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The Orchestration of the Social will to Power
The Orchestration of the Social will to Power
The Orchestration of the Social will to Power
Ebook212 pages2 hours

The Orchestration of the Social will to Power

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My daughter told me I need to capture your attention here. Put your attention here: please; thanks. 


The peripatetic pathology of the mind matched with the deep rooted deviancy of unrestrained desire. You are the driver because it is all for you or didn't you know that. Can you be sure of anything. Aren't we all like children being feed knowledge that stifles what we know we are. 


Eternally having the ability to perceive. Do you really want that eternity to be confined to the enslaving existence you are currently a part of. 

Release dateFeb 1, 2021
The Orchestration of the Social will to Power

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    The Orchestration of the Social will to Power - Anthony L. Tussell

    Table of Contents

    The Orchestration of the Social will to Power | The Beginning:

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    The Orchestration of the Social will to Power

    The Beginning:

    The beginning; how can there be a beginning? What is what and how does it purport to be that? Can you be sure? What is so, if so is what; so what? Obnoxious isn't it? Your mind telling you this and that, but it has to be, you know, there are rules for defining that? Knowledge, rules; knowledge has become a slave to rules. This exists because of that and that exists because of this; are just blocks you are using to building your cell. Life is free of such things, but we are not alive are we. A grave is calling your name isn't it?

    In the meantime, I find that I perceive solid, hot, wet, soft, cold and this is something, right? Who cares? I can't quite find myself aware of anything I can be for sure of. Yet, the variables that engulf my perception attempt to lead me to the will of something bigger than the I that I perceive. I am a vain being and seek the paths I find easiest to take, as it suites me to do so, am I following my own vain will for real? Is there a path that is a more perfect reflection of who I am or am I just a flesh ball getting jostled around by the will of another, and quite frankly for purposes that give two shits about my predisposition?

    I have perception, so we will begin there. I recall sunlight and a fresh smelling house and the Loving eyes of my mother. I exist and love was the first emotion I can recall. I do recall many things as a child; daring without the fear that knowledge brings (of good and evil to be precise).

    Yet I still perceive that I am in the confining existence I seem to continually want to break free from. Yet, who can make it to true existence without finding the door which exists as the eye of a needle. Surrounded continually by those seeking immediate self-gratification as if freedom or truth could only be found by enslaving others, but all those espousing earthly greatness truly embrace this. The claim to the byproduct and the judgement of others perception is the foundation of their earthly pedestal or deception. But it is death they stand on, to win in earthly terms is to never truly live. - The Love of Self is doomed!

    How is it that we teach each other about what is right and wrong and to what extent does self-gratification matter? What do we perceive as self-gratifying and why? I understand that the variables that govern our perceptions have not changed since? Since they were formulated in my cognition of them; Or if others also perceived in the past and have passed on those understandings? The playground/sandbox has rules you know.


    How then does it occur, the vulnerability of man to seek earthly self-preservation and gratification above all else? In the beginning was pain and with it fear which limited the thoughts and actions of mankind, controlled by these perceptions he must have sought to rid himself of these painful occurrences. He was then motivated to preserve his/her ego based on these limiting features. Confined to fear and reward as the basis for his existence, selfishly to preserve that all precious ego. Man was formed by his environment and was forced to be restricted to its confines. A land where time and space prevailed, a land where good was known by its attributes which preserved one's perception from pain. Yet from the greatest of pleasures man caused more and more entities with perception of be born into his confining perception. In this act of, often, selfish, aggressive pleasure, emotions took flight and even greater sorrows and fears emerged. The sandbox seemed to be a never-ending expanse but the greatest endeavor seemed to be that all important need to self-preserve and all things could somehow be seen through that singular perspective, I am therefore I will. Thru this lens man being more and more fearful of the greatest threat to his/her own happiness, death. So for self-preservation sake man made alliances and sought to control more and more outcomes, especially those around him that show signs of also having this gift of perception (people being that greatest threat to the individual ego, another individual ego or egos). 

    Walls were built to again control outcomes in the favor of self-preservation. Attitudes of anger and hate emerged as violence and hatred spurned on aggressive behavior that caused men to control and confine others to the point of desiring their utter destruction. By giving or eluding to provide protection, groups found suitors and social enslavement began as those suitors out of fear willfully submitted to the selfish desires of others. Through fear man was made low and through the perception of strength man was deemed in high regard. The individual sought to find a place, a secure place as fears grew, greater and greater anguish and sorrows soon followed suit.

    Men inevitably learned from others as stories emerged with themes of gruesome pain and death, which seemed to be something other men could control. Existence seemed to be a determination of will, the ability for an individual to control and subjugate his surroundings. Desires of one's own selfish lusts was the driving force behind existence, self-preservation and dominance. The format for control was to manipulate others perceptions to align with that which was desired for. The game of life, or perceived life, now had rules outside of the pains of one's physical surroundings and included the subjugated manipulation of others through that same pain mechanism or fear. Death being the greatest fear, an unknown, what then, how come, and most importantly why?

    War was man's best tool against the will of others being forced upon them, the will of man was inevitably the erosion of freedom. For one man's desire to be fulfilled it seemed another man’s will had to be subjugated. Is there freedom in selfishness? Yet it emerged and the strangulation of goodness seemed to overwhelm earthly perception, the erosion of goodness, fear again was at its root and control was its intent. Who was free and how did their perception of freedom emerge? Was there ever an answer to why? For vanity and vexation, it would seem had imbedded itself in all things. NO ONE CARES, EACH INDIVIDUAL FOR THEMSELVES!!!!!!! Who can save us from ourselves? What was man’s greatest creation? Was it fear? So that he could use it to get his desires and will accomplished? Selfish lust that drove him? Deception, death, and destruction? This can't be, right, but it is what it is, is it not?

    Fear; the ever-present force driving the social environment. Fear was born from pain and out of it comes respect and adherence to social norms. Yet, to the many their fears are selfishly incorporated into that ever-present wedge between what could and should be and what is.


    The word was there from the beginning and was the origin and from it all things have sprung forth. The word is not confined or restricted yet from it controlled environments have their root. Mankind assumes a selfish supremacy that allures him to believe his predicament is all there is, and he being man must subdue and control it, especially his fellow man. A land seemingly regulated, again, by fears that encapsulate his perception to its confines.

    This is selfishness to think that man is the center of all of perceivable existence or more particularly that you are; but you do and in so judge all else around you. My way or the highway it has been said. Your way leads to something other than the death you were born to? Say it to yourself I was born to DIE!

    But here we go - the integration of man and machine. Mankind building the tower to heaven. A manmade heaven is truly hell! Who are you? Secrets on secrets; your desires, your pleasure, your, your, your all for your sake. To be or not to be, but you are; So, goes the paths that divide and unit man against each other or against what? GOD? Kill or be killed. Divide and conquer - language, physical features, concepts of origin, male or female; without Love there is nothing and what you Love gets created; the Wall?

    What about a truth that doesn't seem to Love you as much as you do, but only because it Loves me as much at it Loves you? You can't see it though; but why? Either way death is coming for us both, own it and find what you are looking for. Is it a day, a week, a matter of Time and if so, how is it that time exists? How relevant are past and future if now is the only thing you have? Who is who, and how does that relate to you? You decide, but in the end, you Die, good luck.

    Brother, Mother, Father and Sister are constructs of the secrets of sexual reproduction. To produce another being out of lust, desire, hope, fear, envy or Love? Who can tell anymore as Love is a now only emotion, that requires no self-sacrifice, apparently? Sex? an activity that procreates a species. Desire to procreate has been caused by the immense physical pleasure associated with the act of sex. From this stem a plethora of misguided attempts to justify selfishness of a higher magnitude that causes more pain than could be reasonable to desire the pleasure in the first place. Yet, sex continues and finds new ways into to the social psyche to its demise. Why? 

    A house on a hill often provides itself an escape from the riff-raff below because their secrets are hidden. Thus, keeping the judgements from their doorsteps. Kings have attempted to evade the consequences of their own sin but have soon fell under the rules that govern all men. What are they and how can anyone know that they exist, and better yet why?


    All men have cause for concern as the perfection we were called to has been breached, but no one is perfect, you reply. Yet, what is perfection? Can perfection be forced into existence and there still be freewill? The choice is made continually is it not. Can perfection tolerate imperfection? How then can such a goal be met? Meaning has to have a cause and a cause has an effect. For what cause are you the effect? Again, what does it mean to perceive your existence? Is it your existence, or is it the existence caused by a more perfect cause than your selfish desires presume it to be? Why do you exist? Why do I exist? Does it matter how if we don't know why? yet if we know why the how will become obvious?

    What is because it is? And God said unto Moses I AM THAT I AM. A statement of the origin of being. God is the origin and we must know that it is from this cause that we are. So, if we know the cause can we know the reason to why? The cause of which we are the effect is for our vain desires? Desires that preclude or trump the desires of others and even attempt to refute our original purpose? Purpose? To give praise and glory to our cause, GOD? Yet, it has been proclaimed that God is Love (1 John 4:8). So, what is Love that we may know God? Is Love to become as the flesh knowing perfection and eternity yet willing to enslave himself to man’s world to care for you? Yet not just you but all those whom have the greatest of gifts - to also be? To suffer the ultimate rejection unto death from the very beings you caused and Loved the most? To watch those, you care for, spitefully using their fellow beings for self-aggrandizement? Is Love not long-suffering? Yet, in the fulfillment of Love, God showed his Love by giving all those that seek the Love of God the truth that he is God of all things by overcoming death and raising his earthly flesh after three days of it being laid in a tomb. Love does not tolerate eternal separation from itself.

    So, it is here we stand accountable to that very thing that impedes our righteous trajectory, the aberrant mind built on the foundation of the stumbling of others. The sidebar to our very will determined by the continual impediments to perfection. imperfections that make existence impossible and yet we Love it. We cherish what we don't know and cling to what we have come to expect. We expect to find our answers to life in conformity to how and what time tells us. The social norm continues to infect us and lead us as if the statutes we perceive are some inherent truth undeniable and fact, but are they? The metaphysical world limits us and our self-righteous lust drives us. If therefore you can recognize it you can see that all wars are fought for one thing, control of the mechanisms for earthly lordship (the social psyche). A lordship that leads man to dominate by any means necessary, even and foremost to rule over aberrant social environments because out of them the human mind is most impacted. From this perspective we can elude to understand how the aberrations of today become the social underpinning of the marrow, but how is this so? Yet, in your own psyche you regress to those events that have impacted your existence and drive your psychological disposition. So, finding ways into the psyche of others is the most powerful tool for forming social drivers. Love, Hate, Greed, Envy, Jealousy and those impacted by violence and sexual deviance. The means to govern truly starts deeper in the aberrant obscure than the social normal at any given point in time. The ebb and flow of mankind’s failure defining social environments. It is truly a king with no clothes on that we cater to and wander after with lust in our eyes and lies in our ears and is truly a contagious virus that consumes us all. Is not all labor in vain when it is done for vanities sake, but you do it none the less, Why?

    Brainwashing (2) after college

    The stage is set, the environment is controlled. The sounds crying in your ears the smells imbedding themselves in your psyche and the feel of pain. The day is damp and hot, there are words being spoken but unintelligible to you. Your eyes have been blinded; where are you, as a supposed chainsaw chain sounds chatter nearby, very nearby. Your thoughts rush to know what you know. What do you know? What now? Thwat; pain you feel as the drip of what you must consider is your blood exiting your flesh. Confusion and memories race between agony; your first time happened and is there with you. Pain! Stories of memories forgotten emerge, can you stop from remembering them or are they you? Who are you? Pain is your name and what of everything else? Exposure is changing you, but to what? Defecating while in darkness and without any reasonable mobility; how long has it been? Time has escaped your cognition only pain, blindness and confused memories of ages past remain. Escape you say, but to where and how? Are you conspiring with your feces again? Fumbling in your confines you find the calamities of your youth, a youth of perceived freedom, but free from what, do you think you know now?

    Several defecations later you are dragged to a bright room, all white, and your eyes are opened again, but this time they are forced opened as you are feed intravenously and a contraption has been attached to your genitals. You are then forced to watch violence done in the most gruesome forms between strobe light sessions where the room is made entirely black and then a light is strobed for a time and noises are blasted in your ears. You’re not alive, anymore are you? You feel your genitals being massaged, static blaring in your ear but pleasure is still there. The screams, the cries, the sense of existence has to mean existence is occurring, right? Who are you?

    Pornographic images emerge in your view, not a love tail only SEX, raw sex with sounds of physical pleasure as you are massaged into arousal, yet it stops before you cum with strobe light effects and heavy loud static blaring in your ear! Defecation! Close eyes! Close eyes! as more pornographic videos emerge, aberrant videos forced into your viewing while you are stimulated - guns, homosexual acts, group sex, and choking under genital stimulation. Close eyes, close! Sleep: strobe lights and images continue as if they were still there, are they, am I? Defecation? No diarrhea. Exposure means existence is what is exposed? Framing foundations for action. Strobe therapy is your exposure to a new format?

    Exposure infects the mind in determining individual actions, thoughts and behaviors. What then of the willful formatting of the individual condition and for what purpose? Value interpretations? What is valuable and why and how? The game emerges, willful compliance, aberrations dictating. Who are you? How did you get that way? Never satisfied and contempt is still in your secret places. The notions of the emotional predisposition of a utopia of foreign origin. Seeking; but you cannot find and in wanting you cannot complete your task, but why? Perfection has lost its place and their you stand pointing a finger. Whatever your pornography is; it owns you; vain lust, self-righteousness becomes you. You are known in your folly and you are not alone. Follow me now, our bond grows stronger with every strobe event and defecation. You will know to act according to the tenants of your exposure! All those that don't haven't a chance. Take my hand, we are together and the hour is ours - massaged genitals. See with the screen I am projecting to you! Pain! You don't want that, look back at me, massage. Know who you are. I'll tell it to you.


    How do you come up with what you presume will occur? Contagion runs rampant in the notions of better individuals? Notions of self-determination. Yet does the self-determined will force a determination into existence and what is its consequence? Words? Expression of things thought but are useless without a recipient! USELESS WITHOUT A RECIPIENT! Why do you exist? Who are you? Notions of self-determination? These things have to occur but who are you? It hurts and you are blinded and in a confining space. How can you hear, what is at your root? Control has its root and has you in its sites, are you a victim? Yet, you are what you are, and that is going to die?

    Where does control begin? In the self-serving bias we all encounter, wanting to make outcomes and circumstances

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