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Date Knight: A Trail Back to You
Date Knight: A Trail Back to You
Date Knight: A Trail Back to You
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Date Knight: A Trail Back to You

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A LONG TIME AGO…. while on vacation two teens fall instantly in love the first time their eyes meet and become inseparable. Their bond forming so quickly and so strong, that they decide to make each other their first. What should have started a lifetime relationship of sexual adventures, just as quickly is stopped by events neither could control nor avoid and are forced to lose touch. These events so life altering to each of them that neither could get past it years later.

Fast forward 33 years…..

By a chance encounter on a beautiful night in Niagara Falls two long lost lovers unknowingly find each other once more. Like years past the spark between them ignites inside but stronger than ever. They need to make up lost time and there is nothing they won't try, but can their relationship survive?

This is their story…..

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 11, 2018
Date Knight: A Trail Back to You

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    Date Knight - Robert J.

    Copyright © 2018 by Robert J.

    ISBN:                  Softcover                  978-1-9845-2690-8

                               eBook                       978-1-9845-2689-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 05/07/2018






    A Trail Back To You

    Chapter 1 – The Out of Towner’s

    Chapter 2 – The After Party

    Chapter 3 – For the First Time?

    Chapter 4 – A Knight to Remember

    Chapter 5 – Paybacks are a Bitch

    Chapter 6 – The Next Day

    Chapter 7 – Foreign Affairs

    Chapter 8 – The Trip

    Chapter 9 – The Drive

    Chapter 10 – Round Two

    Chapter 11 – Massage in a Bottle

    Chapter 12 – The Meet and Greet

    Chapter 13 – Back to Reality

    Chapter 14 – The Pre-Trip Dinner

    Chapter 15 – Ying and Yang

    Chapter 16 – A Damsel in Distress

    Chapter 17 – The Stay

    Chapter 18 – The Offer

    Chapter 19 – A Knight of Wonders

    Chapter 20 – The Worry

    Chapter 21 – The Talk

    Chapter 22– The News

    Chapter 23 – Hitting the Bend

    Chapter 24 – You’re All Mine

    Chapter 25 – Angel’s Eyes

    Chapter 26 – Our Little Heaven

    Chapter 27 – Look Who’s Knock’n

    Chapter 28 – Molly Maid to Order

    Chapter 29 – Home Sweet Home

    Chapter 30 – The Discovery

    Thank you


    Robert J.


    First off, this book is dedicated to those people who come into our lives not knowing the importance of their contribution into making our lives better even through the worst of times. It is said, People enter our lives as a blessing or a lesson. That to truly feel alive a person needs to experience the yings and yangs of life to mature and find their calling of passion.

    For those who are the angels (the blessings) in our lives, please note we did not meet by chance. We were brought together to change our lives and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Equally, without those who make us feel foolish or less than we are (the lessons), I also thank you for the challenge of my conviction and character. Without you we would never appreciate the ones that make us feel good about ourselves or know who we really are or what we stand for, in our heart and in our gut. But I only hope you find peace and I wish you all the best…at a distance.

    But from one caring soul to another, these books are ultimately dedicated to all the couples in this world who, by no fault of their own, fall into the trap of the daily grind and need a break from life. Be it spiritually, mentally, financially, emotionally or sexually as each of us has our own set of burdens to carry.

    It is my hope and wish that inside the Date Knight books you find internal liberty to hopefully open up conversation with your significant other about what you want in and out of the bedroom. To be one part of relieving one of those burdens by having conversations about being free to experience (or re-experience) the transual joy and self awakening associated with being sexually open with each other because we only live once… so live it!

    You are a blessing and a lesson to and for each other, the trick is to make the lessons a blessing, and your blessings a lesson….for others to inspire to.

    Enjoy each other,

    Robert J

    A Trail Back To You

    Even though I am weather worn and battle torn

    I stand proud and tall before it all

    With shadow cast different the years gone thru

    Always on a quest in search of you

    And it is with hopes of frustrations to soon be gone

    Even though that road has been windy and very long

    Yet when my day has come and gone

    My longing for you will live on in song

    For as humbled and simple as I may

    It is my trail back to you that makes my each and every day

    Robert J

    Chapter 1 – The Out of Towner’s

    Are you ready for a night of dancing and adventure girls? asked Linda as the group is about to get underway.

    Linda, one of Molly’s good friends and confidants. Deciding several years ago to have a get together with her social group one weekend every summer. With her husband Bob, a normally reserved and quiet fellow, they are the talk of every party. Everyone regales their latest sexual adventures of being kept up… in the next room. This year happening to fall on Linda’s birthday, once again the bars in Niagara Falls are soon to be invaded by their once a year Ladies and Linda Luncheon.

    I know I am. It has been a long week and a girls night out was just the ticket for me. Thanks for asking me along Molly I can’t wait to cut loose, said Taya before leaning back in the far back seat now taking in the beautiful black leather of the minivan.

    Taya, the girl from Molly’s work that always seems to have that sexual tension whenever another female is around. Even when she was married there was an awkwardness, yet subtle hint, her sexual orientation may be AC/DC. Taya always having a crush on Molly, but says nothing for fear of ruining their great working relationship. But given the chance she has plans on how it will play out.

    No problem I kind of need to get away as well, sighed Molly from it being a long week and wondering out-loud, Hey where’s Jane? hopping into the middle seat and fastened up her seat belt.

    Jane, that friend from public school who always did her own thing. The one you just knew was going to be successful at something different and cool. Jane doesn’t get away much, but when she does, it is sure to be a hoot.

    She is meeting us there. Her mom is sick, so she may have to leave but doesn’t want to miss it, explained Dawn from the driver’s seat, getting herself ready for the drive while looking in the review mirror at Molly, You look upset Molls, Dan wasn’t giving you troubles again was he?

    No not really, he was just being himself, trying to hide being upset but with a sense of nervousness about going.

    And that means he was being his usual asshole dick of a self… I can only presume? Dawn replied in a pissed off voice.

    Being Molly’s closest friend, Dawn has been there for everything she has gone through. Her BFF +2 friend who knows everything about Molly, and vice versa. Dawn is like a sister to Molly in times of trouble, although the two have had some rough times but have stuck it out and remained friends. Molly has always envied Dawn as a great role model and cherishes her friendship to the point of in recent years not telling her everything. Finding herself only feeling bad about her life whenever she does.

    What a prick, I am so glad you finally left him, Linda said reassuring Molly’s decision to leave Dan a couple years ago before sliding in the front seat beside Dawn.

    Thanks but it will be fine. He was just being his usual Mr. Negative self to make me almost say screw it and not come… again, sounding disappointed, So actually, I need a stiff drink and a night out, sighing with a fake smile back at Linda.

    Hunny you need a stiff something and it isn’t a drink. Well unless he is stirring your drink with it, said Linda laughing and trying to get a rise out of the group as everyone makes little comments laughing.

    Morgan responding loudly, That’s gross, with a weird look on her face.

    Morgan, their full blown proud to be out and don’t give a shit what anyone thinks, lesbian friend. She’s as pretty as she is straight forward. Nothing gets past her without a comment to back it up or start a debate. Morgan has been around but has had a hard time finding true love. She comes off as loose but actually is quite the opposite. She has a big heart but seems to protect it at times, from being hurt so often. The tattoos on her arms and legs done in elegant patterns to give the appearance she has garter stockings on with pictures of nature at its best on her arms. The look very sexy and mysterious to give her charm, until she speaks.

    Morgan reaching around the seat to look directly at Linda, finding a naughty look on her face, Sorry Hunny not all of us are lesbian. I do like my dick, Linda now facing them from the front seat.

    Her eyes finding Dawn with a smirk on her face, Yes you do, my dear. But even I found that gross. I mean it’s his penis in my drink, YUK, smiling and looking at her then the group in the rear view mirror.

    But I also find sex with a woman gross and you don’t, so each his own I guess, now directing her comments back towards Morgan while still looking in the mirror.

    Don’t knock it until you try it. Ask Taya, she likes both, replied Morgan quickly defending her lifestyle.

    Oh keep me out of it. I don’t really want to get involved in this conversation, retreated Taya to recline back in her seat.

    Morgan responding to Taya but towards the entire group, It’s different isn’t it?

    Oh it’s different alright. First off a chic doesn’t have a penis…. Hello? laughed Linda.

    Taya laughing with a quick wit, Well that depends

    Depends on what? asked Dawn intrigued to hear her answer.

    It depends on if it is a transvestite or not, as they all laugh.

    Dawn still laughing, Well you got me there. A chic with a dick, I suppose you are right

    Her reply making Molly shake her head, You guys are nuts. What a weird conversation… gesss

    Oh relax Molls, we are only having fun, said Linda still chuckling to herself.

    I mean you guys have got to be the nuttiest group of friends ever. What the hell brought up talking about transvestites and lesbians and all anyways? chuckled Molly not realizing she has just opened herself up to be the conversation.

    With eyebrows raised Linda bolting back at Molly’s question, Your dick of a husband that’s what! now getting serious.

    Molly with a weird smirk on her face but not really wanting to know curiously asks, I hesitate to ask but what does that have to do with lesbians and transvestites?

    Linda joking, It’s chics with dicks. Dan bitches constantly like a chic on her period but has a dick, coming up laughing at herself as the group joins in for a couple seconds before an awkward pause.

    Morgan wanting to break the silence leans between Molly and Taya to look at Molly, Besides I hear you like chics as well anyways, now looking directly at Molly to see her reaction.

    Surprised by the news, Taya turning to face Molly thinking, ‘I wonder if she is?’ still secretly having that crush.

    What…who said that? I do not! dumbfounded firing back as they ride along on their trip.

    Not what I heard, Morgan spouts, egging her on.

    Ok what did you hear? turning to face her in the third row.

    Molly blushing and stunned by her comment trying to not be upset but clearly emotional about the comment.

    I heard you went to a strip joint a year ago and liked it… just saying, shrugging her shoulders at her while sitting back in her seat with a smirk on her face.

    You told them I liked it? Molly now redirecting her focus to Linda in the front seat.

    I said we went…and I didn’t say you liked it. What I said was…you didn’t not like it, trying to explain herself hoping Molly isn’t mad.

    I said I get why guys go. I mean they are beautiful and smell nice but I didn’t say I was into woman. At all… ever! in a strained voice.

    Molly trying not to sound mad but upset as a panic starts to come over her.

    Ok ok wait a minute, I have to hear this story. Start from the beginning, Taya wondering why she hasn’t heard about any of this from Molly and personally wanting to know if she has a chance with her.

    There is nothing to tell, Molly now visually upset and trying change the subject.

    Nothing to tell? We went into this strip bar with another couple we know from Toronto and Bob thought it would be fun to buy Molly a lap dance, Linda now willingly divulging the details.

    Yeah a simple little dance turns into all this Molly now embarrassed and completely red faced.

    Taya intrigued, Go on, this has my attention

    Yes I’m curious as well, Morgan now laughing at Molly squirming in the seat ahead of her.

    Linda now continuing her story, Well she makes this comment about how pretty this blonde with these big boobs is… and well, looking around at the faces in the group, Bob decides to buy her a lap dance just for the fun of it

    So what happened? You have my interest now as well, Dawn raising her head to glimpse at Molly in her review mirror while driving, Sorry kid, but this is one I haven’t even heard, smiling at Molly sitting there embarrassed about the conversation.

    Do you want me to stop? Linda now being sympathetic to her friend.

    No no go ahead, tell it Linda. They will be asking me anyways, so you might as well get it over with, Molly now panic-stricken with a fake smile to complement her red face.

    It’s ok Hun, we have all gone to one at some point, reassured Morgan.

    Speak for yourself, Dawn firing back.

    "Really? Why not? It’s actually kind of fun. And she is right, I get why guys go. They smell so nice and the women are so beautiful.

    I get it also," Morgan explains placing her hand on Molly’s shoulder to comfort her.

    I sure know why I go, laughed Taya, along with the group.

    Yeah hello, Morgan said while high fiving Taya’s hand.

    Any who, continues Linda, So we get the stripper to the table. You can see Molly is nervous as shit and you can tell she wants to leave. It was the funniest thing ever, chuckling while telling the story, Sorry Molly but the look on your face was priceless Hun, now laughing while she speaks.

    Thanks I needed that, Molly calming down and smiling slightly as Linda continues.

    So the girl starts her lap dance and Molly can’t stop staring at her tits. I mean these were nice tits for such a petite girl, cupping her hands away from her own big breasts to exaggerate the size.

    Woman! Not girl, it already sounds bad enough, Molly calming down slightly with a half smile on her face.

    Ok, woman, looking into Molly’s eyes smiling, So this woman starts to dance for her. I mean right in her face. And Molly just sits there with her jaw open staring at her. I mean she had really nice tits, holding her hands cupped out in front of her again.

    She did have nice boobs, Molly joining in to acknowledge how nice they were.

    Finally laughing at the story, looking around the vehicle to see everyone enjoying the laugh at her expense.

    So Molly is sitting there and she starts to climb all over her with those great big tits right there, Linda putting her hands in front of her nose, So Molly sits there watching her get naked, just staring at her boobs. But it wasn’t until she grabs her hands and places them on her hips that you could really see her getting nervous and squirming in the chair

    She had her hooch right there in my face. What was I to do? in a raised voice defending herself and making everyone laugh.

    So she brings her tits right up into her face, Linda continuing on with her stripper story.

    I mean this close, Molly placing her hand almost on her nose.

    I thought for sure Molly was going to kiss them, Linda now laughing harder while telling her story.

    No I wasn’t! Molly blurts back looking at her sternly before looking away.

    Her eyes looking down and then back up again as Linda continues, Oh yes you were, Linda fired back at her, And if we weren’t there by the look on your face you would have, sorry Hun, winking at her as Molly makes a funny face and shakes her head no.

    Morgan finally rhyming in, That’s why my dates hit on you, you know?

    Yeah why is that? Molly wondering curious as to her answer.

    "Because every one of them says to me… Are you sure she isn’t gay? I would swear she is lesbian if you didn’t tell me she wasn’t… so the next thing I know they are hitting on you and I have lost another date," Morgan sighed.

    Is that why you haven’t been to parties lately? asked Dawn


    And I’m not by the way… sorry but I wasn’t doing anything, Molly defending herself as Morgan jokingly reassures her of her intentions.

    It’s ok. But now that I know you like woman, I am definitely not bringing dates around you, teasing her.

    I’m not gay! Molly’s voice once again raised, her defending herself making everyone laugh.

    The vehicle of girls finally stopping in the parking lot in Niagara.

    Hunny, I wouldn’t blame you one bit if you switched teams after putting up with dear ol’ Dan for all those years. That would make me want to chase pussy instead of dick in a heartbeat, Linda saying it a little too loud exiting the van.

    Everyone laughing, My we have a happy group, the valet said waiting to assist them with an odd look on his face.

    You think we are happy now, wait until we get a few drinks in us if you want to see happy, Dawn blurts out giggling while pulling their luggage out of the back to head up to their rooms.

    Molly still looking noticeably upset from Linda telling everyone as she stands there waiting her turn. Quickly calming down, relieved that they now know. The group eventually heading to their rooms to drop off their luggage before meeting at Morgan’s room for drinks. The room loud as the girls wait for their friend Jane to join them.

    Knock! Knock! Jane eventually arriving at Morgan’s room.

    Finding Molly greeting her, Hey Jane, how is your mom? Molly excited to see her old friend, giving her a hug.

    Not good, I still may have to leave and go back, but I didn’t want to miss this. It only happens once a year and it’s only one night. My sister and brother are there so everything should be fine for one night, with a concerned look on her face.

    Well hopefully she gets better, Molly letting go of her hug.

    She will be, but that hip surgery can really lay you up. She is in a lot of pain right now, so I will head back early tomorrow and see her. But for tonight let’s PARTY, screaming it out loud with everyone joining in as she enters the room.

    The group drinking for a while before deciding to go back to their rooms to freshen up before heading out.


    Taya stripping down to walk around naked in front of Molly once they get back to their room.

    You do know that makes me nervous, right?

    What does? Taya knowing full well what but wanting to get a reaction out of her.

    You walking around naked and being a bi-sexual and all, Molly feeling nervous about the conversation.

    Why do you see something you like? laughing at her and grabbing her 34B perky boobs with both hands while she prances around in front of Molly.

    Her perfect little black haired landing strip tuft of pubic hair standing out on her overly skinny frame. The nipples on her breasts almost pointing upwards from not having sagged by breast feeding or time yet. Her youthful looking body like that of a teenager, yet to slim, almost to the point of not sexy. As she walks away Molly noticing no cellulite on her petite ass. Her curves small and childlike except for her breasts.

    They were kidding you know, I’m not into woman and I never have been

    I know, I’m just having fun with you. That and I just like being naked. I find it very…. freeing


    I don’t know, thinking briefly, For one thing, you can’t hide behind your clothes. It’s hello here I am, like it or not, Taya raising her arms to either side of her shoulders to expose herself to Molly’s full view.

    That’s for sure, laughing at her standing there naked not caring, I wish I could be so free and open to be me, like you

    Oh trust me, this took a lot of work. I eventually stopped caring what others thought and worked on what makes me happy. So I’m bi-sexual, shrugging her shoulders, I’m proud and now finally happy to be me, and what’s wrong with that?

    Nothing… I’m envious. I wish I could be that sexually open

    You can, you just have to care more about you than what others think of you, that’s all. And that’s the hardest part of all of it, Taya looking back getting serious.

    But right now I care if you put on some clothes, Molly laughing nervously at her.

    Ok, Taya chuckling, leaving to get ready to go.


    The group eventually getting together at Morgan’s room again to head out for a late supper and hit the bars. Finally deciding on one bar during supper before heading down to spend the night dancing. The group talking and giggling loudly walking down the street. The whole place stopping to check them out when they enter. Immediately taking over the dance floor, as usual finding every man in the place watching their every move.

    Hey Jewells check out those chics, said Rick to Jullien nudging his arm.

    Rick, Jullien’s friend from school who just got remarried a couple years ago to the best thing that ever came into his life. A little heavier set than the rest of the group but loves to live life. Rick’s father being the one who got Jullien’s family into chicken farming, finding he had to sell their quota because Rick became allergic to the feathers. He is Sunny’s wingman to keep him out of trouble whenever they are together. Or is it the other way around?

    Where? Jullien lifting his head from the beer menu.

    Over there on the dance floor, Rick pointing at the group of girls laughing it up.

    Well it’s about time we got some entertainment come in here. I like you guys, but I would rather look at the ladies thank you very much, still looking Molly’s group over.

    Me too buddy, but not all of us are single. So I have to keep my distance… if you know what I mean, pointing out his wedding ring.

    Sucks to be you, Jullien’s eyes finally falling upon Molly standing at a high table sipping her drink.

    His gaze fixed on her slender form in the black and silver sequin evening dress falling tightly against her body. Its hem covering only half of her firm thighs before curving tightly around her ass before proceeding upwards across the sensual sleek curve of her spine. Her soft brown streaked hair partially revealing areas of skin. Jullien noticing how the material eventually opens up to accent her feminine shoulders. The open back dress exposing her light brown skin from tanning before their trip. His eyes mesmerized as he stands there intently watching her gracefully move her hips to the music. Eventually looking up to notice her beautiful eyes staring back at him.

    His heart skipping a beat when their eyes meet, ‘Holy shit I haven’t had that happen for a long time,’ trying not to stare but finding it hard not to as Molly continues to smile right back with her eyes.

    His heart starting to race with shrills up his spine. A feeling he hasn’t felt in years coming over him like a flash. The beauty in her smile captivating him like no other has in a long time.

    Well go talk to her buddy, Rick nudging Jullien as the bartender comes back for drink orders.

    So what will it be fellas?

    What will what be? asked Jullien stunned, caught by surprise.

    His mind still completely focused on Molly before turning to speak.

    He wants to know what beer you want to order, hello earth to Jullien, Mark said laughing at him.

    Both meeting in high school and being inseparable ever since, Mark is Jullien’s longest friend. Got his big break while as a student for a stereo shop. The owner liking him so much that he brought him on full time after school was done. Buying the shop two years later after his boss almost dies of a heart attack. Selling him the family business for real cheap to keep it going. Struggling, but eventually turning it into a very successful high end custom theatre installation business. Recently divorced but dating, Mark is a straight shooter with a hint of salesmanship in his blood from his early lessons. If it is time to get away, he is always the first to say yes but sometimes bails due to commitments to his clients. His motto… You want the best? We got the best. The hottest sound in the land… For Le$$!

    Jullien, Oh sorry, before ordering a specialty beer off the menu.

    Finding her attention now turned to talk to one of her friends when his gaze returns to watch the beautiful Molly show. His eyes studying her slink and sway to the music seductively for him. Her mind drifting to Jullien watching her as she sips her drink and quietly watches the others dance. Continually checking from time to time to make sure her handsome admirer is still fixed on only her.

    Let’s dance, asked Dawn in a demanding tone being her usual life of the party self.

    Briskly grabbing Molly by the arm to take her to the dance floor.

    Sure why not, never being one to pass up on a dance, setting down her drink to eagerly follow.

    Both shuffling to the dance floor as another song comes over the speakers. Her attention swaying to look over at Jullien watching her. Giving him the occasional acknowledging smile as she moves her body to the music. Hoping he will come over and ask her to dance. Moving her body tantalizingly slow knowingly trying to tease him. Taking every advantage to make sure the handsome well built man keeps his eyes gazed on only her this time. Raising her arms above her head to perk up her breasts and make herself look younger. The motion giving him a full view of her petite frame gracefully moving to the music. As she dances, her heavenly motion making him more and more intrigued to meet her.

    ‘This is such a turn on, god he is a good-looking man. I can’t believe I’m trying to be so seductive. What a slut I am,’ giggled Molly quietly to herself.

    The sexual tension between them giving her a tingly thrill. His gaze fixed on only her in the skin-tight evening dress. The dimly lit dance floor giving off the right amount of light to bring out the curves of her body. Its silhouetted shadow accentuating what is going on beneath the dress. With his interest completely peeked through content eyes, Jullien watches her perky breasts slightly bounce while she sways and rolls her hips to the music, slow and seductive like. His heart now pounding faster from trying to get up the nerve to meet her.

    ‘God this is hot,’ feeling unbelievably sexy while her imagination drifts to sexual thoughts knowing her every move is being watched, ‘Wow, I forgot how much I love this feeling. This guy has me feeling so dirty right now, I love it’

    Look at you Molls, you have it going on girl, points out Taya after watching her for a couple minutes also.

    Molly smiling, There is a guy at the bar watching me, explains Molly once her back is turned to him.

    Oh you go girl. He is glued on you, looking back at Jullien staring at her with fascinations racing through his mind.

    Stop, he’ll think we are talking about him

    But we are, who cares? Isn’t that a good thing? shaking her head at Molly.

    Yeah… I guess? laughing at herself.

    As Jullien thinks oblivious to their stares, ‘No panty line? I wonder?’ envisioning she isn’t wearing underwear or possibly a nice little thong.

    His imagination running wild, dying to meet, but afraid to approach with her friends so close. His eyes never swaying, yet hearing his friends having a conversation but with no clue as to what they are talking about. His full attention focused directly on the gorgeous creature he is witnessing in front of him while they talk in the background.

    ‘Every girl does love a sharp dressed man,’ thinks Molly liking what she sees.

    Her entrancing dance for only him. Constantly looking back at Jullien as her mind wanders to long lost sexual urges. Finding the thrill in their sexual tension from across the room pushing her to exaggerate her movements. His eyes eating her up while his heart pounds in his chest. Part desire, part lust, mainly animalistic arousal from his eyes wanting more.

    But first, ‘I need a name,’ with his sexual daydream of getting her alone about to become distracted.

    We are talking about hitting another bar what do you think Jewells?

    Huh what? stammering to reply to Mark.

    Turning to answer his question but not really listening, yet not wanting to be rude.

    In another place buddy? laughing.

    What did you say?

    Sorry buddy, I didn’t mean to pull you away from the view, laughing harder at Jullien.

    No problem, I was just checking out that chic on the dance floor

    Which one?

    The blonde in the black and silver summer dress is smoking hot

    Which one? Mark asked again.

    As Jullien turns to say, That one in…., realizing she is gone, She’s gone? looking around disappointed wondering where she went.


    As the guys talk, Taya approaching Molly after rallying the group to get Molly away from her handsome admirer.

    Molly, we met some guys and they want to hit another bar, so let’s go

    Um… ah… Ok? hesitant but leaves realizing her sweet dream was also with his friends.

    Her thoughts relentlessly on him, wanting to go back and meet her handsome admirer as they walk. Her distance getting the attention of Dawn as Molly quietly walks down the street. Her head turning constantly to look back while the others engage in conversation with their newly found friends.

    Then Dawn asks, What’s up Molly? almost at the next bar.

    Oh nothing why?

    You look like you are somewhere else, hugging her as they walk.

    I was just thinking about the cute guy at the bar that kept staring at me

    Oh so you had a cute guy looking at you huh? What did he look like? pried Dawn.

    He was well built with a full head of hair and dressed real nice. And you know what a sucker I am for a well dressed man? both laughing out loud.

    Aren’t we all Hunny? Dawn still laughing, Well go back?

    Oh I’m all right. Besides I’m not looking for another relationship or a one night stand

    Why not? You’re single and sexy, and have it going on. Go for it. Hell knows you could use a good guy in your life. Or just a night out with a well dressed man, winking and hugging her tight while laughing before quickly adding, Or why not just go screw your brains out? continuing their laughter together.

    The group of younger men hoping they can have an experience with an older woman. Thinking they may have a chance once they are willing to leave with them.

    Molly thinking she can’t be heard says jokingly in her ear, God knows I could use a good fucking right now, then laughs awkwardly.

    Did I hear someone could use a good fucking? one of the guys blurts out.

    Yeah her, and me as a matter of fact, Dawn spits out looking at Molly, both amazed how he could hear.

    Laughing with Molly and Dawn, Linda fires out, Me too but it won’t be with you. My husband arrives later tonight and we are on our second honeymoon, the remaining girls joining to have a laugh.

    You’re always on your second Hunny. Just don’t keep us up in the next room is all I have to say, Morgan jokes, trying to look stern.

    You had better move rooms then, giggled Dawn, You know Bob and Linda

    ‘Yeah I know,’ thought Molly to herself, ‘The funny part is it is true’

    Remember last year in Cancun? someone said, We could hear them from our balcony, laughing.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m out as well, Molly striking back out of nowhere at the proposition.

    Sorry for asking, gesss just trying to help, one of the guys spouts sounding disappointed.

    Yeah right… the good Samaritan, Taya said giggling.

    As Molly thinks to herself, ‘Bob is a handsome man and he does treat Linda like gold. I do love listening to the stories of their great sex life together. I have always thought how nice it would be to be so into another person that way,’ then sighs.

    What’s up Molls? Linda asked just as they are about to enter the next bar.

    Oh nothing, just thinking, looking noticeably distracted.

    She’s got the hots for this guy back at the other bar, Dawn giving Molly a hug as she explains.

    Well what the hell are you doing here? Go get him girl, Linda now pointing back where they came from, God knows you could use a good night out with a guy

    That’s what I said, Dawn laughing, She needs a good ol’ fashioned romp with a hot guy

    Oh stop, Molly giggling at them teasing her.

    Taya disappointed but trying to help her make up her mind, Well go girl. And don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine

    Besides, Linda is meeting Bob in an hour and we know what that means? A lot of don’t……. stop…… don’t……. stop….. more….. more…. don’t stop….. don’t stop, Dawn blurting out in a deep sexual moan with her eyes closed and her dark hair bobbing.

    Gyrating her hips pretending she is humping air in a manner that attracts the attention from all the guys.

    Damn that’s hot. Any of you girls want to get lucky just ask, asked one of the guys again over eagerly.

    Sign me up too…. damn, one of the others guy chimes instantly after his friend.

    Sorry boys, I’m on the same team, Morgan explains shrugging her shoulders.

    Not me either explains Dawn, "I’m happily married.

    Laughing about the entire conversation Jane answers, I’m out as well

    Sorry gentlemen, I’m semi in a relationship. And besides you are way too young ... for me anyways. I feel like a Cougar or MILF or whatever you call it, Taya sounding confused, giggling with the other girls.

    Seriously, go back and enjoy yourself Molls. Even if it is for just tonight to get your mind off of things. A good banging with Bob works for me, smiled Linda proudly.

    I want to go back, but I don’t want to go alone

    Tell ya what Hun, I’ll go back with you until you talk to him and then I’ll go. Bob will be here in an hour or so anyways, then I am off to have a night of sexual adventure, getting a naughty look on her face.

    I bought him a little surprise that I can’t wait to try out, winking at Molly, Got to keep it interesting and new, and this is just the ticket, Linda smiling at the thought of later on.

    What is it? Molly curious but feeling creepy after asking.

    Yeah what is it? someone else asked in the group.

    Tell ya later girls. First we got to meet up with this dream lover of hers, as all their friends give them a hug and a kiss good-bye.

    Dawn hugging Molly, You go girl. You got this

    As they hug Taya says, I’ll move into Morgan’s room so our room is all yours, if you need it, winking at her, If you need to… you know? So boink away, and starts laughing at her comment.

    Stop it you guys, I’m just wanting to meet this guy and have a drink and talk, as Linda grabs Molly by the arm and pushes her in the direction of the other bar.

    Yeah yeah whatever, Linda looking back giving a big gesturing wink to the gang as they walk away arm in arm.


    Molly’s thoughts racing on the walk back. Her mind completely elsewhere as Linda talks about nothing.

    Eventually getting this bad feeling inside, thinks to herself, ‘What if he noticed I left and left as well? What if he was that guy? The one of my dreams and I blew it? Why didn’t I get his name and number? Or at least show interest?’

    As they get close Linda asks in a motherly voice, Ok, are you ready for the night of your life?

    Oh stop, it’s just drinks. You guys are the funniest friends ever

    And horniest ever, Linda laughing at the truth within the statement for her.

    You’re too funny, Molly still laughing.

    Ok, what does he look like? almost back to the first bar.

    He has on a burgundy dress shirt with black pants. Dark hair. Nice build. And those eyes…wow those eyes, sighing in response with a deep moan.

    Her nipples becoming erect at the thought of him. Feeling a shiver run down her back. Her mood shift noticeably catching Linda’s attention.

    Ok, before you have an orgasm right here, I suggest we start looking for Mr. Right… now, chuckling at her so into this man.

    You’re terrible, I just want to meet him

    Yeah yeah whatever, the girls entering the bar with both quickly realizing the place is now almost full.

    That’s a ten dollar cover after 10pm ladies, explains the heavyset doorman slash bouncer.

    Linda shocked, But we just left for 15 minutes, cant we get back in?

    Sorry ladies it’s ten each to get in

    Let’s just go, Molly sighing with a look of disappointment on her face.

    Fuck that. We are getting in and you are meeting this guy. I didn’t walk back here to just walk back, and that’s that. And I’m not taking no for an answer, rustling through her purse for twenty dollars.

    Let just go it’s ok? I was just fishing anyways, mopping.

    Hunny it’s on me looking in her eyes, Let’s find your man, paying the doorman to get in.

    Wow this place has sure come to life in 15 minutes, realizing quickly it has not only gotten busier but louder and darker.

    Tell ya what, Linda explains, You go that way and I’ll go this way, and we will see if we can find him. Black pants and burgundy shirt right? confirming she gets it right before leaving the big room.

    Molly confirming her question with a horny awkward smile Yes and don’t scare him off, only to meet up once again, neither finding anyone meeting that description.

    Sorry kid I didn’t see a man in a burgundy shirt and black pants on this side. How about you?

    No, mopes Molly frustrated.

    Ok let’s go back this way, directs Linda with her arm.

    As they start rustling their way through the dance floor and bar area, Hey that’s his buddy, seeing her handsome admirers friend Mark still at the bar.

    Ok that’s a good sign. Let’s see if her returns, eventually realizing they are getting ready to leave.

    I guess he left, I missed him… oh well, sighs Molly in frustration.

    Screw that. Stay here, I’ll be right back, then approaches Mark with no fear and remains talking for what seems like forever to Molly.

    Molly carefully watching as Mark laughs and Linda returns smiling.

    He said he went looking for this girl he seen earlier

    Oh really, as Molly’s face lights up, Where did he go?

    Turn around Molls, he just walked in the door

    Turning to see Jullien staring at her with a twinkle in his eyes.

    A hint of a smile on his face thinking to himself, ‘Thank god… I finally found her’

    The silky fitted dark burgundy dress shirt almost looking black in the lighting. His black dress pants making him look business like, but casual. His brown hair with a slight hint of grey parted to one side in a messed up clean look accenting his strong face. The twinkle in his blue eyes flashing from the dance floor lights.

    Holy shit, now I see why you wanted to come back. Damn girl, Linda yells into her ear over the music, Well go girl, as Jullien and Molly stand there looking at each other quietly staring.

    Both entranced by the other but strangely not knowing what to do next.

    Screw this shit, ask that man to dance or I will, losing patience with them just standing there staring at each from a distance.

    Ready to push her in his direction as Jullien finally comes over to meet her.

    Hi, I’m Jullien, would you like to dance?

    Sure… I’m Molly nice to meet you, sounding distracted and nervously shy like they are both at a public school dance.

    Well my work here is done, I’m gone, Linda elates with pride.

    No stay, I’ll be right back after this song, yelling back as Molly and Jullien leave to dance, Please? still looking back at her pleading with Linda giving an acknowledging smile and nod yes.


    One song turning into two, then three, then four as they stare into each other eyes with a deep inner passion both of them haven’t felt in a long time. The music only a background noise to make them move in a type of sexual unison together staring at each other.

    Linda seeing enough thinks to herself, ‘Well I’m out of here. She don’t need me no more. Time to get me and that special gift for Bob ready’

    Leaving Molly in Jullien’s hands as the songs keep coming. The two dancing for the other one song after another. Swaying their hips wanting to kiss. Hoping for a slow song to hold one another until Molly realizes she has forgotten her friend and looks around to find her.

    Where’s Linda?

    I guess she left?

    I guess so, smiles Molly glad but upset at herself.

    So you are all mine then?

    That depends on what you have in mind? with an unknowingly naughty smirk on her face.

    How about we get out of here and go for a walk to cool off? with an equally naughty smirk of his own.

    Ok, leaving with him, instinctively knowing she is in good hands for some reason.

    Chapter 2 – The After Party

    Jullien smiling at Molly as they leave the bar, Well I guess I’m all yours tonight as well. It looks like my friends have left me also. So I guess the night is all ours and I’m yours to do as you wish

    Her mind thinking, ‘Oh don’t say that. What I want to do to you I could be arrested for,’ as naughty thoughts race through her head.

    Molly’s mind unable to shake this strange feeling that she has done this before. For reasons she can’t explain it all feeling so natural and right, like déjà vu. Jullien feeling it as well, talks with all nervousness gone. The warm night almost perfect as they enjoy their conversation. Both enjoying the light breeze cooling the humidity of Ontario. The roar of the falls in the background the only thing disturbing their silent tranquility. The bizarre familiarity to all this allowing both of them to strangely be themselves. Her mind trying to remember a time like this where she found it so easy to talk openly to a strange man. The ease of the moment peaking her curiosity and making her wonder why. The thought of it intriguing her interest in him further. Talking back and forth without taking a break, both feeling like they had done this for years. Only stopping to point out other groups and couples coming and going from bars and cafes. The couple occasionally laughing at others acting crazy while moving with, but not in the crowd.

    What a beautiful night, Molly looking around taking it all in.

    Yes it is… it is a beautiful night. And I have a beautiful lady by my side, so it’s actually a perfect night. I can’t see how it could get any better, smiling contently at her.

    Thank you, I agree, it is perfect. And you aren’t so bad to be with as well

    Quickly thinking to herself, ‘Did I just say that? He will think I’m an idiot. Or worse yet, some tramp,’ her thoughts manifesting an awkwardness.

    Stumbling to say, Um… I mean… I’m enjoying the company on such a beautiful night

    All the while thinking, ‘That’s better. I don’t look so easy but wow I could be with this guy,’ smirking all the while to herself.

    So Molly, what’s your last name? trying to find out more about her.

    It’s Lee. My name is Molly Lee, trying not to let him know her name is actually Malinda.

    Thinking it makes her sound old but also not wanting to get into the long story behind her nickname.

    Jullien feeling she hates how her name rhymes by the expression on her face says nothing not wanting to push it unless she does. Remembering how upset his brother got when people bugged him about his name being Sunny Knight as kids.

    My name is Jullien Knight, with a K, smiling to make her feel comfortable.

    Their walk getting closer and closer to the falls. The roar getting louder as the mist rises to be illuminated by the lights to enhance an already incredibly romantic scene.

    The falls is so beautiful this time of year, that I try to get here every year about this time. I love just coming down here at night to enjoy it, Molly trying to change the subject.

    Me too, I’m surprised we haven’t met before now. I am here on this weekend because it is close to my buddy Mark’s birthday. We come here to cut loose for a couple of days on his birthday ever year, smiling at her.

    That’s too funny, we are here for my friend Linda’s birthday as well. The one you met in the bar. Her husband is coming in for the night and then they are heading off somewhere together. And trust me you don’t want to be anywhere near that room tonight, laughing as she says it.

    Oh why? Jullien asked knowing the answer but wanting to see how she responds.

    Because they are loud. And when I say loud, I mean loud, giggling at the thought of it.

    Like yelling at each other? wanting her to talk more about sex.

    God no, laughing, Sexual profanities and moans and stuff. They are nuts. They are like rabbits in heat those two, as they both laugh.

    That’s too funny. Well good for them, chuckling to himself.

    Yeah… good for them. It’s nice to see a couple enjoying it still after all these years. She says they try to make it exciting all the time so it stays fresh. And they go on a lot of date nights and sex vacations. Linda says she comes home and can’t walk right for days, laughing but nervously thinking.

    ‘Holy I am being real open with this guy and I don’t even know him. I know Linda won’t care, but still’

    Molly changing the subject, People are crazy down here tonight, don’t you think?

    A little. It is a full moon after all. And they say it brings out the crazies, turning his attention fully back to Molly.

    What does that say about us then?

    I never thought of that. I guess we both like to hang out with the crazies then?

    Molly laughing, So you must know my friends? They definitely fit that bill

    No, but after meeting you I am sure I will like them, smiling.

    His face reassuring as he looks into her eyes. The position of the lights on his face making him look incredibly handsome.

    ‘Holy shit he’s hot,’ talking to herself.

    Molly resisting the urge to kiss him as he looks at her with his little boy charm and twinkling eyes. Both staring at each other for several seconds before continuing their walk of bumping into other groups out having a good time like them.

    Are we really like that when we are out with friends? asked Molly, Acting all crazy and everything? waving her hands around her head.

    Well I don’t know about your group, but back in our day we were a little crazy. Nothing that got us arrested, but pretty close a couple of times, replied Jullien looking down at Molly.

    His mind drifting in wandering in awe at the beauty of her fine hair slightly blowing in the delicate breeze. The light from the falls making her hair shine as it cascades off her shoulders onto her perky breasts.

    ‘God she looks like she is straight out of a movie,’ his heart pounding even faster.

    Jullien looking for the right moment trying to get up the courage to kiss her.

    I got some pretty good friends and god knows we like to have a good time. But I think times have gotten crazier. I remember doing some pretty stupid stuff but we were never wild in the streets like this, Molly continuing their conversation while watching others.

    You may be right. So how long are you in town for?

    Only another day…. and you?

    I have to go back first thing tomorrow. But for tonight I’m here with you, smiling at her, So do with me as you wish, watching to see her reaction.

    His statement making her think to herself, ‘There he goes again. Seriously what I want to do to you I would get arrested for. But thanks for the offer… I wouldn’t do well in jail,’ holding herself back.

    Regardless, tonight I’m all yours, smiling.

    ‘You’re killing me here, gesss jump him already will you? No Molly calm down girl. Calm Molly, you can do this. You are a mature woman. Take control. You are in control. Calm. That’s it, breathe,’ trying to convince herself to slow down.

    I’m just enjoying the walk and the great conversation thanks, smiling at him.

    Thinking to herself, ‘For me to do as I wish? Are you serious? I want to jump you. What do you think my wish is? But I’m not letting him know that’

    Well let’s walk then, with that twinkle once again in his eyes that melted her earlier.

    Her mind racing and wanting his number but afraid to ask trying not to look to bold. Her thoughts turning towards finding a moment to kiss him and show her interest in more without looking like it was her idea.

    Follow me, as they walk near this little service entrance area.

    What for? as Jullien takes her hand.

    Can I kiss you? in his shy voice.

    Yes, in an even more shy voice.

    Now walking into the doorway trying to be bold. Stops, then spins to face Molly before lowering his lips to hers. Their lips meeting with a familiar jolt passing through their spines as both instantly feel their knees go weak. The effect so intense it makes them stop to look at each other and think simultaneously.

    ‘What the hell was that? Why does this feel so familiar? Ok, is this really happening?’ as their eyes trace back and forth taking in each other’s face with a strange expression of… Who are you? What was that?… on each other’s face.

    The intensity of the moment leaving them both feeling totally in the right place for unknown reasons. In deep seeded want, his eyes only focused on her while gaining enough composure to quickly grab her by the waste. His firm hands pulling their bodies together in deep passion. Needing more, puckering his lips to touch hers once again. Her thoughts drifting to how cute and vulnerable he looks but wasting no time to kiss him while feelings she hasn’t felt in years race into her. Both breathing heavy as their bodies get closer and closer until they are crushed against each other in an enthusiastic embrace that lasts several minutes. Their tongues aggressively yet sensually exploring each other’s mouths while their hands roam over each other’s back in a sexual fever. The feeling so natural that it leaves them wondering its familiarity. Both lost in the deepness of the kiss that they almost sigh together. The passion in their kiss leaving him lost with desire to touch more of her beautiful body. His infatuation to know more of her so overwhelming that thoughts of breaking his golden rule of not getting emotionally involved with anyone, now plays in his mind. His hands getting

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