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Humanity has sought identification of self through the guise of the ego yet not fully understanding its placement. Our ego, the identity of oneself, has been believed to be the desire for outer acceptance validating its own worth. The ego is our shadow self and can been seen as the mirror reflection in ourselves and others. Who are you without your ego? What masks do you require to hide your true, authentic self? What can you say about yourself? Do you know who you are and what you represent? Can you identify with whom you project out into the world? Are you aware that your ego has manipulated who and what you've identified about yourself in conjunction as the illusion?

Humanity is undergoing a spiritual evolution where every human being is responsible for their own soul's evolution. Humans must realize that to remain of this world, we must ascend to a higher consciousness and enlightenment, becoming the dictator of our own lives, a knowing. Are you willing to delve into the hidden aspects of yourself by going on a treasure quest that will guide you back to your natural state of truth? Truth is at the heart of the matter, the one, beloved.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Release dateSep 13, 2021


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    THE EGO HAS LANDED - Athena Park

    The Self

    Who are you, and what identifies you as yourself? Does the self identify itself with how the ego manifests external? What does that mean? Is your occupation, bank account, friends, and family members all reflecting the power of the ego? Do you seek external validation from these people, places, or things? What type of community do you feel most comfortable in, big city living or the country?

    These identify who you are, your personality, and your learned behavior. We place ourselves in environments that speak to our ego self. Even where you vacation or choose to take holidays in speaks volumes as to how you are accustomed to living. Is this an ego-induced lifestyle, and do you feel this relates? We tend to behave as humans placating our societal environment. Without conscious awareness that this happens, the self tends to go about life complacent.

    The self-actualized behavior of humans repeating patterns without awareness or questioning leads to many decades or even lifetimes before the awareness of self is dissected. Those who walk their path unaware commits a distinct disservice to the soul. We are souls encapsulated in a human body, a shell, to remember. To live a life of unawareness causes havoc in one’s life progression.

    Self-realization is why we are here, to learn our lessons in the school of life, to continue a fulfilled journey so that the soul can ascend. No one is responsible for this journey but yourself. The people, places, and things are a holographic image of what God is trying to cocreate with you to learn.

    We get so wrapped up in the logistics of why, who, what, and where that we literally forget that we’re here for a purpose. Each human who signed up to be on planet Earth did so because they have a distinct, unique purpose. Imagine growing up treated as if you’re hard to love, later realizing you are the most worthy of them all. This insight makes one invincible.

    The purpose for all of humanity at this time is to evolve to a higher level of consciousness, to cocreate with the source, God’s love, to entertain a new flow of energetic creativity that aligns with our true self, zenfulness, and to be in the zone and utilizing all our natural tools to add value to our world.

    Childhood, Family, and Foundation

    What core values and beliefs did you grow up with? Did you grow up with both parents? If not, who was the so-called absent parent in the equation? Who raised you? Who taught you the differences between right and wrong? Did you live in a big city or in a small town? Were you influenced by another family member? Did any family member influence your childhood as a mentor? Why? What would you consider mentoring? Were you considered the black sheep of the family? Did you have many friends? Did you compare yourself to your friends? In what capacity?

    Were you told you weren’t good enough? Who made you feel less than? Was there competition between siblings? Who was the alpha in the family? Did you have chores? Was everybody given equanimity? Did you have a structured environment, or was it free for all? What hobbies did you have, if any? Did you have outside interests, projects? Were you involved in sport activities? Did you want to get involved, or was there pressure to do so?

    Your personality, would you say, was more introvert or extrovert? Do you feel you held resentment or grudges toward your parents or toward whoever was in charge of raising you? Did you ever feel a sense of guilt, jealousy, or envy? Why and with whom? Were you a responsible child? Did you receive an allowance? Were you rebellious?

    The rebels, black sheep, are not necessarily mean-spirited, nor are they not capable of love, but they love without losing their individuality. Do you feel you were treated fairly? Was your room a mess? Was there trust between your parents? Did your parents stay married, divorced, or separated? If separated or divorced, do you know why? Did they discuss this with you? Were you sad? Did you show it? Do you feel a sense of instability?

    Were discussions of sex openly allowed or taboo? Were you raised religious? Did you concur with your religious beliefs? Were you forced to hold the same religious beliefs? How did that make you feel? Were you taught to pray? Did you believe in God? What, if any, beliefs did you have? Which parent did you feel a closer bond with? Why? Was finances taught to you, how to economize, or not? Who was in charge of all the money? Did you hear, Money doesn’t grow on trees?

    Those who have chosen to become president or prime minister of a country in actuality are nothing but a lesson of climbing a ladder, reaching the top only to find an empty space. If this describes you, how did that make you feel? Did you try to escape reality by doing drugs or drinking? Did your parents drink or have any toxic behaviors? Was there addiction?

    Did anyone attempt to sexually abuse you? Who? How did the situation happen, and was there a confession of the incident? Were you sexually abused more than once? Were you aware of what was happening? What age were you when this happened? How did you feel? Did you suppress your feelings, not wanting to ever think about it again? Were your parents aware, and did they do anything to try to assist through this tragedy?

    Were you afraid of the dark? Can you remember why or what made you fearful? Was there a sense of affection between your parents? Did they show their affection freely? Did your family take vacations? What type? Were they more domestic, or was there international, or both? What type of culture were you raised in, American, foreign, etc.? Were your parents racists, or were you able to have a variety of friends? How did this make you feel?

    The choices we’ve made, be it career, love, or living, depicts a true representation of who we show up as in the world. As we make these choices, we come to realize that they either help or hinder our growth. For example, a workaholic has grown up with the mindset that time is money and that it is necessary to make money for the family in order to live a full life, to live the dream. However, whose dream is it? Is this what society has deemed the American dream? What part of this so-called dream has truly proven to be beneficial?

    While you’ve become a workaholic, your kids have grown up without a parent figure, or the everlasting stress of day to day takes a toll on one’s health, or the dream has been so out of reach that one feels they have failed in life. This is a very real mindset of a workaholic. Whereas in other parts of the country, their belief systems are to provide enough and balance one’s life relaxing, not needing to live up to or compete.

    The United States of America has always been forging ahead while many watched to observe the rise and fall of this American dream. We may not be able to change what has been, but we surely can change our present mindset to change with the times of needing to prove your worth to any external person, place, or thing. As we’ve seen very clearly with the pandemic of 2020, if it has taught us anything at all, it is to enjoy what we have, learning to adapt and embrace every moment as if it is our last, to consume moments with family and friends as precious as the very breath we’ve been gifted with.

    External Influences

    Did you acquire good friends in elementary school? Were you a loner? Who pursued the friendship? Were you in a clique or a group dynamic? What kind? Were your neighbors friendly? Did they look out for you when your parents weren’t around? Whom did your parents have to watch out for you when they were not around? Did your older siblings raise you? If your older siblings did raise you, did you or them feel a sense of resentfulness? Did you feel guilty at any time? For what?

    Did you attend a private or a public elementary school? What kind of grades did you attain? Did you like school, or was it a waste of time? What type of learning did you have? Was it readily easy for you to comprehend? What was your favorite subject? Did you ever get called into the principal’s office? For what? Was it once or on many occasions? Did you skip school? What percentage of time did you skip? During teacher-parent conferences, what was the general consensus of discussion? Was there a pattern of compliments or indifferences? Did you like to study and learn, or were you uninterested?

    These questions are just a few that delve deeper into the psyche of your upbringing. Once answered and contemplated, there may be some clear realizations or patterns that will be highlighted to reach a better understanding. It’s vital to take time to recapture one’s childhood in depth because here is where we can truly assimilate why we are who we are and what makes us do the things we do and think the way we think.

    There comes a life-changing time in everyone’s life when we ask, Who am I? Why am I here? All inquiries are for those on a path of curiosity. The how, who, why, and when are good to start. Writing your answers allows a mini prelife review to gather information and dissect each event that transformed you. Typically, the most critical time in child development and learning is from birth to five years old. The first five years of child development is crucial to their health, well-being, and the overall trajectory of their lives.

    The following are the eight stages of psychosocial development:

    Trust vs. mistrust

    Autonomy vs. shame/doubt

    Initiative vs. guilt

    Industry vs. inferiority

    Identity vs. role confusion

    Intimacy vs. isolation

    Generativity vs. stagnation

    Ego identity vs. despair

    To entertain the idea that the ego is separate from us is not logical, but what is separate remains the ego, id. Everyone’s ego resides in our thoughts, actions, and behavior patterns that have not healed. We seek our ego for power when, in actuality, the power remains outside of ourselves as to identify if it is the ego. What makes one need power? Ego. Whenever you are seeking answers outside of yourself or needing validation, justification, and materialism, this feeds the ego power.

    The ego is quite powerful because it’s based on achieving fear-based logic, reasoning, and action, and this grows like wildfire in our mental capacity to think. Our thoughts become fear-driven feelings of worry, anguish, impulsiveness, delusion, discombobulation, depression, isolation, anxiety, and stress, to name a few. We fall into the guise of our ego without literally knowing we are doing so. It’s been ingrained within us as a tool to detect and utilize its purpose: awareness.

    There are several layers in which the ego plays significantly from inception as the way for humans to identify themselves, our identity and what role it plays in our life. The I in our external world is identified in how, what, and why we perceive. Sigmund Freud psychoanalyzed the theory of the superego to be considered an ethical component of personality in the dynamics of the human mind.

    The ego behaves in sync with our personality and that of the body, although body concepts stem from the core of self. Ego developed can and does change in accordance with our lives and with conditions of threat, illness, and whatever life circumstances culminate. Transforming the personality can be quite the challenge as it is a rather witty entity unto itself and resists being controlled. It is a dualistic creation consisting of both light and dark aspects. Parts of the personality are quite likeable, and others, not so likable. Some who seem to have a perfect personality actually have darker aspects inside that express themselves in more positive ways.

    Personalities are complex and are found in both animals and humans alike, even suspected in that of plant life as well. Each flower holds its own fragrance, which, to the human, is its personality, nurturing the natural fragrances from deep within. Every personality is developed as coping devices for handling events in our lives. They were developed when young and created as a reaction to something happening as a child. The negative aspects of the personality were coping mechanisms of those events/situations we most likely did not understand, especially if these actions were from adults who seemed inappropriate.

    Subpersonalities are psychological satellites coexisting as a multitude of lives within the overall medium of our personality. Each of us is a crowd. Often, they are far from being at peace with one another. Subpersonalities are a complex cluster of thoughts, feelings, and even body sensations that are capable of acting as a complete person for either shorter or longer stretches of time.

    A subpersonality, or self, is a basic unit of the human personality structure. Each of us has expressed hundreds of subpersonalities that comprise and often possess extremely divergent thoughts, values, abilities, emotions, voices, images, energetic tones, and physicalizations. Many people do not understand they have subpersonalities although they experience the effects of them, containing emotional experiences that are too intense for the emotional system to handle. Feelings involved can either be positive or negative, which can occur in a single moment or over a period of time.

    The subpersonality becomes essentially a specialist in a particular emotion or a perceptual state. In negative emotional experiences, subpersonalities tend to become stuck at the age of trauma, containing the original perceptions of the intense experience. Their presence is not generally felt except when conditions occur that are similar to the original trauma or the passionate moment. When this happens, the subpersonality carries forth and takes over our experience, perception, and view of self and others in the world. We tend to not be ourselves but, rather, our subpersonalities, who then largely dictate our experiences of and sometimes even our behavior in the world.

    Everyone is schizophrenic to some extent or another. We are said to have multiple personalities. If diagnosed as such, here is a person who has not learned how to control these personalities when they come out to the forefront or when they are put on the back burner. People with serious multiple personality disorders are usually people who have experienced severe abuse at a young age. Their personality shattered and did not come back together again.

    Subpersonalities are the reason why most people are in an inner battle with themselves. It is the clamoring of selves, which needs to be acknowledged. One’s inner battle is what troubles humanity as a whole. Each subpersonality has an opposite, whether or not you are aware of it. You can look at any subpersonality you have and find another that is a dualistic opposite. This is the cause of the battle within, and of course, the battle within is the battle inside God.


    The ego represents what seems subjectively to be reason and common sense. It’s the part of one’s personality otherwise known as the persona, the I that you face to the world or how you show up. This mask reaches out to the world to see if what is believed to be the case actually can be proven as is but does not bear full fruit until the ego has become autonomous, subsequently free from inner conflicts between id and superego.

    Ego Development

    A newborn infant reacts but is not able to control, anticipate, or alter any source of perception because of the primitive stage of learning. Learning is, therefore, limited to its simplest form of conditioning. Once the developmental stages mature (i.e., infant, childhood, adolescence, adulthood) the human being functionality of personality, persona, becomes a distinguished part of the ego. Within each developmental period, the ego molds itself and changes like a chameleon.


    This part of the personality influences self-observation, self-criticism, and other external activities, the part of the mind in which parental introjection is located. The superego differs from the conscience in that it belongs to a different reference point (i.e., morality, not ethics—what should I do rather than what is right or wrong), highlighting ethical values. The superego is not maintained as an accurate replica of the parental figures who have been introjected since most of the internalizations are found to occur early in childhood, when the infant endows his own characteristics.

    During the prelogical structure within the stages of ego development, the superego acts as the restricted parent; however, as stages of cognitive maturity are attained, control then passes from the superego to the ego, unless normal development is thwarted. Therefore, the superego plays a significant self-awareness role in the creation of morality, which is a search for a universal ethical system. At the postconventional levels of ego, moral and spiritual development, the ego gradually overcomes its superego. A fully realized human being has gained ego autonomy and has overcome the superego.

    The ego can only become truly autonomous by overcoming the superego. The autonomous ego is free from the dictates of the id and has outgrown the superego. The ego understands and integrates the energetic drives of the id and sublimates them toward loving sexuality and creative activity. The autonomous ego creates his/her own moral code and relies on their own right/wrong analysis.

    This is an independent mind. Both ego strength and independence from the superego are essential for the human being to truly create independently an outside-the-box thinking and standards. The superego stands in the way of major creativity by suppressing any thought or feeling that is too unconventional or that will be subject to external criticism. Freedom from the superego is a necessary prerequisite, but creativity outside the boundaries of the ordinary also requires sufficient intelligence.

    Creativity has traditionally regarded the process as involving a full or partial regression of the ego to a more primitive state of consciousness. While some playful and creative activities may be characterized by involuntary or voluntary regressions, more meaningful creativity requires access to the unconscious imagination without a loss of egoistic functions. Creativity requires a relatively intact ego; when the ego deteriorates, so does the creative product.

    Combined with strength of the ego, unconscious processes, such as imagination and intuition, become consciously directed and work in collaboration with integrated functions of the ego—logical thoughts that are related to directed creative effort and implementation. To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, to bring more music, poetry, and dance.

    Ego strength is necessary to empower creativity, which is essentially an integrative force based on love and the sublimation of aggression energized by the libido. Freud postulated that human beings are dominated by two basic instincts: eros (sexual or creative life force) and thanatos (death force or destructiveness). Both are the energetic fields of the libido.

    These instincts are what Carl Jung termed shadow, the unconscious part of the ego, and it is receptive to that which we have, for one reason or another, disowned or wished to remain out of sight, those qualities as unrealized potentials. By illuminating the shadow into consciousness, its energy becomes a resource for the inner-directed positive action rather than the other-directed destructive action.

    We need to integrate the shadow and achieve sufficient individuation to overcome the superego and achieve ego autonomy. The sound of om during meditation assists in purifying the ego. At the end of om is silence. It is a silence of joy.

    Healthy Ego

    The other side of the ego that remains positive, what are the signs? Let’s review.

    You are able to admit and apologize when you’re in the wrong.

    You are able to walk your own path without concerning yourself with the judgment from others.

    It becomes easier and easier to keep your word to yourself.

    You’re able to pause and think before you respond, especially when it’s hard.

    You aren’t abusive to yourself when you mess up, only accountable.

    You are able to set and hold boundaries, especially with people whom you love.

    These are just a few of the ways to turn your ego around to establish how it feels to use it for your soul’s growth instead of the ego using you from the outside. By walking your path from the inside out, you will begin to understand and use the healthy side of the ego: being in charge.

    We must be accountable for our actions or inactions, for how we live for ourselves, and for how it affects others. Learning the art of saying sorry is a good feeling as long as it comes with not repeating the cycle. Many verbalize, I’m sorry, only to create another situation that deems attention to the very thing they did not want to happen again. This takes time on the spiritual path, and the more you try, the easier it will become.

    The way to a healthy ego is to be mindful and to watch what you are sowing. The world is your oyster with so many opportunities to grow into your own, so what are you sowing? What seeds have you planted for yourself? Are you planting seeds of love or lust? How to tell? A seed that is lustful has no roots and cannot grow based on fantasy of the mind while a seed planted in love is a seed that becomes a Jack-in-the-Beanstalk seed of truth, strength, and growth, fiercely loved and humbled by its own natural growth.

    All seeds planted in love will withstand all natural disasters as the trees, birds, and plants withstand external influences yet remain steadfast. A healthy ego is the seed that is granted and planted to those who have strong faith, those who do not waver when the going gets rough, and those who believe in a higher truth: God’s love.

    Whatever seeds you plant, know what you are planting, not accumulating. Possessions, wealth, things, stuff, and ambition—the mind will trick you always into thinking these are the seeds that give you staying power. Take your time and plant seeds that tend to who you are without all the possessions, as the only thing that can be possessed is your being. False identity, misuse of power, and all power plays of the mind’s manipulation—don’t fall for that trip, ego trip!

    Remain true to yourself by falling, making mistakes, and being naive, only to learn that we are humans and that this is how we learn. Learn to be transparent, learn to be humble, learn to be loyal to you first, learn compassion, learn to serve, and learn to allow everything to fall into place. These seeds based and planted with love can show you by what you place your intentions on. Then magically, you get glimpses of your true self—not the man-made, external self but the transparent inner being that holds the light of love in its very essence. Be so committed to your growth that you’re willing to say no without guilt and yes without fear, only love.

    Stay true. Don’t keep moving away from your own truth, from the mind’s righteousness, and begin to follow your own love’s wisdom. Empower your mind to serve this wisdom. Hold steady to your innate power. The mind, ego, is relentless. One must be strong, and stay true to you. What’s deep in your heart center is filled with grace, peace, and faith. Serve this, your truth. Be true to yourself. That’s when you have mastered your ego!

    Wisdom is depicted as a circle; understanding, a square. Unity is represented by a circle, and the four elements by a square. The production of one from four is the result of a process of distillation and sublimation, which takes a so-called circular form, the distillations, so that the soul or the spirit shall be extracted in its purest state, the quintessence.

    To understand enlightenment, one must turn on their own light of inner consciousness. Delve deep into the core of your existence and find out what gifts from God you have been given. Then use one gift at a time to help yourself and, through you, others. This place of light will lead you to not recognize the face in the mirror. Your entire external vision within and without will have changed. Tune in. Where would love be if not seen through the eyes of God?

    With the ego, love is impossible. We talk so much about love, but we never are in love. Whatever we have been taught to believe as love is primarily, more or less, sex. It is not love until you are able to lose your ego. Love exists where there is no ego. Falling in love is the falling from your mind and into your heart. Lead with your heart, and the rest will fall into place, and it will come from a place of purity, truth, and sacredness.

    The heart of the matter cannot be questioned, deceived, or taken ever. The heart is protected. Every breath you take is a drop of eternal love in the ocean of life. This is divine love, the one we seek, the one we know, the one we all are. Seek yourself and you will find that your life is the love, the all-encompassing heartbeat of God, the embodiment of God, of the truth of God, isness.

    Weak Ego / Impulsiveness

    The following are personality traits of a weak ego: authoritarianism, conformity, dogmatism, other-directedness, other-determinism, not tolerating uncertainty, low self-esteem, and an egocentric viewpoint. An egocentric person is self-centered, having little or no regard for interests, beliefs, or attitudes other than one’s own. The traits of a strong ego are strength of character, inner-directedness, self-determination, high self-esteem, the acceptance of a plurality of ideas, an idiocentric viewpoint. People with an idiocentric value tend to emphasize their own goals and needs over those of the groups to which they belong. They are independent and self-reliant.

    The weak ego does not face reality easily. Coping is difficult as to what is. Instead, it fights reality, hates it, and wishes to be otherwise. Expectations are unrealistic and based on inadequate understanding. Reality seems too big, frightening, too overwhelming, and avoidance happens. We feel unresourceful, weak, fragile, and unable to cope. The weaker the ego strength, the less we will engage reality and the more we will flee to superstition, wishing rather than acting, and to addictions.

    We need to really be in touch with our feelings but still remain intelligent about it, to remain in control, not driven only by our emotions. We need a balance of left/right brain, rational mind and emotional mind, logic and feelings, intellect and intuition.

    Here is where mindfulness and wisdom are found.

    Right-brain thinking (Matriarch, Divine Feminine)

    Recognizing faces

    Expressing emotions

    Creating music

    Reading emotions

    Appreciating color




    Left-brain thinking (Patriarch, Divine Masculine)



    Critical thinking



    Consistent studies show that the left brain has a bigger ego than the right brain based on studies showing higher self-esteem when hearing words through their right ear, a crisscross effect, if you will. Thereby, the right brain, when hearing words through their left ear, would become less trusting with what is being said, causing a lower self-esteem, lower trust. We could argue this finding as invalid because the balance within one’s level of right brain / left brain must be taken into consideration.

    The left side of the brain is noted as the seat of the ego. In most cases, it is to assist us in knowing ourselves and how to function in the world. The processes of left-brain thinking make that side of the brain the interpreter, which gives us the sense of being in charge, in control. The right brain functions as a compassionate, emphatic, and sympathetic nature, which understands the connectivity of all things to the universe, Mother Nature.

    All is related to one another, which is the same force of nature, of God. We are human beings equipped to level out the playing field with synergy of yin and yang. Without input from the right-brain functioning, the left brain’s emphasis is wholly on the identity, leading one to what is noted as an ego trip.

    This is identifying as a narcissist, a desperate attempt to become the center of the universe. Narcissistic rage, smugness, certainty, and intolerance of opposition of viewpoints construct a battle of the wills. When in negotiation, compromise is required. When total defeat happens, both sides eventually crumble, collapsing one’s system of thought process. This is the natural order in which right/left, yin/yang, must learn to balance out the scales in order to find equality. Both are needed for survival, and one cannot live without the other.

    Scientifically understanding that there is a false self system built around the human ego, it can bring a clearer appreciation of the mental dynamics and psychospiritual processes in contemplation and meditation. A meditative state of functionality would switch the function module from left to right hemisphere, that being of intuitive nature, a blend of both aspects of the mind. Mind you, both left and right brain have deceptive tendencies.

    When we set out to explain our actions, our left brain tends to tweak the narrative in order to fit the story. This happens before we are even consciously aware of it happening, all based on what makes it into our consciousness, and most are results of an unconscious process. A waste of one’s time is trying to justify or change the narrative because our consciousness is aware. The workings of the left-brain hemisphere, a cluster of chaos trying to fit everything into a story, ad-libbing, is structured and fabricated through the egoistic mind. We weave stories of the mind endlessly just to make sense of things, our lives, for the benefit of our egos.

    Our conviction that we, as humans, make all the decisions is illusionary, as the nature of universal energy, God, love, is indeed working through us on every level. The seeker must be sought with the clear understanding that humans are the instrument and God is the master orchestrator, yet many do not achieve this level of consciousness. There is no other way. The way forward is to be at one with the One. This path leads to a level of freedom as you come to the understanding of your purpose here. Consciousness flows easily and naturally from one moment to the next with a single, unified, coherent narrative. Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off portions of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries (Carl Jung).

    Ego Addictions

    There are many addictions that are, in fact, a result of childhood issues, like lacking authentic love. Many use drugs and alcohol to numb their lack of love. Again, there are those who will not acknowledge painful childhood trauma. This is understandable, yet it impairs all relationships. The key is not to point these out to those who are harboring pain as unworthy, not at all, but to address the issues with love and compassion so that one can get a clear understanding.

    Unfortunately, so many people have masked their painful past with outside influences of addictions. They’ve gotten very used to feeling this way. The primary reason for the ego doing his/her job is to contain the belief of unworthiness so that they remain stuck in fear, doubt, worry, and lack of self-esteem. As long as the ego has gotten you there, it wants to continue to keep you in those negative emotions. Just think about how the majority of society today has to be addicted to something in order to continue their life as normal. Whether its alcohol, drugs, sex, codependency, prescription drugs, and so much more, a human being is drugged up more than they even comprehend.

    Even those individuals who know they have addictions yet continue are harder to get to their authentic self because they know, yet they choose to numb the pain, a vicious cycle, and the behavior patterns of the individual continue same patterns, just the faces change. Now more than ever, with social distancing and so many external forces running an alleged scam, the rate of addictive behaviors have skyrocketed, such as overdoses, not to mention suicides.

    Thy Will Be Done

    The shadow is indeed a moral issue that challenges the whole ego personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. As we know the personality to be the id of a person, one establishes this self-knowledge and willingly asserts oneself to enter the unknown. To go against your will is to fall into the trap of your ego.

    It’s the will, by definition, that needs clarity of thought as everyone’s will is not the same. Your will is spirit, the natural order of things in every aspect of your life. It may not be easily distinguished behind the guise of the ego. If you’re struggling to make a decision and questions arise, you get an inkling, which is your intuition, that the decision in question makes you in any way uncomfortable. That’s a red flag.

    Once you get in tune with the differences, by being more aware, you will naturally feel your way through decisions. Ego will take a seat. As the heart of the matter is your authentic truth, by following the flow of life, you are listening to nature.

    Birds fly free, geese fly in V formation, plants evolve, and trees stand strong even in natural disasters. Mother Nature shows her unwavering natural beauty and strength. Can you exhibit a wholeness even when defeated? The ego, when defeated, stands alone, bleeding. The identity of self loses power and eventually falls away. When the identification fails to need to be identified, one becomes free. So the process of life cycle begins with no identification and no external need for self-identity from others’ way of teaching, belief systems, etc.

    Life lessons are attached to personal identification throughout one’s life into the wisdom of the ages; on the precipice of death, the ego fades. By death, we identify as death of the old self. A rebirth takes place or an actual physical death and the like. However your journey plays out, the ego self attempts to maintain its power. We seek; therefore, we become. By becoming, it, too, is an act of desire, which the ego plays on.

    All external desires are egoistic even if presented as humbly so. A desire is an act, or with an outcome, that action for a future desire to transpire is calculated very specifically for the one who lives outside the realm instead of finding their inner light. Those who seek external pleasures, materialism, and addictions and those hoping for future happiness will be ultimately defeated as experience of life will show you in time.

    Human beings fall into the trap of the 3D earth plane, which is based on external wishes, hopes, and desires. They say, When I have enough money, then I will be happy. When I land that dream job, then I’ll be happy. When I find my soul mate, then I’ll find happiness. Herein lies the core of the matter, the matter being the kind we desire, that is tangible, what we can grasp on to, for ultimate nirvana. These are cunning thoughts, which from the beginning of time have impaired generation after generation.

    Attempts at filling the void through external desires are where humans have been programmed, much from the beliefs of our closest family and friends and from society’s corruption. Many have fallen into the rabbit hole and are trying to dig themselves out of their own desperate programming, and others remain in the rabbit hole, digging deeper. It’s as if they’re digging their own grave. The powers of corruption have had this impact ever since the beginning of time. The belief systems have been created as such so that humans can rise up and learn from these old paradigms of thinking, acting, and feeling. Many are awakening now to the reality in our world today, the spiritual revolution.

    Others need to figure out that all society is and has taught human beings is that power, prestige, and external values are your identity and identified as an accumulation of things. No one says at one’s end of life on the earth plane that the riches really made them legendary. Quite the opposite.

    One’s accumulation of so-called riches end up being sold, thrown out, or given away. What have you achieved? Waste. No one says that having nice things during your journey on earth is not a good thing; it’s the excess that leads us deeper into the rabbit hole. Wanting more, earning more, needing more, and desiring more of whatever that may be for you are sad attempts to fill a place within that needs love. That’s the core of the matter. The more external stuff we accumulate is a solemn cry out for love, healing, and understanding.

    Let’s leave judgments out of the equation and, instead, embrace one’s need for external comfort to lend comfort in compassion, listening, and serving. Society’s belief system is undergoing a massive shift where people are coming to the realization that happiness is no longer the external need for accumulation. We are coming out of the dark now, experiencing so much loss in our lives through a loss within your life or seeing the grieving of loss on social platforms. Either way, these losses are, in fact, our own. Every loss that Mother Earth grieves is a lost piece of us. We are becoming very aware.

    The reality is that people have become accustomed to pain, suffering, and sadness so much that it has become a part of our existence. How deep have you dug yourself into your misery? Life at birth gives you unlimited means of happiness, joy, infinite possibilities, family, and friends, yet society has been tainted by evil powers that have brainwashed you into thinking that your reality is to remain in misery. Worst part of it all is that they have succeeded in mind control, power of persuasion, and a life of external desires.

    Where do you stand in all this? Are you aware of what is happening in our world today? Are you trying to dig yourself out of your own grave? The demands of the evil powers will not stop until you either succumb or take back your power of life.

    Your God-given right for happiness in the present is a present, a gift that one doesn’t return. How unfortunate for so many who succumb to suicide and overdose and take their own lives. This life is a present for your soul to learn and grow from, to advance to a new consciousness, one that is omnipotent of love, peace, and compassion. Are you not worthy of the gift? Those innocent children, our children, God’s children, who have suffered and died, how many more must suffer?

    Take inventory of your current life and make changes to oneself to be happy, to be alone, and to learn the path of spirit. Let’s release the mind, and let’s embrace the quest. How to start? Baby steps. Transformation is a process, so go slow and begin by doing your own life’s review. Write down crucial moments of life changes and monumental occurrences that changed your life. For better or not does not matter.

    Matter is evil and impure. It is the prison of the spirit. The spiritual journey alchemizes the energy into pureness of the heart, setting yourself free.

    Feed your soul. Don’t allow lower vibrations of power and greed that your ego will attempt to control. When your mind says, Think this, and it’s not feeling peace in your heart, just say, Not today, ego. Not today! This brings you a sense of power within. Your heart will expand with joy, peace, love for self, and self-worth, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude will absorb you. Only allow your close circle of family, friends, and acquaintances who are vibing on your spiritual path. No one else can be allowed into your circle, because those who are not on the path will also try to distract you.

    Your ego will call in others’ egos to tempt you. One must remain strong when on a spiritual journey. The ego is always in conflict with others and camouflages that under the guise of smoke and mirrors, family and friends. Stay in your own lane. Do your inner work, and begone external distractions. The spiritual journey is one of solitude. That’s primarily why many haven’t chosen it yet, as many feel very uncomfortable to be alone. They need people, outside influences, and addictions to distract them from themselves.

    As you begin taking accountability, being responsible for where you are right now in the present moment and whose lives you have affected and how, you will begin feeling an energetic shift in perspective. It just happens. Seek and you will find. Always remember that, especially when your ego wants you to give up the fight. More importantly then! Be strong.

    The conundrum is that many take the ego self seriously, thriving to convince itself of a bigger version, a better version, a magnified status, to be crowned. That’s the funny thing about how we’ve been raised to believe that external struggle, tireless effort, and pushing the envelope are all about accumulating stuff. The very stuff of life is that there is no stuff. It’s an illusion.

    You can keep thinking about the Western belief system that you were raised on, yet as many know, the stuff you acquire, keep, or hold on to go away little by little. It’s the cycle of life—coming into the world naked and innocent and exiting the same. In the middle, we acquire inconsequential materialism to feel better, thanks to the ego. Ask yourself, what are you hoarding, acquiring, still? Is it money, sex, food, status, stuff, and power, masking itself as insecurity of self?

    Instant gratification has been the downfall of humanity. Quicker access, faster processing, wider networking, more selfies, more likes, and more platforms are all equivalent to bigger ego. Feeding the energy of the ego is exactly what the ego is there to do, and negative energies in society have convinced you that is the picture of success. The East’s beliefs are already carrying the realization of who is hidden within, and this is why they have been at the forefront of meditation and a zen life. You are perfect just the way you are.

    The mind must become a river of detachment, discernment, and intuition. The East’s dichotomy involves the beliefs of various religious and established people. A need to possibly convert another is prevalent in the religious atmosphere of whose religion is closest to God. Not all religiousness is about conversion. Others are about theological thinking, all a stage of consciousness, pseudo religion.

    The established religion has a past to uphold with thousands of years and millions of people on the path. Eastern science is not scientific enough; that’s why Western science can destroy it. Western science has evolved while the East has not. Who sits on the highest of pedestals? If religious consciousness spreads, it will destroy pseudo religions and nations. There will be no need for nations whereby the whole world can be governed by one single government, and that government will establish functionality.

    Power of the governmental nations, the last man standing, dies under no direction—West versus East as both cannot exist without the other. Then only man remains. Neither Eastern nor Western power plays under one nation but humanity living in its own paradise. Does life begin after death? Ultimately, this is the riddle of life. The ego remains intellectual—out of sight, out of mind!

    Religion becomes a ritual if you offer something that’s not yours. It only becomes authentic when it really belongs to you. Rituals are methods to escape from an authentic religiousness. You must know that nothing belongs to you. Egoless is no desire. Life is a masterpiece of the greatest symphony. Blissful emotions create a song and dance to celebrate the now. Let the sound of your inner joy reach the collective masses with light and love. Be your true self, authentic seeker, observer. Witness the creation within, for it is God’s love that has created our existence, Gaia.

    Within and without, a helplessness is when our sense of egolessness is completely gone. God steps in figuratively to assist. One must be totally lost where you disappear, utterly and completely. It’s nature. The cyclone, the center, that’s where one must enter into union. Transformation happens in that precise moment. God will help, and the whole takes all in his hands. God is not separate from the world. He is. The soul is not separate from the body. The mind is not separate from matter. What matters is, you lose yourself to be found!

    See your life in as many ways possible, beginning with a blank canvas encasing the vast array of colors in the world. Here is your time to

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