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Your Personal Guidance System: Unlock the Door to the Universe and Experience the Magic
Your Personal Guidance System: Unlock the Door to the Universe and Experience the Magic
Your Personal Guidance System: Unlock the Door to the Universe and Experience the Magic
Ebook343 pages4 hours

Your Personal Guidance System: Unlock the Door to the Universe and Experience the Magic

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Discover Your Personal Guidance System
Have you ever thought about how wonderful it would be to directly tap into a source of inner guidance that is accurate and dependable? In this book, you’ll discover how you can claim and work with your own personal guidance system. Receiving clear inner messages is not just for clairvoyants, every person is born with this ability. Discover methods for developing your ability to receive guidance and learn what it means and how it guides your journey here on earth.
By practicing what you’ll learn in this book, you’ll gain
• Confidence in following the path that brings you to personal fulfillment and success
• Peace of mind when making decisions, even difficult ones
• A life that flows with meaning
• Support in living your dreams
Are unusual events coincidences or are they gifts? When plans don’t work out as expected is that a message or bad timing? Understand how to recognize the many kinds of messages coming to you and how to work with them. They are real and they are here for you! Get ready to discover and claim your reliable source of guidance so that you can calmly and confidently follow the path designed just for you!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 25, 2019
Your Personal Guidance System: Unlock the Door to the Universe and Experience the Magic

Joan Spencer

Joan has had a varied life from a CPA, President of a multi-million dollar school to practicing Chinese medicine. As she has learned to follow her heart, she discovered that there is always guidance, opening the right doors and closing others behind her. Discovering that the closed doors were only messages, she started to explore the guidance system that we are all born with.

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    Book preview

    Your Personal Guidance System - Joan Spencer



    Take this quiz before starting this book to help you determine how aware you are of your guidance system. When you finish this book, retake this quiz to see how much you have grown. Answer each question with Rarely, Sometimes or Often.

    1. I’m willing to take risks and try new things.

    2. I pay attention to people and listen when they speak.

    3. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of coincidences in my life.

    4. I’m willing to share what I have and don’t worry about having enough

    5. I can sense when people or situations will be good for me. I pay attention to my gut feelings, even when they don’t make sense.

    6. If necessary, I can easily change my plans.

    7. I often feel as if I’m protected in some way.

    8. I can trust myself to make decisions

    9. I can tell when I’m on the wrong track and I’m not afraid to make changes

    10. I can get immediate answers and help to a problem, even when I don’t fully understand.

    When you have completed this quiz, go back and look at your answers. Give yourself one point for each rarely, two points for sometimes and three points for often.

    If your score was between 10 — 15

    • Presently, you’re probably not in the habit of noticing your guidance system. This will change as you work with the exercises in this book. As you open up to your guidance system, your sense of peace and calmness will increase.

    If your score was between 16 – 22

    • You’re probably already aware of your guidance system, although you might call it by another name. Hopefully as you work with the exercises in this book, you’ll start to trust and understand your guidance system in more intimate terms. As a result, you’ll experience an increase in safety, guidance and creativity. Your life will become much more exciting.

    If your score was between 23 – 30

    • You probably already recognize your guidance system, but you may not trust it fully. As you work with the exercises in this book, you’ll develop the confidence needed to begin living a more joyful life. Navigating through your daily challenges will become easier and your problems will begin to diminish.

    Part I

    The Basics


    Your Life Map


    Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.


    Do you know that you have your own personal guidance system? It’s built right in you. It’s not just your gut feelings I’m talking about a complete system designed to help you move forward in life. This system can assist you in navigating your life and in finding more peace and harmony in your day to day activities. I believe that this system is available to all of us. And when we learn to recognize and receive this guidance each of us can live a much more fulfilling life.

    How does our personal guidance system do this? By sending special gifts and messages that can support us throughout our entire lives. These messages are not just for the clairvoyant. Everyone receives these messages and gifts. They are real! It’s a matter of recognizing and receiving them.

    In today’s world we are drowning in information and technology. It can be overwhelming and confusing. So, what if you had an uncomplicated system tailored to your specific needs that would help you move through the complexities of life? That’s what your personal guidance system does. If you find this idea intriguing here are some of the ways your personal guidance system can actually benefiwt you.

    • Gain more peace of mind when making decisions

    • Feel confident as you follow your path

    • Create a life filled with meaning

    • Enjoy a sense of peace and calm during your most challenging times

    • Have a personal assistant help you in your daily life – (even better than Alexa!)

    Life gives us many road maps we can follow. Some seem to be very clear. Others are shaded in gray. For example, our educational system is structured so that we start at kindergarten or first grade and then progress from grade to grade until we reach high school and (hopefully) graduate. This road map is usually followed without question but it’s really not much of a guidance system is it? It’s structured to benefit the general population. Everyone’s taking the same classes at pretty much the same time. But what if that system is not a great fit for you? You just may be out of luck. Your personal guidance system, on the other hand, is designed to specifically meet your needs! It can guide you in your own unique journey.

    To understand your own personal guidance system, imagine your life is laid out like a map. The map offers many different roads to reach your destinations. Now with a navigation system to assist you, it may have two or more options. For example, it might show you the fastest and shortest routes or roads without toll booths. The same thing can happen in your life. There are many different directions and scenarios. A road map might show you a variety of rest stops, gas stations and other businesses along your route to help you. A similar thing can happen with your personal guidance system. It can offer a variety of people, events and circumstances to help you travel through your life.

    Your personal guidance system, just like your car’s navigational system, can be very useful when you’re trying to reach a specific destination. Your car navigation system can direct you in small increments, advising you to turn left, right or exit. Your personal guidance system can give you messages that confirm you’re on the right path or to redirect you to follow a different direction.

    I like to compare our own guidance systems with the navigation systems of automobiles. They both can look after you when you miss a turn, find a way to provide you with an update and redirect you. Both systems relay new messages should you get off course. If you make a decision to go in a different direction you’ll also get cues advising the best route to get you back on track.

    When we use an automobile navigation system, we generally trust that it’ll provide us with directions to our destination in a fast and efficient way. Most of us have a lot of confidence in this small device, because we’ve relied on it so much. Our personal guidance system can be equally efficient, but because we’ve often ignored or not been tuned in to its messages, we may not trust its suggestions and advice.

    I believe that learning to trust our personal guidance systems is just as important as learning to trust our car’s navigation system. We need to experiment with our personal guidance system, try following its advice and then see how our lives are impacted. As we experiment with our personal guidance systems, we can eventually learn to understand its cues and finally trust it. Unfortunately, many of us have not been taught how to use our personal guidance system. In many cases we’ve actually been taught to ignore it!

    Here is a question. How many times has your gut warned you against a particular action and yet, you chose to ignore the warning? We tend to trust our cars’ navigation systems because they usually are right. We may not have had such positive experiences relying on the help of our own personal guidance system. Most of the time we don’t even know we have one! It can be understood and trusted and you’ll learn how in this book.

    When using any system, it’s important to recognize that the communication will be limited. For example, a cars’ navigation system doesn’t tell you whether or not to move into another lane on the highway. It also doesn’t let you know if you’re traveling too fast or too slow. You’re left to make these decisions on your own. Your personal guidance system is similar, in that it doesn’t give you a list of every single thing you’re supposed to do. It gives you the freedom to choose how to make many important decisions. It’s flexible and designed to respond after you’ve made your choices.

    You know automobile navigation systems work. You’re still in the driver’s seat. You’re still deciding whether or not you’ll follow the messages. You’re determining how slow or fast you’ll go to reach your destination. The same is true of our personal guidance system! We can choose to ignore the messages, take only a portion of the guidance offered, or just follow it. Learning how to receive messages from your guidance system can enable you to consciously decide what to do with the messages you receive.

    This book will show how you receive different kinds of messages. You’ll discover ways to know what the messages mean. You’ll also be able to determine how messages can be influenced or misinterpreted when worry, anxiety or fears are present. And finally, you’ll understand how to recognize and receive your own messages to make positive changes in your life.

    A DISCOVERY EXERCISE: Writing about these things may help you recognize that you’ve already gotten messages. Try it!

    1. Think of a time when you just knew that you should have done something, but you didn’t take the action required.

    2. Think of a time when you became acquainted with a special friend or when you met someone who helped you solve a problem. How did you meet this person?

    3. Describe a time you considered yourself lucky to have met a particular person.

    4. Remember a situation in which you felt a strong desire to do something. What did you do? What was the outcome?

    5. Think of a period when nothing seemed to go right for you. What happened?

    6. Think of another time when everything you did seemed to work out for you. How did that affect you?

    7. Have you ever had something kind of strange happen to you? Or have you experienced a coincidence that left you feeling amazed by the event?


    Foundations of Guidance Systems


    Even if we are not where we want to be, we are always where we need to be, yet

    we rarely truly understand this until later when we can look back and see the bigger picture.


    It wasn’t until I began looking back on my own life that I started to realize my guidance system had really been helping me since childhood. With no prior knowledge, I wanted to learn more, so I began to research and experiment with this incredible system.

    When I started experimenting and observing with my own guidance system, I found a treasure trove of messages designed specifically for me and they would come quite regularly. I could see that I was being assisted in some way.

    And the more I observed my life and others I came to understand that this help was available for everyone. I realized that every person has their own personal guidance system, and we are all constantly being given messages and gifts.

    Unfortunately, most people fail to recognize or even acknowledge these gifts. Maybe it’s because we’re generally taught to base our actions and decisions on logic, analysis and comparisons. Many of us believe in a prescribed way of making our life decisions, while we ignore the messages our individual guidance system might be sending our way. Is there a particular method that you frequently rely on to make your decisions?

    But we all can change. When we become cognizant of our messages, we can become happier and gain a sense of inner peace. Life can feel calmer once we know we are supported.

    In order to recognize and work with your own personal guidance system, you’ll need to understand some basic principles. Here are some of the basic concepts you’ll be learning.

    • Assistance from your guidance system will usually come in the form of a message. If you recognize and heed the messages, it can aid you in your journey toward achieving your hopes and dreams.

    • There are many different types of messengers that deliver inspiration, guidance or other help as necessary.

    • It’s important to recognize and honor your visions, dreams or ideas about what you want from life and hope to give to others.

    • An important step when it comes to creating our dreams is ‘taking action.’

    Walls in your life are often put in place to redirect you or challenge you to grow and expand.

    You are always in a partnership with your guidance system. Each party is equal.

    • Gifts are given to everyone on a regular basis.

    I believe that assistance is always available from our guidance systems. They communicate with us on a regular basis, guiding us on our journeys’ through life. They are there to help us create the best possible selves we can be.

    Most of us receive messages on a regular basis, yet more often than not, we are completely unaware of them. We often attribute these messages to coincidences or random luck. However, our understanding can change by working with the exercises in this book. And hopefully you’ll become very connected with your guidance system and soon begin to consider it to be a true friend!

    Your own guidance system uses many different messengers as it tries to communicate with you. For example, you might be wondering how you’re going to accomplish a particular project, when all of a sudden, some important supplies come your way; or you meet someone who brings insights into how you can complete a particular task. These messengers are unique to you!

    Having a vision of what you want to accomplish in life is a great starting point to begin communicating with your guidance system. As your partner, your guidance system is there willing to help you. It will use whatever means it can to convey important information and bring the help that you’ll need in order to achieve your vision. The assistance may seem contradictory and/or not helpful at times; but if you’re willing to work with it, you’ll generally find their messages to be your best interest.

    Taking action is one of the most important principles in working with your guidance system! You may have a vision or a dream, but if you’re making no effort to move it forward, it is very likely that nothing will happen. Your guidance system is not a magic genie, even though some incredible events may seem like miracles. Your guidance system does not just grant wishes. You must put in the effort and then your guidance system can help. Just imagine if you were trying to assist someone but they refused to put forth any effort, would you still continue helping them with their journey?

    The walls we run into often feel like blocks that prevent us from moving forward. They can seem to make our lives incredibly difficult. When you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or disliking a situation, you might try considering it to be a gift from your guidance system. Perhaps it’s a gift suggesting that something needs to change in your life. Your guidance system might actually be placing these walls in your life to get your attention.

    A wall can often signify that you are either going in the wrong direction or need to change something from within. You might consider them as opportunities to make changes within your life. So, when you are facing a problem, try stepping back and observing your thoughts and actions. It just might be that you’ve unwittingly hit a wall and that wall is your message to take a risk and try something new.

    Sometimes, we’ll boldly try to break through a wall. We may get hurt and bruised from the experience, without ever tasting victory. Disappointments and loss of interest often come when we try to keep pushing through those impenetrable walls. However, if we’re willing to try a different approach or turn in a different direction, we can often find an easier route leading to satisfaction and happiness.

    If you’re willing to view your wall as opportunity with a message encouraging you to try something else, then you might find that true fulfillment can be right around the corner.

    Your personal guidance system is your partner that has always been with you. If you’ve ever felt that someone must have been looking out for you or if there were times where you were able to avoid a major accident or other disaster – then you have felt the positive effects of having a guidance system working on your behalf. It will not dictate to you and you should not dictate to it. Together you can work to accomplish your visions.

    Have you ever taken the time to notice the daily gifts you’ve received in life? Gifts like these:

    • A loving touch from someone when you were down

    • A smile that lifted your soul.

    • The perfect home, office or abode that suddenly became available when you were searching and looking for the right possibility.

    • A pet that has given you so much joy.

    All of these are gifts from the universe. As you look at the timing of how things have happened in your life, you’ll begin to recognize how beautifully orchestrated your life is! All of this is because you have a guidance system working on your behalf.

    Here are some stories from my own life that helped me recognize, understand and communicate with my guidance system. I began realizing I’d been given a wealth of gifts that helped to create the life that I enjoy today.

    Messages Discovered- My Beginning

    When I was about to graduate from college in Pueblo CO, I had a strong desire and feeling, about moving, but I didn’t have any idea where I should go. All I knew was there was something prodding me to leave my home town and create a new life for myself.

    So, I began the logical process of figuring out my possible options. I had friends in Denver who could assist me with relocating to Denver. However, Denver didn’t appeal to me. My dad suggested I get a job first and move to wherever that job took me. I didn’t feel a connection to this idea either. I wanted to find a special place first and acquire a job there. My field of study was accounting, so I felt that my options were wide open! I reasoned that accountants are always in demand everywhere.

    My roommate, Sara, told me her friend in Phoenix AZ, just might be willing to help me. For some reason, Phoenix did appeal to me, even though I’d never visited the city and knew very little about it. The name Phoenix was intriguing and this just might be the perfect place. So, I arranged with Sara’s friend to rent a room from her while I got established in Phoenix.

    I didn’t realize then that these intuitive feelings were really messages from what I’ve come to call my personal guidance system.

    I’d found the right place to live. Now what about employment? During college in Colorado, I was employed by Kmart. Human resources offered to contact the stores near my new home. On my behalf, they contacted three different Kmart’s with a good reference! Things were coming together. I felt sure now that I would find a good job when I arrived in Phoenix.

    So, in January 1979, with my car loaded to the brim, I headed for Phoenix AZ. My dad must have had some misgivings because when I headed out the door I inquired, How do I go south from here? It was six hundred miles away from home.

    When I arrived in Phoenix, my jaw dropped as I stared at the palm trees lining the freeway! I’d had no idea that this would be a part of the landscape. (I had previously vacationed in Hawaii and had fallen in love with the tropical landscape. Now, I was moving to a place that reminded me of Hawaii!) To me the area seemed to be a perfect fit. Phoenix is classified as a desert. Had I known that I probably would not have considered moving here. You might say that thanks to a lack of internet information I followed my personal guidance system.

    When I settled in, I set up a job interview at Kmart and was hired on the spot, plus they gave me a raise! What a gift! Do you see how this was a message? It was a special gift—and it reaffirmed my decision that choosing Phoenix for my new home was right.

    I didn’t understand then how we can be guided in our lives. Yet, because I was following my yearning to relocate, following the messages that seemed to direct my path, took me to a place that was perfect for me. Trusting my feelings led me to take action. My personal guidance system helped me discover an area that was perfect and it has been for close to forty years!

    How many messages and gifts did you see in the above story? Did you recognize the suggestion from my friend Sara as a message? Or the gift when the human resources called potential stores and gave me a good reference. What about the palm trees lining the freeway, was this a message and a gift? The prodding I felt to relocate was this another message? There were many messages and gifts given as I found my way to Phoenix, AZ.

    A Wall Turned into a Gift

    I was employed with a CPA firm and life seemed to be going well. However, I was working in the audit department and this was just OK for me. I often felt that I’d rather be working in the tax department. Believe it or not, I found taxes to be intriguing!

    A tax position in the firm became available. I decided to apply for it, hoping to change my position at work. However, that job went to someone who had a master’s degree in tax. I was disappointed, so I started to weigh my options. I could return to school and get a master’s degree in tax. I could ignore my feelings and continue to do what I was doing. Or simply look for another job. At the time, the idea of going back to school just didn’t feel right. Staying with my job in the audit department didn’t feel right either.

    So, I decided to look for a job and quickly found one with a small manufacturing company. This job put me on a very different path and taught me so many new things. I really believe that this job prepared me, for my future. The disappointment or wall of not getting the original tax position forced me to change directions. This proved to be a great move!

    Do you see how the wall of not receiving the tax job actually turned out to be a gift? Messages can come to us at any time. Many times, we are taught to ignore them, or told that they’re not important. Because of this cultural conditioning, I believe that our ability to work with our messages has been stifled. Would you like to become familiar with your own unique guidance system? It’s very possible that it has the potential to positively change your life.


    1. Your life may have surprises you haven’t recognized yet. Looking back on your life, think about events that have happened? Do you recognize any messages you may have received?

    2. Think about any accompanying feelings and events that influenced your life. Could they have been messages or guidance?

    Now take a look at your current life:

    3. Are you content?

    4. What events and decisions brought you to where you are today?

    5. Were there any opportunities that you missed or followed?

    6. Are you frustrated? If so, could this be a time for making a change or a redirection in your life?

    Do you recognize the gifts, synchronicities and messages that got you where you are today?

    As we learn about our guidance system, we will explore these ideas:

    • What is a message and how can I identify it?

    • How will I be able to know and understand my messages?

    • Can I trust a message?

    • What if I follow a particular message and things don’t turn out right?

    • Will it really be possible for me to hear and see my messages?

    • What if I don’t understand my messages?

    Once you understand what your personal guidance system is and how it works, it can change your life.


    Types of Messengers



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