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Mindful of Horses
Mindful of Horses
Mindful of Horses
Ebook185 pages2 hours

Mindful of Horses

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Mindful of Horses, tells the riveting story of a journey of self-discovery and healing undertaken as a result of Helen’s work with horses and her attempts to ease their pain and improve their behavior. In the interim, these horses taught her how to look within to locate the sources of her own pain and self-defeating behavior. It is an inspiring tale, one that is also filled with many details, descriptions, and insights inviting the reader into this world of seeming magic and mystery. A world where animals communicate with humans and each party sees improvement as wounds are uncovered, inspected, and ultimately healed. Told with as much grit as compassion, Mindful of Horses is an engaging read on the connections between animals and humans and their ability to help make each other whole.
Release dateMar 21, 2021
Mindful of Horses

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    Mindful of Horses - Helen Cherry

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8333-9 (sc)

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 03/08/2021

    This book is dedicated to Nancy, Jacko, and Nadur.

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart

    for guiding me towards the light.




    Chapter 1     Nancy

    Chapter 2     Rose-Tinted Glasses

    Chapter 3     Energy

    Chapter 4     Communication

    Chapter 5     Kinesiology

    Chapter 6     Masterson Method

    Chapter 7     Motherhood

    Chapter 8     The Power Of Equine Healing

    Chapter 9     Poisoned

    Chapter 10   Birthday

    Chapter 11   I Didn’t Know I Needed Healing

    Chapter 12   Walking

    Chapter 13   Spooky

    Chapter 14   Farewell

    Chapter 15   Mental Health—It’s A Way Of Life

    Chapter 16   Nadur—Lesson 1

    Chapter 17   All About The Feet!

    Chapter 18   Dial It Down!

    Chapter 19   Parallels

    Chapter 20   Awaken

    Chapter 21   Trust

    Chapter 22   Focus And Feel

    Chapter 23   Messages

    Chapter 24   The Root Cause



    As this was my first foray into the world of writing, I want to thank some wonderful people for their help and support. My dear friend Sara K, for not only attending the life writing course with me but also reading the book, giving your honest appraisal, and giving of your time to help me reorganise the manuscript. Thank you to Sara Withy and Jon Bennett, for your immense support and honesty and for encouraging me to see it through. I appreciate enormously the enthusiasm, creativity, and talent of Carolyn Tyrer in her painting which serves as the beautiful book cover.

    Last but by no means least I thank my extraordinary daughter, who has stood by my side not only throughout this process but also through the experiences that create the content of the book. You never judge me or waver in your love or your support for me. You fly so high that you continue to amaze and inspire me. I love you dearly.


    We stood there looking at each other. She was this most delicious chocolate-brown bay mare, beautifully blanket-clipped with a crazy white flash down her nose like a strip of lightning. Nomadic Nancy was her name, and I had no idea as we looked at each other that she would take me on a life-changing journey. Those beautiful gentle eyes of hers looked at me, peering right into me as if she knew me, as if she had been waiting for me. In that gentle, quiet moment I knew we would be together, because this wasn’t the first time this had happened. Jacko had been standing at the back of a small, dark stable the first time I met him years earlier. He was covered in mud, his mane stuck up like a silver Mohican from poll to withers as he was happily munching his hay. When I looked over the stable door, he nonchalantly turned to look at me and sighed as if to say, Finally, you’re here. I knew in that instant that he was coming home with me. I remember flashing a toothy smile and saying out loud, You’ll do. He was jolly, talented, and so much fun that I couldn’t help but smile and feel happy around him. Jacko carried me through my divorce and the hardest times I’ve ever faced, bringing joy into my life at a time when everything had fallen apart and I was balancing precariously on the fence between sanity and mental despair. He became the rock that held me up and kept me moving forward. He is also the horse that made me aware of the profound and gentle power of equine healing, as he helped traumatised children find their voices.

    Nancy joined us and settled in well, but very quickly I became aware there was something wrong with her. In my determined quest to help heal her, the journey ventured into realms of healing I had no idea existed. I had my eyes and mind opened to many unusual and wonderful things. All along, however, the biggest change was happening to me in a very organic way, changing my life forever without my even realising it. I honestly thought I was healing her, but in fact Nancy healed my life. She gave me focus, a new career, and a new confidence to walk my own path. She helped me to find me again. She drove me to discover who I could be and to believe in what I could do.

    Nancy and Jacko were my guides on an incredible path of healing and life changes that inspired this book. But the story doesn’t finish with them. Nancy gifted me a colt foal whom I named Nadur. He continues the journey, refining me as a horsewoman and teaching me a greater self-awareness and lightness. More extraordinary, though, is his ability to help me see the self-limiting beliefs and behaviours I have unwittingly developed during my life. I have had to delve into the scary world of self with Nadur. He mirrors the behavioural patterns I had adopted to survive but no longer need. I have no idea I am using them until he shows me. He challenges me to address these all the time, and by doing so, he demands that my better self emerge. He has connected my mind to my body; this is without a doubt the hardest part of my journey. With Nancy, I didn’t realise she was healing me, whereas with Nadur, I am fully aware of and participating in the changes he facilitates. He is extremely sensitive and has taught me a much deeper understanding of being mindful and what true softness really means. Not just in our relationship but also in a way that entwines itself into my whole life. He raises the bar regularly and demands that I reach for it.

    This book is about a journey that began without my realising I needed it. It is about mental health as much as it is about these three wonderful horses playing their very different roles: driving me on, carrying me, and teaching me. It has not been easy; change seldom is, I guess. My subconscious tried hard to sabotage my every turn, but guided by my horses as I followed the breadcrumbs they laid, I learned the right lessons at the right time. Ultimately, I learned why my brain had been conditioned the way it was to repeat negative patterns over and over. I was then able to take that leap of faith, stepping out of comfortable and into extraordinary!

    Along the way, I have read many inspiring books, met and learned from some truly gifted people, and made some wonderful friends. I experienced unusual events, revisited past experiences, and had many a light-bulb moment. I have taken control of my mind. I restructured my brain and my beliefs, and now I understand the power I have to change anything in my life that doesn’t fit.

    I still love the thrill of riding horses, but I look at them as so much more than transportation and sport. My horses have been my guides, my teachers, my healers. I am filled with gratitude that they chose to be part of my life.




    I felt the horse beneath me freeze for a moment and then shudder, as a powerful wave of energy surged through her body. I knew it wasn’t good. This was going to hurt. She launched herself so fast and so high up into the air that my vision blurred. One second I was looking at her ears, and the next second I was looking at the sky with her front legs high above us, and then at her back with the saddle coming down on top of me. Everything had happened lightning fast then momentarily went slow motion. I remember having time to think, I don’t want my daughter to see me crushed.

    Somehow I found purchase against some part of her. Fuelled with adrenalin, I pushed with all my might. Crunch! Then quiet! Then screaming! That’s what I heard as I lay in the grass gasping in pain. A tangle of human and horse, bodies, legs, and leather tack. She had flipped right up and over. I was now partly underneath a panicked horse that was screaming and scrambling about, trying to get up.

    A few months ago I’d had a choice to make: buy this highly strung five-year-old thoroughbred mare that had little education or experience, who was clipped, shod, and high maintenance, or buy the solid twelve-year-old Irish mare who had been there, had done it, and could live out twenty-four-seven unshod, unrugged, and uncomplicated? Now, my rational brain was clearly rooting for the Irish mare. I needed something I could ride out with my young daughter, who was now riding my beloved Jacko, a 14.2 hands Irish sports pony who could turn his hoof to anything. My daughter had outgrown her awesome little pony Toto (short for Totally Amazing, which he truly was). Jacko was now her teacher.

    So I needed an equine companion to accompany them on fun rides, riding with the bloodhounds and generally gallivanting around the countryside to escape from my real life. So of course I bought Nancy, the five-year-old thoroughbred. I had to, really, because no matter how much my rational brain argued with my heart, Nancy had stood there with those beautiful gentle eyes and had looked right into my soul. It was one of those moments when I just knew in my heart we had to be together.

    Nancy came home with me to live with Jacko and our other horses becoming a much-loved member of our herd. But very quickly it became clear that something was wrong. She would evade being tacked up, making it very difficult to put the bridle and saddle on, albeit in a quietly defiant but gentle way. She would also nip me with her lips, not her teeth, when I got the saddle on and tried adjusting it. When she was tacked up, she behaved impeccably; she was genuinely a very sweet horse who was eager to please.

    However, she felt ever so slightly lame to me every time I rode her. She would also very politely stop when going down a hill. All these little things were just not normal for a horse to do if it was happy and comfortable. I had the saddle fitter out, and I also asked more-experienced trainers to look at her to see if she looked or felt lame to them. She looked sound. There was no problem with her saddle either, but my gut was still telling me there was something wrong. Over the next few months, her teeth were checked, the farrier visited regularly, and the vets checked her over. I had every conceivable modality of equine therapist out to check over her musculoskeletal structure. It cost a small fortune. All of them told me she was fine and that they couldn’t find anything wrong with her. So, crack on, as they would say. Which is what I did. In my ignorance, and in my belief that these professionals knew more than I did, I went against my gut instinct. I did crack on.

    It was whilst I was lying in the grass, really hurting after Nancy had finally exploded underneath me, that I wished I had listened to my gut. She had just launched into the air as if she had no other option. Bits of tack had gone everywhere, and luckily the safety stirrups I had on had done their job and came off when I pushed away with all my might, instead of trapping me. It all had happened so fast that my daughter, who was riding in front of me on Jacko, didn’t see any of it. She just heard a noise. And when she turned, we were already upside down, tangled in a heap in the grass and mud. It was a horrid mess.

    For a horse to throw itself over backwards with complete disregard for its own safety and well-being is very rare. It usually indicates a serious problem, either physical or mental. Although I did come out of it—for the most part—unbroken, just battered, badly bruised, and torn, I never wanted to see that look of abject distress on a horse’s face ever again, let alone hear a horse screaming and know I had caused it. This horse pulled the most

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