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Modern Marketing Strategy and Tactics: 19 strategies that other marketing books won’t tell you
Modern Marketing Strategy and Tactics: 19 strategies that other marketing books won’t tell you
Modern Marketing Strategy and Tactics: 19 strategies that other marketing books won’t tell you
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Modern Marketing Strategy and Tactics: 19 strategies that other marketing books won’t tell you

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About this ebook

If you want to be successful at anything, you must master the art of marketing. Marketing is not rocket science, but it does require some skill. In fact, if you are serious about building a profitable business, then you will need to invest time and effort into learning how to market your product effectively.


The good news is that marketing doesn't have to be complicated. You do not need to hire expensive consultants or spend thousands of dollars on advertising campaigns. All you really need is a plan and a little bit of patience.


You can find all kinds of information on the Internet, but when it comes down to it, you really only need one source of truth. That's where you come in. You're the expert on who you are and what you offer. So, you need to figure out exactly what kind of niche you want to target. Once you do that, you can begin creating valuable content that will help others solve problems like yours.


This book contains everything you need to know about marketing. From understanding the basics of marketing to creating a winning sales funnel, we'll cover all aspects of marketing in detail. We'll also show you exactly how to implement these techniques in your business.


You'll discover:

Marketing Strategy Examples That Worked

Marketing strategies for small businesses, startups, online, e-commerce, and B2B.

How to Develop an Effective Marketing Plan, Social Media Strategy, Email Marketing strategies, and Pay-per-click marketing strategies

How to Generate Leads With Display Ads, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter

Marketing Strategy For Non-Profits


I created this book to help you avoid making mistakes like I did, and to give you a clear understanding of how to market yourself successfully. If you want to become the next success story, then read this book now. You'll never regret it.

Release dateSep 20, 2022
Modern Marketing Strategy and Tactics: 19 strategies that other marketing books won’t tell you

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    Book preview

    Modern Marketing Strategy and Tactics - Brant W. Maxwell

    Chapter 1

    What is a Marketing Strategy?

    A marketing strategy helps you define your brand, target customers, and develop marketing tactics so you can reach them with relevant messaging. Marketing strategies are deliberate and intentional. They’re not haphazard or random. In fact, a good marketing strategy is the complete opposite of haphazard or random. It’s thorough and well-planned so you know exactly what to do at every stage of your business. A good marketing strategy helps you think critically about your business and where it stands in the marketplace today. It answers questions like: Who are our customers? What do they value? How can we stand out? With a solid marketing strategy in place, you have a clear vision for how to connect with new customers, make them aware of your company, and convince them to buy your product again (and again).

    Why You Need a Marketing Strategy?

    Marketing doesn’t just happen. It takes strategic planning, branding, and precise execution to reach your target audience and sell your products effectively. Without a marketing strategy, you’re likely to waste a lot of time and money on tactics that didn’t work. You may even be missing out on opportunities to grow your business. It’s crucial to have a marketing strategy in place to make sure you’re spending your time and money wisely. It helps you stay focused on your goals and reminds you of where you want to go as a company. A marketing strategy also allows you to measure the effectiveness of each campaign so you can make adjustments and improve for the future. You can’t improve what you can’t measure!

    How to Create a Marketing Strategy

    To create an effective marketing strategy, you’ll need to take a step back from day-to-day operations and take a critical look at your business. You’ll need to ask yourself tough questions and be honest with your answers. The best way to get started is to first write down your company’s goals and objectives. What do you want your company to achieve? What problems do you want to solve? Next, break down your company’s goals into marketing strategies. For example, if one of your goals is to increase your customer base, you’ll need to create a marketing strategy to attract new customers. It’s important to note that you don’t have to create a marketing strategy for each goal. It’s okay to group similar objectives into one strategy.

    Things to Consider When Developing Your Strategy

    Once you have your general objectives and goals in place, it’s time to get specific. Once you have a clear understanding of your company’s current position within the marketplace, you can start to develop a strategy for how to move forward. Here are a few key factors to consider when creating your marketing strategy: Your customers your marketing strategy needs to account for who you’re selling to. You need to know who your ideal customers are and where they’re finding information.


    Your marketing strategy should reflect the essence of your brand. Your brand is more than just a logo; it’s how you position yourself in the marketplace and how your customers perceive you. Your marketing strategy should be in line with your brand’s values and goals.


    Your marketing strategy should account for the competition. More importantly, it should offer something different. Your marketing strategy should be unique and set you apart from your competitors. Ideally, you want to be the go-to source for customers and give them a reason to choose your company over the competition. Your marketing strategy needs to account for the amount of resources you have available. Some marketing tactics will be free, but others will come with a price tag. Your marketing strategy should take into account your budget and leave room for future investments.

    The Importance of Having a Marketing Strategy

    Marketing is a long-term strategy and it can’t be done on a whim. It takes time, money, and resources to put together an effective marketing plan, which means that all of your marketing decisions need to be strategically thought out. You don’t want to be caught in a situation where you have no plan and no idea what to do next. Having a marketing strategy in place will help you stay focused on your goals and keep you on track with your marketing efforts. It will also help keep you from making hasty decisions and potentially wasting resources on ineffective marketing tactics. Having a marketing strategy in place will help you stay on track and keep your marketing efforts efficient and effective.

    7 Steps to Creating Your Marketing Strategy

    Creating a marketing strategy can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the marketing world. You may not know where to start or you may be afraid you’ll make the wrong decision. Here are 7 steps you can follow to create a marketing strategy that works for your company. - Define Your Unique Marketing Strategy - Know Your Audience - Know Your Brand’s Positioning - Decide on Your Marketing Mix - Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - Define the Activities in your Tactic Calendar - Define Your Brand’s Voice and Mission

    Step 1: Define Your Unique Marketing Strategy

    The first step to creating your marketing strategy is defining what your unique marketing strategy will be. Although you may be tempted to copy what other companies are doing, you have to remember that what works for them may not work for you. Your marketing strategy should be unique to your brand and company and reflect who you are and what you stand for. Start by thinking critically about what sets your brand apart from competitors. What do you do better than anyone else? What problems do you solve for your customers? What sets you apart from the rest?

    Step 2: Know Your Audience

    Next, it’s important to know your audience. Who are the customers you want to reach? What are their backgrounds? What are their interests and values? Understanding who your ideal customers are will help you create marketing tactics that will resonate with them. A good marketing strategy accounts for your current customers as well as prospective customers. This includes both current customers and prospects who are not yet aware of your business. You want to make sure your marketing tactics reach as many people as possible. That said, you also want to make sure your marketing tactics are appealing to the right people.

    Step 3: Know Your Brand’s Positioning

    Now that you know who your ideal customers are and what sets your brand apart from competitors, you can move on to positioning your brand. Positioning is all about the marketing strategy you choose to go with. Your marketing strategy should reflect your brand’s values, goals, and strengths. It should be something consistent and recognizable so customers know what to expect from your brand.

    Step 4: Decide on Your Marketing Mix

    Now that you know who your customers are and what your brand stands for, you can decide on your marketing mix. This is the combination of marketing tactics you’ll use to reach your customers and get your message out. A good marketing strategy will account for a variety of marketing tactics, including paid marketing, content marketing, public relations, and more.

    Step 5: Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

    One of the most important steps of creating a marketing strategy is deciding on your key performance indicators (KPIs). These are metrics that you’ll use to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. They can be anything from the number of leads the marketing tactics bring in to the number of customers the tactics result in. Having clear KPIs will help you measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make adjustments as needed. It’s important to note that KPIs aren’t static. They may change over time as your marketing efforts evolve.

    Step 6: Define the Activities in your Tactic Calendar

    Once you’ve decided on your marketing mix and set KPIs, you can move on to defining the activities in your tactic calendar. This is the ideal timeline for your marketing efforts. You want to make sure you’re hitting each marketing tactic at the right time. For example, if you’re hosting an event, you need to make sure you have enough time to put it together. Your tactic calendar should include everything from the date you start planning an event to the date you end it.

    Step 7: Define Your Brand Voice and Tone

    Your brand voice and tone are how you speak to your audience. It’s the personality that defines your marketing message. Your brand voice and tone should be consistent across all of your marketing efforts. You want to make sure they align with the overall image of your business or else you risk confusing your audience.

    Chapter 2

    The Basics of Marketing Strategy

    In the digital age, it’s essential to have a clear marketing strategy. A well-articulated strategy will give you a big advantage in the long run—it can help you steer your business in the right direction and drive measurable results. Let’s face it: Marketing your products or services is not easy. Even if you have a unique product that fills an unmet need and has tremendous value, you still need to put some careful thought into what exactly you want to achieve from your marketing efforts. That way, everything will fall into place with ease and efficiency rather than feeling like another uphill battle every time you release a new campaign or create a new piece of content for your website, blog, or other channel.

    What is a Marketing Strategy?

    A marketing strategy is a plan for the targeted promotion of your company and its products or services, with the goal of increasing sales and revenue. To put it very simply, it’s a plan of action for marketing your business and its products or services, in order to achieve a certain set of goals. A marketing strategy is a plan, or set of plans, that describes what you want to accomplish with your marketing efforts. It’s a high-level plan that looks at the big picture, including your target audience, product benefits, channels, and marketing goals. The two basic components of a marketing strategy are marketing objectives and marketing channels. Marketing objectives define what you want to accomplish. They may include increasing leads, product sales, or website traffic. Marketing channels identify how you’ll reach your audience. They may include email marketing, or a blog.

    Why Do You Need a Marketing Strategy?

    Marketing campaigns are worthless, unless you have a clearly-defined goal or objective. And having a clearly-defined audience and the benefits of your product or service are crucial. You must understand your potential customers’ pains and gains (what’s their problem and what’s the solution?), as well as your product or service’s unique selling proposition (what makes your product or service stand out from the competition?). Without a clearly-defined strategy, you risk wasting your time and energy on the wrong marketing approach. That is why it’s essential to get your marketing strategy right. Nothing is more frustrating than seeing your marketing efforts not deliver the expected results. It’s common for companies to make marketing mistakes, such as spending money on the wrong type of marketing, or missing the mark with their marketing message.

    Define your target audience

    Your target audience is the group of people you want to buy your product or service. Of course, having a specific target audience will help you narrow down on the type of people you want to engage with your brand or message. One of the best ways to define your target audience is to create personas. A persona is a profile of a typical customer, like the type of person who visits your website or reads your blog. You can create personas based on demographics, such as age, gender, and education level, or psychographics, which are the things that make people act or think the way they do.

    Define your product or service benefits

    Having a clear understanding of your product’s or service’s benefits is essential. In fact, your marketing message should be centered around your product’s or service’s benefits. You may have the best product or service in the world, but you won’t be able to generate leads or sales if you can’t clearly articulate what makes your product or service so great. What is it about your product or service that makes it unique? What problem does it solve for your customers? Having a strong understanding of your product or service’s benefits will help you create marketing messages that resonate with your audience and turn them into leads.

    Define your marketing goals

    It’s tempting to go all out with your marketing efforts. But, having too many marketing goals can actually be counterproductive. It’s important to define your marketing goals, so you stay focused on the few goals that will drive the most revenue for your business. You might want to increase brand awareness, generate more leads, or improve website traffic. Whatever your marketing goals are, make sure they align with your target audience and their needs. You can also set short-term goals, like distributing more content, to help you achieve your long-term marketing objectives.

    Define what success looks like for your business

    What does success look like for your business? What are the clear milestones you want to achieve within the next six months to a year? With these milestones in mind, you can create a timeline to help you stay focused on the most important tasks, and use your marketing strategy as a way of tracking your progress. This is also a good way to hold yourself accountable to your team, partners or colleagues. If you’re working with a team, it’s always a good idea to have your marketing strategy readily available. That way, you can keep your team focused on achieving your milestones.

    Establish your channels

    Where do you want to distribute your content, and where do you want to attract your customers? What channels do you want to use to reach your customers? Having an understanding of the channels you want to use will help you focus your efforts and resources on the right channels, so you get the best ROI. For example, let’s say you want to distribute content on social media. You could start with Facebook and LinkedIn, and later add YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest. It’s best to start with one channel first, and once you’re comfortable there, move on to the next.

    Now more than ever, a good marketing strategy is essential

    Not only will a marketing strategy enable you to achieve your business goals, but it will also help you stay focused on your core objectives. Having a clear marketing strategy will enable you to make better marketing decisions, so you can maximize your investment and minimize wasted time and energy. The best way to ensure you stay on track is to create a marketing strategy and outline your goals, channels, and audiences. A marketing strategy will also help you scale your business in the long run. It will enable you to onboard new employees and partners, as well as provide guidance to your current employees.

    The benefits of having a well-thought out marketing strategy

    • It will enable you to stay focused on your core objectives.

    • It will help you make better marketing decisions.

    • It will enable you to scale your business.

    • It will provide guidance to your current employees.

    • It will enable you to onboard new employees and partners.

    Having a clear marketing strategy is extremely important for any business, but it is absolutely essential for startups. Startups have very little time and resources, and their marketing efforts need to be laser-focused on generating leads and driving revenue. Having a clear marketing strategy will help you set priorities, avoid getting distracted, and focus on delivering real results. It will help you make better marketing decisions, avoid marketing mistakes, and maximize your marketing efforts. Having a marketing strategy will help you scale your business and provide guidance to your employees. It will enable you to onboard new partners and investors.

    5 key elements of an effective marketing strategy

    Before you can begin creating a marketing strategy, you first need to understand what makes up an effective strategy. Having a clear understanding of the key components will help you create a strategy that drives sustainable

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