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God's Truthful Truths: Volume 6: Matters of Life
God's Truthful Truths: Volume 6: Matters of Life
God's Truthful Truths: Volume 6: Matters of Life
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God's Truthful Truths: Volume 6: Matters of Life

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God is the author of this book! "Without these Truths, ye will be blind! Blind to the Truth about what life is for! It is through life that one can find eternal peace and contentment in the all-knowing Truthful Truth of Me and My Only Son! Believe with all thy heart and mind, and these Truths shall set you free! I am the Lord! I am thy Lord and thy Creator who sent ye forth! I am always with ye! We are the Holy Spirit, which is Myself in the Father and Son! Believe in Us and live forever, believe not and be dead!"

Victoria Brown is the coauthor of God's Truthful Truths, dictated to her from the mouth of Almighty God! Victoria was neglected, abused, and tortured at the hands of her parents and stepmother from birth until early childhood. God became her parents and protected her throughout her life to become His Commanded Messenger to record His Words of Truth! She endured the pain of rejection, criticism, and isolation required to do God's work with steadfast love and devotion.

Diane Garrison, messenger and assistant coauthor, is Victoria Brown's daughter. She preserved and protected these Words of Truth for thirty years until God spoke to her and told her to present these Words of Truth to the whole of humanity, to be weighed with the justice scale of Higher Consciousness, of each individual's mind! These Words of Truth are being published for the Love, Honor, and Glory of Almighty God!

Release dateNov 19, 2021
God's Truthful Truths: Volume 6: Matters of Life

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    God's Truthful Truths - Diane Garrison

    God Spoke to Victoria Brown, He Creates Life

    March 10, 1985

    "Oh, child of Mine; dear, child of Mine; why turneth thy mind away from Me? Is there anything else in life that is as magnificent as I am? Is there any human whom ye know who can make the sun to rise and shine or cause the darkness to blanket the earth? Is there any other Power that compares to Mine?

    "Is there any other God in existence who can control the ocean’s tide? Can any other God of existence speak and the elements obey, or cause the wind to constantly blow every which of a kind of way?

    "Who, except I, can send the rain to any location I please and place the stars in the galaxies with utmost skill and ease? Could Moses do any of these things or any of the worlds enlightened men? Could they do any of these wondrous things at the wink of an eye?

    "Could the fair-haired Christ, who claimed to be Christ perform a miracle true, just by thinking the thought? I thinketh not and what thinketh you? Do ye think that a mere human being can do any single one of those? Can he die and come to life again?

    "If he can, do ye suppose he does it with his very own mind or just by speaking the word? Of course he can’t and to think he can is certainly absurd! I cause a man to live and die! It is My Decision alone and none other plants the seed within the womb of that man’s mother! She does it not and neither can thy father plant thy seed! None can make it grow except I, Myself, when I see the need for ye to exist and be!

    No other hand except My Own lays ye down and raises ye up from the tomb unto Life’s Throne! ’Tis I who breathes all life into ye and no other breath except Mine can cause thy heart to beat and stop at any chosen place and time!

    The Many Voices of God

    Dear God, I whispered from upon my knees, you have given me many reasons to rejoice! You have told many wonderful things to me, yet, I never have audibly heard thy voice! You have spoken to my spirit quite often and told me what Words you want me to write. I write what you tell me to write, dear Lord, and the Words are full of Power and Might. But, I yearn to hear thy Voice! I cried, how very much to hear it, I yearn! The things you’ve said brought joy to my heart and about thy ways I constantly learn! Do you think just once I could hear you speak? Then I heard him ask, Those birds in the trees art ye now hearing them? Oh yes, I hear the birds, I hear the birds singing in that tree! Then you have heard My Voice! The Voice of the birds is Mine, said he. About that time a cricket chirped, and that’s My Voice also! he said.

    For a moment I became confused so much that I started to scratch my head, don’t think I understand, I said. Don’t think I understand, was then that I doug the toe of my shoe into a little mound of sand, Oh child of Mine, I heard him say, Don’t ye know what maketh My Voice? I had to admit I did not know and I had no other choice. My Voice, dear child is every single and solitary sound that’s ever been made since beginning of time! At the words I winced and frowned, but how can that be? I ask how can that possibly be?

    I thought all things has voices, I said, and so they do, said he, "every single thing that lives is a minute portion of Me! Then each Voice must be a portion of My Very Own Voice! I am Life and Life is Me! Therefore each single sound that’s made from separate sources makes up My Voice since before the earth’s foundation was laid!

    "It hath always been and forever shall be that very same way," I heard him say, so why is it so difficult, child, for ye to believe that it is that way? I don’t know! I said to him, I just suppose that I never thought upon it before this moment and it is something that I haven’t been taught! "Then be taught this very instant! Be ye taught this moment, he cried, without this teaching ye cannot know Me, or even a portion of Me!"

    The Heavenly Realm of Victoria Brown

    November 1, 1979

    "Ye hath seen the South, North, East, and West and the Spirit of Myself doth flow in every living creature of Mine! This Mighty Truth ye most surely know! Ye’ve seen Me in the eyes of children strapped against the back of their mother and heard Me in their innocent cries! ’Twas the Voice of Myself and none other! I am the very Essence of Life, as mysterious as the invisible wind! Yet I am there, for I’m Life Itself and Life shall never not ever end the evolvement of Myself, from the greatest to the smallest and the least! From the smallest microscopic being to the very largest and fiercest wild beast, I am! From Alpha beginning, to Omega ending!

    "Listen ye well and know that Life is a constant beginning and ending, and it forever shall be so! I’m every cell in each thing that lives and breathes beneath the sun and even the non-breathing that exist! Yea, I am each single one! Loveth them and ye Loveth Me, for I am they each one! I am each thing that comes to Life and also those that appear to be dead! The physical flesh of all beings shall decay and return to dust through death, but the Spirit of All shall exist forever to never, not ever die!

    "My Heavenly Realm is the Consciousness of Myself in every mind, yet the Way into My Mighty Kingdom is most difficult to find! Ye findeth My Kingdom through Seeking! My Kingdom is found through Love! Ye findeth it not if ye seeketh it not! My Kingdom is far, far above in the Highest Consciousness of Thy Mind, and in every mind! I have always been, am existing now and it forever shall be that way! I was in the very beginning before there was physical life and shall be when life disappears from the earth and appears unto man to be dead!

    "Nothing dies which is of Me! All things art Myself, whether seen or unseen! Listen to these Truths I tell, and through thy Believing seeketh to glean the Truth of Truth by Asking! For ye seeth not if ye Believeth not that I exist! Yet, thy disbelief doesn’t alter a bit the all-encompassing Might of Me! Love all things that exist, My child! Like an innocent child ye must become, Trusting and Loving as an infant does, the parents whom it issued from! I am thy parent’s child of mine! I’m both thy father and thy mother! As One We were in the beginning and never, not ever has there been any other!

    I joined thy parent’s seed through Love, which caused ye to exist and be! There’s no other force that has this Power, My dearest child. I giveth and I taketh away according to what is My Own Might and Will, and no one exists except through Me, so be ye now both quiet and still! Ye shall know that I am God and that no other God is there! There never shall be, not ever or ever, My child! Believeth this Mighty Truth of Truths! Believeth this Truth and know that I am with ye always, even when into thy grave ye go!

    "I shall lift ye up again when ye goeth into that dark awesome tomb! I shall raise thy Spirit of Life again through the avenue of an earth mother’s womb! Ye must be Born Again to inherit the Kingdom, for Perfection is gained through constant striving, life after life and day after day! Yet, the dead to Myself shall forever exist, in a dark and tormented state, in the lowest state of Consciousness, in that awesome Realm of Hate!

    "Record these Truths and Believeth in them, for without these Truths ye would be blind, blind to the Truth about what Life is! It’s only through Life that one can find eternal peace and contentment in the All-Knowing Truthful Truth of Me! Believe these Truths with all of thy heart and these Truths shall set ye free!

    I believe! I believe, dear Lord, I cried aloud as I dropped to my knees. Please expound upon my life, dear Lord, reveal my errors if you should so please! For a long, long time I knelt and prayed upon my knees beside my chair, but I finally grew silent after exhausting myself through prayer. Then, in the darkness of the night, when one could hear a dropping of a pin, I heard the sound of that wee-small voice start speaking to me again.

    "Oh child of Mine, I saw thy anguish when thy parents turned away from ye and left ye to fend for thyself, while they toiled in the fields day after day. They trusted not My Wisdom and neither Believed in My Might and Power! They labored long and hard, day after day and hour after hour. Thy buttocks chapped with the waste of thyself and the sweat from thy face did pour. I heard thy anguished cries of pain when the chap became a raw open sore. The tears that streamed from thy eyes became as a cooling streamletting brook and a stone became a cup in thy hand and from that stone much strength ye took!

    "I sustained ye in those hours of need, and ye seemed to know that I was there. In gratitude ye sighed aloud and groaned to Me thy thanksgiving prayer. Neglected ye lay on the hot scorching sand while insects swarmed thy mouth and nose. No one heeded thy Cries of Anguish or thy innocent sobs because of thy woes. That neglect was neglect of Myself, for I was the Spirit of Life in ye, but thy parents recognize Me not within the person of thyself. There was no love in the hearts of them who toiled so endlessly in the sun!

    "Their labors went unrewarded, for I blessed not a solitary one! They ranted and raved as they toiled in the sun, never giving a thought to Me or Mine. Never once did they Ask for My help, ignoring Me through rain and shine! They cursed and used My Name in vain, as if to blame Me for their plight! The resentment within their hearts carried over into the night so much that they touched not each other or showed any signs of Love, and I, in My Infinite Wisdom, watched and grieved from My Realm above!

    "They rose with anger when the sun did rise and against their plight did complain and grumbled, even further when I sent lightning, thunder, and cooling rain. They cursed the rain as it fell on them, never knowing the rain that fell from the skies was intermingled with tears of remorse that streamed from My Very Own Eyes. They saw Me not and heard Me not when I tried to show Myself to them! They bent their backs even in the rain and left ye all alone to sink or to swim!

    "Ye laid on thy back with arms outstretched and sighed in gratitude for the rain, for the coolness of it soothed and washed away each single trace of pain. It bathed away each scalding tear that from thy eyes dids’t pour. I washed the sand and waste away from that raw and awesomely bleeding sore upon thy groin. Oh child of Mine, the tears of Love which flowed from Me healed thy wounds and washed them clean. As thy garments dropped from ye, ye laughed with glee as rain dids’t fall upon thy feverish body and head. Ye could not speak, yet within thy heart, Oh thank you, thank you ye gratefully said!

    "Ye knew not from where the cool rain came, ye didn’t know the how or the where. Ye only knew that thy greatest need was quite by a miracle there! I lay with ye with the sun in thy face and crawled with ye to the sweltering shade. There, in thy state of degradation, thy humble spirit wept and prayed for deliverance from thy awesome plight! Each single prayer ye prayed I heard although ye could not utter a single word!

    "I was with ye as ye cried in despair while left in the scorching sun alone and suckled with ye when ye tried to suckle nourishment from that stone. I caused the breeze to cool thy brow as tears from thy eyes did steadily stream and I carried ye from reality then into the restful Realm of Dream. Thy parents knew not of this transaction, so very concerned were they that they never rested their bodies much less to take the time to pray. I cried daily unto them, oh listen My foolish children to Me, all who art weak and heavy laden, I shall set ye free!

    "All that I heard was defiant rebellion within the hearts of them. All I could do was weep in sorrow! Thy parents leaving ye by thyself caused ye to depend completely on Me, instead of thy parents! Ye became aware of a power greater than thyself and greater than any earth form ye knew, thus that power in thy consciousness brought comfort unto you. Ye sought My comfort in times of distress and in times of calm, I was also there!

    Ye were constantly asking, then gratefully thanking Me every second of life through prayer as I became thy parents, both of them! I became in essence thy father and mother! As One person We were in the very beginning and never has there been any other, I’m the whole of thy existence! Without My Love and Mercy ye’d be in a nothingness void of non-being, but ye, through Love, dids’t recognize Me, and that recognizing lifted ye up into My Realm of Truth and Light! Truth being Light and Light being Life, wherein exists My Power and My Might!

    A Tiny Crumb

    July 25, 1982

    "It’s not for ye to comprehend and neither for ye to understand, but only thine to record these Truths and spreadeth them over the face of the land! Seek not to explain My Words unto man, for each message holds a Truth only known to the person who hears it! Each Truth has a message of its very own!

    "Concern thyself not with explaining, for discernment of Truth cometh only from Me! I speaketh understanding to man whenever the Words he hears or doth see! Man will see and hear My Truths and understand them by the degree of the distance from Me he stands in his heart, and only that much will any man see!

    "Any explain done by ye, shall be but vain words in the hearing man’s ear! The one who hungers for bread from My Hand will come unto ye eager to hear! One Truth will be

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