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Search for Truth: A New Day...
Search for Truth: A New Day...
Search for Truth: A New Day...
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Search for Truth: A New Day...

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“In the sixth book of the “Search For Truth” series, ”A New Day” , a group of 10 very different people continue their quest, for a more humane and fair government. They are the Truth Seekers, and through critical mass, forge the demise of the previously violent and abusive administration, led by the mother of a Truth Seekers’ cofounder. With the future unknown, the team trudges forward to reestablish the ideals of a free society. Change is filled with complex twists and turns, making truth, humanism and accountability permeate the story. This novel depicts a hopeful future, in spite of many attempts to sabotage the Truth Seekers bringing ALL American people into a new day.”
Release dateSep 18, 2019
Search for Truth: A New Day...

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    Search for Truth - BRYAN RADZIN


    If a new day is on the horizon, how do we grab hold? If it’s always just out of reach, how do we bring it into focus? Must a special preparation be made, something directly relating to our life experience, and how and where we were raised?

    The way we get where we need and/or want to go, is finding a path, a trail meant specifically for us; but is that the roadblock? If we’re all looking for a unique path, something which appeals to our unique journey, are we all looking for something similar?

    Maybe we see ourselves as completely divergent from one another, unique snowflakes as told to us starting at a very early age. We must learn of the world in a way that makes sense to us. How we were raised, and our knowledge or lack thereof, determines what we espouse when we begin to speak.

    We start with an opening salvo of information, trying to comprehend in a way which allows forward progress. Although we may not understand at first, we’re attempting to define just what the fuck is going on. This big ball of chaos is exploding all around us, and we look at each other like, what now?

    This question is so universal, it’s common amongst all of us, even if it seems like we’d never match up in a million years. Still, here we are, all scratching and struggling to find our personal new day; not looking to our sides, but wearing blinders.

    When looking to reduce heartache by analyzing our past, does our mind uncontrollably spin, because literally every other human is simultaneously doing the same?

    We might plummet into an existential hole, by trying to disprove every thought we have; which is a universal truth in the art of roadblock construction. These concrete barriers have extreme tinsel strength, and can withstand semi-trucks and bomb blasts, or can they? How can we avoid being constantly held back, by the one person who should know better?

    This is when we need to find a new path, a way forward which accounts for all our unique talents and strengths; even if we’ve been telling ourselves for generations, we don’t have any.

    The first step in escaping darkness, is turning on the light. This may sound simple, but this hidden passage has been covered in spider webs and dust for eons, but which is yearning for conscious footsteps.

    This dank and dirty passage way, might be scary, but might be our way out. Is this passage illuminated by a physical lantern filled with fuel, which can be ignited with a match? Is it a flashlight which must be stocked with rechargeable batteries, bought at the store by spending way too much money, only to end up in a landfill, along with all other human waste deemed unneeded?

    This light isn’t physical light, just like this tunnel, or path as I like to call it, isn’t a physical path. It’s simply a tool to explain we may not have all the answers.

    This is the first step in finding light, admitting to ourselves we’re not perfect, and don’t know everything. Not only might we not have all the knowledge, there might actually be people out there who, God forbid know more than us.

    However, once we realize this is the first stage of self-sabotage, we can extinguish it by putting one step in front of the other. This is the wick for the lantern we need to illuminate our path. It’s the admission there’s a lot more we don’t know, than we do. The sooner we conquer this first step, the sooner we figure out just what the hell is going on.

    The rub, is thinking it’s THE answer. Believing anything can provide THE answer, is the foundation that darkened our tunnel in the first place. We thought it was a simple A to B equation, where all we needed to do was ford an impossible to ford river; and life would be nothing but sunshine and rainbows.

    This is not only foolish thinking, but bars us from reaching the preparation stage. Once we evolve past thinking we’re the perfect specimen, (which I’ll admit is one of our biggest obstacles) we’ll keep stepping forward. That light we’ve been trying to irradiate, will shine because we got out of our own way.

    Getting over ourselves can be quite a challenge. Finding light to illuminate our journey comes from within our soul. It can be difficult to ignite if it’s been dormant, but it can be done.

    We shouldn’t worry if ours is brighter or dimmer than somebody else’s, we need to work with what we have. Who knows, not only could it be enough, it could be much brighter than first perceived.

    Now that we have this light, but still see darkness ahead, what do we do? Do we take a step? Do we wait and see what somebody else does by studying their gait and cadence, playing copycat like we’re in kindergarten?

    If we wait for somebody, we might then follow their path, instead of locating our own. Theirs might seem right for us, with infinite bright manifestations flashing our name, calling for us to join. This might be a ruse, a method to control our future movement, by stealing our ability and desire to think for ourselves.

    This is when we must trust ourselves, and venture into the darkness. This dark place could be gargantuan, because of the terrible experiences we’ve been forced to endure. The darkness could’ve metastasized by generations of friends and family telling us, this is the way the world is; that these people are this way, their DNA will always be that way, and why we should never mix, for fear we’d become them.

    Getting over generational hate can be overwhelming, but is part of finding our light. Things aren’t just the way they are, they can be made better. If all of us took advice that situations will never change, and one person can’t change the world, how could we ever help our species evolve amongst an ever-burgeoning population?

    This is another part of finding our light, knowing that one person can’t change the world, but many one persons can. We get enough people together, there is nothing the elites could do. That’s simply a fact. How do we get there? How do we reach a point where critical mass can decipher, decode and work with our better angels to unite us around what makes us human?

    Basically, trial and error brings us together. If this was easy, it would’ve been done long ago. Given the shit show climate we’re currently living through, how do we find our light amongst others trying to find theirs, and band together so we combine power? If successful, the ensuing light beam will be so big and bright, it’ll bring sight to anybody who was previously blind.

    Unlike other high-powered spotlights, this light doesn’t blind, it enhances vision. It only blinds those already blind. People so set in their ways, they think nothing could or should change, but could it? Is it possible to change minds chiseled in hate, and left to fester for 1000 years?

    What I suggest isn’t a magic wand, something we can wave to make everything human again. I’m not a fantasy writer, and don’t promote automatic fixes; although I wouldn’t mind having some of that Harry Potter money. Anyway, this isn’t a magic trick, this is something which requires work, and struggle.

    Our path forward to unification is hard, but easy at the same time. How many times have we said that before? It’s easy because it resides in the golden rule, treating others like we’d like to be treated, don’t piss in the sand box, and remember to share. This might sound childish, but if we utilized this same powerful advice as adults, we utilized as kids, we wouldn’t have half the problems we do.

    This problem is simple, because the solution is peeled out in easily understandable language; something we can digest without having to ingest a Rolaids or Ex-Lax. It’s also hard, because of ingrained opinions. We’ve been conditioned for years to believe what we believe. We’ve experienced many events during our journey, some good and some bad.

    Changing our thinking just because some book told us we’d be happy, isn’t the easiest thing to do. In fact, we may want to tell him to fuck off. The fact he thinks he knows how it is, could completely turn us off, causing us to become more despicable.

    However, whether it’s some author, a neighbor, or even the nice homeless guy at the corner we choose to ignore, we must listen. We must pay attention to the words, to determine if they make sense to us. They could be detailed in such a way, we might figure out just what the hell is going on with the person standing next to us.

    We’ll never fully figure that out, but that’s not the point. We’ll never fully decipher ourselves, but that shouldn’t stop us from stepping out the door each morning, and trying to figure it out. That’s the point, we have to go out there, and do the best we can. We must talk to the person next to us. We must expand our bubble.

    If we begin with easily digestible and relatable language, like how is the weather, or how our kids are a pain in the ass, and witness a normal human response, we won’t be afraid to breach other issues. Once we view this person we assumed was different because of their skin color, orientation, upbringing, religious beliefs and economic means as the same as us, we’ll see each other in ourselves.

    I’m not saying we’re all the same. We’re unique by how we’ve experienced the world, and how we perceive those experiences. We’re the same, by virtue of being human. We all want a prosperous and fulfilling life, to take care of our families, and to surround ourselves by good people. However, once we realize this never matching uniqueness, is never the same, we’ll see it’s exactly what makes us the same.

    What makes us the same, is what makes us different. We all come from different places, believe in different Gods, love somebody different, and make a different amount of money. This makes us the same because we share those differences. We all struggle with the same human frailties, just from different places.

    This is when we realize the path to enlightenment doesn’t matter, just that we’re consciously trying to get there. There isn’t a location, but the place of light we all yearn to be. It’s where we’re trying to reach, even if we’ve failed to admit it to ourselves.

    The way forward is important, lit by the illumination of our soul; but it’s not the end all be all. Even if we unite around our similarities instead of our differences, success isn’t guaranteed. There’s no finish line, no line to run through, no ticker tape parade to celebrate.

    This new day is why we find a find a path forward. We need a destination to work toward, a goal that keeps us motivated to keep grinding, when times get tough. We just can’t get so hung up on outcomes, we ignore signs of a new day. The first step is finding our light, the second is illuminating our path forward by uniting around common humanity.

    All members of the working class fight the same battles, whether they’re poor black liberals in the city, poor white conservatives in the hills, or poor Latin farm workers. All are simply trying to make a better life for their family. The people at the top who want to keep us fighting, don’t want us to decipher our commonalities. They know if we did, nothing could stop us from overthrowing their generations of oppression, and instituting the new day we’ve endlessly droned about since we learned to speak.

    This overthrow isn’t necessarily a violent one, we the people standing up wouldn’t look at it that way. Of course, the power structure that’s losing its grip, isn’t going down without a fight. They’ll throw everything they have at us. Drones, bombs and the NSA, are but a few of their tools to come after everything that makes us human.

    How many times have we observed a glimmer of hope? Every time a politician tells the truth, or when corruption is stopped and evil punished, we might say a new day is on the horizon.

    The problem with that, by definition we’ll never see the horizon. We keep moving forward the best we can, and try to be good people, but that horizon keeps getting further and further away. That new day always seems to be slightly out of reach, just past the outstretched tendons of our fingers.

    This is when we have to adjust our thinking. We create that new day by not waiting for it around the corner, or over the horizon. Some claim heaven is more important than earth, where we wait till some imaginary person waves a wand. We’re told we’ve been a valuable human, and contributed to furtherance of the species, therefore all our wrongs are forgiven.

    This drives us backward, something we must watch out for the second we create our new day. The closer we get to making it a reality, the bigger fight and more pushback we’ll have. Like when a politician gets accused of corruption or other crimes, and at first doesn’t pay attention to the claims, painting them as a waste of time. When the claims start hitting closer to home, anger springs forth, and they’re unable to mask their evil intentions any longer.

    This is a sign we’re on the right track. A place marker that we’re on the right road. We mustn’t fear, we must keep pushing forward. We must keep uniting with other human beings around what makes us the same. This is when we ever increasingly grow our numbers, until the powers take notice. They think they’ll steamroll us like they always have. However, this time we’ll be ready because their petty shit won’t affect us. The illusion of their power will completely shatter, and everything that fomented it will fall by the wayside.

    What will transpire is a truth so real and good, it could only be described as a new day. When that new day is implemented, new regulations and fairness will be instituted, and a new age of loving, living and respecting each other will commence. The exact details of our dreams will appear before our eyes. We may feel we’ve won the day, and no more work has to be done.

    This is when the real work begins. It’s one thing to endlessly talk about a new day, and how great it’ll be when it finally comes into existence. It’s totally different to shepherd it into reality, and out of the dream state, where it’s rambling and incoherent ideas. In this reality, things are actually being changed. We finally have to walk the walk.

    Are we all full of shit when we speak of how great things would be, if this or that was different? We’re all guilty, present company included. The difference this time, we as a people are ready; daily life is rawer now than it’s ever been. We as a species are ready for that new day, that next leg of our evolution.

    If we’re not ready now, when? Will there come another time when everything is so overt, we have to figure out if we really want a new day, or just endlessly plan?

    All this don’t pay attention to the man behind the curtain stuff, will eventually end. We will throw off the shackles of our collective oppressors. We will unite with people we never thought we would, so we can get to a place we never thought we’d be.

    We will destroy all the bad shit that’s kept our people down, for as long as apes have walked upright. We will decipher how to build a society that treats everybody fairly and equally, where humanism and accountability are founding principles.

    We must find the light guiding our path forward. Once we’re walking it, we’ll see others walking theirs, and realize we really aren’t that different. Unification will happen. We will rise up.

    The things that held us back, won’t anymore. The power structure will crumble at our feet, causing huge celebration and jubilation.

    Then after the lights have dimmed, and the partying has subsided, the real work begins to build that endlessly sustainable future. We’ll put real actions to ideas, that may have never escaped our brains before. We may not know what to say or think. The enormity of the situation is something we dreamed of, but thought wouldn’t actually happen; at least not during our lifetimes. Our grandchildren will talk about the old timers who paved the way for them.

    This could be the answer, or it could be another. One thing is for sure, at some point we’ll be sitting around a table, with others we’ve fought and struggled with to destroy generational dehumanization. We’ll understand everything that happened. We’ll think of what we always told ourselves we’d do, if we got to this point. We’ll see who and what is in front of us.

    It’ll be like we’ve awoken from a great sleep, where we experienced good dreams and feel rested. We’ll roll around for a minute, sit up and yawn. We might move slow at first, but then the excitement and importance of the new day rouses us. We get excited for what’s to come, what might come, and all possibilities in between. This is when we see the vital importance of this new day, and making it work as soon as possible. We must start moving easily, but consciously. We need to constantly act within our new days, which constantly recycle themselves, specifically so we can constantly recycle who we thought we were.

    After training ourselves to not get caught up in the chaos, (or like Kansas said, rise above the noise and confusion) we’ll find our place. We’ll then want to affect lasting change, by taking advantage of all opportunities we’ve been given, so we don’t endlessly spin in circles.

    This is when we ask, what now?


    The light peaking from a new day can be downright frightening if preparation isn’t made. Since its founding, the United States has been an oasis of free thought, a bastion where anybody can live their life how they choose. If that bubble burst however, and the dark side vital to making capitalism work, is shown for the humanity destroying force it is, many questions appear. Do we rebel? Do we stage a coup? Do we gather so many people it overwhelms the powers that be, who’s only choice is complete, and utter surrender?

    When fighting for a free country whose humanity has always been espoused, but never realized, a new journey begins. A new day can be scary when it’s time to actually build, instead of only seeing it over the horizon and saying, one day. Well, that day is today.

    The overwhelming noise infecting the Presidential Bunker reached a fever pitch, as the Truth Seekers sat around the war room table. This giant redwood slab, had seen more than a few chaotic planning sessions; and this one would be no different.

    Can somebody please close that door, I can’t hear myself think, Marty fearfully exclaimed, but tempered with hope from the bottom of his soul. Here he was, planning the new country he had been conjuring for as long as he could remember. His thoughts weren’t rushing in, except to quiet the yelling, screaming, and cajoling going on outside, and around the nation. This is a special time, but I need to put my thoughts together.

    Jay stood up slowly from the markedly cushy desk chair he had plopped himself into. He casually strolled to the door, before sticking his head out and yelling to his troops; something which would set the tone for the what the fuck do we do meeting of the original Truth Seekers.

    Hey Mike, Jay hollered to one his lieutenants who was standing 20 feet from the door. The Mad People for Good needed all their strength to hold the crowd back, who all wanted to take part in the talks. Can you help clear these people out? Take them to my main compound, and Marty’s as well. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.

    Marty heard his name, and wondered what he had to do with anything. Come on man, what are you getting me into? You’d think we just took down the government of the United States, and now have no idea what to do, Marty bellowed half-jokingly, and half truthfully. He didn’t know what to do with this next step, and from the distrust blanketing the room, the rest of the Truth Seekers didn’t either. You’re right Mr. Madman, take as many people to our compounds as we can. Make sure they leave their contact information and availability, before we transport them home. We might need to call them up.

    What? Jay queried. He knew this would be a big undertaking, and would take more than their version of Ellis Island to build the new country they all dreamed of. Don’t worry man, I got this.

    As Jay purposefully marched out the door to talk to his and Marty’s troops, Christina peered at her dad with what could only be described as total admiration.

    Jay had unique ways of raising her, some would call it absentee parenting. One thing was for sure, all of that led to this moment. She was glad at least one of her parents gave a shit about not destroying the world.

    Jason looked over at his love with a glance that said, I’d follow you to the gates of hell; but something tells me we’re headed the other way. That’s why we have to get this just right.

    The language exchanged between souls that were inexplicably connected, wasn’t new. This time however, Jason and Christina were ready to live out their dreams, and to put to the test all the passion which burned within them. Jason threw his arms around Christina, and shared one of their soul reviving kisses. As usual, they received collectively grossed out looks from around the room.

    I’d tell you two to get a room, but this is the one room we should be working from. That is until we figure out just what the hell to do, Billy Bob passionately expressed. He understood the new country they were building, was the culmination of what Jason described when he helped Billy Bob see the error of his ways. This was a new day. I know what we need, but we shouldn’t until Jay returns.

    Jason instantly understood, and knew how much it was needed. He looked around the room and Christina, Marty, David, Aaron, Bryan, Billy Bob, Gary and Tim did as well.

    Just as

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