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Manifesting, Mindfulness, and Magic: Complete Guide To Living Spiritually Inspired
Manifesting, Mindfulness, and Magic: Complete Guide To Living Spiritually Inspired
Manifesting, Mindfulness, and Magic: Complete Guide To Living Spiritually Inspired
Ebook326 pages4 hours

Manifesting, Mindfulness, and Magic: Complete Guide To Living Spiritually Inspired

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"Sara Rae's energy combined with her astute intuition results in feeling healed and energized after a session. She cuts to the core of any issue, thus saving years of time and money, and she gives her client the immediate ability to produce results and manifest goals and dreams." - Jennifer India, manifesting client

Spiritually isn't something you're meant to check off your to-do list. It's meant to be infused into your everyday life. We all have unique spiritual interests, specialties, and worldviews. This complete guide will take you on the journey of cultivating a magical lifestyle! This complete guide includes five total books:

  • Manifesting Abundance: How To Use The Law Of Attraction
  • Practical Manifesting: The Law Of Attraction In Everyday Life
  • Mindfulness Made Easy: An Introduction To Meditation
  • The Self Worth Secret: Building Self Esteem For Manifesting
  • Magical Moon Phases: Spiritual Meanings Of Each Moon Phase

SARA RAE HOAGLUND is an author, podcaster, crystal reiki master, and manifesting coach who loves to help others discover their spiritual specialty. She combines crystal reiki with innovative spiritual coaching to assist her clients on their path of soul expansion.

Release dateJan 27, 2023
Manifesting, Mindfulness, and Magic: Complete Guide To Living Spiritually Inspired

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    Manifesting, Mindfulness, and Magic - Sara Rae Hoaglund


    Ten years have passed since the first postings of the Spiritually Inspired brand were spewed onto the internet. Except back then, I called it something completely different and irrelevant. I hadn’t yet realized what my spiritual specialty was, even though I could feel it calling to me. That calling sent me on a quest to discover what was out there waiting for me. And not unlike Moana, I soon discovered that the call wasn’t out there at all, it was inside me.

    This book is symbolic of the journey I took to find the spiritual answers I needed. But it’s not really a narrative. Actually, this book is a compilation of all five of my published books under the Spiritually Inspired brand. All of which were born out of intense curiosity, research, and implementation in my life so I could write from experience. I would love to take a moment to tell you a bit about each of the books you will find in this compilation, as well as the intentions I had created them with.

    First, we have my latest book Manifesting Abundance: How To Use The Law Of Attraction. In 2022 I undertook the task of completely updating and republishing a second volume of this book. The previous one just didn’t represent my specially curated manifesting system that I had begun using with private coaching clients. In the time since writing the original volume, I had uncovered a predictable system to use with the Law Of Attraction. I’m very excited and proud to share this volume with you, and I hope you find it revolutionary.

    Second is Practical Manifesting: The Law Of Attraction In Everyday Life. This was essentially the original version of Manifesting Abundance, which is fantastic for getting back to basics. My entire business is based on making spirituality effortless, impactful, and beautiful. I wanted manifesting to be approachable for those who aren’t necessarily looking to drastically change their entire lives ASAP. Practical Manifesting would be great information for those who would like to infuse their lives with spiritual practices that are in alignment with their manifesting efforts.

    Third is Mindfulness Made Easy: An Introduction To Meditation. I enthusiastically wrote this book when I was just starting to teach meditation to complete beginners. As always, I intended to approach meditation from a place of spiritual connection. There are loads of other basic, dry, boring meditation books out there. I wanted to create one that spoke to the deeper reasons why we’re drawn to meditation. This book discusses the benefits of meditation and mindfulness from a health perspective. Then it goes further to expand the horizons of what’s possible with mindfulness. Also included is a how-to guide on meditation for those who have never meditated before and need some guidance.

    Fourth is Self Worth Secret: Building Self Esteem For Manifesting. A few years ago I started working with spiritual women as their manifesting coach. This book is the result of every single one of those clients having low feelings of self worth. It hurt my heart (and still does) to think of all the beautiful, talented women out there holding themselves back. Realizing your worth as a spiritual soul will transform every area of your life. Even now, two years later, women are telling me how impactful Self Worth Secret has been on their journey.

    And finally, we have Magical Moon Phases: Spiritual Meaning Of Each Moon Phase. I took way too long to finally write this one! I had discovered the joy and magic of working with the moon for manifesting long before I considered sharing it with others. For a while I felt the need to keep this magic all to myself. Once I realized it was part of my purpose to help others live more magically, I decided to create this resource. The amount of feedback I’ve gotten has been nothing short of validating. This is the book where you’ll learn how to manifest in tune with the moon, but not in a way that feels overwhelming or complicated.

    I sincerely hope you enjoy these books. Please feel free to jump around to the sections that interest you the most. As always, take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and always dig deeper.

    Blessed be!

    Sara Rae 🌻


    Tune into the Spiritually Inspired podcast at or wherever you get your podcasts.







    In the spiritual community, we define the LOA as a universal law of energy that states like-energy attracts more like-energy. This is where the basic idea of your thoughts create your reality comes from because your thoughts are pure energy. So, whatever thoughts or attitudes we exude are what will come back to us as experiences with matching energetic vibration. Everything (and I truly mean everything) in the Universe comprises energy. Including us! We carry an energetic vibration. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed or converted.

    We do not need to observe this theory with a scientific mind to understand why it’s so widely accepted across the world’s cultures. As modern mystics, we can see the LOA at work in our own lives and as the lives of others. We feel its truth in our hearts and see its evidence with our eyes. We know what we feel in our souls is what we attract in our lives, because we’ve experienced it and are now aware of it. And now we are ready to be more deliberate in our manifesting efforts.

    It might seem weird to refer to the LOA as both a universal law and a theory in the same sentence. But I find this most accurately explains what the LOA is in terms of proof and acceptance by most people. As far as I know, there have been no peer-reviewed scientific studies conducted regarding the LOA, probably because it would be extremely difficult to design blind experiments to show its validity. Also, people have only been discussing the LOA by this name openly for about a century—which means the actual theory is just a baby! I’m sure as the spiritual community grows and ascension continues to take place, more and more people will study the LOA through a traditional scientific lens. Which will be very exciting.


    More often than not, when we wish to manifest a material thing, we want the feeling that material thing brings us. For example, we might think we want a big, beautiful house in our ideal city. When in reality, we want an aesthetically pleasing house, with just enough room for our entire family, in an area that feels like home. See how these things are similar, but different? The latter is focusing on the material thing, thinking we will get the feeling we want once we have that thing. The former is focusing on the feeling we want to feel, which results in us getting the thing that will help us feel that way. The material items, including money, are only tools meant to bring us closer to a feeling, or a certain energy we wish to embody.

    Why does anyone want the things they want? Why does anyone want a big house, more money, fancy gadgets, or whatever else? We want things because they make us feel a certain way. Manifesting abundance isn’t about getting the things, though. Manifesting abundance is about shifting our focus from getting the things to feeling the feelings. It’s a personal transformation that often results in material items flowing to us, as opposed to material items flowing to us that will enable transformation. That is not how the LOA works because we attract what we are, not what we want. If we are happy and comfortable, we will attract things that make us happy and comfortable. If we feel scared and greedy, we will attract things that make us feel more scared and greedy.

    In order for anyone to manifest deliberately, they must first transform into the person who understands their feelings and embodies the core belief of always having more than enough. Only then will miracles arrive at the door!

    Even if we don’t deliberately manifest, we are still manifesting. Manifesting is a natural thing for us to do because we are already doing it constantly. Energy is always flowing, presenting us with the opportunity to change that energy. There is no way to turn off the LOA—all we can do is be aware of our current state of mind so we can predict what we will manifest. With practice, it will become extremely easy to manifest deliberately. I’ll teach you how in the next section.


    The LOA is not a quick fix. Although we can manifest quickly (for better or for worse), it does not mean the LOA to be an instant fix to all our problems in a single moment. More than anything, the LOA is an inner transformation resulting in plenty of internal and external changes, like a ripple effect. Working with the LOA means we are consciously choosing to change our attitudes and mindset. A shift in perspective ultimately creates changes in our lives. For most people, a shift in perspective will not happen overnight. It takes time and dedication, and it’s absolutely worth it.

    The LOA is not a cure-all. The bad things in our lives won’t magically change the instant we change our mindset. More likely, the bad things will no longer be a vibrational match to us, so they’re likely to disappear from our lives altogether. The old way of thinking that brought us those things doesn’t exist anymore—the energy within us will have changed. Because like-energy attracts like-energy, we are no longer in sync with it energetically. This makes room for new things to come our way. Things that we are an energetic match for! The LOA won’t cure the bad things in our lives. Instead, we will learn to let go of those bad things completely.

    The LOA is not without you doing most of the heavy lifting. We can’t just set it and forget it. This is the biggest myth of the LOA, thanks to common mainstream literature promoting the false claim that you can think your way to a new life, and do nothing else. We call it co-creating for a damn good reason. We can wish for our dream lives all we want, but if we aren’t taking deliberate action towards our dreams, they will never manifest. The Universe can tell if we are doing our fair share of the work or not (mentally and physically). The Universe only reacts to what we’re already doing and feeling, not what we’re saying. So if we’re just wishing for something to change, but we do nothing to change it, the Universe will continue to send us the same energy we don’t want.

    The LOA is not a punishment. It’s important to remember the Universe is only reacting to how we’re behaving. It doesn’t pick who is going to get or not get abundance. If someone is in a terrible situation, the Universe is not punishing them. Rather, the Universe is fairly sending that person experiences to match their current vibration. They may get defensive and say, Do you think I wanted this, or chose this life? And the answer is-in the eyes of the Universe-yes they did, based on their behavior. Even the things that are out of our control are part of our life for a reason. And this is where the spiritualness of the LOA comes into play.

    The LOA is not a fortune teller. Because energy can change at a moment’s notice, our current energetic vibration says nothing about our future energetic vibration. If your vibration doesn’t change, however, then the LOA may appear to be telling our future. In fact, this is how all forms of divination work. It takes assessment of our current state of being, assumes it will go unchanged, and then illustrates the current destination we're headed towards. Because our state of being can (and likely will) transform, the future is never permanent. The LOA is not divination, but the principles are the same.



    If you’ve been in the spiritual community for any length of time, you’ve likely heard the term abundance thrown around like confetti. The dictionary defines the word abundance as an extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply, overflowing fullness.¹ Seems a little cut and dry, doesn’t it? What does abundance mean from a spiritual perspective?

    Abundance is fulfilling all of our needs and desires effortlessly and continuously. Our needs can be anything from basic survival, to fulfilling our wildest dreams, and everything in between. Abundance is the energy of the Universe flowing to us, bringing us security and all we deserve to have. We graciously accept these gifts because we know we are worthy of them. And then we lovingly share our gifts with others, because we have more than enough to go around.

    Abundance is the many blessings of the Universe. It is what we manifest when we truly believe in our hearts we are worthy of all the things we want and need in life, no matter what they are. This can be a tough topic to discuss for many people. Building up our own self-worth can be painful enough. But then, throw in all our needs being met effortlessly and continuously, and suddenly we’re greedy and ignorant for believing it's possible to think our way to prosperity.

    People often feel ashamed when they have so much and other people have so little. As if their abundance takes away from the abundance of others. And no one wants to be seen as greedy. It’s a vicious cycle which can only be broken by believing in our own self worth. Everyone can manifest abundance, no matter their circumstances. Understanding this truth will help relieve the guilt.

    Abundance is our birthright. Abundance is everyone’s birthright. And the Universe wants us to be abundant. It is only our mindset and habits preventing us from being abundant. If everyone healed their relationship with money and abundance, the distribution of monetary wealth in the world would be much more even.

    Abundance is so much more than money, but it can come to us in the form of money. We cannot deny the important role currency plays in our society, hence the close connection between abundance and money. A lot of manifesting techniques relate to cash. But a lot of manifesting success stories go far beyond cash.

    Abundance is more about accepting the many bounties you already have and being grateful for them. Abundance is also knowing you always have more miracles coming your way, and you only need to recognize them when they arrive.


    Do you long to win the lottery? Do you catch yourself saying, If I had enough money, all this would be different. I could do this outstanding thing if I had the money to do it. Do you look upon others who seem to have enough money with envy? Are you constantly worried about money and your financial situation? Then you’re probably stuck in a scarcity mindset. It doesn’t have to be this way! More on transforming scarcity mindsets in the next section.

    If you’re reading this book, on some level you’ve already decided that you want to have a better relationship with money and invite more abundance into your life. Not everyone will have a good relationship with money or abundance, which is okay because we are all on our own journeys. In good time, everyone will come to realize their worth and accept the many abundant blessings the Universe has to offer.

    People are funny about money. They don’t like to talk about it. They don’t want to appear gluttonous or expose their finances to the world. People associate having and wanting money with evil, corruption, and sin. Therefore, they feel like money is icky and something they should avoid. Yet we all need it in order to live comfortably and provide for our families. So what good is it to us to believe money is malicious?

    Money is neutral. It is our mental perceptions of money that make it either good or evil. If we believe money is evil, we likely believe anyone who hoards or wants money is also evil. If we believe money is good, we likely see money as a tool that can help us live our best lives, and help us help others. We can donate money, we can give money as a gift, we can invest money in small businesses, we can pay it forward, and more.

    Abundance and money are all about perception. We need to shift our desires from making money to receiving abundance. Instead of working to make money, we can work to manifest and recognize abundance. Together, we will fix our money mindset by working through any resistance we have towards the energy of money. And changing our perspective from money to abundance instead.

    Money still matters. Money has, and always will, matter in our society. But our money does not define us, no matter how much or how little we have, or how easily we get or spend it. Like literally everything else in the Universe, money is energy. Therefore, it’s so important to realize abundance doesn’t just come in the form of money. Abundance energy is all around us, constantly waiting for us to accept it.

    Money does not make the world go round. It may appear that way when we consider the Elite class of people who accumulate obscene amounts of cash. But deep down, those Elite probably still have a scarcity mindset because of their need to hoard their wealth. Let’s not be so concerned about other people, though. Your abundance journey isn’t about them. Taking charge of your own finances, sharing what you have, and recognizing the many blessings of the Universe will always equal abundance.


    Do you believe spirituality and money are mutually exclusive? Many spiritual people are very anti-money because of its close ties to non spiritual people. This is an old school of thought weaved into society by organized religions shaming people for needing, wanting, and working for wealth. But those same organized religious institutions hoard a lot of money and many valuable objects. How does that even make sense? Do as I say, not as I do, seems to be the theme in that line of thinking.

    Many religious figures take vows of poverty in order to pursue God’s work and spread ancient Holy teachings. This worldview is extremely outdated and not applicable to our modern society. And not just modern society as it exists in first world countries. Purposefully denying ourselves wealth and prosperity is the opposite of what the Universe wants for us. The Universe/God/Source Energy is loving and good. It wants us to learn the lessons we came here to learn, which will always mean some amount of struggle. It wants us to learn those lessons, overcome our struggles, and live a beautiful life filled with love. There is no need to take a vow of poverty to pursue our spirituality. There is nothing selfish about being abundant.

    Money, abundance, and spirituality are definitely not mutually exclusive. We can be highly spiritual beings while also being prosperous. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to be greedy. It means everyone has the right to a comfortable life filled with blessings in all forms. In fact, the most spiritual people often live the most abundant lives. They are usually the least selfish of all the people because their lives revolve around love, peace, and sharing.

    Abundance doesn’t mean having millions of dollars in our bank account. Abundance means having all our needs met and then some, whatever that may look like for us individually. We can receive even more abundance when we do the work to improve our self worth, because we are all worthy of abundance. And it’s about time we all accept that fact!


    Abundance is everything. Abundance comes in so many different forms. Because believing that abundance is only money and nothing else is a huge limiting belief. Abundance energy comes in many forms. Money is probably the most common form of abundance—at the very least, it’s what people seem to seek the most with their manifesting efforts.

    But if you’re only focused on manifesting cash and nothing else, you’ll truly miss out on the many blessings the Universe has to offer you! In this episode we’re going to talk about some of the ways the Universe can send you abundance energy besides cash money!

    I love sharing all the different forms of abundance as I experience them over on Instagram

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