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What's Your Chakra? A Guide to Discovering Your Most Dominant Chakra Type, Activating and Balancing Your Potent Chakras, Helping You Heal and Feel.
What's Your Chakra? A Guide to Discovering Your Most Dominant Chakra Type, Activating and Balancing Your Potent Chakras, Helping You Heal and Feel.
What's Your Chakra? A Guide to Discovering Your Most Dominant Chakra Type, Activating and Balancing Your Potent Chakras, Helping You Heal and Feel.
Ebook226 pages1 hour

What's Your Chakra? A Guide to Discovering Your Most Dominant Chakra Type, Activating and Balancing Your Potent Chakras, Helping You Heal and Feel.

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What's Your Chakra?
Get Answers to the Most Perplexing Problems in Your Life Through Your 7 Chakras

Fears, insecurities, and anxieties can signify severe chakra imbalance. Want to know what can cause that?
Making decisions isn't equally easy for everyone. However, for some, it is almost impossible. Want to know why?
Has a sudden loss of appetite, interest, and playfulness ever bothered you? It isn't for unknown reasons.
Frustration, loss of sex drive, and increased fickle-mindedness may look totally unrelated, but they aren't.
Do you know how?

Sudden changes in behavior, mood, and energy levels can be perplexing. Still, most people are never able to pinpoint the exact cause. Do you want to discover the actual cause of these problems? Read More...

Have you started feeling an urgent need for validation from others? Are questions of self-worth bothering you?
Has your behavior towards work started changing significantly? Have you started working a lot or stopped taking an interest?
Is there a general feeling of disinterest and disenchantment? Are you finding it hard to feel a connection with everyone else? Have trust issues and misunderstandings become a common feature in your life? Have you become overemotional?

These are not just some questions that you can simply ignore. They'll keep bothering you and make your life uncomfortable. Do you want to know simple explanations for these issues and how to resolve them?

This book of chakras holds answers to all such questions and much more.
What's even better, It also holds solutions to correct these problems.

In this book, you will find:

The history and science of 7 major and 114 minor chakras

Detailed explanation about the concept of chakras

Insight into the practical significance of chakras

How chakras practically influence our lives

How chakras influence our health

Which chakras affect our joyfulness

Which chakra can help us become more dedicated to work

Which chakra actually affects our feelings and pleasure centers

Knowledge of the power center of our body and what rules it

The secrets of the famous third eye chakra

Demystification of the third eye chakra

Significance of the Crown Chakra in the body

Ways to heal, balance, and activate chakras

Chakra specific ways to resolve imbalances

Common Myths about chakras

Important things to remember about chakra healing

Release dateMar 10, 2022
What's Your Chakra? A Guide to Discovering Your Most Dominant Chakra Type, Activating and Balancing Your Potent Chakras, Helping You Heal and Feel.

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    Book preview

    What's Your Chakra? A Guide to Discovering Your Most Dominant Chakra Type, Activating and Balancing Your Potent Chakras, Helping You Heal and Feel. - NICI TESLA


    One of the biggest problems of economists in this world is the problem of choice. For most people, ‘choice’ may seem to be a necessary requirement, but the compulsion to choose often can be a big burden.

    Not only economists, but we all face this problem of choice in our lives, and it is an equally big problem even for us.

    Haven’t you ever found yourself clueless standing in front of the wardrobe while choosing the dress or shirt for the day? Haven’t you faced the dilemma while choosing the color of a new car or the new paint for the house?

    Aren’t these simple choices?

    Should there be so much confusion selecting them?

    Won’t they become irrelevant after a while?

    Yet, we face the crux within. We undergo decision fatigue. We pass through the churning even when such decisions don’t matter much.

    Now think of the crucial decisions people have to make.

    Decisions about career choices

    Decisions about the field to pursue

    Decisions about their strengths and weakness

    Decisions about the right partner for themselves

    People often find themselves staring at a wall. The easy route to follow is going with the trend, asking for advice, or taking whatever comes up the way.

    Have you wondered why so many people start feeling disillusioned so soon in their lives?

    Have you bothered to think why people don’t find their calling in whatever they are doing?

    Doesn’t it surprise you that most people spend all their lives unhappy with everything it includes?

    And finally,

    Do you think it’d be wise to expect a fish to climb a tree and be happy about it?

    Robert Frost was a great poet, and he wrote a very popular poem, ‘The road not taken.’ That poem talks about the dilemma of a person standing at the point where the road diverges into two different directions into the woods. Only so much can be seen to help make the decision.

    Most decisions at such points are irreversible. Most career paths are final. It’d take an individual years before realizing that things aren’t working out there. Most people are reluctant to switch even though they realize that they are in the wrong profession because it is already too late to change anything. Hence, they are forced to feel miserable for the rest of their lives.

    Often we all stand at such junctures. We have crucial decisions to make and very little help. All we get is peer pressure, over-exaggerated role models, and expectations to do something good with our lives. That’s no help at all.

    When I was growing up, these questions bothered me a lot. I was always in pursuit of answers that could ease this pressure. A direction that can make me more determined.

    This is when I first stumbled upon the amazing concept of Chakras. For most people, concepts like chakras, astrology, and numerology may be hard to trust. That happens because they don’t look at the concept with objectivity. There is too much subjective prejudice that makes the non-receptive.

    However, this book will definitely surprise you. As I became interested in Chakras, I found that they held the secrets of many aspects of our daily lives. Not only that, you can open new avenues in life if you know how to activate or strengthen your dominant chakras.

    Chakras can help you understand your inherent strengths and weaknesses. They are the keys to unlocking dormant power within. The concept of chakras is not about magic or predictions. It is the science of understanding how the energy network within you functions and harnessing its powers.

    Many people spend their lives wondering why their lives are such a mess. Whatever project they undertake fails. Their relationships don’t work. They remain financially constrained. They spend their lives in the ‘Sisyphus’ avatar. They are known as endless failures.

    What’s their fault after all?

    Where did they go wrong?

    Such people are plagued by wrong choices in life. They keep trying to climb up a waterfall. A tough and futile endeavor, but a destiny of countless unfortunate individuals nonetheless.

    The main reason responsible for all these miseries is misdirected efforts. Even if a hundred people pushed the earth down, nothing would happen. Even if a million people did the same, the results would be similar. Because the efforts are being put in the wrong direction.

    The amazing concept of chakras can guide you in the right direction. Through this book, I have tried to explain the concept of chakras and their impact on our lives.

    Understanding chakras will help you understand your dominant sides, and you’d find a clear direction to move ahead in your life. Unlocking the secret of chakras will help you realize how you can strengthen the aspects of personality you always wanted to be powerful.

    This simple to understand and follow book will help you discover your dominant personality type chakras and ways to activate them. It will walk you through realizing your strengths and weaknesses and give you the keys to work on them.

    I have found chakras to be very helpful and energizing in my personal life. I have tried my best to ensure that this book can help you realize the same in your lives.


    Congratulations on purchasing this book, and thank you for doing so.

    Chakras have gained a lot of fanfare recently. The concept of chakras was introduced to the western world in the late 19th century. It came from the Vedic knowledge of Hindu traditions. The earlier research on chakras only focused on their connection with the nerve plexus. However, the focus shifted to other important facets of chakras as time passed.

    Chakras are now associated with the flow of energy and neural impulses within the body. They deeply impact our thinking, behavior, life choices, inclinations, and health. 

    This book will help you understand the concept of chakras and their impact on various aspects of our lives and personalities.

    Often such concepts are misunderstood or exaggerated to such an extent that they lose objectivity. They are treated more as a subject of fiction than reality.

    In other cases, the concept is presented with its usual complexities and becomes unfathomable for the common readership. It becomes complex and boring. Only those tasked with scholarly research work take any interest in it.

    The objective of this book is to move away from both the paths mentioned above. It will break this subject into bite-sized pieces to facilitate easy grasp. It will focus on the practical aspects of chakras for finding directions in life.

    This book will help you understand how intricately chakras affect our lives and personalities. It will also show how to use this knowledge to give life a nudge in the right direction.

    Inner quest has been nothing new for humankind. Soul searching and finding the true calling have been common pursuits.

    However, what most people treat as their destiny is the path they choose for themselves under certain circumstances. They have minimal control over the circumstances and the choices presented before them.

    As a result, they find themselves trapped in the wrong professions after a while. However, they cannot make constructive changes because it is already too late. In the end, they surrender to their situation and adjust.

    It doesn’t have to be that way.

    An understanding of chakras can help you find your true personality. This understanding can be an asset in making such crucial decisions.

    This book will introduce the concept of chakras in a very easy-to-understand manner. It will help you identify various character traits associated with the 7 chakras.

    This book will provide you a roadmap to understand the dominant chakras within you that can fuel your progress. It will give you specific pointers to understand the 7 chakras and their role in our day-to-day functioning.

    More importantly, this book will focus on understanding the impact of imbalanced chakras in life and the problems they create. It will explain their role in causing physical, mental, and performance obstructions. You can use that to determine the areas to work upon.

    Activating the dormant chakras

    Unblocking the blocked chakras

    Healing the non-functioning chakras

    These are 3 important things that have the solutions to several complex issues. This book will prove to be a comprehensive guide for all three.

    This book will explain the significance of chakras and how understanding them can significantly impact your life. Hope you will enjoy reading it and benefit from it.

    There are plenty of books on this subject on the market; thanks again for choosing this one! Every effort was made to ensure it was full of useful information; please enjoy!

    Chapter 1: Chakras- Things You Must Know

    To the uninitiated, Chakras invoke a reaction

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