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Your Pristine Blueprint: The Missing Key to Longevity, Reversing Disease, and Radically Transforming Your Life
Your Pristine Blueprint: The Missing Key to Longevity, Reversing Disease, and Radically Transforming Your Life
Your Pristine Blueprint: The Missing Key to Longevity, Reversing Disease, and Radically Transforming Your Life
Ebook226 pages4 hours

Your Pristine Blueprint: The Missing Key to Longevity, Reversing Disease, and Radically Transforming Your Life

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Do you have ongoing ailments and you don't know how to get healthy? Issues your doctors can't seem to explain? Whether it's chronic fatigue or cancer, Dr. Beth McDougall has an explanation. 

Release dateJan 10, 2022
Your Pristine Blueprint: The Missing Key to Longevity, Reversing Disease, and Radically Transforming Your Life

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    Your Pristine Blueprint - Beth McDougall


    My job as a physician and healer is to really see a patient, to look at the physical body and beyond it to the energetic signatures that present themselves. To track for the healed state—seeing their original essence, or what I call their Pristine Blueprint—on an intuitive and energetic level.

    At five years old, there was so much I didn’t understand and yet, so much I understood completely. I knew, without a doubt, that there existed an energetically potent field within which everything was connected to everything else, including me. I believed that we as humans had the capacity to live in harmony with the natural world, and to draw from the power of Nature to obtain energy for our needs and to heal ourselves and others. Even as a child I felt reverence for the beauty and balance of Nature. And yet, I couldn’t quite understand why others, especially adults, didn’t see what I saw; I felt that they had somehow lost their way and it was up to me to help them remember.

    Power lines with their spans running contrary to the flow of the landscape frustrated my five- year-old sensibilities. They were ugly, and worse, they signified our forgetting. My mother tried to explain that they transmitted electrical energy, energy we needed to live and function in the world. That made no sense to me. Why would we need them, I remember asking my mother, when we already get all the energy we need from the air?

    My knowing was validated and further cultivated by an interesting mentor. I met Rex when I was four years old. A scientist, surgeon, philosopher, mystic, linguist, art collector, and art historian, he collected my father’s metal sculptures, and he and his wife Carol became my family’s closest friends. Whether he felt a receptivity from me or perhaps a sense of karmic responsibility, by the time I was eight, Rex had begun to mentor me. Rex’s encyclopedic mind enabled him to quote from the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, the Bhagavad-Gita, Shakespeare, Plato, and even Manley Hall at will. His expertise in sacred geometry and Gematria—understanding the numerical equivalent of every Hebrew letter—allowed him to grasp a symbolic numerical language encoded in the sacred texts, a language of mathematics, sound, and vibration. I was in awe of him—and always hoped his superhuman qualities would rub off on me. They never did.

    Rex’s teachings were a bit advanced for me at the time, to say the least, and not totally recorded by my conscious mind. But it didn’t matter. In many ways he was teaching to my soul more than to my brain. I was content to simply absorb the energy of his words being imprinted in my subconscious mind as we sat together in his contemporary art-filled living room.

    Today, many of the specifics of what he taught me are beyond my recollection. And yet, over the years, bits and pieces of his wisdom continue to rise to the surface, things I had long forgotten, jogged by my own studies and my own spiritual practice. The seeds he planted are rooted deep within my being, watered and nourished by my own actions in the world, until they bear the fruit that resonates with my inherent sense of what is true.


    If you want to know the secrets of the universe, study the human body, Rex used to say. As a surgeon, of course, Rex knew an incredible amount about the human body, and he taught me well. He loved to spend hours explaining how the secrets of the universe could be found within our bodies, and how those same secrets could also be found encoded in the sacred texts and their numerical equivalents. How we are designed—from the number of bones in the spine to the sacred geometry and golden ratio proportions of our body parts—is all part of a grand design echoed throughout Nature, he told me. The golden ratio, which is illustrated in Leonardo da Vinci’s famous Vitruvian Man, is where the length of one body part divided by the length of the next smaller body part—like the length of your whole arm by your forearm, your forearm by your hand, or the length of your hand by the length of your fingers—produces the ratio Phi (1.618). This ratio is consistently seen not only in the human body, but in all of the natural world.

    As I got older, my fascination with sacred geometry and universal wisdom encoded in the body drove me to study science like other people study sacred texts. When I would read my biology, physiology, biochemistry, or cell biology textbooks, I would enter a different brainwave pattern associated with reverence or a state of awe. The benefit of this was I’d only have to read the information once before it would sink in and become embedded into every fiber of my being. This never happened when I was reading pharmacology, for example, where I had to memorize the names of hundreds of drugs or had to remember the names of what seemed like countless bacteria and viruses. It only happened when I was fully in appreciation of the grand design of humans and the natural world.

    When I was twenty, Rex developed Parkinson’s disease. First, he experienced a rapid deterioration in his motor function, and then the disease began to affect his mind. He would forget things, repeat himself, and sometimes make no sense at all. To watch the person I loved—who had nurtured my intellect and validated my perceptions—deteriorate and finally slip away, was heartbreaking.

    And then, around the same time, something similar happened to my grandfather.

    My father’s father, Bill, loved everything about Nature—and so did I. Some of my earliest childhood memories involved spending time with him outdoors. He used to explain the aerodynamics of geese flying in a V formation and how the deer could trim the Minnesota trees around the lake to the same height every winter. We’d walk around alligator-infested ponds in the Florida Keys and observe huge insects, armadillos, and some rather bizarre ocean life. In the eyes of a young child, there wasn’t anything my grandfather didn’t know about the natural world, and I soaked it all up.

    When I was fifteen, my grandfather was diagnosed with multi-system atrophy (MSA), a neurodegenerative disease in which a person loses the ability to control their movements, and for which there still is no cure. Five years later, he was confined to a bed in a VA hospital, unable to walk or speak or move his arms. He developed something called horizontal nystagmus that caused his intelligent, beautiful blue eyes to dart relentlessly back and forth. The alert look in his eyes suggested that his mind remained intact, but he was imprisoned in a body that was no longer at his command.

    The loss of Rex and my grandfather devastated me. I felt strongly that they should not have had to suffer the way they did, that there should be a way to reverse or prevent these types of diseases. By now I was in medical school, and I rebelled against the conventional belief that healing in the central nervous system was impossible. I knew this was just wrong.

    I was studying natural medicine, too, but even that appeared to hold no promise of a cure. Percolating all the while in the back of my mind were snippets of wisdom from my five-year-old self, reminding me that we have the power to extract whatever we need from the Universe in order to heal.

    The rest of my training, and my path through medical school, residency, and into my first job in San Francisco at the oldest integrative medical clinic in the country, felt like a magic carpet ride. I worked hard to sleuth out solutions to the health problems my patients were experiencing. I was more interested in uncovering the underlying causes of their discomfort than I was in simply treating the symptoms; as a result, I became known as a medical detective, and I was able to help many people.

    Although my practice grew rapidly through word of mouth, I couldn’t help but feel there was a deeper level of causality to my patients’ illnesses that eluded me. At times, the space I held for someone aligned with their readiness to address something on the most fundamental level of causation, and their illness would unwind completely. This seemed to be influenced more by a state of grace that infused our time together than by anything that I specifically did for them. I longed to find the key that would open the door to new ways of approaching illness, so that I could facilitate this type of transformation more predictably.

    By 2004, my daughter Marley was three and I had been running my own clinic in Mill Valley, California, for a couple of years. My practice was busy and rewarding. My supportive husband and I had a great community of friends; we all raised our kids together and celebrated life.

    And then, in what felt like a single moment, my life took a huge turn. One day I was seeing a patient, and by the end of the visit, I couldn’t hold my pen. As I walked my patient out of my office, I could barely coordinate the action of my foot. Moving my tongue even felt difficult. I thought I was having a stroke. I took an aspirin, called my husband to take me to the ER, and because I had been camping just two weeks prior, had my staff draw my blood for an IgG, IgM Western blot Lyme disease panel. A multi-thousand-dollar workup in the hospital initially pointed to a potential brain stem stroke, which thankfully proved incorrect. I left the hospital without answers and without being able to grip my sandal with my toes. My mind, flashing back to Rex and my grandfather, imagined the worst of possibilities. Maybe I have ALS. How can I possibly care for Marley? I’ll never be able to walk up the stairs to my house or to the clinic. How will I work? It was almost impossible to keep my fear in check.

    Two weeks later my blood tests confirmed that I had Lyme disease. Although relieved to have an answer, I knew from my experience treating patients whose Lyme disease had gone into the nervous system that the journey back to health could be a long and arduous one. My colleagues urged me to take long-term antibiotics, but the reactions I experienced were terrible, and I had to abandon them after a few weeks. Instead, I made the decision to take herbs, intravenous nutrients, homeopathic remedies, and oxidative treatments. I followed a raw food diet, did periodic juice cleanses, and an extraordinary amount of energy work. My path back to wellness was indeed long and sometimes difficult, but also incredibly rich, as it afforded me the opportunity to explore the most fundamental factors affecting our health—and inspired many of my insights about how true healing is possible if we clear the way and choose health.

    Out of everything I did, the energy work was the most impactful. The healer I saw refused to see me as ill. She insisted that she saw me entirely well and completely whole—and she held that belief for me to resonate with as we worked together. It was challenging at times, but I developed the ability to operate on dual paths simultaneously. I could follow the protocol to treat the Lyme infection and see myself as totally well at the same time. It helped me see how my thoughts and emotional vibrations had a clear and substantial influence on the manifestation of my symptoms. It became evident to me that if I stayed out of fear, and in a positive emotional and mental place, I could help turn symptoms around almost immediately.

    The energy work we did together reinforced my deep knowing that most illness begins on an energetic level—and true healing happens on a soul level, when we make a commitment to ourselves to investigate every facet of our lives. One facet for me was looking at the way I held stress in my body, and how chronic emotional holding patterns were ingrained in my musculature and evident in my posture. I remember when I was young, and out in public with Rex, he used to say, I know you’ve been told that it’s not polite to stare at people, but ignore that. By looking carefully at how people hold themselves, how they move, and how they interact with others, you can tell everything about them.

    Over the years, I have developed the ability to read unprocessed traumas in someone’s body when I look at them through the lens of an energy healer. But as I began my own healing process, I had to turn that lens onto myself because, in my case, the bacteria definitely seemed to collect in energetically stagnant areas where I had postural misalignment. As I worked hard to understand how my biography was encoded in my body, and to clear the unmetabolized emotions, I brought fresh circulation and life force to those newly cleared areas and my immune system could flood in and take care of things.

    My experience with the energy healer spurred me on to spend the next two years studying with Francesca McCartney, PhD, at her Academy of Intuition Medicine in Sausalito. Francesca, the opposite of a New Age airy-fairy type, insists that you are Spirit going through a human experience for a reason, and therefore advocates grounding your soul into your physical body.

    During my time at the Academy, I committed to a deep meditation practice and was able to explore my own energetic terrain like never before. By doing this, I became intimately familiar with my original essence, or unique energetic signature—the feeling, the color, clarity, and quality of it. And anything that was foreign to that signature—coming in through familial or cultural conditioning, or unwanted energetic complexes related to traumas both large and small—became apparent. These energetic complexes had long existed under the surface of my conscious perception as chaotic signatures within a deeper sea of calm. But through practice, as I learned to tune into an area of my body’s energy field, I would become aware of the tension held there, and a world of information would open up.

    As I would sit with and experience these areas of tension, a memory might surface, and suddenly I’d be feeling sorry about an interaction I had had with someone two days before, which energetically felt exactly the same as an interaction I had had with my father when I was eight. If I stayed with it, felt into it, I could ground that chaotic energy off and clear it out of my field. I eventually did so much clearing that I became familiar with how I felt without all that noise in there, and I was able to more quickly scan and evaluate my energetic system until I could almost clear it in real time. Over a period of about eight years, all the clearing I did progressively began to have a profound impact on my life. I noticed that situations, people, and choices that no longer resonated began to fall away. I moved more fully into the stream of life, allowing the Universe to rush in to support my purpose on the planet.

    In reflection, it was then that I realized I had come full circle. My understanding as a child had become fully ingrained in my being and had begun to inform how I showed up for my patients. I saw that it was possible to create an environment where deep soul transformation was possible, that we had everything we needed to facilitate the healing process, and that together we could identify—and often clear—stuck, stagnant energy. This created a desire to investigate the science behind what I felt on an intuitive level.

    My path of discovery led me to some fascinating people all over the world, including advanced healers, cutting-edge physicists, inventors, and medical doctors. I met people who shared the same fundamental understanding about the nature of reality and human potential as I had had for as long as I could remember. Through these interactions, I learned that there really is an emerging body of scientific evidence to validate the energetic potency I had always sensed, that this potent energy field exists as the Unified Field, the life force of all that is. We exist within it, and it exists within us, and everything in the material world emerges as unique manifestations from this Field. This radically different paradigm about our physical reality has led scientists and inventors to create new technologies that operate in resonance with Nature and allowed them to get to a deeper level of

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