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Imagine: Pt. I Yang: A Visionary's Journey to Enlightenment
Imagine: Pt. I Yang: A Visionary's Journey to Enlightenment
Imagine: Pt. I Yang: A Visionary's Journey to Enlightenment
Ebook174 pages2 hours

Imagine: Pt. I Yang: A Visionary's Journey to Enlightenment

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About this ebook

This is about the knowledge, wisdom, insight, and perspectives I have gained on my journey to self-discovery, authenticity, truth, light, and empowerment. It is a collection of different styles of free-writing, and automatic writing. It is meant to assist the collective with perception, mind-rewiring through pattern recognition, acceptance, forgiveness and unconditional love. It is intended for expansion.
Release dateMay 5, 2022
Imagine: Pt. I Yang: A Visionary's Journey to Enlightenment

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    Imagine - Dani Lara

    Welcome Home

    Ever get that feeling that you want to go home, and yet you’re not quite sure where that home is, or that yours is not the way you want it?

    Our home is inside of us. And it’s time that we look deeper within to find it.

    I’ve come close, but I’m still searching for mine. I think this should help.

    Free to be you and me.

    What exactly happened these last two years?

    I have come to accept: I am the one who walks on the path least chosen.

    I am not too concerned with perfection, and I understand that often the road is only made when we start walking.

    My wish for this book is that it may help you open up to a new perspective. To inspire you, and raise your vibration, as it has for myself. May it encourage more light to be shed upon the truth.

    Blessings. This book has been blessed.

    Here is a collection of some of my writings from the past two years, along with some notes. Much was already typed up, the rest I wrote in the past month. My many journals were hand-written. I’ll save them for later.

    When you go through a majority of your life feeling like nobody understands you, you resort to yourself.

    I would communicate with my journals instead.

    It's a way to keep the words alive forever. It's timeless.

    It helped me understand myself and my mind better, which is really the most important thing one must understand.

    I've always seen things differently & still feel ahead of time.

    I'm an old soul, and I feel pretty ancient.

    New Earth is here, and I've seen it coming for a long time.

    But I still see it in a future state that has not yet arrived.

    Expanding these ideas through more and more minds may help manifest it sooner.

    Unless specified otherwise (in italics), these are my own words, many written for myself, based on what I’ve learned and received. Expressions of self-love, awareness, and guidance. Meant to help form a stronger, healthier mindset, and empowerment.

    Perhaps this is a better way of seeing things.

    I still struggle in my strive for strength at times, and re-reading these enforces believing in myself.

    This book is Part I: Yang. It is focused more on light.

    I've released a huge amount of negativity these past two years. It was painful, sometimes excruciating, but nothing felt more meaningful.

    Shadow work is not something I have dived in all the way yet, but I've done a good amount so far. It gets more personal, darker, and I'm not yet finished with it, so we will leave that for Part II: Yin

    This is primarily how I did it.. I reached for the light first, and with enough encouragement, turned around to face the dark.

    Enlightenment is very peaceful when you get there.

    I wish for more of that bliss on Earth.

    But I still hear a huge part of the world screaming.

    They are screaming in fear.

    It's a scary world, I get it, but it doesn't have to be.

    Sometimes we think being louder is how we will be heard,

    but it's how you say it that gets you understood.

    Meaning and good intentions are more enticing.

    A lot of us have felt like we are not heard, but it's time to empower our voices to express ourselves authentically.

    Communication is about honesty..

    I am one of the most honest people I know.

    Sometimes to a fault, it has gotten me in trouble.

    You might not agree with some of it, but it's my book.. so here's my truth. Don't get stuck on what you disagree on, move ahead to what moves you.

    Much of this wisdom is for the collective. Given to me as a gift, what felt like messages from the Divine Source, God, the Universe, Jesus, Buddha, my Spirit Guides. I am accepting of many different beliefs. I believe there is a lot more truth out there than we think.

    These were freely written, automatic. They just came to me.  I learned a lot from other spiritual leaders, teachers and pastors, so I don't claim all these teachings as my own.

    They are universal knowledge, what I have come to understand and taken in as my truth, and feel more of the world should be exposed to.

    Some is just personal opinion.

    Whatever resonates with you, I invite you to sit with it and meditate for a bit. Whatever doesn't, keep going.

    In the beginning of my journey, I started with chakras, and

    created a blog,, to document my progress and post videos & images that I connected with. Many of these came from there.

    I had gone through some traumatizing experiences, that I will leave for Part II, and I felt like everything about me was off.

    I did not know who I was anymore and was completely lost.

    The blog was meant to assist me with my own healing process. More persistence would make a greater difference.

    It was made entirely for me, and the authenticity and bold truth attracted thousands of followers. I kept it mostly private for a long time.. nobody knew who I was, except for a few personal friends.

    One in particular I have to thank for helping me start on this journey.. if you ever read this, you know who you are. There are so many people to thank, including Bob Proctor, rest his soul.. but instead of naming every single one, I'd like to thank the Universe. U have placed all the right people in my path. Even when I didn’t know it.

    This is about the wisdom I have gained, and what led to it.

    The first few weeks have some repetition.. they were messages I kept hearing until they stuck, so go with it.

    The quotes in the beginning of each day in the first week are from the book Chakra Healing by Margarita Alcantara. I’d focus on one each day, starting at the bottom with the Root, working my way up to the Crown.

    Each day, using an appropriate crystal and essential oil, I'd have a chakra yoga session following Brett Larkin's videos, with a frequency for that specific chakra. Nowadays, I prefer either Allie the Journey Junkie, or just listening to my own body. Afterwards, in a meditative state, I asked what it needed, listened, and began typing as it came to me.

    2020: Seek Light & Wisdom

    4.11. Prayer

    Thank you for this time I have been granted to heal myself, and that it’s working. I am beginning to feel a positive difference in my alignment.

    My past has been full of trauma, and they have broken me. My energy centers have been, for years, out of alignment. I haven’t been able to think clearly, or make decisions properly. Speaking and expressing myself freely has been a challenge I must overcome. I’ve been too afraid… of certain men, people, and even my own thoughts. Afraid of what God might allow to happen in my life because of my sins.

    There is no need to be afraid anymore. Not at all. For God is love, and when we allow ourselves to be consumed by His love, there is no room for fear. I am not afraid anymore… not even of death, or what anyone might do to me.

    I won’t allow others to hurt me. I’ve been hurt enough.

    It is true that what doesn’t kill you can make you stronger.. and enough of it to can create warriors. Never again will I allow other people to take advantage of me. Poisonous people will stay away, and I won’t allow them to have an influence in my life. Source, grant me the will to do that. So may it be.

    Chakras: Energy Centers

    4.13. I now intend to create a connection with my root chakra. May I feel grounded and secure in my being and existence. I release all fear that keeps me from feeling safe in my life. I ask to be supported in the trust that all of my basic needs in life are met, that I am connected in healthy ways to my family and tribal consciousness, and that allows me to move with the ebb and flow of life. And so it is.

    Believe: I am able to do anything. Eat red foods and think of the color red, specifically envisioning it as a whirling sphere of light around your pelvis.

    Repeat the I Am mantras. I also need you to take care of your home, keep it maintained, and treat the homeowner kindly, with gratefulness that you have a safe place to stay. I need you to reach out to your family, see that they are doing well, and let them know that you love them. Reach out to the people in your life, see how they are doing. Be willing to ask for help when you need it. Use your resources to your advantage.

    Believe that you are safe, confident, abundant, healthy, wealthy, balanced, grounded, powerful, worthy and strong, that you belong, and that you have everything you need.

    - Muladhara, Root Chakra

    4.14. How to connect with your Sacral Plexus Chakra:

    Set the mood, somewhere clean and uninterrupted.

    Play a Frequency. Use crystals and/or essential oils.

    Awaken your chakra by tapping two inches below your navel.

    I now intent to create a connection with my sacral plexus chakra. May I be in touch with my emotions in healthy ways, creatively express myself to the world, and connect easily to my pleasure, as well as the emotional aspects of my sexuality, in ways that sustain me. I release all fear that keeps me from being in touch with my emotions, creativity, abundance, and sexuality. I ask to be supported in the harmony of my emotions and clairsentience, so that I may be at peace with how I feel. And so it is.

    Eat orange foods and wear the color orange. Carry your red jasper and carnelian stones with you, and anoint your abdomen with the essential oil blend. Allow yourself to be creative, and engage in an activity that will get that creativity out. Try painting or drawing. Let yourself enjoy your life, every single moment. Enjoy moments with your child, and draw together, as she so loves doing.

    Release yourself of all that guilt and shame, because it holds you back from that joy in life. Let yourself be filled with joy, fluidity and grace. Find creative ways to express yourself. Acting is another one of those ways, something you should definitely be working on. Use your creativity to write your own story, and then act it out. Make it into something. Create. Build up to something. Let yourself feel free in your sexuality and creativity.

    - Svadhishthana, Sacral Plexus Chakra

    4.15. I now intend to create a connection with my solar plexus chakra. May I understand my self-worth and personal power. I release all fear that keeps me from being in touch with my soul's life purpose. I ask to be supported in all ways so that I may be in touch with my inner warrior, feel whole and centered in who I am, and trust myself to stand confidently. And so it is.

    Eat yellow foods, envision a yellow glowing sphere of light turning in your belly, charging you up, filling you with energy. Believe that you can do anything. What would you like to do? Go do that. What do you need to do? Go do that. But stop filling up your days with endless tasks that are not all important. Focus on your priorities.

    Think about your personality. What makes you you? What makes you unique? Who are you meant to be? These are all questions that will take time to answer. It doesn't have to be definite, because who you are is always changing. But certain things will always be. Find those anchors. Know that you are powerful, and you have a purpose. Allow yourself to be confident, and be the best version of yourself. Set a goal for yourself, and then achieve it.

    - Manipura, Solar Plexus Chakra

    4.16. I now intend to create a connection with my heart chakra. May I fully and completely connect with myself in loving and compassionate ways, and extend that outward to those around me. I release all fear that keeps me from receiving and giving love. I ask to be supported in elevating the vibration of my heart to one of joy. May I love and accept all of myself, including my flaws. And so it is.

    Eat whole green foods, wear the color green, wear your green aventurine crystal as a necklace right at your heart center, and anoint yourself with the essential oil blend. But most importantly, I need you to love unconditionally. Love everyone, even when you don't want to. Be smart about it, don't let those who are undeserving of it take advantage of you. Love yourself most.

    Accept yourself, your past and the things you have done. Accept others and what they have done to you. Every time they did you wrong, they either didn't know better, or they were in a bad place. Maybe they still are. Send positive thoughts towards them. Forgive them. Forgive yourself. Let yourself be full of joy. This is healing to both. - Anahata, Heart Chakra

    4.17. I now intend to create a connection with my throat chakra. May I be in touch with my will to live and may I speak my truth in this world authentically, creatively, and easily. I release all fear that keeps me from listening to my inner voice. I ask to be supported in all forms of personal expression, so I may communicate my needs effortlessly, and trust that I will be heard. And so it is.

    Speak your truth. Always remember that what you have to say matters. Don't be afraid of expressing yourself. Watch your words, because how you say things also matters. Avoid speaking negatively, and stop wishing ill on others. Don't speak for others based on assumptions, but speak for yourself based on what you know.

    - Vishuddha, Throat Chakra

    4.18. I now intend to create a connection with my third eye [tapping your third eye] chakra. I now release all fear that keeps me from trusting my intuition. May I trust and follow it, and see past what is physically in front of me, so that I may see all possibilities with ease. May I effortlessly integrate my inner vision into all aspects of my life, and allow myself to connect with the emotional intelligence of my third eye. And so it is.

    4.24. We checked my chakras with a pendulum last night, and we got to see how open each of them are. The ones I need to work on the most are the root, sacral, and throat. Stability was a problem for me for a long time, as was connections with family,

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