc, yes, he would have to understand.

    Chapter II

    Nessie had forgotten to get ready, now her only concern was to hang her new glass under the window frame, so that it would illuminate her little cabin with colors. She stayed for a moment contemplating the dance of lights that they produced at the moment when the moon appeared in all its magnificence to settle on the sky, yes, that would be a night full of colors for her.

    When a good time had passed, she regretfully washed herself, combing her curly hair loose, which she adorned with some wild flowers. The last thing she did was put on the dress.


    In the castle the festivities had already begun, everyone was gathered in the main hall. The banquet was tremendous, worthy of a great celebration. Typical Scottish dishes were served on large platters resting on wooden tables, various wild boar and deer were part of the evening's tasting. Even the smell of stew could be smelled from the village, mingling with the smell of beer that Nessie loathed so much.

    The men of the Mackay clan, encouraged by Marroc who had come down especially to the celebration, encouraged their Laird to kiss his wife's sweet. Elaynne, happy with how the ceremony was taking place, allowed herself to be kissed by her husband, although he did not seem entirely happy, it was enough for her to feel his warm lips on her skin.

    Alistair, with a mug of beer in his hand, looked towards the entrance door of the room, every minute that passed he became more furious. The celebration had started quite some time ago. Everyone enjoyed and laughed, even the cooks were already eating and the girl who exasperated him so much had not yet appeared.

    He had been tempted several times to ask Broderic about her, since they seemed quite close. But he categorically refused to do it and let himself be captivated by a woman. For that he knew that there were many and that he did not have to make any effort, it was known by all that to heat his bed he only had to choose.

    Marroc reached his side, helped by Athol and Broderic to start a toast, when suddenly the old man stopped dead to look in the direction of the door.

    His three companions and several other men stopped what they were doing and kept their eyes fixed on the entrance to the room. Alistair turned to see what was entertaining them and the first thing he felt was that his strength was faltering and his reason was clouded.

    It took him several seconds to comprehend the vision in front of him, but when he did his mouth opened in a perfect O. Then, hoping no one would notice, he closed it to return to its original position. And then he looked again in the direction of the woman who appeared before them.

    She looked beautiful, her green eyes standing out more strongly, her curly red hair with lighter streaks falling freely down her neck to finally rest on her breasts. Yes, there was no doubt and he couldn't deny it anymore, Nessie was beautiful and he felt incredibly attracted to that exasperating woman. He inhaled a couple of times, he felt that he had run out of breath as he fervently scrutinized her with his gaze darkened by lust.

    But in those moments...

    Holy God! Was this the same dress she had seen Athol buy in a store in town? Alistair took the mug of beer to his mouth, he had to drink something to swallow the bitter lump he felt in his throat. Of course, now things were starting to click together like a perfect gear. He should have discovered it sooner, but something or someone clouded his reason.

    Athol, as possessed by what he saw, rose from his chair with a smile that no one had ever seen on his face. She hadn't been wrong, the dress looked spectacular on her, it was as if it had been made for her. She was simply exquisite, a lady worthy of accompanying any man. When he made as if to move to go look for her, a withered hand settled on his, preventing him from doing so.

    Nessie, believing that she was being observed, felt very nervous and indecisive, she wanted to continue advancing, but it seemed that a transparent wall was preventing her from doing so.

    Broderic, who knew her better than anyone, was sure that she would rather die than show how she felt, that little warrior did not show weakness to anyone. And feeling her so vulnerable, he decided to do something to help her, even if it was disrespectful to leave the gentlemen alone.

    He stood up and went to meet her.

    Alistair wanted to stop the commander, but he knew that by doing so he would expose himself and be the laughing stock of his men, he was not chasing any woman, less a whore like that, who was also the Laird's lover. So he had no choice but to pretend he wasn't interested. And with that stop looking at the neckline that had him completely spellbound. He glared at every man looking at her, including his good friend Ray, who had been just as shocked at the girl's change.

    A sigh from the soul was released by Nessie when her great friend came to her side, and magically her legs began to move.

    You look incredible, Ness, I think today you will attract the attention of many warriors.

    -No! She said horrified. That is not my intention, Broderic, and you know it. Milady gave it to me this afternoon and I...I couldn't say no. Please, please stay with me tonight," he begged, not begged.

    Broderic laughed when he heard his friend so complicated, he had never seen her like this in his life.

    If I stay with you tonight, Lowenna won't grant me any dances, she apologized with a smile.

    Do you like Lowenna?! he asked in surprise.

    "More than that, Ness.

    My God, what am I going to do now? she thought aloud without realizing it as she passed by the men who looked at her and devoured with their eyes. Until he heard Marroc's kind voice.

    ―You are a pleasure to behold, my daughter, my great friend must be proud looking at you from heaven.

    Thank you, he answered almost in a whisper, since when he remembered his father a special shine had come into his wonderful eyes, making them more intense.

    If I were a few years younger, daughter, I would be dancing with you right now.

    But what are you saying, Marroc, you're still young, Ray questioned him, still not getting over his astonishment, even less having her so close, the girl was indeed beautiful, and he was willing to woo her.

    At that moment, Lady Elaynne came up to them, who, seeing her friend, only wanted to praise her.

    "You look really beautiful.

    Thank you, milady, she acknowledged, more and more embarrassed. He didn't like flattery, let alone so many in such a short time.

    The first to withdraw was Broderic, who, seeing that his girl was pouting at him, almost ran to her side.

    Doesn't that look very nice, Athol? asked his wife making him clear his throat to answer.

    That color suits you very well, she replied, although what she really wanted was to tell her that she was the most beautiful woman in the room and even in all of Scotland.

    After a while, the girls withdrew and when the music began to play, the men of the village along with some warriors took the opportunity to ask the young women of the place to dance. Lowenna and Broderic were among the first, as they were followed by men of the Cameron clan, who were behaving very well thus far.

    Everyone was chatting happily and Marroc was enjoying everyone's happiness as he drank some beer and ate some smuggled blackberries that Nessie had brought him.

    Well, well, why don't they ask the girls to dance? The old man inquired, looking at his son and the fierce warrior in front of him. There are two girls I know who dance very well, and they would be happy to dance with you.

    "I don't like to dance, father.

    But your wife does, it's enough to see her eyes to know that she wants to do it, and she won't be able to do it with anyone, so get up and ask her to dance, she scolded harshly and then charged back to attack Alistair. You could do the same with my girl, so you stop looking at her.

    Athol hadn't realized that, because since she and his wife had gone to sit away from them, he only looked at her, he turned his head annoyed like a demon to look at his friend and battle partner.

    I am a warrior, not a dancer. What would my warriors think if they see El Lobo" dancing?

    Wolf, Marroc smiled. You look like a puppy when you look at my girl, I noticed it when she came in, and since she left you haven't stopped looking at her. Your castle needs a lady and you need a woman to give you offspring. If I tell you this, it's because I know what you're missing.

    "What are you saying, father?! He roared annoyed and Alistair immediately knew why, but he didn't need anyone to defend him, or anyone to tell him what to do.

    ―The truth, my son, only the truth, just as you also need offspring, Alistair will also need it, you already have the lady of your castle.

    I do not lack a woman to warm my bed, and I do not need a wife to give me offspring.

    And you pretend to have a bastard son so that the other clans do not respect him? Is that what you're after, Alistair Cameron? He scolded him severely.

    If he is the son of El Lobo no one will dare to despise him, he said, pissed off at the direction the conversation was taking.

    You will not be eternal to him, just as I will not be to my son either, it is the law of life.

    With all due respect, Marroc, you should worry more about Athol's offspring than mine, I'm not married, he is, he defended himself like a frightened puppy, to which the aforementioned quickly defended himself.

    "The offspring will arrive when the time is right.

    Oh you should try harder, maybe, Marroc rebutted.


    I'm just saying what I see, he announced with a shrug.

    Not willing to take it anymore, Athol went to where his wife was talking and without saying a word, he took her by the waist and asked her to dance. She happily put her hands on her neck and let herself be touched by the man of her dreams.

    After a few seconds, the old man attacked again. He knew that he had little time left in this world, and he wanted to leave all things running smoothly before leaving for the other side, and one of them was to leave his best friend's daughter in good hands, since capricious fate did not leave him. doing it in the ones he would have wanted, at least he would leave her in ones that he did trust.

    But being a Laird was more than just owning land, you had to make unions and unite clans to survive and thus be able to live in peace, sometimes the sacrifices were more than the gains, especially when matters of the heart had been involved.

    ―If you dance, you will show your men that apart from being a warrior you also know how to have fun.

    I think that's not important.

    "Oh yes it is. It's called camaraderie.

    For dancing, I won't be a better person, Marroc, he blurted out while he did not stop watching how Nessie got rid of the arm of a waiter with considerable difficulty. He couldn't deny that he was too attracted to that girl, he saw her laugh or hug someone and his insides turned, even more so now that he knew she was Athol's lover. Why didn't she want anything with him?

    Marroc watched as everyone danced, while his girl had a complicated face that he didn't like at all.

    I know you don't want to dance with my girl, but you could go help her, I think she's a bit complicated.

    If she hadn't put on that dress, he huffed, getting up to go to her rescue.

    It's not the dress's fault, it looks wonderful on her.

    If you say so, he sighed in exasperation. Better get Nessie out of trouble, since he was also bothering the attitude of that man. I'm going to help her.

    Marroc just smiled and toasted himself. At last things were taking

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