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Dude's Book of Testimonies
Dude's Book of Testimonies
Dude's Book of Testimonies
Ebook51 pages39 minutes

Dude's Book of Testimonies

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About this ebook

This is a book of short stories based upon my real-life testimonies; I wrote some of them as stories and others as questions that I have had and answers that I received from Yah. I’ve had problems speaking in church and in public because I sometimes stammer and stutter when I speak, which makes me ashamed to give my testimonies verbally. So I decided that if I wanted others to hear my testimonies, I need to write them and have others read them or read aloud. I often read these stories. Even though these events happened in my life, they still give me hope and a feeling of joy because I know my redeemer lives!

Peace, love, and patience.

Release dateJan 7, 2022
Dude's Book of Testimonies

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    Dude's Book of Testimonies - Alfred Ryals

    The Righteous Man’s Creed

    This is my Yahweh. There are none like him, and he is mine. My Yahweh is my best friend. He is my life. I must trust in him as he is the master of my life. Without my Yahweh, I am useless. I must praise my Yahweh in spirit and in truth. I must know my enemy who is trying to kill me. My Yahweh and I understand that the struggle is not against flesh and blood but the rulers the authorities, and the powers of this dark world, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    My Yahweh is in me as I am in him because he is my life; thus, I will seek him always. I will learn more about his ways. I will bask in his radiant glory forever. Since my body is his dwelling place, I will ever guard it against the ravages, wiles, tricks, and schemes of the devil. I will keep myself clean and ready covered with the blood of Yeshua Hamachiach and the full armor of Yahweh; the belt of truth around my waist, the breastplate of righteousness in place, feet wrapped with the preparation of peace, the shield of faith to quench the fiery arrows of the evil one, and take up my helmet of salvation and the fiery sword, which is the word of Yahweh. It is sharper than any double-edged sword; it penetrates even to dividing souls and spirits, joints, and marrow and judges the thoughts and the attitudes of the heart. I will put all my trust in him because he loves me, and I love him, not because of what he has done but because we are part of each other. In Yeshua Hamachiach, I am the master of my enemy, for I am more than a conqueror through him that loves me for I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor future nor any powers, neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of my Yahweh that is in Yeshua Hamashiach. I will stand and wait on him until there is no enemy, but only peace!

    The Man and the Ant Bed

    There was a man who sat around his house on many occasions and would wonder about ants and, sometimes, even imagined, What if I were an ant? So amazed by these creatures or insects, Yahweh granted his wish. The man was soon the size of an ant, but he was still a human in appearance. Now, understand that ants are much more powerful than humans at their size and in their environment. They did not like humans that much because they were jealous of them, saying why Yahweh love humans so much, making him bigger and stronger than us. As the man lives among the ants, he started wanting to be like the ants. The ants were sophisticated creatures. We cannot see all the rich and sophistication of their lifestyles in our human size that these ants lived because it is on an exceedingly small, magnified level. So the man’s desire to be like them grew more and more as he saw all they had and all there was to do. He wanted to own

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