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Pendemic Word Crochet: 2020 Poems Hooked and Booked
Pendemic Word Crochet: 2020 Poems Hooked and Booked
Pendemic Word Crochet: 2020 Poems Hooked and Booked
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Pendemic Word Crochet: 2020 Poems Hooked and Booked

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About this ebook

As a poem-packrat bride I vetoed merging newlywed life with writing . Groom Lou encouraged converting poems jotted on bank receipts, envelope flaps, forgotten locations, computer files, journals. {He’s featured in poems of happiness not grief/ 2009 widowhood/abandonment, praise/ comforting prayers).A 2018 surgery recuperation overlapped 2019-20 Covid home isolation. Lou insisted I quit delaying grasp a long-ago publication vision as his life changed radically surviving the Widowmaker heart attack. Our homebound honeymoon is bizarrely prolonged .

Thanks to Master Mechanic/Photographer/Helpmate gem spouse Lou Quondamatteo, Jr; the late Bob Dahl for his wiles to turn paper shards into kintsugi*. To heaven’s dearest rag-stabbers, Aunts Jo VanEck (sympathy pains at my birth) and Theresa VanEck Mak (I her Junior Bride, dubbed “1st kid” through 8 miscarriages before 4 children). Both aunts now are tailors to heavenly hosts. Also to my gone-too-soon Aunt Doris Mak, my 2-year “roomie” in Chicago home while a Moody Bible Institute student. I weekended at her North Side apartment before she moved to California, scarce years later to eternity. They with so many teachers mentors—Jack Ridl--encouraging me to publish

*kintsugi: Japanese art of Golden Repair, a poem within this book.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 22, 2022
Pendemic Word Crochet: 2020 Poems Hooked and Booked

Vicki VanEck Hill

A self-taught reader at 3, the Author began to write early, too, on scraps of paper collected by an uncle with Parkinson’s in 1950s. English teacher and ESL tutor, she launched Kent County, MI, Head Start Family Literacy for 1400+ families; wrote professionally for prominent businesses, church coalitions, local governments. grants.

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    Pendemic Word Crochet - Vicki VanEck Hill

    Copyright © 2022 Vicki VanEck Hill.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5187-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5188-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5186-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021924544

    WestBow Press rev. date: 02/22/2022



    Mellow Age

    Mending Moms

    Mourning Impaired




    A ¾ Heart In Time


    Be Present

    Bisgetti Challenge


    Happy New Year


    One Chair Care

    One, Two, Three


    Time Enfolding

    Vitruvian Man

    You’re The Salt

    Garments of Faith

    Prayer Assistance

    All Souls Day 2006

    November Now


    Unto Us

    Day One

    Epiphany Sunday 2017

    Slaughter of Innocence 12/12

    Labyrinths Of Lent

    I Can Only Imagine

    Rest In My Loving Eyes

    Wholly Weak

    Thine Is The Glory

    Spring Hopes Eternal

    Star Prayers



    April Fool

    Climbing Boots And Baby Shoes

    Flying Pig

    Hands, Hearts Too

    Hummingbird And Ox

    Just Two

    Plus And Minus

    Pole Dancing

    Quiet Things

    Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

    The Toast

    Uplifting Hands


    Patterns & Prints

    Bear Facts

    Bird Brains

    Bird Soup


    Comforters Come

    Farm Arms

    Hawkeyed View

    Interrupted By The Mouse


    Levitation Of Ladybugs



    Sestina Sans Seraph

    Small Goose

    Quilt Squares

    Catacombs To Basilicas

    Conventional Forensics

    Golden Repair

    Joy Awaits

    Land Of The Free

    Manifold Works

    Memory’s Morning Melange

    Scraps Of Life

    Though As Scarlet

    To The Hound

    Used Hearse

    Who Walk In Darkness

    Shears, Pins, Needles

    2-4-6-8: 2018 Was Not So Great

    Airs Above Ground



    His Choice: Not Dream Works

    Horizontal Trees


    Nursey Not



    What Tools These Portals Be

    Wound Clinic

    Shore Wear

    Blind Requiem; The Morning Watch

    Breakers’ Breath

    Cloud Nine

    Cloud Rumble

    Damsel Flies

    Denuded Dunes

    Early Enchantment

    A Night In June Of The Strawberry Moon

    Tuneless, Loonless


    Sandy Plie’

    St. Simons Island 2011


    Snow Suited

    All Things Wonderful


    Leap Day Snow

    Polar Vortex


    Snow Globe

    Spring Hopes Eternal

    Storm Creaks

    Synecdoche Blades

    Wet Dog Snow


    Winter Shears


    Deathwatch Beadle

    Gloved Aunt

    Gloved Nephew

    Heavy Mettle

    Lilies Of The Alley

    Look, Vicki-See Spots Run


    Nav 90Th

    Ruth’s Girls

    Sacher Torte At 50

    Scraps Of Life

    Waco Watch


    Ekphrastic Dialogue: Maria Abakanowicz’s Drawing Face And Hand 1991


    Red Hot Inn

    Bolt Ends

    Wes: Beyond Fusion

    A Bittersweet Adieu


    Death Foreshadowed



    Parade Rest Of Life

    Sifted Snows

    Spilling Sorrow’s Sequins

    Struggling To Calm












    One candle for each earthly year

    Signifies a thousand tears

    I’ve shed until tonight:

    The first deathversary, called the jahrzeit.

    You loved candles on twinkling winter nights

    I’d line them up to welcome you dark nights

    Though wintry winds so often gutted flames.

    Now I listen for the wind to say my name

    Which you shall never again proclaim

    Unless I hear it in eternity.


    Mellow Age

    Once I wore teddies, now I wear TEDS

    Spike heels departed for double-tied Keds

    Instead of hearing old rockers like the Grateful Dead

    Listening to Brahms, I’m grateful none is known in obits I’ve read.

    The thongs that I wear now perch on my feet

    As I sip purified water, no stronger treat.

    The bridges not burned are the only ones left

    So many have passed on, I’m of dozens bereft.

    Once weekends were prepped with a small bag, large bills,

    Now in advance I pack bottles of pills.

    I currently know funeral homes near and far

    Swivel my prosthetic hips to enter or exit car

    Instead of numbers of shower, wedding, baby cards, I buy

    Get well or sympathy thoughts, sent with a personalized cry.

    Gardening forsaken, prized flowerbeds fill with ferns,

    Quick! Change the calendar! Another season turns!

    If I weren’t having so much fun, I’d be in quite the jam:

    Old age is always fifteen years older than I am.*

    I hope my memory will be the last to go, that

    I’ll recollect all I’ve written in each long-ago

    Have love forever with me, not just acceptance as a fool,

    That God will always bless me, others love me should I drool!

    *A tip of the cane to Bernard Baruch


    Mending Moms

    A modern mama stabs no rags

    For a repair she’ll carry garments in bags

    To a seamstress, tailor, dry cleaners

    For hems or mends once done at home.

    At the local antique store, what did I spy

    Something newer generations couldn’t identify:

    A darning egg often used by Mother

    For worn socks of one of my four active brothers

    With only two children I admit

    I never darned socks, nor crocheted or knit

    My Gran a dressmaker, two aunts were tailors

    I never sewed till I married!

    Here, Vic, I’ll finish one of three would say

    Watching me wrestle a short project all day.

    Once I told Gran that but for her skills I’d have learned to crochet

    Her retort: "But you do! I use thread and hook,

    but you know how to word-crochet"

    You’d see the twinkle in her eyes as she spoke those words

    The pride my heart still fills: hers my supreme writing compliment given

    I’d be proud to show you my wedding hanky:

    Tatting 8-inches borders a small linen square

    Grandma moved in for a week with expectant me

    before birth to sew an old-timey layette of

    Kimonos, receiving blankets, spit-up or wash clothes,

    each trimmed in tiny patterned crochet

    For my baby girl who grew up with 7th grade home ec class required;

    She embroidered Mom on a pincushion now

    seriously perforated and worn—I keep it

    For cross-stitch needles, buttons, fabric books made in blitz sewing years.

    When dad left us without warning in death, she

    flew from L.A.: her skills held me up

    Organization, research, work with her Texas brother,

    both comforted me, shared grief’s bitter cup

    Despite their losses, they steadied me on, kept me held up:

    God’s nearness, their love stitched me together starting mending of Mom


    Mourning Impaired

    I indeed am comforted you died painlessly in sleep

    Expert at crises, I checked all vital signs: BAD. just then I didn’t weep

    More emotional were the 911 dispatchers who also loved you

    Later I went numb with shock for a year, perhaps two.

    So many months passed

    Awaiting your return at last,

    Presuming you were on an emergency distant call-out

    That lasted till your shift began at 7 a.m. or thereabouts

    The blue crept up your bare feet past ankles,

    Along your jawline to ear: I marveled you’d not ever speak nor hear,

    White rug’s small bloodspot where your head lay—


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