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The Nursing and Patient Fun Joke Book
The Nursing and Patient Fun Joke Book
The Nursing and Patient Fun Joke Book
Ebook107 pages1 hour

The Nursing and Patient Fun Joke Book

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About this ebook

A decent snicker has extraordinary long-haul impacts. At the point when you begin to snicker, it doesn't simply relieve your burden intellectually, it incites actual changes in your body. Chuckling can animate numerous organs. Chuckling upgrades your admission of oxygen-rich air animates your heart, lungs, and muscles, and expands the endorphins that are delivered by your mind. Giggling can likewise invigorate course and help muscle unwinding, the two of which help lessen a portion of the actual side effects of pressure.
Giggling may ease torment by making the body produce its regular painkillers. Giggling may likewise break the agony fit cycle basic to some muscle issues and Increase individual fulfillment. Chuckling can likewise make it simpler to adapt to tough spots. It additionally assists you with associating with others. Numerous individuals experience misery, at times because of persistent sicknesses. Chuckling can help diminish your downturn and nervousness and cause you to feel more joyful.
This 'Jokes book' of our own is a work to break down your pressures in an answer of grins, laughs, and giggles.
Release dateSep 3, 2022
The Nursing and Patient Fun Joke Book

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    Book preview

    The Nursing and Patient Fun Joke Book - Ahsi Ayir

    About the Book

    A decent snicker has extraordinary long-haul impacts. At the point when you begin to snicker, it doesn't simply relieve your burden intellectually, it incites actual changes in your body. Chuckling can animate numerous organs. Chuckling upgrades your admission of oxygen-rich air animates your heart, lungs, and muscles, and expands the endorphins that are delivered by your mind. Giggling can likewise invigorate course and help muscle unwinding, the two of which help lessen a portion of the actual side effects of pressure.

    Giggling may ease torment by making the body produce its regular painkillers. Giggling may likewise break the agony fit cycle basic to some muscle issues and Increase individual fulfillment. Chuckling can likewise make it simpler to adapt to tough spots. It additionally assists you with associating with others. Numerous individuals experience misery, at times because of persistent sicknesses. Chuckling can help diminish your downturn and nervousness and cause you to feel more joyful.

    This 'Jokes book' of our own is a work to break down your pressures in an answer of grins, laughs, and giggles.


    Table of Contents

    About the Book















    The doctor to the patient: I will cure you even if it costs me all of your fortunes!

    Doctor, I have come to thank you very much! Are you a patient or an heir?


    A doctor finds out in the middle of the night that his basement is under water. Immediately he calls a plumber. However, he refuses to come at this late hour. The doctor is then angry and explains that he too has to come in the middle of the night if it is an emergency. A quarter of an hour later the plumber is there. Together with the doctor, he descends the cellar stairs, which are already half under water.

    The plumber opens his pocket, takes out two sealing rings, throws them into the water, and says: If it is not better by tomorrow, call again.


    Ward doctor to the young nurse: Did you take the blood from patient no. 13? Yes, but I couldn't get more than six liters out of him.


    The vet wants to show the human doctor how demanding the job of a veterinarian is. Therefore, he asks the human doctor to make a diagnosis of himself without asking a single question; after all, no animals tell you about their symptoms.

    The human doctor accepts the challenge and examines the veterinarian carefully without asking anything.

    Eventually, the human doctor prescribes the vet and says, Take this three times a day for two weeks. If that doesn't help, we'll sadly have to stop you.


    I have both good news and bad news for you, the doctor said to his patient. Which do you want to hear first?

    Well, tell me the good news first.

    You are not a mental illness, because you have all the diseases you list.

    What about the bad news then?

    You have very little life left.

    Oh no, this is awful! How much life do I have?

    Maybe only about ten…

    Ten what, months, weeks, what?

    10, 9, 8, 7….


    Grandma decided to end her day by shooting herself in the heart. But Grandma wasn't sure where the heart was right, so she went to the doctor.

    The doctor said the heart was located below the left chest. The next day the newspaper read: an old woman shot herself in the knee.


    A new, modern hospital had just been completed in the city. The operating room was preparing for the first heart surgery in the new facilities.

    The surgeon arrived at a patient who was being prepared for anesthesia.

    Surgeon: Congratulations, you are the first surgical patient in our new hospital and no matter how lucky you are: the first patch will be done by the esteemed mayor of our city himself!


    A professor of medicine who had already reached retirement age gave a lecture in a full hall. He still represented the generation that wrote all the texts by hand because he had not bothered to learn modern data processing and word processing programs.

    Suddenly, in the middle of the lecture, he took a long break, and then looked out into the hall and asked, Does any pharmacist happen to be there; now I don't know at all what I've written in this paper!


    The man traveled to Paris for a week's vacation. Already on the second day of his arrival, he had a horrible headache and go to the doctor.

    The doctor examined the man's symptoms and said, Your headache is probably because, in such a heat, your hotel's ventilation is not working efficiently enough. Leave your hotel room window open the next night so there is no problem tomorrow.

    The next day, the doctor and the man met by chance on the street.

    Well did your headache go away? Exclaimed the doctor.

    Yes left. And so did the cell phone and the wallet!


    The mother of a breastfed baby went to a psychiatrist and cried frequently when she arrived at the reception.

    Well, what’s so sad about the lady now? The psychiatrist inquired.

    I feel like I’m cattle all the time, the mother moans.

    Dear lady, that feeling is quite normal for a breastfeeding mother. After all, a human is a mammal like a cow or any other mammal. It is only natural that the mother sometimes gets tired and feels that way. How long have you felt like a cattle?

    Well, from the calf!


    A psychiatrist came to see a patient who imagined him to be God.

    Let's start from the beginning, the doctor said.

    The patient began, In the beginning, I created heaven and earth...


    The medical teacher begins the final exam for the candidates and says, Now watch closely; first I dip my finger in the urine container, like this, and then I put my finger in my mouth, right like this. Does anyone have the courage to follow suit?

    One of the candidates does the same way.

    Teacher: "Well, you certainly

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