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Relentless: Memoirs of a COGIC PK, The Untold Story
Relentless: Memoirs of a COGIC PK, The Untold Story
Relentless: Memoirs of a COGIC PK, The Untold Story
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Relentless: Memoirs of a COGIC PK, The Untold Story

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 " Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. " EPHESIANS 6 :10-11, NIV 

We, PKs (preachers' kids), are held to a higher standard th

Release dateFeb 2, 2023
Relentless: Memoirs of a COGIC PK, The Untold Story

Christine McCarthy-Booker

The Bible was the first book with which I fell in love. Its words are alive and feed the deepest core of my soul. Over the past fifty-plus years, I have learned the nature and true character of God. As a third-generation COGIC PK, I have listened to thousands of sermons. My prayer is that we learn to correctly dissect the Scriptures and rightly divide God's Word while reaching the lost.

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    Relentless - Christine McCarthy-Booker



    Christine McCarty-Booker

    Relentless: Memoirs of a COGIC PK, The Untold Story

    Trilogy Christian Publishers A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2022 by Christine McCarty-Booker

    Scripture quotations marked ASV are taken from the American Standard Version. Public domain. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Public domain.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the author. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.

    Rights Department, 2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, CA 92780.

    Trilogy Christian Publishing/TBN and colophon are trademarks of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    Cover design by: Kelly Stewart

    For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Trilogy Christian Publishing.

    Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN: 979-8-88738-302-6

    E-ISBN: 979-8-88738-303-3


    This book is dedicated to our parents and grandparents: William H. Sr., Lillie Belle McCarty, Alphonso (Lonnie) Sr., and Henrietta McCarty. We will forever be grateful for teaching us the unadulterated Word of God. You succeeded in your mission to steer us in the way of holiness and embedded the teachings and fear of God in our hearts. You taught us to honor and love God by serving one another. We commit to keeping our family legacy alive.


    Over forty years ago, I began journaling my memoirs of a Church of God in Christ preacher’s kid. While journaling, I was bombarded with emotional obstacles as I was forced to relive each event.

    As I expose some of my most intimate memories, I hope and pray my transparency will allow others the courage to come forth and reveal areas of their lives that may have been hidden in the shadows. Some of the experiences I have encountered and suppressed will be well learned by my family for the very first time. A project of this magnitude has not been easy, but I felt it necessary to bring my story to the forefront.

    Many of those who I have encountered on this journey have inspired these writings. I now know that some people are meant to be in our lives for a lifetime, others only for a season. For those who were my allies and others—my rivals, each encounter, good or bad, was a lesson learned. Life is but a stage, and once the curtains open and the spotlight shines, all is revealed. I remain relentless!





    Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes

    Chapter I

    The Return of the Prodigal Son

    Chapter II

    Appointed and Anointed by God

    Chapter III


    Chapter IV

    Still Relentless

    Chapter V

    Scott’s Law. The Hidden Monster

    Chapter VI

    I Am #8

    Chapter VII

    When Demons Attack

    Chapter VIII

    The Last Straw

    Chapter IX

    From Ashes to Beauty

    Chapter X

    The Meaning of Music



    About the McCarty Legacy Foundation


    As a young girl, I was inspired to write. It was important I journal the journey of our family legacy. Writing filled the void and allowed me the freedom to express many suppressed thoughts, and my desire was for my writings to be God-inspired.

    On this Christian walk, we encountered countless demonic attacks, some foreseen and others unforeseen. Through challenges and brokenness, our faith remained relentless. During these attacks, many times, we came close to forfeiting our destiny. But God never left our side, knowing we would make mistakes along the way. After intense basic training, we were now on the front line, in constant war with the enemy, but our wounds were not to death. Today we are still a work in progress, clay being molded in the Potter’s hands. We make no excuses nor seek validation or affirmation. We acknowledge God’s mercy, grace, favor, and unconditional love. And we believe it was the fasting, prayers, and dedication to God of our family that set us on the road to freedom (scripture: John 8:36). God not only brought us through, but He also brought us out. To God be the glory! Like others we’ve encountered who can relate to our story, we are still recovering from what we’ve termed PTRD (post-traumatic religion disorder). We are humbled and wise enough to accept the fact that not everyone will concur with what is written. But if you are willing to read these memoirs with an open mind (refraining from condemnation), you will better understand the life of a PK. And if, for any reason, you are offended by anything written, you are given free will to refrain from the entirety of its content.

    In this race and journey of life, we all encounter battles, great and small. Regardless of the size of our giant(s), we must remain focused and vigilant, knowing we will proclaim victory! Relentless soldiers never retreat until the battle has been won. Be sure of your calling.


    Nearly fifteen years ago, while lying in bed, I succumbed to an out-of-body experience. This was the second time in my life that I encountered such an experience. I was taken to a place past the second heaven. I was clearly awake and maneuvering through the clouds on the wings of an angel. The closer I got to the light, the more I could decipher the images before me. There stood my dad and mom, with interlocked arms, smiling from ear to ear. The other light was so bright, and I knew it could only be the presence of God! The stairs to heaven seemed to be prepared for my entry, and boy, was I excited to have finally reached a place I had longed for. I was taken to heaven’s gate, but the gate remained closed. As I proceeded closer, I heard a voice say, Not yet. You must return, for your assignment has not been completed. I gazed at Dad and Mom in awe and wondered why they were still smiling. I had just been told I couldn’t enter. It soon made sense that there was no sorrow in heaven, and their smile was the confidence of knowing that the assignment given to me would be successfully completed. I finally realized what had happened and knew there was a great calling on my life to help rescue my family and the world.

    By no means are these memoirs intended to degrade, defame, or bring shame to any entity or character(s) involved. The purpose of this book is to share and convey stories of past experiences of being a PK (pastor’s kid) from our perspective, to the best of our recollection, through humor and truth; laughter is good medicine, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32).

    As for our family, we pray it will bring years of precious memories. And for those who do not know the McCarties: by the time you finish reading this book, you’ll have a better understanding of who we are and who we represent. The McCarty legacy: the man, the legend, the legacy.

    We are soldiers fighting wars of great proportions. Many have been called, and others have been chosen. Whether called or chosen, consider it an honor. He knows our capabilities and only asks that we make ourselves available. The purpose of the journey is not for self-gain but to reach those who have no hope. All are blessed with God-given gifts/talents, and these talents are to be used to glorify God, for He is the Creator of every talent gifted to us.

    Whether you are blessed with one or more, these talents will be the catalyst that will catapult you into another dimension of your life. Fear will be your biggest giant and will make countless attempts to overthrow you (scripture: 2 Timothy 1:6–7). You must not allow the flames of life to shut doors God has opened, for you are equipped with a never-quenching fire, truth. Embrace the power and walk through, for destiny lies on the other side.

    Once adults, we journeyed into a world of unfamiliar territories, not always knowing what we would encounter. We faced many Goliaths and endured constant demonic attacks but remained relentless. Truth and the shield of faith were our protector from the fiery darts of the wicked. Many times we thought our battles would overtake us. On this journey, some traveled faster than others, but we were taught to stay focused and keep moving forward no matter how difficult the mountains or how deep the valleys, for the race is not given to the swift nor the battle to the strong but to the one who endures to the end (Ecclesiastes 9:11). We kept God’s Word hidden in our hearts along with many songs of worship and praise. If You Call on Jesus, (He Will Answer Prayer) was one of those songs. These songs of praise, along with the teachings of God’s Word, secured our fate and were instrumental in helping us win the race set before us. God kept His promise.

    Did we make mistakes? Yes! Did we make bad choices? Sure we did. There were times we let our guard down and yielded to the temptations of the world, understanding that our choices, good or bad, will always be accompanied by repercussions. We did not always align our will with God’s perfect will, but He never gave up on us. Instead, He continued to love and chasten us even more. There was a divine calling and purpose for our lives (Hebrews 12:6). Each battle encountered was won, reassuring us that no matter the strength or size of our giants, our battles would end in victory!

    Some who know us may question the decisions we made in life and ask the question, All those children, why didn’t any of them follow in their dad’s footsteps? Answer: we did, only in a different capacity, which many will never understand. We may not have graced a sanctuary pulpit, adorned in a long flowing robe, and addressed a congregation on Sunday mornings, but we were God’s ambassadors and fearless soldiers strategically positioned on the front lines of an audience in a crazy world filled with chaos and uncertainties. We made every attempt to dodge each dart thrown our way by our adversaries. It is without question that we all love God and are ministers/disciples in our own rite and accept the charge given to us. After being tried in the fire—and trust me when I tell you PKs have been tried in the fire—we never gave up on God!

    Oftentimes a ministry can be more effective and receptive with a testimony of experience and deliverance. And despite the countless challenges, the battle has been won! One of our dad’s favorite scriptures was, And we know […] all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28, ESV). Welcome to our world.


    Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes

    Wolf in sheep’s clothes had infiltrated our camp. This was the beginning of the challenging days of our lives. As the world turned, we were reminded that we only have one life to live. Some young, some restless, others bold and beautiful, but within the dark shadows of the night, we continued to follow the guiding light, as our world would end up at the general hospital of life that subsequently would heal the wounds of our hearts.

    I knew God had a plan for my life, and this would begin the first chapter of my sexual and domestic-violence journey. Yes, there were times when I questioned God why He allowed me to experience such trauma. But for whatever reason that I did not understand at the time, I was willing to accept this as part of my journey and purpose. I trusted God and knew there was a calling on my life. I promised to avail myself of whatever assignment He gave me. However, I never understood the cruelty of such a dark world until confronted by so many wolves in sheep’s clothes.

    I was approaching nineteen and patiently waiting for God to send me my Boaz. But my world would soon take an unexpected turn as I would enter the toxicity of relationships that hanged the trajectory of a life I had never imagined.

    As PKs, our lives are set at a higher standard than the average Joe’s. We are constantly in the spotlight and expected to be the perfect example of who we represent. We are unfairly judged, criticized, and expected to live a life void of mistakes and bad choices. When mistreated unfairly, we are taught to turn the other cheek and forgive, while others are excused for seeking revenge. But we are PKs, and in each test given us, we had the tools needed to conquer the enemy.

    I was an adult and preparing to take my first solo flight into the real world. While eagerly listening to and absorbing countless biblical teachings, I was certain I had earned my wings. But the enemy was making strategic plans to destroy me as I entered a world full of predators. The assignments of my journey would prove my faith in God, yet I would remain relentless. God not only knew my name, but I had a relationship with Him like no other. After all, He was my first love. He had gone before me to prepare a table in the presence of my enemies, and I was certain that He had something designed especially for me.

    Wolf in sheep’s clothes was on attack. With his belt, he tied and bound my wrists above my head. With his legs, he forced mine apart and proceeded to penetrate the flower of my youth! A tsunami of tears streamed down my face. I remained focused as I fixed my eyes on heaven while he violated my most prized and treasured possession. Time seemed to stand still as my soul left my body. My virginity had been stolen, and I had become a statistic of date rape. For the first time, I contemplated suicide but was determined not to allow this experience to tarnish my faith or validate who I was. I later accepted the reality that even PKs are not exempt from such attacks of the enemy.

    From that time to the present, I am uncertain for how long I was under his subjection. I have tried unsuccessfully to erase the memory of this nightmare from my consciousness. I can only assume he must have taken me home, but I don’t remember. But if

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