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Mr Costabal
Mr Costabal
Mr Costabal
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Mr Costabal

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Sometimes we believe that we have life resolved, we are full and happy until, in the blink of an eye, everything can change, showing you that you can be left with nothing. And when it happens, we are left with no choice but to put on our armor, go out into the world, and fight our own demons.
Mauricio Costabal, or the devil, as he is called at work, is a true H.D.P.: arrogant, arrogant, selfish... but totally tempting, who takes what he wants when he wants it, until he meets someone else who makes him realizing that his heart is not as inert as he wants to believe, because just with a smile he could change everything, but he, Mr. Costabal, is not willing to accept it, so he will do the only thing he is good at: turn off that damn light.
Beatriz Andrade is an intelligent, vivacious young woman, determined to follow her dreams and to find Prince Charming who will take her in his arms and give her the long-awaited kiss of love, but not all those who have armor are. And she learns it when he appears, the most despotic man she had ever met, which even changes her way of thinking. And since to be with the devil you have to be willing to sin, she will try, although that is not why she is willing to abandon her long-awaited fairy tale. But we all know that... whoever plays with fire will get burned.
Will Beatriz be able to tame the devil that lives inside Mr. Costabal and not lose herself in the attempt?
Is love really strong enough to pull someone out of the dark?

Release dateFeb 23, 2023
Mr Costabal

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    Book preview

    Mr Costabal - Mitchell Davis


    Table of Contents

    Beatriz Andrade

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Mauricio Costabal

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9


    Mr Costabal

    Author: Mitchell Davis

    © Copyright 2023–All Rights Reserved

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    *Note: Please do not read if you are under the age of 18

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Beatriz Andrade

    Chapter 1


    Don't look the Devil in the eye... you can end up falling in love


    My head is about to burst, it's the fourth beer I've drunk, but of course, that's not why I feel like a balloon about to burst, but because...

    What did you ask me for? I didn't hear you with so much noise, the bartender tells me, taking me out of my personal reverie.

    Four ice-cold beers, please, I repeat, taking out my plastic, which now really has to put up with me.

    When she hands them over to me, happy but loaded like a donkey, I reach the table where my friends are waiting for me. The first to raise an eyebrow in the form of disapproval is Claudia.

    Sorry... He speaks in his characteristic tone, one that I hate, especially now. What are you supposed to pay for that with?


    Enough, Clau, you've been scolding her all night, let the poor thing at least get drunk to pass the pain, my other friend Paula, alias, the conciliator, interrupted to defend me.

    Oh no, that's not it. You don't have to get drunk over a jerk like that, we women are strong and we don't cry over...

    —Yeah, cut the feminist roll —Paula speaks again, sharply cutting Francisca, the feminist of the group. The one that takes us to all the marches that exist for women's rights, the same one that didn't give everyone the T-shirt: "Y vo´ creí que soy weona" and that I love to wear so much on the weekend.

    —Stop arguing and drink this beer, which will be the last one I'll be able to pay you for a long time.

    —Don't be pessimistic, you'll see that everything will be for the better, and if not, I'll help you sink your bastard boss.

    You ex-boss! —Claudia and Paula exclaim in unison, finally receiving the beers, which I am grateful for, my arms were already frozen.

    I feel comfortable settling in so that I can finally finish telling the story with luxuries and details, without keeping anything to myself, totally, that's what friends are for, to listen to each other through thick and thin, and the truth is that I have the best .

    I inevitably think of my poor tata, who is surely rolling in his grave now. So many times that she told me: Respect to be respected and never exceed the limits, that men always take advantage of the opportunity or when she told me: Everything is better with a smile on your lips. Too bad that played a trick on me, or not. Actually, if I think about it, it wasn't the smile, it was just my stupidity or...

    —Because it was hot, there is no other explanation.

    Of course there is! —Francisca jumps into the attack—, it's the typical cliché of the pure point, only you seem to have never heard it," she mocks.

    —No, —Claudia choked— it was: Promise until you...

    Enough, I'm here, stop making fun of me.

    —Yes, leave her alone, the only culprit here is this Mauricio, and there's no more.

    Yes... I sigh to myself, the only culprit is Mauricio Costabal, my boss.

    I still remember when he got to the fifth floor, or rather when I was promoted to the accounting floor and it was my turn to bring him the first report. Just thinking about it makes my beer rise up my throat. Tall, dark and with a perverse look that is accompanied by a seductive smile that is capable of putting anyone at his feet. Me, literally one of them.

    I swear by the one above that I have never noticed him before. I had been working for the company for three years and I had only seen him sometimes in the cafeteria, always with that smile of the devil on the lookout for his next soul, which I always avoided because I'm more of a coward who doesn't go after his prey, to That's why the world already has Claudia, who puts the bullet where she puts her eye.

    But when we started sharing a flat, everything changed, I no longer only saw him, but we also had more and more extensive conversations. I would be lying if I said that they were from something other than work, but the truth is that his hoarse good morning, or his Miss Andrade, did you bring me the report? They melted me completely, but not so much when he told me: Congratulations, I don't know what I would do without you and of course, in response and as if I were a puppy, one of those who use taxis that shakes his head up and down, he He answered with a smile thank you, sir. That's how silly I got, and that's how it all began. I no longer only wore the first thing I took out of the closet in the morning, but I started choosing my clothes, I even bought a couple of suits, Anastasia Steele style. Tube skirt and silk shirt. But of course, what did he do? Tell me that he had thrown me over for a couple of years like that, that I looked like a management secretary and not an accounting assistant.

    Pathetic was the softest thing my subconscious yelled at me. But his comment, instead of lowering my morale, did the opposite. That was the day I decided that nothing my dear boss told me would matter to me anymore. If she didn't like Executive Secretary Barbie, she wouldn't try to like her anymore, if she liked what she wore well and if not too. And that's when I began to listen to the feminist that we all carry inside, and of course, so much march, so much women's rights that I didn't even know existed, created a new trend in me: I like it, it suits me, it's mine. This is how I began a pleasant relationship with transparencies, necklines and two-piece suits.

    But that particular morning, that is, today at half past six, I woke up in the midst of a universal deluge. It was raining from bottom to top and to make matters worse, it was April 30, the last day to deliver or declare income tax, and our office still had reports to declare. As a great idea, thinking that the subway would be too full, it occurred to me to take a taxi to get there faster, and... What a big mistake of mine! Apart from costing me a lot of money, it took me almost twice as long since the streets were packed with cars that, of course, due to the rain, were advancing at less than a kilometer per hour. Seeing that we were stuck in traffic, another great idea occurred to me. Getting off and running down the sidewalk, it wasn't that long, almost a block, but with the wind and the expensive thousand-peso umbrella that I had bought at the subway exit, everything was disastrous. At the first blizzard it turned around letting all the drops crash directly into my body.

    Late, frozen, and wet I arrived at the office and when the elevator doors opened, obviously empty due to the hour, horror came into my life, the mirror returned a sinister image, even the woman from the movie El hoop had better appearance than me, and thus, yes, I could not reach my apartment, and even less face my dear boss. Straight to the bathroom below, I would go up to the remaining dignified and impeccable floor. I had to add almost twenty more to the forty minutes late that it was. Conclusion, the only day that they asked us to arrive at half past eight, we would arrive an hour later.

    I greeted my colleagues who were immersed in the latest reports, none returned my greeting, they were too busy to talk. As I was hanging up my coat I heard:

    —The only day that punctuality is required and you arrive late, good night, Miss Andrade.

    Standing impeccably dressed in a sure bespoke suit was the devil himself, trident and all. His voice was soft, but with a tone of reproach that was impossible to hide.

    —I had a problem, the rain...

    The storm, Miss Andrade, he corrects me, looking out the window. It was announced for days, if I saw the news I would know.

    My mouth dropped open in a perfect O news? What minute? If I had left after nine last week and arrived at my apartment almost ten-thirty, when could I watch the news? Of course, since he was leaving at eight o'clock, in his luxury car (yes, I know it sounds resentful but I was) I was sure he listened to the news and even the weather reports from Timbuktu.

    Now I'll catch up, I'll make up for lost time, I answer, avoiding his gaze, he looked really superb, and that didn't help my nervousness.

    —I hope so, because at three in the afternoon all the reports must be delivered —and looking at my companions, he continued— after sending them you can go home, you deserve the rest. Of course this is not for you, Miss Andrade, you must pay the hour late, then take the summary of our clients' income reports to my office.

    Shall I mail them to you? I ask very softly.

    —I think you didn't hear me correctly, you take them with you —he emphasizes the verb to take as if I were an idiot, and the truth is that I was because I didn't understand why I should take them on paper, if I could send him an email with all the information.

    I had been making income tax returns for two years and had never made a report on paper. I looked at him coldly and as my grandfather used to say, with a smile on my lips I told him that there was no problem, relieved because my voice had sounded clear and specific.

    I sat down and took the stack of reports that I had left to review and tried to carry on as if he was not looking at me, just as if nothing happened I began my ritual, turning on the pc and holding my hair with a blue Bic pen.

    There are bows, he grumbles almost in a whisper as he walks out from in front of my desk, finally leaving us all alone.

    One by one I began reviewing and submitting the reports, until inadvertently it was lunchtime and all my classmates started leaving.

    Suddenly the smell of steaming coffee made me look up, finally after all morning seeing something other than numbers on a screen. There was Raúl, my partner, with a glass in one hand and a sandwich in the other.

    This won't be a good lunch, but at least it will help you stave off your hunger.

    And don't you have something that makes me put up with the boss? I ask laughing.

    —Hmm... I've been looking for that for five years and nothing.

    A priest, will it do?

    -For? the poor man asks now, not understanding anything.

    To perform an exorcism on him, I conclude, and inevitably we both burst out laughing that reverberates throughout the floor.

    I continued concentrating on what I was doing, until the damn clock, which wasn't my friend, struck three, and just as I thought it would, my happy companions began to leave, I didn't blame them. Outside you could even see lightning and loud claps of thunder, some that sometimes even made me tremble.

    At ten past four I sent the last income tax and now all I had to do was print a report with all the clients, and I could go home. Put on my pajamas, go to bed and watch some love movie so that I would go into a diabetic coma.

    -Noooo! I squeal as the building's light flickers and my computer shuts down, thank goodness it was only for a second, but a second that made me see green, blue, and gray donkeys. If my information was erased, no one would save me, so I quickly took out my flash drive and recorded all the information, even if everything disappeared, I would have a copy, and since Juan Segura lived for many years, with a big smile I walked to the photocopy room.

    I put my gadget in the USB port and as if I were a girl at Christmas I clapped when the leaves started to come out, I could finally breathe in peace! And in honor of that and how hungry I was, I went for my prize, a great coffee that the wonderful coffee pot we had would give me. That was when the light blinked again, but this time for several more seconds.

    Hysterical I ran through the corridors while I remembered each and every one of the doodles I knew and said them out loud, when I arrived I was met with total disaster. It was something so simple, a few photocopies and that's it, and what had happened? Easy, the whole world was conspiring against me, each letter-size sheet that that demonic machine spit out had a huge ink stain, and to top it off, the last ones were They had jammed, there was no point in going back to my desk and trying again, there was no power, only the emergency lights were on.

    I walked down the hall with my soul on the ground, surely my boss would eat me alive, and this time he would be right, I had not completed a simple task and the worst thing is that I would have to put up with him calling me anything but pretty.

    One, two, three... I breathed and played cautiously, like someone walking straight to meet the devil himself.


    I passed, I saw the gloomy office in all its splendor, behind his desk the window that faced the street showed me a wonderful view of the forest park with its lanterns already lit by the hour.

    Sitting with his tie loose, as if waiting to take my soul away, was Mr. Costabal, he even had the sleeves of his neat white shirt rolled up to his elbows.

    I'm sorry, I began to justify myself in a low voice, the reports... Stop it, I told myself, neither the truth nor the best apology were going to save me, I deduced that from the malevolent smile that he now wore on his face, so as if by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit, a wave of courage suddenly washed over me, and if I died, I would do it with dignity. What could the devil do to me?

    -He said? He smiled arrogantly.

    Without looking at him so as not to lose my recent courage, I went up to him and decisively put the flash drive on the desk, he said nothing, but it was enough to look at him for a single second to know what was going through his head, and just as my courage had appeared to dissapear. Of course, if he had a less attractive smile, everything would be easier...

    I cleared my throat a few times and gave myself the mental strength to continue, but he seemed too calm for my liking, and that was giving me the willies.

    The full report on the clients we've... The words caught in my mouth and my lungs refused to breathe. His hand, his big, heavy, warm hand now lodged in the beginning of the waistband of my skirt and slowly moved down to the south.

    Never, ever, ever, had he even come close to touching me, not even his hand! And now he was doing much more than that. Every muscle in my body tensed. What the fuck was going on? The conscious, sane part of my mind was screaming at me: bullying and of course to take her hand away, but my body was clearly on another tune and wanted a little more. The first to betray me were my nipples that stood erect, getting in tune with my heart, which was now pumping at a thousand kilometers per hour making me want more, much more. As the words vanished from my vocabulary, his hand continued down the scoop of my bottom to my thighs. Not a sound except the gasping of our breaths could be heard.

    "Turn around.

    His voice, that voice that I imagined in my wettest dreams, was coming true and this time I was not in the middle of the night sweating for a utopia, I was about to experience it live and direct, and the worst thing was that, wanted and wanted it now! After all, who doesn't want an affair with the devil?

    When his hand slid down my hip I trembled and I kept feeling how his palm burned me at the mere touch of my skin. For the first time in my life I looked into his eyes and our gazes met, not as an employee and a boss, but as two people who wanted each other. His breathing was as disturbed as mine and his jaw was so clenched that I thought that at any moment his teeth would break, ruining his perfect smile. I saw in his eyes a plea for permission, I knew that if I stopped him I could leave at that moment and he wouldn't stop me, but I couldn't, my hormones were totally revolutionized celebrating something that in private they always asked me. I had never felt like this, determined and above all relaxed, clearly I wasn't caring about anything and I was just letting myself go, feeling a thousand sensations, each one more pleasant than the other.

    -What's going on? he asks me, knowing the answer as well as I do, it didn't take a genius to figure it out.

    I should ask that, I answer with my eyes fixed on his, at that moment I could read all his intentions, and that's how it was, I wasn't wrong. His hands descended to under my skirt, and as if it obeyed his purposes, he rose without resisting. Then came glory, his fingers rummaged under my stockings until they reached the tiny thong that thank the universe I had put on. Until I felt how one of them burned my skin and instead of moving away I sighed, spreading my legs even more, I wanted him to continue and deepen his entry. I tried to contain a moan when he touched my clitoris but it was impossible, the pleasure was intense and I was already too delivered, but not only I felt that way, when I looked up I noticed that Mauricio was the same or worse than me, in fact his face was contracted, waging the same inner battle against pleasure.

    This is better than I imagined, he whispers softly, I imagined us like this many times, he admits, closing his eyes, as if his confession weighed on him. Then as if it were a paper he ripped the lace of my thong, leaving me totally exposed. When I realized it, I looked at him furiously, and what did he do? Put on that same damn smug expression he always did, how I hated him! But he didn't give me time to react, he lifted me up as if I were a feather and in a matter of seconds all the papers on the desk fell to the floor. This time I couldn't separate my legs when he was already doing it and I gasped harder when his fingers slid back, in and out at a frantic pace that I never wanted to stop.

    If I was in glory before, now I was simply in limbo, and I needed a little more. Clearly loving caresses were not his thing, and this certain brutality to put it in some way was too good for him, I knew he was a determined man, he was my boss, but this was going with everything. I looked at the ceiling to breathe a little better, adjusting myself to receive my long-awaited orgasm, but when I would see the entire galaxy, it stopped, stopped moving and looked at me.

    Just when I was going to say a couple of things, not so nice, his meaty mouth collided with mine making me swallow each of my insults. Never, never before had I been kissed like that and I would be lying if I didn't say that with that kiss I ended up losing my mind, it was as if I were fucking myself with my tongue, because clearly love wasn't doing it to me.

    Like an animal in heat I took him by the lapel bringing him a little closer, while he with an agility worthy of admiration in record time, unbuckled his belt and began to lower his pants.

    Now I want you to finish what you started, I dared to say, and Costabal let out a guttural sound from the bottom of his being, I knew he was losing his sanity, because one thing was certain, I alone wouldn't burn in hell. And suddenly, as if they were left over, the buttons of my blouse jumped while his hands began to rush up without stopping anywhere except in... my breasts, which he was now touching divinely strong making me sigh. I complained? No, I stuck to his body even more. Mauricio squeezed my nipples and I screamed unleashed.

    He came closer again and instead of silencing me again with a kiss, he bit my neck. I even thought it would leave a bruise, but... I even wanted it to be like that.

    —You can't even imagine what I want to do to you... here and now.

    After those words, unable to hold on for another second, the crazy woman in me pulled down his pants and boxers, finally releasing his erection which, of course, was erect, hard and ready for action, just as he was touching me. me, I touched him.

    You could only see lust in his eyes and ease in his body, he finished raising my skirt and pushed me against the table and before saying water, his penis entered me with a single and accurate thrust.

    Not a single thought dared to go through my head, nor did shame enter the equation, it was the best thing that had happened to me so far in my life, and... it was just for me.

    I smiled like a fool.

    Have you never done anything like this before? he asks through clenched teeth, slamming his hips against my spreading thighs. I imagined that.

    You're wrong, I say to provoke him, I wouldn't agree with him. This is nowhere near my best time.

    -That? he asks stunned, slowing down just as I was at the end of the abyss.

    That... I respond nonchalantly, trying to get closer, but of course, I should already be used to the changes of this man who brought me through the fifth hell.

    Look at me, Andrade, she orders me and I went back to being the obedient administrator, beg me for more.

    I did know that tone, it was the one he used whenever he wanted something, typical of someone like him, and of course, now he would make me beg. In the other life, because in this one... not even shitting.


    His smile widened with glee making it clear to me that he had won, I wanted like never before to smack him in the face, as if he were a neighborhood bully, and erase his smile, but the moment he came closer again and rubbed against me, my body returned to betray me, asking for the so damned more.

    -Single word.

    In the afterlife, I growl through gritted teeth.

    You're not capable, he challenges me and the next thing I feel is when his legs part mine, he pulls my hips leaving me at his beck and call.



    -I knew it.

    Shut up and finish what you started, let's see if it's as good as you say I was tempting him to finish what he had started without having to beg him, but the truth was that his closeness was driving me crazy, he laughed in my ear It seemed that he knew what I wanted and of course, when he moved, I gasped in response and unable to formulate an answer, I began to feel each of his thrusts, I didn't care to feel his triumph, nor his warm smile in my ear, much less his teeth putting pressure on my neck. I suddenly lost all control as blistering heat began to invade me. My legs wrapped around his waist, holding him tightly while tremors ran through my body, the orgasm finally overwhelmed me, leaving me breathless, at times intense, at times uncontrolled and frantic, I was on a roller coaster of sensations.

    After a few seconds I began to breathe more calmly, somewhat recovering my composure. I let go of my legs and Mauricio held my head so that I wouldn't avoid his gaze, and after looking at me intensely he spoke to me:

    Clearly, am I as good as you thought?

    A heat, of course very different, invaded me this time, how could you be so handsome and so arrogant at the same time? I ran my hands up his neck and pulled at his hair in protest, expecting an adverse reaction to what I felt next, he clung to me and his penis grew in a matter of seconds.

    Now, let's see if you're as good as you think you are, seasoned woman.

    I no longer wanted to pull his hair, I wanted to pull it out with my own hands, but the intelligent part that I still had asked me to calm down, before that, like the expert he thought I was, I took his penis to caress it. Thick and long and completely shaved, the best thing I'd ever seen, but I wouldn't tell him that.

    I'm going to show you how expert I know I am.

    At that moment he tensed, while I did not stop caressing him, until I felt a deep and hoarse moan, I raised my head to look at him and delight myself while he had his closed and tight, for the first time in years I felt that I had the power and Instead of continuing with what I was doing, I removed my hand and in record time lowered my skirt, looking at him smugly.

    I haven't finished, he managed to say stunned, what are you doing?

    Give myself a treat for the first time since I've worked with you, I call him for the first time, taking a step back, now I could even see his horns and tail. And before my bravery left along with my sanity I ran to the door, slammed the door and left the office, I couldn't stay another single minute, neither in that office nor in the company. I took my bag and with a calm and temper that I did not possess I went outside to take a taxi.

    I did not allow myself to tremble even once, instead I wrote to the WhatsApp of my group of friends.

    I screwed up for being hot, I need them at the bar.

    Planet Earth calling Beatriz Andrade, Claudia speaks to me a couple of times, bringing me back to the sad reality.

    Ya...ya, I heard you, I reply, joining the conversation again.

    Well, what are you going to do now? Paula asks with a condescending face, she only needs to touch my leg to make me feel even more miserable.

    I don't know, I sigh.

    How come you don't know? Well, I'll tell you, Fran clarifies, standing up so I can hear her loud and clear. You, with your best face, tomorrow you will report to work and you will pretend nothing happened, you are a brave woman, and just as they go around dropping their pants, we women can also do the same - she recites as if she were a statement of equality more than advice.

    -Oh my God! I grab my head with both hands. Why did it happen to me?

    In that minute my friends looked at each other and together they shouted:

    —For hot!!

    Chapter 2


    The devil knows more for being old than for being a devil


    After the beers that I drank last night at the bar and the bottle of wine that I finished taking down in my apartment, of course, today I wake up not with a headache, but with an ax blow that really splits me half to half, and You don't have to be badly thoughtful to know that it's my head and not something else that's splitting me.

    As if time, the universe and life conspired against me. Today is wonderful, even in HDP, I can even see the cableways of the mountain range and I, despite being nine in the morning, am lying with the pillow on top of my head, and yes, it's Friday, a working day.

    Since I feel that I am a vampire, the first thing I do is close the curtains so that the light does not enter, I want to continue submerged in my personal darkness, the only thing I intend to do for myself is brush my teeth, and that is because I can't stand it I.

    When I come back from the bathroom the sound of my apartment phone makes me jump, I run to answer it so it stops ringing.


    —Six calls to your cell phone and you don't answer any of them?! Can you tell me what the fuck you do at home if you have a job?! my friend, the women's rights defender, Francisca, yells at me. Because of attitudes like these, women are classified as the weaker sex —the feminist roll comes out at me starting the morning.

    And what did you want me to do?

    —Lift your ass, put on your best face and go earn your bread, it has taken you a long time to get to where you are. Or do you have a patron who pays you for college credit?

    —Forget it, I don't have the face to go back, and stop yelling at me that my head is splitting.

    —Another thing is what they should break for you to come to your senses.

    Fran, I sigh tired, I love you, but now I'm going to cut you off.

    "I don't know...

    I don't let her finish, I cut her off or I'll be listening to the song for at least another hour. In order not to continue giving explanations, I simply disconnect the telephone cable, I need to sleep and thus have a clear mind to know what to do with my future, of course, if I have any and my bastard boss, sorry from my ex boss I didn't puts the reputation on the ground.

    Sleeping for hours, dreaming of never-neverland, my stomach wakes me up screaming for something to eat, since I don't even feel like cooking, Jinhao, the little Chinese on the corner, will be my best solution.

    This is how I end up spending the day, eating, sleeping and lamenting. To say that it is one of the worst days of my life, it goes without saying, between sleeping and waking up sweating from having dreamed of the devil or rather what he did to me. I think I'll go crazy, but by God I enjoyed it, just by remembering it a silly smile blooms on my lips.

    On Saturday, the day is radiant again, it's as if fate laughed at me.

    It's over, I speak to myself out loud, I do it to reactivate my neurons. I close the curtains, open the windows and ventilate not only the smells, which there are, but also my heart. After all, I haven't killed anyone either, have I?

    I turn on my cell phone that takes time to be usable as messages, calls, WhatsApps, emails, etc. begin to enter. I don't look at any, the emails are surely from my office, or saying goodbye or scolding me for not going on such an important day. The WhatsApps and calls are from my friends, and I still don't want to face them.

    I go directly to the music application and start listening to my love, my idol, Arjona. Nothing better than doing the cleaning with my love poet guru. I tie my hair into a tail and start pulling up rugs, moving furniture, shaking lamps, and so little by little I manage to forget about my situation.

    Suddenly I look at my watch and I realize that the day has advanced until sunset, it is seven in the evening and my house shines like the sun that hid from me. I literally fall back on the overstuffed chair to see the wonder my mansion has become... and yes, I like it. At least something I have ordered in my life.

    To celebrate and to feed myself I decide to go shopping, I need to have supplies because I'm sure the girls will come in droves tonight, and I'd rather they have a full stomach than eat me. I just put on a vest, which looks like granny's, and I go out into the street.

    The first to receive me is the concierge, who is surprised to see me so disheveled, I know that from his face, I'm even wearing slippers! But to go to Doña Juanita's store, the least I need is glamor.

    After swearing and swearing to my neighbor, the talking newspaper, that I'm fine, that my dirty and greasy hair is from cleaning, that the dark circles are from so much work and that my clothes are because I'm all wet. Feeling sorry for me, he gives me a bar of chocolate, since I'm low on sugar and I need to raise my blood sugar until I'm in a diabetic coma, I open it and like a girl I'm not, I start chewing on the bar as I walk back looking at how beautiful the sunset is.

    Just before arriving, an adrenaline attack of laughter attacks me, and all thanks to the chocolate, which was not only because I ate it, or rather gobbled it up in a jiffy, but because I'm also sucking my fingers, just like a brat who doesn't she wants her parents to catch her.

    That's where I'm when I really feel my heart stop beating and my breathing stop dead. I blink a few times to see if it's hallucinations from last night's alcohol, or if the universe has really taken its toll on me.

    Standing, leaning against one of those trucks, all terrain, with his arms crossed, penetrating me with his gaze, is the devil. I inevitably do a thorough scan: black sweatpants with a sweatshirt of the same color, a couple of days' stubble and wet, messy hair, but the devil is the devil even if he's dressed in sportswear.

    Miss Andrade, he greets me with that damn smile that makes a stitch go straight to my crotch.

    Yes... Mr. Costabal!

    —If I see her laughing and walking —she makes a parenthesis to walk towards me as if nothing and nobody else existed—, I deduce that she didn't miss work yesterday because she's sick.

    No... no... sir.

    And if it isn't, would you be so kind as to tell me why?

    I look at him opening my eyes and my mouth at the same time, this man is an idiot or is kidding me, there are no other options, and I, it seems that I have also forgotten the gift of reasoning, although I already know that with him, that makes me Happens more often than I'd like.

    Because...because of what happened on Thursday, I answer so slowly that I can barely hear myself.

    Do you want us to talk about this here on the street, Miss Andrade, or in your apartment?

    -That! —I yell now, raising my voice—, in my apartment!

    Well, as you prefer, he begins to say while my janitor, Mr. Copucha, is already approaching with the broom in hand, and not to give him the broom, but to pretend to sweep and thus be able to listen to all our conversation. What happened between us...

    No, I cut him off energetically, grabbing his arm so he could follow me, in my apartment.

    As if he were a wolf in sheep's clothing, he greets Don Copucha smiling as he walks behind without saying anything.

    When we get into the elevator I get as far away from her body as possible, elevators have something or so they say out there, and I don't intend to experience more in my life. For novels, books. Although he is looking at me with a face that I don't even want to think about what he's thinking, until he lets me go:

    The bows look good on you.

    I shrug my shoulders. What am I going to tell him?

    She's very quiet, is something wrong?

    This... this is wrong, I finally manage to say in one sentence, "I'm not usually intimate with my boss and...

    —Isn't it usual? Is it common for you? He cuts me off and now he's back to being the familiar devil I deal with on a daily basis. Or rather faced me.

    You know what I mean, I clarify, and I already feel that the warrior woman that lives in me is becoming empowered, I lift my chin to look him in the eye, because I reach his shoulder with slippers. And I don't understand what you are doing here, at this time and on a non-business day.

    He looks at me, but doesn't respond, and just as I'm about to say something else with my newly acquired courage, the elevator doors open forcing us out.

    Hysterical, nervous and embarrassed, I open the door of my mansion, but he doesn't come in, he just looks at me... he looks at me and looks at me, as if asking my permission, something he has never done in his life.

    —You can come in, Mr. Costabal.

    —Last time you used to call me.

    —I prefer that we keep our distance, Mr. Costabal.

    And you think that will do?

    " Will serve? It will be useful for what», I ask myself, now I am hysterical.

    We go in together, I go straight to the kitchen to drop off the bags, and when I come back I find him sitting, installed in my chair.

    -Let's talk.

    You won't offer me anything to drink? Miss Andrade, not even a glass of water? In the office at least bring me coffee.

    -We are in my house.

    His domain, he purrs now, getting up, moving closer.

    —Let's finish this at once, Mr. Costabal, tell me what you've come for.

    -It is not obvious?

    To finish what... well, what you already know, because if that's the case, you can go back the same way you came, you won't find anything here, I answer as energetically as I can, turning to the front door for her to come out, making it clear that We have nothing to talk about.

    We have a pending situation, he points out, getting up, looking directly at my breasts, and of course my nipples instantly betray me. Before he gets to me, he has already closed the door, and he has me by the arm, putting me against the wall, and I... without putting up any resistance.

    What do you think you're doing?

    He shakes his head bringing his face closer to my neck, I close my eyes and not for pleasure, two days without bathing, and I'm sweatier than a racehorse.

    —You know exactly what I'm doing, you're an intelligent woman.

    Then you're an idiot, I growl trying to resist, but I already know the effect this man has on me, especially now that I can feel his hand-sculpted body next to mine, I'm not going to indulge you.

    Then I'll give it to you, he answers, shrugging his shoulders, as if nothing of what I've just said mattered to him, and just to keep it in mind, I prefer skirts, Miss Andrade.

    Shit! I take a deep breath to calm down, but the moment he exhales I feel his lips stick to mine and Mauricio Costabal carelessly pulls my ponytail to loosen my tangled and greasy hair. God! I must be awful, even though this man doesn't seem to care... and well, if he doesn't care, why should I?

    Like someone possessed, and possessed by a demonic spirit, I put my hands under his sweatshirt to get him to take it off, and while I'm panting into his mouth he begins to help me with the task. We look like two adolescent octopuses in a race taking everything that gets in our way. I feel how he licks my earlobe while I brush my fingers against his bulging boxers, I want to take out his manhood and feel it in my hands, but at the same time I want to make him suffer, at least a little. Well, with something he has to pay for the little shit he left me in life.

    Are you just going to play, Miss Andrade? he asks me, and before I can answer, he already has his tongue almost touching my bell, really driving me crazy.

    Since no one blames crazy people for anything, I go crazy, I put my whole hand inside it and I feel it, it's as wet as me and it moans at the first contact, meanwhile, I enjoy how velvety and soft it is, that Not counting that it's burning me. I start to move it up and down without any consideration, it's a race and I want to win it, I can even feel it shivering. His panting is getting louder, I'm sure he's going to lose control any second.

    —Beg me, Mr. Costabal, ask me please.

    "Don't stop, Andrade.

    -Sorry? -I say slowing down-, that does not sound like a request, Mr. Costabal.

    It won't be long before he pierces me with his powerful gaze, pulls out the trident and cuts me in two. It is clear that he is not a man who knows how to plead.

    Today is your lucky day, he smiles mischievously, showing me those teeth from a toothpaste commercial, then, like the bastard that he is, he quickly moves away, grabs me by the butt and now pushes me against the wall at the same time as he hits me hard.

    Wow! This really is a feeling from another world ».

    Shit, I mutter.

    Costabal inhales strongly as he squeezes me a little more while his breathing is now really irregular. I bring him closer with my legs, attracting him as much as possible. I start moving fast too, I want my glory and I want it now.

    You're almost there, he assures me with that deep voice that makes me see the stars, accelerating his attacks even more, you're almost there.

    I close my eyes, ready for glory, having felt him gasping from the depths of his being, I sink my teeth into his shoulder to silence my moans and suddenly, just as I'm about to reach him, he grabs my hand again. behind with his hands and as if it were a feather he puts me on the ground while my legs shake trembling and my face looks at him with a big question mark.

    -Really? I tell her near collapse, feeling like the most frustrated woman in the world.

    —Thank you very much for satisfying my fever, Miss Andrade, you have been fantastic.

    -Unfortunate! You are an imbecile! I yell at him putting on my shirt along with my underwear.

    You already told me that. Ah, no, idiot, it's new," he mutters as I finish dressing.

    I don't look at him, now I don't just feel desires, I just want to kill him, when I look up I see him walking without clothes as if he were the owner of the house. He goes to the kitchen, and after a couple of minutes he returns with a glass of water in his hand, as if everything were the most natural thing in the world.

    —Everyone loses sometime in this life, Miss Andrade, and every action has a consequence.

    I'm not losing anything, this is not a competition, sir, it just shows what you can't finish, I express coldly. Meanwhile, he slowly begins to put on his boxers, pants, and sweatshirt, and to my astonishment and bewilderment, he sits back down on the couch. And be thankful that I'm taking pills, if you're a complete idiot even in that.

    —I know that, I've seen you take them in the morning, I'm not stupid.

    -Out! I yell at him losing all composure heading towards the door to open it. I can't bear to see his arrogant and manly face anymore... I manage to say it decently while inside I look like a pressure cooker that hasn't exploded.

    Close the door, I've come to talk and that's what we'll do, he says relentlessly, settling a little more in MY chair.

    —And do you think that after what just happened we have something to talk about?! —I no longer scream, I scream and an immense desire to murder him enters my body, what's more, I wouldn't mind hitting him with a well-aimed combo in the snout, even if they accuse me of being violent, crazy and hysterical and I definitely lose my job.

    «But what do I say?! I'm already jobless!"

    Miss Andrade, could you calm down and listen for once to what I've come to tell you, he huffs seriously. And if it's not too much trouble, close the door before your neighbors hear your screams.

    As I am crazy but not stupid, I obey him and just as I am closing I feel how it opens abruptly and like a gale enters the herd headed by my friend Claudia.

    I see you're alive and well! She greets me without pausing to make way for the others.

    Although not quite whole, Francisca reproaches me, looking at me from head to toe.

    I quickly try to make a gesture to my friends so they don't follow and understand that I'm not alone, but it's useless, the feminist's cry echoes throughout the place letting me know that she already knows.

    You'll be a bitch! We are worried about you and you...!

    You're not dying alone, Paula continues.

    Now I am literally nervous, I look at Mr. Costabal who I know is enjoying the show and I see my friends who are reproaching me, and not just with little looks.

    We just wanted to know if you were okay, he hisses through his teeth, "and otherwise, I don't know if you learn.

    -I the...

    Don't justify anything, he cuts me off, we're leaving, Paula tells me more conciliatory.

    Don't worry, the devil snaps, standing up, giving my friends time to gawk at him, and then he continues, I've already finished what I came here to do. You can keep Miss Andrade company.

    -Miss? —repeats Claudia growling—, even though she is a witch with her friends she has a name, her name is Beatriz.

    No problem, we're not close, I clarify.

    And you will have a name, right? —Fran jumps, who today comes with the standard bearer with the #NiUnaMenos shirt, and I have a feeling that it will be the next thing she will give me.

    Mauricio Costabal, he answers energetically, looking at me.

    Please, I beg slowly, "don't say...

    Your boss, he ends up giving me the final blow, passing through the girls who have been left stunned and, strange as it may seem, speechless. And for the same reason, I expect you accordingly on Monday, Miss Andrade.

    I... I stammer.

    You, put this on, he says, handing me my bra in front of everyone.

    When I close the door I am faced with the firing squad in disbelief of what just happened. Did I just fuck my boss, or was it actually the other way around? Wordlessly I look at the girls and exclaim:

    Now, I did screw up!

    You screwed up again! —they all yell at me as they sit on the couch. And before I can sit down, the only one who had been kinder, asks me:

    And what will you do on Monday?

    On Monday!!!!

    Chapter 3


    Don't tempt the devil, you'll see him coming


    Now I know what a man feels before a firing squad, the same thing I felt last night when my friends decided to fry me alive and although it's not so easy to admit, I thought it was hot. When I see Mauricio, all the pose of a tough, liberal and strong woman falls to the ground, it's simply that he can do it with me and my will... and well, with my whole body too.

    Good thing it's Sunday. I'm at my mother's house, she distracts me with a thousand things about my father and my brother, who by the way is ungrateful for not coming, turning me into the prodigal daughter.

    Late in the afternoon I go back to my mansion and I can't help but think about everything that happened yesterday, yes, about the good things that happened, and now in the solitude of these four walls I really don't know what to do. If I hated Mondays before, today I hate them a little more. I feel that I am in the dilemma of my life if I don't go to work, my friends, especially Fran, kill me, and as if that were not enough, I am sure that Mr. Costabal will appear here asking me for explanations, and I already know that how would it end

    God! But what am I saying?!

    I decide to clear my mind and take a cold shower, that will clear my thoughts.

    The next day as always, the alarm clock rings at six forty-five, I don't even jump, I've been awake for more than half an hour. And as the confident woman that I think I am, I wear the skirt that I bought at the last sale in one of the department stores, the one that I looked at a hundred times every time I left work and waited patiently for the price to drop, That's not to mention that I hid the size a couple of times, but that's another matter.

    When I get off the subway, I think everything conspires in my favor, I even came sitting down! As I walk towards the building I repeat to myself as a mantra my decision not to endanger my job because of a fever, or no matter how rich my boss's HDP is, there are many men, now like him...? I shake my head to stop

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